I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 21 Table of contents

"I'm bored."

Having been so busy with drama shoots and other activities for a while, I found myself spending most of my time lazing around after coming home from kindergarten.

Acting was forbidden for the time being. Specifically, this was something I was discussing with my mom.

"Especially because your hand got hurt..."

I had gotten various injuries while acting, and during the actual shoot, my hand was dripping blood. Naturally, my mom must have been very upset seeing me like that.

So, she gave me this warning:

"No intense emotional acting for now. No practice either."

It meant I should wait until I was older. Since I was a child actor, there was no need to demand that level of acting from me, and the performances I had done so far were already impressive.


I flopped onto the giant Pinkyping doll I had recently bought. One advantage of a child's body is that you can ride a giant doll and shake your body, and it still looks cute.

If it were my former self, it would have been a grotesque sight, but now, it's fine. Seven-year-old Joo Seoyeon is very cute! So, there's no shame in it.


"Should I learn acting properly?"

I had many things I wanted to do. What I realized from the recent drama shoot was that I still had a lot to learn.

Even though everyone praised me, I was always technically criticized for my shortcomings. The reason it wasn't noticeable was because my role as Princess Lee Hye-wol didn't require a variety of acting styles.

In a daily drama or a continuous series where diverse situations arise, my flaws would have been immediately apparent.

"And voice projection..."

Thinking about this, I suddenly remembered Lee Ji-yeon. Lee Ji-yeon's agency, Eunha Entertainment.

I don't remember exactly, but it had several controversies. While it called itself an entertainment company, Eunha Entertainment was essentially an agency.

Of course, being an agency isn't inherently bad. In fact, it can be convenient. Agencies mainly connect actors with various dramas and advertisements and take care of them.

"Generally, actors or child actors are usually affiliated with specialized agencies..."

However, for child actors, some parents prefer agencies over specialized agencies. Since the children might change their career paths as they grow up and stop acting, being with a specialized agency could lead to disputes.

While agencies are convenient, they're not always perfect. There are bad apples everywhere.

"I think it was embezzlement."

Eunha Entertainment's problem stemmed from this. I remember hearing that they didn't pay the actors for their advertisements and commercial shoots and disappeared with the money.

Although I'm not sure of the exact details, the important thing is that Eunha Entertainment, despite being normal now, would eventually embezzle actors' earnings and vanish.

Why did I think of this while considering voice projection? This issue became a controversy because child actors were used as voice actors in an animated feature film.

It sparked debates about non-professional voice actors, child exploitation, and unpaid fees. In the midst of these controversies, Eunha Entertainment vanished without a trace.


Child actors as voice actors? How many child actors does Eunha Entertainment have besides Lee Ji-yeon?

Probably not many. And there would be even fewer who would accept any job indiscriminately.

"Could it be..."

Lee Ji-yeon, were you the one involved in that controversy?

"My pretty daughter! You got a call from PD Ha..."

Su-a, hearing the news from a phone call, opened the door to Seoyeon's room, where she was supposed to be resting. She saw Seoyeon sprawled like a sloth on top of the Pinkyping doll.

It was a rare sight of her usually active daughter being lazy. But at seven, could it really be called laziness?

"Why, Mom?"

"Ah, yes. PD Ha contacted us."

Since this wasn't related to acting, Su-a happily conveyed the news she received today to Seoyeon. The news was...

"A drama promotion...?"

"Yes, yes. As you know, the making video garnered a lot of attention."

Not just some attention; it nearly doubled the viewership ratings of the entertainment show. As a result, Seoyeon's recognition had risen among child actors.

Of course, it wasn't on par with child stars like Jo Seo-hee, but it seemed like a matter of time.

"As you know, the highlights of episodes 2 and 3 were exceptionally well-received."

"Yes, even I, who don't know much about acting, could see that."

"Right? And Seoyeon's appearance is very eye-catching, which is great for promotion."

So, they planned to set a preliminary marker. The drama was about halfway through filming. It was scheduled to start airing in about three months.

So, they needed to set up the promotion schedule in advance. PD Ha Tae-oh shared this with Su-a.

"I really hope Seoyeon can participate."

"Is it a must?"

"Yes. Seoyeon's presence in this drama seems quite significant, even though it's only for three episodes."

Ha Tae-oh recalled the video he saw a few days ago. Two scenes. The two contrasting emotional performances Seoyeon had shot.

The intensity was still vivid in his mind.

"That child isn't just talented."

Later, actor Jung Eun-seon said it wasn't just a performance driven by talent. Looking at the wounds on her hands, it was clear she had practiced a lot to portray that scene.

"It's tough when a genius also works hard."

Though it was a daunting thought, Ha Tae-oh's smile was bright. After all, it was reassuring to have such a genius on their side.

"By promotion, I don't mean anything grand. It's more like a pre-teaser event for the drama, similar to showcasing it to the public."

Of course, he didn't intend to force it. He planned to proceed only if Seoyeon wanted to participate.

But in words, he gently coaxed Su-a to have Seoyeon join the event. And as a result...

Su-a relayed PD Ha Tae-oh's words to Seoyeon.

"A pre-teaser event?"

"Yes, and it seems Ha Ye-seo, who plays the grown-up Lee Hye-wol, will be there too!"

Ha Ye-seo. The lead actress playing the grown-up Lee Hye-wol. A beautiful actress known for her pure image.

"Ha Ye-seo, along with Kang Seong-chan, who plays the grown-up Yoon Seo-il."

And two supporting actors, along with Seoyeon, would participate in the event. The location was in front of the Vegabox at COEX.

"But why me?"

If they wanted to promote with a child actor, wouldn't Park Jung-woo be a better choice? Seoyeon had this question but figured there must be a reason.

And honestly...

"My performance is better in episodes 2 and 3."

Seoyeon crossed her arms and nodded, acknowledging the fact. Yes, it was a fact. Her performance in episodes 2 and 3 of The Sun Hidden by the Moon was indeed outstanding. Yes, indeed.

"By the way, if I participate in the event, will there be an appearance fee?"

"Huh? Ah, yes. They said they'd make sure you're well compensated."

"Then I'll do it."

Seeing her daughter readily agree at the mention of money, Su-a felt a bit conflicted. She wondered if Seoyeon felt they were living in poverty or if she was influenced by her wealthy peers.

It was a complex feeling for a novice mother.

"By the way, Mom."


"I have a favor to ask..."

Seoyeon fidgeted as she spoke. She seemed hesitant about whether it was okay to ask.

It was the first time Su-a had seen her daughter like this! Her usually mature daughter rarely asked for anything.

Most of the time, they were trivial matters. She had mentioned a few things related to acting, but they weren't really requests.

Most of the time, Su-a just observed.

"Yes, Seoyeon. I'll help!"



So, Su-a answered enthusiastically, eager to help. Not knowing what her daughter would ask for.

"Oh, look at all the people."

"Well, it's an event with Kang Seong-chan and Ha Ye-seo, so this is to be expected, right?"

Entertainment reporter Lee Byung-hoon muttered as he fiddled with his camera. With so many people around, he was worried about someone accidentally bumping into it.

"There's a lot of interest. Look, it's not just crowded with people but also with reporters."

"It's going to be tough to get an interview with actor Kang Seong-chan."

Most of the reporters gathered here were likely aiming for interviews with the lead actors, Kang Seong-chan or Ha Ye-seo. Despite the grand reveal in the making video, there had been no separate promotional efforts from the actors. This was the first time. Securing an interview with the lead actors was crucial for the reporters.

As they chatted, excited screams erupted, and a path opened up for a few people to pass through.

"Oh, here they come. Wow, the hanbok looks really good on them."

Kang Seong-chan, playing Yoon Seo-il. His bright appearance and refreshing smile. His intelligent eyes perfectly suited the character Yoon Seo-il.

And what about Ha Ye-seo, playing Lee Hye-wol? Her pure beauty perfectly matched the celestial princess.

As the main characters of The Sun Hidden by the Moon, the success of the drama heavily depended on her performance.

"And, let's see..."

Lee Byung-hoon scanned the list of actors participating in today's event. If he failed to get an interview with the leads, he would target the supporting actors.

"But this doesn't seem as exciting."

He wondered if there was anything interesting. Then he noticed a small girl walking hand-in-hand with the actress playing Princess Hye-wol's caretaker.

The very girl who had sparked much interest in the making film. Child actress Joo Seoyeon, playing the young Lee Hye-wol.

"She's here too?"

Lee Byung-hoon raised his camera and snapped a photo of Seoyeon. He had been interested in her for a while.


He suddenly realized he was the only one who had photographed Seoyeon. All the other reporters were focused on Kang Seong-chan and Ha Ye-seo.

Belatedly, some reporters started photographing Seoyeon, but not as much as the leads.

It was understandable. Seoyeon was not a famous child actor and was only appearing in three episodes. For now, she was just a slightly noteworthy child actor.

That was how she was known.

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