Paladin of the Dead God
Chapter 241 Table of contents

Isaac headed towards the accommodation where the Brient Paladin Order was staying. While Ian went inside to call Captain Rottenhammer, Isaac took a look around the quarters.

The Brient Paladin Order was using a building that was originally a villa of a wealthy tycoon as their lodging.

Though the luxurious facilities and decorations didn’t quite match the paladin order, there was no particular reason not to use them either.

“Isaac! Our Saint of Resurrection has arrived!”

Before long, Captain Rottenhammer emerged with a bright smile. His robust build and bushy beard were the same, but unlike Ian, he was dressed in casual clothes, indicating he might not have been on duty.

“It’s been a while, Captain Rottenhammer. I intended to visit sooner, but my greeting is belated.”

“A busy Holy Grail Knight like you should focus on your noble journey instead of worrying about greetings! The stories I hear about you are incredible. I occasionally relay them to Gebel.”

Isaac couldn’t help but smile at the mention of Gebel.

He recalled the night when they left Ariet Monastery.

If Isolde hadn’t suddenly visited the monastery, he wouldn’t have had the chance to retrieve the Rite of Division, and thanks to her request for support, he was able to meet the Brient Paladin Order.

Moreover, being appointed as a paladin by Captain Rottenhammer allowed him to start his journey as a Holy Grail Knight.

“It would have been difficult without your consideration, Captain Rottenhammer. There aren’t many who would appoint a child they just met as a paladin.”

“Regardless of anything else, I had already heard about the Abbot Yevhar’s nobility. He vouched for you, Gebel taught you, and moreover, with your skill capable of surpassing even current paladins, it would have been dangerous to leave you as an ordinary person.”

Rottenhammer laughed heartily and walked, patting Isaac on the back. Isaac detected a faint smell of sulfur from him.

“Seems like you’re quite enjoying life here?”

Rottenhammer sniffed his own arm and made an awkward expression.

“There’s a hot spring bath in the basement of this lodging. It feels like the paladin order is indulging in luxury, which is embarrassing. But nothing beats a hot bath after a whole day of training for recovery. Thanks to that, the guard duty at Baelbaden is practically a vacation.”

Isaac’s eyes gleamed.

This was an opportunity to confirm whether the Brient Paladin Order was an ally or an enemy.

Although Isaac knew Rottenhammer’s personality and his actions in the game suggested he wasn’t an enemy, he couldn’t be too sure.

“Why is the Brient Paladin Order guarding such a remote place?”

“Hmm, this is actually one of the parishes under the Renheim Cathedral’s jurisdiction. But it’s not just us; two other nearby paladin orders also take turns guarding the place.”

“Why do they do that? It doesn’t seem like an important place.”

“As I said, being assigned here is practically a vacation. Even though it was decided to close down the place to eradicate corruption and decadence, having the paladin order guard it just in case someone sneaks in for a bath is ridiculous. I think some high-ranking priest in the order is an idiot.”

Although his words were extreme, based on the surface reasons, his argument seemed right.

Isaac felt relieved.

Rottenhammer was enjoying his life here, but he was a paladin who preferred to be active on the battlefield, and it seemed he was unaware of any significant events happening here. Rotating the guard duties among different paladin orders also suggested a deliberate attempt to keep the situation unclear.

“Do people really sneak in for hot spring baths?”

“Of course not. Well, occasionally some suspicious groups come and go…”

Rottenhammer muttered, seeming uneasy.

“Suspicious groups?”

“Hah, even though they are suspicious, they are brought in by priests. It’s probably acquaintances or high-ranking individuals who couldn’t forget the pleasures they enjoyed at Baelbaden and begged the for entry. The bishop even told us not to leave any records. I don’t even want to know what those guys are doing in the basement.”

Rottenhammer shook his head, seemingly church not wanting to discuss the church’s disgrace in detail.

But Isaac had gathered enough information.

‘This is it.’

Isaac realized that the suspicious group Rottenhammer mentioned were the ones excavating or researching the hidden ruins here. However, given that Rottenhammer only found them “suspicious,” it was clear they were not the prominent heretics.

They were probably just amateurs like Claire or sacrificial lambs.


Rottenhammer entered his office and brought out a bottle of liquor.

There was a rarely observed rule that ‘clergy should avoid luxury and indulgence,’ but alcohol was particularly disregarded.

Isaac accepted the glass without a second thought.

He suddenly recalled that he had chosen to become a paladin because he didn’t want to be forced to live an austere life like a priest.

But in reality, priests were the most indulgent people in this world… Isaac began to wonder if his choice had been the right one.

‘Not that I could have become a priest anyway since I can’t use the Codex of Light miracles.’

“Enough with the boring talk, let’s hear about the noble journey of a Holy Grail Knight! I heard you’ve become one of the top seven warriors in the White Empire?”

“Excuse me?”

Isaac asked back, astonished.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Really? The young ones talk so much, I assumed you knew.”

Rottenhammer listed off names with amusement. The names and titles were so exaggerated that Isaac found them unbelievable.

“That’s absurd. It seems more like a list of famous people rather than the strongest. I’ve never even heard of some of them; how did I end up on it?”

The inclusion of Emperor Waltzemer, Lianne, Georg, and the warrior Tuhalin, said to be the strongest in the current World’s Forge order, and Dehra Heman, the captain of the Holy Knights under the Pope, was something Isaac could understand.

However, the two individuals mentioned just before Isaac were ones he had never heard of and knew nothing about. Notably, true powerhouses like Bashul or the Red Blade Lua weren’t even mentioned.

Isaac felt humiliated just by having his name included in such a ranking.

Rottenhammer chuckled heartily.

“Right? What meaning does such a list have? It all depends on the situation on the battlefield, the condition, and the grace of the gods.”

Ultimately, the will of the gods is the most important thing.

Even if humans were to fight with sticks, if an angel casually lent a hand to one side, even a three-year-old could break the arm of a swordmaster, just as Edelred had defeated Lianne. True warriors like Rottenhammer saw such rankings as laughable because they understood this well.

“But I can’t understand why your name is there, yet mine isn’t. How about we have a spar outside?”


“Haha, just kidding. Why would I care about such childish things?”

Surely he didn’t care, right? Isaac felt uneasy but forced a smile.

“But it’s still worth noting. Since it’s a ranking within the White Empire, there’s a high possibility of meeting these individuals in the Dawn Army. I’ve heard that His Majesty the Emperor, General Georg, and Captain Heman are mature, so there’s no need to worry about them. But Tuhalin is a madman, so it’s good to remember that. Although I doubt you’ll lose to him.”

Isaac could somewhat agree with Rottenhammer’s words.

Such a ranking was never mentioned in the game, so he decided to disregard it.

When the conversation reached a suitable point, Isaac decided to bring up the real issue with Rottenhammer.

“Captain Rottenhammer, may I take a look at the place where those suspicious individuals come and go?”

With someone like Rottenhammer, it was best to be straightforward and honest. Rottenhammer silently took a sip from his glass and then placed it on the table.

“Ian told me you came here for some sort of surprise inspection. That was a lie, wasn’t it? In the four times I’ve been on guard duty here, there’s never been such a thing. You came here wanting to visit the basement from the start, didn’t you?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“And it wasn’t because you wanted to enjoy the hot springs.”

“I discovered evidence that there’s a cult group here.”

Rottenhammer remained silent again.

Isaac had phrased it simply as if there were cockroaches here, but it was far from a simple issue. This place had been closed by the order, was guarded by the paladin order, and the ‘suspicious individuals’ Isaac mentioned were likely the ‘suspicious groups’ brought in by the priests.

In other words, if Isaac’s words were true, it was an enormous scandal that could shake the very foundations of the Codex of Light order.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m certain.”

“Any proof?”

“I have no evidence, but I can find it immediately if I go in.”

Isaac was no longer in a position to spout nonsense. Well, he often lied and deceived, but at least he understood the impact of his words.

Rottenhammer pondered deeply before speaking.

“Access is forbidden.”


“You should have sneaked in instead. I know that the activities in the basement are suspicious. But I’m a paladin, and a paladin is the sword of the church. When the hand holding the sword is not clutching money or a spoon, it’s none of my business. If you’re sure, report it to the Inquisition and come back with investigative authority. That’s the order and the rule.”

Rottenhammer spoke firmly.

He was a paladin of the Codex of Light. Without adhering to the rules, the church would shake from its roots.

Isaac knew that further persuasion was futile and quietly stood up.

“I’ll visit again.”

“Do so. Next time, let’s share a drink in peace.”

Expecting things to go smoothly, Isaac sighed as he left the quarters. Hesabel approached him with a puzzled expression.

“Didn’t go well? I thought you’d storm in with the paladin order.”

“It didn’t go as expected. But I got permission.”


Isaac nodded, looking back at the lodging where Rottenhammer had been.

“He told me to sneak in. To go in as if he didn’t know.”

Hesabel looked at Isaac intently, wondering if that was really the case. But Isaac confidently headed towards the central part of Baelbaden, the grand hot spring bath.

Towards the hell that was boiling beneath the magnificent sulfur hot spring once enjoyed by the emperor.


After Isaac left in a cold atmosphere, Ian entered the office with a puzzled look.

“Captain, is something wrong? Sir Issacrea…”

Before Ian could finish asking what was going on, Rottenhammer interrupted him.



“You are on leave immediately. Return your armor and prepare with just a sword.”


“Your leave area is the basement of Baelbaden. Enjoy yourself there as a paladin, but after your leave, report to me immediately. Whatever you find there, don’t try to do anything and return to report.”

Ian did not ask again. He smartly grasped the situation and saluted Rottenhammer.

“I will go on leave, Captain!”

After Ian left, Rottenhammer sank deeply into his chair.

He wasn’t sure if he had given the right order. He knew the command he had just given was skirting a fine line. No, if he looked inside himself, he felt he had already crossed the line.

“Whether Isaac is right or not, it’s a problem.”

If Isaac was wrong, he would blame himself for doubting the order. But he could regain his trust in the order, so it wouldn’t be all bad.

Rottenhammer had found Isaac’s claim plausible because he thought, ‘If it’s the current church , that might really be the case.’

But what if he found corruption within the church?

Rottenhammer would have to fundamentally question what the Codex of Light church truly was.

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