I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 18 Table of contents

Yoon Jong-hyuk, who played the main antagonist Jo Yeong-dae in The Sun Hidden by the Moon, glanced around. He was particularly mindful of Jung Eun-seon, who played Queen Dowager Eun-hye.

Although Yoon Jong-hyuk was a veteran actor with a long history in various dramas, his career was shorter compared to Jung Eun-seon. Nonetheless, he had appeared in several dramas with her over the years, and their long-standing friendship allowed him to sense her current discomfort.

"It's the first time I've seen you this bothered, nuna."

His attempt to lighten the mood was met with a sharp glare from Jung Eun-seon, making him flinch.

"Let's just keep it smooth this time. She's still a child actor. You tend to say things in such a harsh way that it becomes worrisome. We're in an age where it could easily make the news."

"...I know."

Although she claimed to know, Yoon Jong-hyuk's lips twitched as if he wanted to say more but decided against it. It wouldn't make a difference anyway; she wouldn't listen.

'She's not a bad person, but...'

Yoon Jong-hyuk viewed Jung Eun-seon as a stubborn person. He had once heard about an incident and couldn't help but slap his forehead.

He didn't need to witness it firsthand to know the atmosphere on set must have been tense. As an experienced actor, he knew how much impact a senior actor's words could have on set.

But saying such things to a six-year-old child in front of everyone...

'Maybe she was just worried, or perhaps she just wanted to say it.'

It's the stubbornness of the elderly. It was quite common in older shooting environments to apply pressure by speaking in front of others. While her concern was understandable, her methods were excessively rough.

"You really need to fix that terrible personality, tsk."

He muttered to himself, but Jung Eun-seon heard him and glared menacingly. Yoon Jong-hyuk was just grateful his wife didn't have a personality like hers.

"Alright, we'll start shooting soon."

Director Gong Jung-tae's voice echoed. They were about to film scene S#24.

This scene involved Jo Yeong-dae staging a coup, overthrowing the current king and taking the throne for himself. The deposed king would then be exiled, and his daughter, Princess Yeonhwa, would also be sent away.

Princess Yeonhwa would plead with Queen Dowager Eun-hye for her father's innocence and express her anger at Jo Yeong-dae's treason. However, Jo Yeong-dae would enter the Queen Dowager's chambers during this plea and drag Yeonhwa away.

Eventually, Princess Yeonhwa and a few of her retainers would leave the palace.

"Since Queen Dowager Eun-hye's chambers will be somewhat dark, the positioning of the reflector is crucial. Please adjust it."

The scene of Jo Yeong-dae leading his troops to the Queen Dowager's chambers was to be filmed in a long take, emphasizing the impact of the main antagonist.

Furthermore, they needed to pay attention to the lighting since it involved barging into the chambers.

"Yoon Jong-hyuk, as mentioned before, you need to glare at Princess Yeonhwa as fiercely as possible."

"That I can do, but are you sure it's okay? My face might be too scary for the kid."

Yoon Jong-hyuk's playful remark made some of the staff chuckle. Indeed, his appearance was quite intimidating.

His eyes were sharp, and the wrinkles and angular jawline gave him a stern look. However, when he got into character, his expression and intense gaze commanded a significant presence.

Having played many antagonistic roles in dramas and movies, his performance often pressured not just child actors but even regular actors.

"It's fine. You actually need to go all out. We need to clearly show what kind of person Jo Yeong-dae is in this episode. Otherwise..."


"If you underestimate the child, Jo Yeong-dae's character might fall short."

Gong Jung-tae's words made Yoon Jong-hyuk's eyes narrow. He looked as if to say, 'Is that so?' Of course, that wasn't his real thought, but his appearance gave off that vibe.

"Oh dear, Director. She's only seven years old..."

"She's seven now."

"Oh, really?"

Some staff members lightly teased Gong Jung-tae, thinking he was exaggerating.

What Gong Jung-tae was implying was:

"If you don't act properly, you'll be outshone."

Being outshone is the biggest disgrace for an actor. It means acknowledging that your performance is inferior to your counterpart.

But to be outshone by a mere seven-year-old?

This was likely a provocation by Gong Jung-tae to ensure Yoon Jong-hyuk didn't hold back. After all, the recent incident with Jung Eun-seon might have made them more considerate.


"Gong Jung-tae isn't one to make baseless statements."

Gong Jung-tae was still a young director, only in his mid-thirties. It was a bit unusual for someone so young to be directing such a large historical drama.

Perhaps The Sun Hidden by the Moon was aimed at a younger audience, which explained the young director.

However, Gong Jung-tae's career proved his capability. He was highly regarded among actors for his consideration and attention to detail.

'The kid must be quite something.'

Yoon Jong-hyuk had an inkling. He also recalled the incident with Jung Eun-seon but didn't dwell on it.

"Alright, let's do this. But if the kid cries, it's not my fault."

Actors express themselves through their performances.

Scene S#24

This was a pivotal scene, marking the climax of the second episode.

In Seoyeon's previous life, this scene was pushed to the beginning of the second episode. The child actor segment, originally three episodes, was cut to two.

This meant Director Gong Jung-tae was not impressed with Jo Seo-hee's performance in the original.

'So, I can't rely on the original performance...'

Jo Seo-hee's acting wasn't a reference point.

In fact, Seoyeon hadn't considered scene S#24 particularly important. In her past life, it appeared at the beginning of episode 2 without much impact. The long take of Jo Yeong-dae's entrance was memorable, but nothing else stood out.

She hadn't thought it was a crucial scene for Princess Yeonhwa.

'But this is the moment Princess Yeonhwa changes.'

In episode 1, Princess Yeonhwa is a carefree character, sneaking out of the palace to mingle with commoners.

But in episode 2, she had to embody the essence of a princess. The coup tears her family apart, and she must express that profound shock.

It was crucial to portray the hatred and transformation triggered by the coup. This scene was even more significant than the ending of the child actor segment in episode 3.


Before the shoot, Su-a tightly held Seoyeon's hand. She knew Seoyeon had been practicing this scene diligently.

One of the two scenes Seoyeon had been rehearsing intensively.

"Don't overexert yourself."


Su-a, uncertain of what else to say, simply embraced Seoyeon. She had many concerns but ultimately decided to support her daughter's wishes.


Encouraged by her mother's pat on the back, Seoyeon smiled confidently. It was a rare sight to see her daughter so self-assured. Su-a found herself momentarily dazed but then smiled back.

"I believe everyone understands the importance of this scene."

Director Gong Jung-tae's voice carried as he surveyed the set. The staff's expressions were more serious than usual.

"Lighting is crucial. Please adjust promptly when I give the signal."

He issued precise instructions for the upcoming scene.

"Camera director, please focus on capturing the emotions clearly. Adjust as necessary."

"Of course."

Then, Gong Jung-tae turned to the actors.

"Jung Eun-seon, your complex emotions towards your son, Jo Yeong-dae, and granddaughter, Princess Yeonhwa, need to be evident."

"I understand."

"And... well, I trust you'll do well."


Jung Eun-seon sent a questioning look, but Gong Jung-tae didn't elaborate. Despite their previous conflict, she was a skilled actress.

A seasoned performer. She wouldn't repeat her past mistake once she saw Seoyeon's performance.

"Alright, let's roll."

The sound of the camera moving filled the air. All eyes were on Yoon Jong-hyuk and Seoyeon.

There were no additional instructions for them, indicating prior discussions.


Gong Jung-tae's shout signaled the start of the performance.

Late at night. The usually quiet palace was in turmoil. Flames rose high.

Men with torches shouted harshly as they moved around. The clatter of swords and heavy footsteps echoed.

Screams filled the air. It was unclear if they came from the palace maids or someone else.

Princess Yeonhwa, Lee Hye-wol, ran, trying to evade their eyes. If she was caught, she would be dragged away.

Expelled from her safe haven in the palace. Thus, she sought someone who could prevent this.

The only person Lee Hye-wol could think of. She moved her small feet as fast as she could and finally reached the place.

"Queen Dowager!"

Her desperate cry made Queen Dowager Eun-hye, sitting quietly by the small lantern, turn her gaze. Her eyes were filled with complex emotions. She was the mother of the current king and Jo Yeong-dae, who led the coup.

"Please stop Jo Yeong-dae!"

It was an unreasonable request. Queen Dowager Eun-hye had no power. She was merely the mother of Jo Yeong-dae. And by the time she knew about the coup, it was too late.

In an irreversible situation, all she could do was stand by.

"This is treason. They are rebels. How can they dare! Those who received my father's grace. How can they do this!"

Princess Yeonhwa's cry of anguish was met with silence from Queen Dowager Eun-hye. Lee Hye-wol was always affectionate, calling her 'grandmother' and being close.

"This is a mistake. Please, answer me, Queen Dowager!"

But now she was Princess Yeonhwa. Her small body exuded palpable anger and hatred.

Queen Dowager Eun-hye couldn't bear to look at such a Lee Hye-wol and closed her eyes.

The scene was watched in silence by everyone. The camera moved, and the reflector adjusted to keep Queen Dowager Eun-hye and Lee Hye-wol's faces visible in the dim light. The camera pulled back to capture both of their emotions.


The staff watching felt something different.

'It's more intense than usual...'

Young Lee Hye-wol, played by Seoyeon, always had a way of drawing people in. But now, it was different.

A palpable tension spread around them. It felt like something was about to erupt.

Queen Dowager Eun-hye's eyes slowly closed. In response, Lee Hye-wol's eyes squeezed shut.

She understood. Queen Dowager Eun-hye had no intention of stopping the coup, or rather, she couldn't.

And then.


The door burst open, and a man leading his troops barged into Queen Dowager Eun-hye's chambers. With hawk-like eyes and tight lips.

His dark eyes gleamed with madness, making everyone hold their breath. His twitching lips curled into a twisted smile.

It was Jo Yeong-dae's entrance.

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