I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 46 Table of contents

‘This kid... I've felt it before, but really, her way of talking is just...’

After listening to my story, Freya suddenly claimed she understood why I had become an idiot and criticized me. So, feeling a bit unjustly accused, I responded.

“Wow―♪ That’s harsh―☆” “But... even if you say that... it won't change anything... I don't intend to talk about it, but... now that I see... you’re also... quite... pathetic.” “Ugh―☆ If you say such mean things, I'll hate you~☆” “Maybe... it’s the wretched fate... that you have to bear.”

I was overwhelmed by her endless criticism.

‘...I have nothing to say since it's all my own doing.’

I had indeed taken on various concepts. But to be criticized this harshly... Still, Freya seemed to soften her attitude a bit.

“You and I... we are both... slaves to [Destiny]...” “...?”

Freya looked at me with her purple eyes gleaming like jewels. The color was reminiscent of amethyst buried deep in a cave, making it somewhat frightening.

“...” “...Why are you looking at me like that―♪”

Without answering, Freya approached me. With a calm expression, she climbed onto the Red Horse and timidly tapped my back.

Tap Tap

“What are you doing, brute? Hurry up and ride the bike... I’m getting hungry...” “Okay, okay―☆” “Brute... your way of talking is foolish and you're insensitive... but you’re great at riding bikes... Instead of living miserably like now... you could make a good living pulling a rickshaw in the Golden Street...” “Ahaha…☆” “In that case, I’ll reserve a special seat... so, brute, serve me well...” “Ahaha…” “Think of it as an honor... there are many workers who want to work in the Golden Street...” “...”

Though her timid words were sharp, I could feel her closed heart opening a bit, and a sense of familiarity in her actions. This made me feel like the awkward distance between us had been resolved.

However, I felt a little... just a little bit indignant.

‘Being quiet makes her talk endlessly, timidly acting high and mighty...’

Did I feel this way when I first saw Bangtong acting arrogant? Maybe I should play a cute prank on our beloved teacher, Bangtong, once more...

We rode the Red Horse back to school quickly.

Since we took our time walking earlier, it was already completely dark. The lights at <Central Prism Academy> were brighter than ever, thanks to the repairs Maya and Kara had done.

Freya, seeing this, remarked in her timid way.

“Hmph... it's just a light in the slum... but it has a bit of romance...” “Hey―☆ This place holds the dreams of girls too―☆” “Honestly, I don't know what kind of vision you brats have... but at least... one of you... seems... decent…”

Freya nodded, seemingly acknowledging Lota's unusual interpretation of the magic left by the [Golden Witch].

‘Normally, Freya wouldn't have met Lota, the main character of the story, but... maybe Lota's awakening will happen sooner than in the original...?’

Lota’s talent, which hadn't yet blossomed, was quickly recognized by the strongest mage in the academy city, [Purple Spinning Wheel]. This was the first time I had seen Freya speak so positively about someone else.

Sensing an opportunity, I began to feel a bit excited.

‘If Freya were to give personal tutoring... it would create an incredible synergy…!’

For the sake of my junior, shouldn't I make some effort? I decided to subtly provoke Freya's pride as a prestigious mage. Maybe this timid and arrogant girl would agree to tutor her.

Thinking about Lota’s future from the original story, I exaggerated my excitement a bit.

“Oh wow―☆ If even the picky stray cat nods in approval―☆ Our cute house cat must have an amazing talent for magic♪ Oh! Maybe our <Central Prism Academy> will claim the title of magic☆prestige school―♡” “Don’t get carried away... Talent is something you don't know until you dig deep... A brute who doesn't even know the basics of magic...” “…”

I was immediately shut down. Feeling dejected, I couldn’t say anything more.

‘Sorry for being incompetent…’

Parking the bike, we headed towards the dormitory. I sensed someone’s presence and smiled warmly. Freya also twitched her ears and looked in one direction.

“…Hehe♪” “Hmph.”

A girl with orange hair fluttering in the distance approached.


The first to greet us was Lota. Wearing an apron and headscarf, she waved both hands enthusiastically. Her short limbs flailing cutely as she quickly approached.

‘Oh dear... how adorable.’

I ran towards Lota, waving back at her.

“Senior―!” “Wow~♡”


We expressed the joy of our reunion with a hug.

Having grown closer to me over the past few days, Lota now embraced me without hesitation. Her orange hair tickled my hands as I bent down, and the smell of freshly baked bread wafted from her cat ears.

‘Better than a cat is... a cat that cooks for you…’

This place was definitely heaven. A cat welcomes you, hugs you, and even cooks for you. Academy city is heaven for cat lovers.

‘...Even if there are timid, bossy stray cats.’

Feeling the warmth of the cat ears and the hug, I spoke to Lota.

“I’m back―☆” “Welcome back, senior! Welcome back, Freya!” “I… I’ll come slowly...” “Oh... okay, come slowly...” “Why are you giving me orders... I’ll move at my own pace...” “…?”

Lota tilted her head, her orange cat ears twitching. She seemed confused by Freya’s continuous replies but didn’t mind as she walked gracefully towards the dining hall.

“…?” “…?”

Watching the retreating figure of the purple stray cat, I spoke to Lota, who had question marks in her eyes.

“Were you worried and waiting for me? I appreciate the sentiment―☆ But I’m all better now―♪” “No, I just finished preparing dinner and stepped out to see you.” “Phew―☆ I see~♪”

Though I had already seen her waiting anxiously… Lota had been waiting for me while finishing up dinner preparations.

‘She’s still very worried.’

From the dining hall in the dormitory, the delicious smell of food wafted out. Students, drawn by the scent, were finishing up their tasks and gathering.

The table was filled with various dishes. Smoked fish, grilled ham, stewed vegetables and meat. And baskets were piled high with freshly warmed bread.

Freya was sitting with a prim expression, eating it all as if it were natural.

“It's more edible than I thought…” “…”

I looked at her with an incredulous expression. Just then, Alvit, who had just finished cleaning the room for the new guest and taking a shower, entered the dining hall.

“Lota!! Meat, meat~! It’s gotta be meat dishes today, right!!” “Huh…? What are you talking about? I always prepare meat dishes.” “The table needs to be filled with only meat to be a meat dish! Lota, the dishes you always serve with those… greens and flour aren’t meat dishes!” “Shaaa―!!”

Lota hissed, offended by Alvit’s carnivorous rant. I waved to Alvit, who was laughing at this.

“Welcome back, Alvit~☆” “Oh, you’re back? Are you feeling okay?” “Yeah―☆ I’m perfectly fine☆” “I’ll be the judge of that.” “Ah―♪ That’s harsh☆”

Alvit ignored my words. She approached and inspected my wrists and calves with her rough hands.

The wounds and stains on my arms and legs had faded completely, so there was no need to cover them with bandages anymore. However, the scars on my neck, visible through my collar, were still distinct.

Though the wounds had healed… the scars seemed like they would remain forever.


Alvit looked troubled, but then she smiled at me.

“This is… hmm. Acceptable.” “Yay, I’m thrilled―☆” “But you still shouldn’t overdo it.” “Yes~♪”

Freya glanced at us, then resumed eating her meal.

With Maya and Kara joining us later, the dining hall of the dormitory became lively. Everyone at <Central Prism Academy> enjoyed dinner together. After the meal, we all sat sipping tea, the atmosphere peaceful.

From the open window, we could hear a broadcast from the <United Student Council>’s news department.

[Good evening. This is the evening news from the <United Student Council>’s news department. I’m Herr, a second-year student from the <United Student Council> news department, bringing you the news.]

[I hope everyone is preparing well for the midterm exams approaching in many schools.]

[May all of you achieve the results you’ve prepared for. I, Herr, from the <United Student Council> news department, will pray to the light for everyone to successfully complete their exams.]

Upon hearing that, Freya murmured quietly.

“That... that Herr... must be a light elf... from <Holy Alvenheim High School>...” Maya sipped her tea and replied.

“Ah… indeed, those who talk about the light and prayer are usually from there. The dark ones from <Svart Industrial High School> don’t pray for anything but money.” “Indeed, those dark ones only believe in materialism and the worship of wealth.” “Yeah, that’s true.”

Kara and Maya, both from <Mimir Industrial High School>, seemed to have a grudge against the dark elves... the students of <Svart Industrial High School>.


I flinched at the casual racism in their conversation.

‘Now that Lota is at school... I should also be careful not to call them furballs or anything even in my thoughts.’

Even if it’s just in my mind. I might blurt it out someday and make a huge mistake.

‘Sometimes the pretty filter makes my words come out sharp…’

Thinking this, I glanced at Lota.

Watching... Lota was holding her teacup with her tiny hands, blowing on it constantly to cool it down. Even though it had been poured a while ago and was lukewarm, she still couldn’t drink it.

Seeing this, Alvit suddenly looked at me and spoke.

“Senior, how will we conduct the midterms at our school? All I know is that the student council usually manages it…” “For schools with fewer than 50 students, the student council doesn’t have to do it―☆ Just go to the local branch of the <United Student Council> and submit a simple assignment♪” “Eh… I’ve been worrying about this for a while.” “Cheer up, student council president―☆” “Yes, yes…”


Returning to silence. Freya spoke again.

“By the way... at our school, the noble students without any abilities... replace their thesis presentation with... some dungeon conquest results for... the midterms. Those illiterate fools just use tricks to avoid studying…”

Freya sipped her tea, her voice filled with frustration.

“And when I... criticized that as the representative of the research faction... while I was away on a solo dungeon expedition... they came and set my camp on fire... I lost all my belongings and maps because of it…” “...” “...” “...” “What?”

The sudden revelation of why Freya had been wandering the wilderness. The comfortable silence we had been enjoying instantly turned icy cold.

I was also shocked by her words.

‘I knew from the original knowledge that Freya was disliked by the noble faction... but I thought she had left on her own this time...? Did they really pull such a dirty trick on the [Purple Spinning Wheel]?’

If Freya returned to school, it would be a matter of life and death. Even in the original, they only dared to make timid moves out of fear of her retaliation. What were the noble faction students planning to do?

‘No... how could you tell us this now…!’

I had been carefully probing, thinking there wasn’t a big reason. She kept avoiding the topic, so I thought it was something minor.

I squeezed my eyes shut at Freya’s surprising revelation.

The noble faction, composed of students from noble families. The research faction, composed of students sincerely studying magic. These two factions were the driving forces behind <Public Bana Dormitory School>.

‘But in the story... at this point, the research faction relied entirely on Freya’s name, and the noble faction students completely controlled the student council.’

Freya, disillusioned with such a school, spent most of her time wandering. Still, the noble faction had never dared to touch her... until now.

“...” “...”

We were all stunned, just staring at her. Freya, seemingly unfazed by our reactions, muttered in a chilling voice that didn’t match her tearful eyes.

“I thought... I might wander for a few days... but if I return tomorrow... I’ll have to deal with them... They must think I’m an idiot... running away alone…”

At that moment, Herr’s voice from the news broadcast outside changed to one of alarm.

[And... Yes? Ah... Understood.] [This is an urgent notice for students living in the northeastern part of the academy city.] [Currently, a large number of armed students have appeared in the northeastern wilderness. Uh... and.] The sound of papers rustling vividly echoed.

[It seems... those students are...] [...They are presumed to be from <Public Bana Dormitory School>. A violent breakthrough by high-level ether users is expected, so students living in the northeast, including those at <Mimir Industrial High School>, should be cautious.]


I was at a loss for words after hearing that announcement.

‘Dungeon conquest... meant conquering someone else’s dungeon...’

What’s going on...? Even if the furballs are arrogant, they’re not usually this reckless...

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