I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 26 Table of contents

'Who would have thought I'd win a ticket to the premiere.'

Han Seon-ah, a student at S University majoring in Broadcasting, held the ticket to the premiere at the entrance of the Vega Box with a trembling heart. It was her first time applying for a premiere, and her first time winning.

As she held the ticket, reality slowly began to sink in.

'Are there always this many people at premieres?'

She had never attended a drama premiere before, so she had no idea. She saw people who seemed to be journalists, but most of them were regular audience members.

'The teaser was really good...'

With her heart pounding, Han Seon-ah entered the theater where the premiere was being held. She heard that the competition for tickets was fierce.

This meant it was a highly anticipated drama and that the teaser had made a significant impact.

"But didn’t they say the first and second episodes only feature child actors?" "Really? Does that mean Kang Sung-chan won't be in it?"

In the front row, she overheard people who had been lucky enough to win tickets discussing. It seemed they were fans of Kang Sung-chan.

'You have no idea!'

She wanted to shout, but being shy, she kept quiet. To her, Seoyeon's performance in the teaser was the best. She muttered to herself silently.

"Hello, everyone!"

While waiting for the premiere to start, an energetic male voice came through the speakers. A man in a suit holding a microphone appeared on stage in front of the screen.

"Wow, we have a lot of people here for today's premiere! It seems like many of you are excited about 'The Sun Hidden by the Moon,' and we're thrilled."

The host briefly explained how the premiere would proceed. The director and actors would come on stage to greet the audience, there would be a brief gift presentation and a photo opportunity with the actors, and finally, the screening of the drama.

"So, let's welcome the stars of our drama!"

With the host's words, the audience cheered enthusiastically. The door opened, and the director Gong Jung-tae and the actors appeared.

There were seven in total, including two more who had joined since the teaser event.

"Wow, he's so handsome." "They really picked the perfect actors. The female lead, Haye-seo, is perfect." "The kids are cute too."

There were murmurs as the actors were evaluated, and cameras flashed as people took photos.

Most of the attention was on the leads, Kang Sung-chan and Haye-seo. Few people were taking pictures of the supporting actors or child actors, Park Jung-woo and Joo Seoyeon.

"I heard this is the first time for some of these actors..." "The teaser looked good, though." "Do you think they would show the bad parts in the teaser? They always show the best scenes."

The journalists' conversations could be heard. Meanwhile, Director Gong Jung-tae expressed his ambitions for 'The Sun Hidden by the Moon,' and then Kang Sung-chan took the microphone.

"As I mentioned before, this drama was a learning experience. Especially the young actors; their performances were so impressive that I worked extra hard not to be outdone."

When Kang Sung-chan made this statement with a smile, the audience laughed, thinking he was joking.

After Kang Sung-chan, Haye-seo, and the supporting actors spoke. As their turn approached, Park Jung-woo looked at Seoyeon curiously.

Speaking in front of so many people was a daunting task.

However, Seoyeon remained calm and composed as always.

"You don't seem nervous at all. Is this really your first time?" "Yes."

Seoyeon answered indifferently while looking at the audience.

Had she not experienced the kindergarten play, she might have been nervous.

But by numbers and scale, the kindergarten play had far more people. Could Park Jung-woo understand the intense gaze of parents when their child's part was being overshadowed?

"Did you go to kindergarten?"

Startled by Seoyeon's sudden question, Park Jung-woo was taken aback.

He had been busy with child acting since he was young and had never attended kindergarten.


But why does that matter?

Confused, he looked at Seoyeon, who smugly turned her head away. He wanted to say something, but the microphone was handed to him first.

The children's interviews were very ordinary.

Just introducing themselves as "Young Yoon Seo-il" and "Young Yeon-hwa Princess." Few were interested in the child actors.

The event was similar. Most people wanted to take pictures with Kang Sung-chan and Haye-seo, leaving the supporting actors and children relatively unnoticed.

In Seoyeon's case, only one person.

"I want to take a picture with Seoyeon!"

A woman who introduced herself as Han Seon-ah.

"I'm a fan. Seoyeon, could you sign this?"

A fan. The word made Seoyeon freeze with a pen in hand.

'First fan.'

She had seen many online, and older women had said similar things on the street, but a fan at a premiere felt different.

The audience looked at Han Seon-ah, asking for Seoyeon's autograph and picture, as if she were unusual.

Park Jung-woo already had fans, but Seoyeon only had 'The Sun Hidden by the Moon.'

"Sister." "Yes?"

Seoyeon signed Han Seon-ah's white shirt with a pen. Seoyeon had never created or practiced a signature. She hadn't expected to need one.

If she had known, she would have practiced.

Thinking this, she wrote "Joo Seoyeon" neatly.

"Can you wait a long time until my next project?"

Seoyeon impulsively asked. Han Seon-ah, eyes wide, nodded vigorously.

"Of course!" "Really?"

Seoyeon smiled without realizing it. She thought this wasn't so bad after all.

With the events concluded, the screening began. Seoyeon had never seen the fully edited video.

'Will it be okay?'

She wondered. Her previous experiences were in commercials, not dramas.

Would it be good enough?

As the first episode of 'The Sun Hidden by the Moon' started, those doubts lingered.

'Won't it be boring with only kids?' 'Three episodes of kids is a bit much…'

Typically, childhood scenes are brief. Having three episodes dedicated to childhood is unusual.

So, many were skeptical. Few were optimistic.

Until the appearance of Young Yeon-hwa Princess.


On screen, Young Yeon-hwa was lively and cute. She looked like a princess loved from a young age.

'Is that really the same girl?' 'She looks completely different.'

The actors watched from the front row. The audience glanced at Seoyeon.

The teaser's acting was good, but a teaser and a full episode are different.

The general audience noticed this, and the journalists were even more surprised.

'I see why Kang Sung-chan told us to take many photos of her at the teaser event.' 'Her acting is so natural. Even her voice is clear.'

Children's acting often feels awkward due to their indistinct speech. Emotions conveyed poorly sound awkward.

Yet, Seoyeon, at seven years old, showed none of this.

'She's so cute!'

Han Seon-ah was moved, wiping tears with a handkerchief.

The first episode depicted the meeting of Young Yeon-hwa and Young Yoon Seo-il. Many expected a similar tone for the second episode.

However, the tone began to shift in the second episode. With the appearance of Jo Young-dae Gun, tension built.

Eventually, Jo Young-dae Gun staged a coup. Yeon-hwa Princess ran to the queen dowager's chamber.

"I have abandoned it all. Duty, royal grace."

Jo Young-dae Gun's madness silenced everyone. Yeon-hwa Princess lowered her head.

"What will you do? Will you leave on your own? Or shall I escort you?"

Tension filled the air. Jo Young-dae Gun's face zoomed in, showing his wild eyes.

Then, the camera focused on Yeon-hwa Princess. Her surroundings darkened, contrasting her inner turmoil.

Yeon-hwa Princess lifted her head.


The audience gasped. Her eyes, reflecting the lantern's light, shone naturally.

Burning red in the darkness, they expressed her anger.

As Yeon-hwa stood alone, Jo Young-dae Gun laughed. With a thud, the door closed, ending the second episode.


Someone checked the time. Each episode was an hour long. Two episodes meant two hours, like a movie.

Yet, it felt like time had flown.

'Jo Young-dae Gun's acting was amazing, but…'

It was a pity Jo Young-dae Gun, played by Yoon Jong-hyuk, wasn't present. Probably to avoid spoilers.

"Are all child actors like this?" "Look at my arms. Goosebumps." "I should have taken a picture!"

The audience buzzed. Journalists looked solemn.

"We have no photos for the article." "Shall we catch them later?" "We can't with child actors. It's not allowed."

A moment of mixed emotions. Some glanced at Han Seon-ah, who had taken a photo with Seoyeon. As if asking how she knew.


Han Seon-ah trembled, overwhelmed by the drama's impact.

With the premiere over.

Online reviews of the premiere spread. Many praised the child actors' performances. Especially the final scene of the second episode.

'How good can it be?' 'Are they exaggerating?'

Doubt lingered.

A month later.

The first episode of 'The Sun Hidden by the Moon' aired amid great interest. Even Seoyeon was surprised by the ratings.

The first episode's rating was 25%. 8% higher than the original series.

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