I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 48 Table of contents

On the ether train to <Mimir Industrial High School>.


The ether train came to an abrupt, screeching halt.

Though it was an exclusive train that didn’t take regular passengers, and there were only a few of us on board, the lack of an announcement from the conductor explaining the sudden stop was unusual.

There were sounds of confusion from passengers in the front car. We were seated in the very back, in the tail car, where no other passengers were.

“...” “...”

Freya and I exchanged glances, each of us guessing the reason behind the train's sudden stop.

“Ha-ha-ha―☆ Looks like... it’s that, right?” “Huu... What are they thinking, dragging down the school’s prestige... They’re not even beggars...” “Hey―☆ Even beggar schools wouldn’t do this―♪” “Well... that’s true. These so-called students of a prestigious magical academy acting like common thugs...” “These aristocrats are more like rowdy girls―☆” “Exactly... This is why the aristocratic faction...”

Freya naturally took out her wand with one hand, while pressing her temples with the other. Her unattractive purple cat ears were trembling vertically with anger.

Shhh…! Kyaaah…!

Freya's thin throat continuously emitted an eerie growl.

“Student Council President Frau... When I get back... I’ll shave off all the fur on her ears... Make her crawl naked down the long corridor... and lock her in the underground cell...”


Hearing this, Rota shivered as if she had heard a terrible curse. She hid her pretty orange cat ears with both hands, sweating coldly.

I too, hearing this muttering, let out a silent sigh.

'Street cats may be aloof at school, but they truly loathe anything that brings disgrace to a prestigious magical academy...'

Shaving off the remaining fur on their animal ears. And making them crawl in a position of submission while naked. This was, for beastkin, a gesture akin to what ancient war slaves would endure... a serious expression of anger.

'The street cat has become mortal enemies with the aristocratic faction... Can those girls handle it...?'

As I thought this, Freya quickly chanted her unique spell activation signal.

“[Eternal Spindle] Memorize small-scale activation― Radius set, standby, delay fire time.”

Her voice was mechanical, like an automatic response system. As she lightly swung her golden wand, purple ether began to flow.

The magic seeped in as if it were originally part of the train’s wallpaper. The purple ether, shaped like a circuit board, flew rapidly and embedded itself throughout our train's tail car.


In an instant, the train became a fortress under Freya's control. This was why you shouldn’t give the [Purple Spindle] time to prepare her spells.

'It's nice to see this again after a while...'

I recalled my past experiences dealing with wizard-type students.

'Wizards, regardless of their [Unique Ether] abilities, have the weakest physical abilities... but when they set traps or work on a large scale, they're the most troublesome.'

Freya’s sudden release of purple ether. The cold silence just before a commotion. The juniors seemed to understand the situation now.

Rota and Kara flinched and looked around nervously.

“...!” “...Indeed.” “If so...!”

Judging that formation was needed in front of a wizard, Alvit quickly drew her sword from her waist, ready to stand and block us.

“We must go out and fight right away...!” “Yes~☆ Stop―♡”

But I held Alvit's hand, which was gripping the sword hilt, and pushed it back. The crimson longsword, half-drawn, returned obediently to its sheath.


The clear sound of the sword returning and the exchange of glances. Alvit looked at me with bewildered eyes. But I winked and held her hand to stop her.

“Senior?!” “Shh―♪ Just stay still☆” “...?”

I pulled Alvit’s hand, signaling her to sit down. She glanced at Freya and then slowly sat down.

“...” “...”

A silent conversation with our eyes. I signaled to Alvit, who was now seated. Alvit quickly caught the signal and understood the unspoken agreement.

-Shh, stay still... my little Yubi―♡ -Senior, what are you saying all of a sudden? -Let the street cat rampage alone, let her cool down―♪ -Freya Senior, alone? -If you step in now, you might get caught in the cat's hysteria―☆ -...

Alvit, fully understanding the signal, nodded. Then, she lightly tapped Rota’s arm and conveyed the agreed message with her eyes.

“...” “...”

Nod Nod

Rota and Alvit nodded in agreement. Rota also put her wand away and quietly sat down.

‘Perfect... this is the pinnacle of senior-junior teamwork.’

We communicated like sisters born on the same day.

Unfortunately... Kara did not catch the signal and awkwardly stood holding her banner.

“...?” “Just sit down.” “Oh.”

Kara, failing to understand the silent language, sat down after hearing Rota’s interpretation.

Simultaneously, the presence we felt beyond the door approached.

-Hmph, as expected of the lowly commoners from the central district... not many passengers on this train. -Their consideration saves us search time, doesn’t it? -That’s true. Huu... what if my skin gets damaged wandering around this rough wilderness... -If it weren't for Frau's grand plan, I wouldn’t have followed. -Hoho, that’s very true.

Constantly muttering voices. Not caring about revealing their position. Thanks to their non-stop chatter, we could pinpoint their location in real time.


Memories of <Public Vana Dormitory> students, erased by gentle Rota and timid Freya, resurfaced.

'Yes... this is the true nature of beastkin female students in the academy city.'


Seven beastkin train robbers entered, opening the compartment door. Perhaps with memories of being teased for their short noses, they all held their heads high, exuding arrogance.

Twitch Twitch

The animal ears of cat, wolf, and fox-eared students were very enticing and beautiful. Their hair shimmered like silk, and they were adorned with high-end items from head to toe.

But I had no desire to touch their ears or caress their faces.

'Ugh... the scent of their perfume is too strong. Are their ears diffusers?'

Students from <Public Vana Dormitory> entered. Each girl, with her various animal ears, strutted in haughtily and spoke.

“Stop right there! You lowlifes! This train is now under the control of the aristocratic faction of <Public Vana Dormitory>!” “Kneel and show your respect!” “The stench of you commoners is unbearable!”

They couldn’t see Freya because they were looking down their noses. We just stared at them blankly.

“...” “...” “...”

I couldn't help but laugh.

‘They barely use 2nd stage ether, yet they act like this.’

These girls were like villains straight out of a comic book, declaring their train hijacking with model-like walking. This was the average for beastkin.

‘Damn... I really didn't want to call them vermin...’

Was it our silence that provoked them? A girl with bright orange fox ears looked down arrogantly and noticed us sitting quietly.

“Are these commoners unable to understand words? Hurry up and... oh... [Spindle]?”

And Freya, sitting next to us.

“...” “...”

Freya silently stood up. And slowly walked towards them. The girls were all shocked, their mouths agape. We stayed hidden in our seats, watching silently.

Step Step

The girl with the orange fox ears, trembling, pointed her wand and spoke. But her legs trembled even more pitifully than her hands.

“[Purple Spindle]?! Why are you here?!” “You... you crazy girls... are you seriously asking that? Because you burned all my luggage...”

Freya, unable to contain her sudden surge of anger, began to cry while breathing heavily.

“My most cherished books were in there...!! My draft thesis for the upcoming conference... was in there toooo...!!”

The last few words were almost a scream.

“Heek...!” “What do we do?!”

Perhaps overwhelmed by the atmosphere. A girl with white wolf ears instinctively defended herself.

“That... that wasn’t us!! Frau told all the 2nd-year aristocrats to patrol!!” “O... Oh... then, you... you... know who did it, right? Right? Grr!! A... all of you... if you don’t want your ear fur shaved, tell me...! Tell meeeeee―!!” “Hiiii―?!”

Freya's ether skill [Eternal Spindle] activated. The large spindle behind her turned, releasing the stored skill. The train's tail car glowed purple, emitting endless killing intent.


Freya, driven to the limit of her anger, chattered her teeth and stammered. Her purple eyes glowing intensely, her approach was terrifying.

“Shoot, shoot!! Subdue her!!” “Frau realized, so [Purple Spindle] is now a backroom relic!!” “Y-Yes!! Shoot her!!”

I silently thought.

'What does Frau’s realization have to do with you...?'

But the aristocratic girls couldn’t control their fear and fired their magic. From their wands, red 2nd-stage ether shot out like pitiful streams in winter.

“Golden Armament, create as I command...!” “The first armament shall be anger...!”

The fired spells were basic magic from [Golden Witch]. The five stages of truth armaments made of ether.

Stage 1, the dagger form. Even Rota, who dropped out after a week, could use this spell.

Pew―!! Pew―!! Pew―!!


Freya, seeing the dozens of daggers flying at her, waved her finger as if they were nothing. Then, circuits from the train walls activated, and hundreds of purple daggers shot out.

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

The wave of purple daggers swept over the red ones. Freya flicked her finger, effortlessly nullifying the dozens of spells cast by the seven girls.


The girls, seeing this, desperately chanted more spells. Their faces looked like they might wet themselves, and their legs shook like branches in a winter wind.


Freya, unfazed, waved her wand lightly like a conductor leading an orchestra.

And filled the space with purple armaments.

Countless daggers poured out, forming a wave. Thousands of longswords poured out, creating a wind. Hundreds of greatswords poured out, forming a mountain range. Dozens of spears poured out, forming pillars. A single giant bow overlooked everything.

An endless flow of armaments. Freya, moving the spindle behind her, filled the space with purple armaments like a prison, binding the girls.

One girl screamed desperately, sending an emergency signal outside with her wand.


The train's roof exploded with a loud noise. Through the thick dust and debris, a massive suit of armor barged in. A magical armor, adorned with endless golden patterns on a black base.

I silently admired it.

'Isn't that the ultimate magical engineering puppet from <Svart Industrial High School>...?’

To think they would attach a weapon capable of tanking chaos insects to these lackeys...


The massive armor, emitting red light, landed with surprising stability for its size. The magical armor puppet emitted a driving sound and charged at Freya.


With each step, the tail car shook from its overwhelming force. The charge towards the small, delicate girl was terrifyingly fierce. Like a giant boulder rolling towards a chick.


But Freya, seeing this, only raised her finger and murmured.


The purple bow fired.


The laser from the purple bow shot at the black armor puppet. The puppet, engulfed in a huge explosion, was sent flying through the hole in the train.


The sound of destruction from afar was the last thing heard.

“...” “...” “...”

In the silent space, Freya, holding a purple dagger, spoke.

“If you speak now... I’ll only shave one side of your ear fur...” “I-I'll talk.”

Scrape Scrape

For a while, the sound of the girls' fur being shaved filled the train.

Bell hurriedly came out from the base office and spoke.

“My goodness...! I thought it was a big problem when <Public Vana Dormitory> blocked all the trains coming this way...! How did you get here? And who are those girls?”

Seeing the girls with one shaved ear, heads bowed in Freya’s grasp, We couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ha-ha-ha...☆” “It was quite an entertaining sight.” “Yes, it was very educational.” “...?”

Bell tilted her head, puzzled by our response.

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