I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 13 Table of contents

A Few Days Later

Thirty minutes before the match was set to start.

"It's so wide..."

"Haha, it is a bit spacious, isn't it?"

It didn't seem like just "a bit" to me.

I stuck my tongue out at the sight before me.

I knew the arena was supposed to be large, but seeing it with my own eyes, it felt even bigger than I had imagined.

A small forest with a stream running through its center.

A vast plain beyond the forest and a hill that was not too big but also not too small.

When I played the game, I just chalked it up to game mechanics and didn’t think much of it...

But seeing it in reality, the scenery was remarkable.

...Did people really make this artificially? For real?

"This is amazing. This landscape was man-made?"

"I still get surprised sometimes when I see it... But since it’s used for various purposes, I guess it’s worth it."

"I see..."

I couldn’t help but think of the principal who just handed me my salary in cash when I said I didn’t have a bank account.

Truly, the principal.

Spending money freely when necessary.

Being called rich didn’t fully capture their financial capabilities...

While chatting with Ian about the arena, another teacher began to scold us.

"Stop chatting and get ready, Ian. The match is about to start."

"Haha, sorry about that. Well, I’ll be off now. See you later, Ophelia."

"Ah, yes..."

With that, Ian headed towards the area where the students were waiting, accompanied by several other teachers.

Most of them taught combat-related classes.

According to the previous meeting, they were there to prevent accidents during the students' battles.

Since the students were still inexperienced, they often couldn’t control their powers.

The teachers were stationed around to prepare for such incidents.

There were no such descriptions when playing the game.

"Are there any students you’re particularly interested in, Ophelia?"


"Just for monitoring. It gets boring otherwise, so we often bet on who will rank highest."


Well, there’s nothing to worry about.

Just pick the students who stand out more than the others.

While the other teachers have to watch all the students to figure it out, I’m different.

I just have to choose the playable characters.

"These five students here."

"Oh, you didn't even hesitate?"

"Haha... Well, aren’t these three already famous?"

"That’s true. The other two also have good evaluations from their instructors."

The Watcher of the Church, Anastasia.

The Second Princess, Stella.

The Demon Possessor, Orca.

These three are so well-known that no one in the academy doesn’t know them.

Besides the academy, most people knew of Anastasia and Stella.

Even Orca, infamous as a Demon Possessor, is known throughout the academy.

The remaining two, Leo and Aileen, aren’t particularly famous yet...

But they will soon gain fame.

Judging by the positive evaluations from several teachers, it won’t take long.

"Among those five, who do you think will last the longest?"

"The Princess."

"Isn’t that a bit too confident? You don’t have to be overly cautious of the Princess here at the academy..."

"No, it’s just... This battle is very advantageous for her."


The teacher looked at me, not understanding at all, and I just smiled.

Even if I explained it now, the teachers wouldn’t get it.

"...Finally starting."

Stella looked around her surroundings.

The dense forest spread around her and the hidden presences of students scattered about.

Just like her brother said.

She didn’t believe him because he always lied, but...

Whether he noticed her distrust or not, he told the truth this time.

So, the teachers must be stationed around, watching over them.

Even with all the royal training, she couldn’t detect the teachers' positions, which was impressive.

As expected of the academy. The standards are high.

...At least for the teachers.

Stella sighed and raised her voice.

"Don’t just watch from afar, come closer if you want."

After saying that and sitting on a comfortable-looking rock, some students started to approach her.

When she didn’t react much, others who had been watching quickly rushed out.

"P-Princess...! It's an honor to meet you..."

"No need for such formalities. We’re not here for that, are we?"



Stella felt annoyed seeing the wide-eyed student looking moved.

He must have some talent to be at the academy, but...

To her, he looked utterly foolish.

Did he not realize she was being sarcastic?

...She might suggest to her father that the academy entrance exam include basic manners.

Seeing the same reaction from the students following behind him made her sigh.

"...Well, if you insist on staying around, I won’t stop you."

"How did you...?"

"I don’t need to explain that."

The swarm of students attracted by her princess status wasn’t new.

Even when she was rude or ignored them, they didn’t seem to care.

She had hoped the academy would be different, but...


They thought they could earn her favor by staying around, but it only annoyed her more.

But she couldn’t kick them out, so she might as well use them.

If they wanted to stay, she’d let them handle the obstacles.

"I can grant you some grace. Receive it."

"...?! My body feels...!"

"Now, carry on. I won’t mind you."

"Th-Thank you! Princess!"

After casting her enhancement magic on them, the students thanked her profusely.

What were they thankful for?

They didn’t even realize they were being used.

Stella watched them scatter with a disdainful look.


People always tried to use her status and ended up being used themselves.

How long would these ones last?

The dumber they were, the slower they realized.

As students of the academy, she hoped they’d catch on quickly.

Otherwise, she might start doubting the academy’s standards.

"This is..."

"Ophelia, did you expect this...?"

The monitoring teachers couldn’t hide their surprise as they stared at the screen.

Unlike the resting Stella, her enhanced followers were knocking down students left and right.

This had never happened at the academy before.

Usually, the students’ skills weren’t this disparate right after admission.

But Stella’s enhanced followers were overpowering the other students.

"No, it was just a guess. I thought it might turn out this way."

"But you sounded so sure..."

"Did I? I don’t think so."

"Really? My memory must be failing..."

Phew, that was close.

I must have spoken too carelessly.

I met the teacher's gaze and used hypnosis to twist their memory, making them think I wasn’t so confident.

Without hypnosis, I might’ve been in trouble.

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget this world isn’t just a game.

"I happened to hear about the Princess’s special ability."

Stella's specialty is enhancement magic.

Fitting for her princess theme.

And with the students flocking to her, her AI’s win rate in the game was 98%.

While other students fought in a battle royale, she’d quickly form a team of dozens.

The enhanced students’ stats would be slightly boosted, making it hard for the AI to win.

...Of course, if the player paid attention, the win rate dropped significantly.

But this wasn’t the game world; it was reality.

And in reality, she had the most advantageous position.

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