I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 11 Table of contents

After That Lunchtime

For the next few days, everything was remarkably peaceful.

Just like usual, Orca came to the counseling room to sleep, Leo started visiting regularly, and other students came for counseling.

It was hard to believe that only a few days ago, Leo and Orca were fighting in the streets.

However, my mind was not at ease.

While things were peaceful, that didn’t mean nothing was happening.

Rumors had started spreading.

"No matter what, this is exaggerated..."


Of course, there were always rumors.

Stories about how I rehabilitated Orca were spreading.

But rumors are rumors.

In the midst of spreading this sensational issue among the students, the story had been severely distorted.

"This is going too far."

Now, there were absurd rumors that I might be a distant relative of demon possessors or that I was planning to take over the world.

The imagination of students...

"Won’t it die down soon? They must know it’s ridiculous."

"I hope so."

Everyone was fascinated by the new teacher.

Especially since I came with the previously unheard-of title of counselor.

I wasn’t too worried about these rumors; they would die down soon.

...But the rumor that I was controlling Orca with hypnosis was surprising.

When Leo, who usually dismissed most rumors as nonsense, mentioned that one, I almost reacted.

Orca doesn’t have friends to talk about this.

There was no one to tell her about the rumors, which was a bit sad.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason..."

Still, it would be nice if Orca could go out with her new friend Leo.

Maybe it was because she had lived her whole life without friends?

She seemed more comfortable being alone.

Well, if that’s what she prefers, that’s fine... This teacher is just happy she has a friend...

"Teacher, if you have the chance, could we have lunch again sometime...?"

"Oh, sure. Maybe next time. I've been quite busy lately."

"Oh, I see..."

That was a lie.

I was busier than in the early days of my tenure at the academy, where I barely had any work.

Students brought more serious concerns than I expected.

I couldn’t brush them off with how desperate they looked.

So I found myself looking up related books and materials, and counseling students based on that, which made me busier than expected.

Naturally, counseling rarely ends in one session, so my workload increased with each visit.

...But I wasn't so busy that I couldn't have a meal.

So why did I decline?

Because Leo’s intentions were too obvious...

He was still thinking about how I secretly paid for our last meal.

Understanding the absurdity of the bill that day, he was desperate to return the favor.

...Students should just enjoy being treated by their teachers!

Well, anyway.

Even though openly lying could risk being repaid by Leo, fortunately, I had a prior engagement today.

So there was no chance of being caught!

"Then, I have something to do, so I'll be going now..."

"What do you have to do?"

"Nothing special. Just something to discuss with the other teachers."


No need to hide it.

It was time to prepare for the first event that begins after the prologue.

A practice match.

...I never imagined I’d be the one preparing such a thing.

"Ah, hello, Teacher Ophelia."


This is awkward.

The warm, luxurious atmosphere of the counseling room and the vibrant atmosphere of the academy classrooms were different from this.

It felt like another side of the school I hadn’t experienced before.

"...Why are you so tense?"

"Oh, hahaha..."

The teachers looked at me like I was strange, and all I could do was laugh.

Well, you see... The teachers’ office...

It feels like a place you go when you’ve done something wrong, right?

Even though I’m now a counselor, my only experience with the teachers’ office was as a student.

While I understand that there are many reasons to visit the office and that I wasn't there to get scolded, it’s ingrained in me to be nervous.

Like when the school broadcasted my name and called me to the office.

Even if it turned out to be nothing, that indescribable fear never goes away...

Thankfully, I wasn't the only one feeling this way, as the teachers chuckled sympathetically.

"Teacher Ophelia, this is your first time in the office, right? It’s a bit formal, isn't it?"

"Yes, well..."

"Please understand. Since students from various backgrounds gather here, we can’t appear lenient."

"I understand."

I knew that well.

Just reading the backgrounds of the playable characters revealed how many people the academy attracted.

A church inspector, an imperial princess, a nameless orphan, and a demon possessor known to be dangerous.

This was just what came to mind.

If the academy were too lenient, it would quickly become a playground for noble and royal students.

Yet the reason so many different classes could mix at the academy was because of the distance maintained between teachers and students.

...And the laws protecting teachers and their excellent reputation helped too.

The principal only brought in thoroughly vetted individuals, so students respected the teachers.

If their authority was compromised, it would quickly lead to chaos.

The rigid atmosphere was necessary to show this to the students.

"It’s a relief you understand. Honestly, we feel a bit sorry for the students."

"Indeed. It’s hard to keep pushing them when they’re struggling."

"Many give up halfway because it’s too hard... We’d like to guide each one closely, but there are too many students."


Few would want to teach at the academy.

Teachers come solely to nurture future talents.

While the principal tries to take care of the teachers’ welfare and give them a good salary...

Those who have already succeeded greatly don’t need to teach.

They could earn much more in their established fields.

And finding teachers of a suitable standard is difficult.

Why do nobles and royals send their children to the academy?

To receive high-quality education and social experience.

If the quality of teachers dropped, they’d hire private tutors instead.

So the principal personally recruits teachers.

Who would accept less money to handle both nobles and orphans?

There aren’t many talented people willing to leave their established positions for this.

And those here are the ones who gave up their positions to teach.

"Since you joined, the students seem a bit more relaxed. The strict atmosphere has eased a bit."

"Recently, the daughter of the House of Ober confessed to a commoner boy."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. Apparently, she consulted Teacher Ophelia."

"...How did it go?"

"What do you think? The boy got an unexpected promotion. They’re inseparable, even during class."


So that’s what happened. She succeeded in confessing.

Hearing an unexpected student’s update in an unexpected place surprised me, and the teachers thanked me.

"Please take care of the students. It’s always heartbreaking to see them struggle."

"It’s tough to see promising students lose hope... Sigh. It's hard."

"We’re sorry to burden you, Teacher Ophelia. Please take care of the students for us."

They understood their situation well.

The moment they showed leniency, the situation would spiral out of control.

That’s why they asked me to help.

They’d be the strict ones, and I’d be the kind one.

Responding to their request wasn’t difficult.

"Don’t worry. That’s why I’m here."

"That’s reassuring."

The once intimidating atmosphere of the teachers' office no longer felt daunting.

Understanding that the atmosphere was artificially created for the students, I realized they cared deeply for them.

"Well then... Shall we get to business?"

The meeting began in a slightly more relaxed atmosphere.

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