I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 16 Table of contents


"What, Princess? Are you getting up?"

"Yes. Waiting any longer is meaningless."

"Shouldn't we wait a bit more? Some of them might return."

"It would be nice if they did, but it seems they were more incompetent than I thought."

The magical links I set up to monitor those who promised to help have all been severed.

Obviously, it wasn't me who cut them off.

They were forcibly disconnected.


"Yes. They're all probably lying around somewhere."

"Thought this was going to be easier..."

"One cannot rely on the incompetent."

Stella knew better than anyone how ridiculous her words were.

Incompetent fools.

It's not wrong.

They couldn't perform as expected, so calling them incompetent was fair.

They were still novices.

But it didn't mean they lacked skill.

Having been admitted to the academy recently, there wasn't a huge gap in abilities yet.

Except for a few exceptional individuals, their skills were all relatively equal.

That's why she accepted anyone as her ally, thinking it wouldn't make much difference.

But they all lost.

A group of students who were likely hunting in packs.

It wasn't even a case of picking them off one by one.

Judging by the timing of the severed magical links, they were taken out all at once.

They fell to an extraordinary force.

"The Watcher?"

"Possibly. Also, be mindful of that demon-possessed girl."

"Oh... right. Her too."

Father and that youthful-looking hag, what were they thinking?

Allowing a living bomb like her into the academy was beyond comprehension.

That hag might easily forgive because she believes children are innocent, but...

To think Father allowed the seed of a demon here.

"But she's been quiet recently, hasn't she?"

"...Hmph. Probably because of the new teacher that hag brought in. Good judge of character."

"Princess... calling the headmaster a hag... really?"

"She's a hag. Everyone knows she's old."

Why don't people call that hag a hag?

She's too full of herself.

"Already over a century old and still acting young. It’s nauseating. Whenever she walks by, the stench..."

"Princess! That's too much!"

"What? It's true. Even if she's a respected elder, age doesn't change..."


One of Stella's earrings shattered with a loud noise.

"Um, what I meant was, she's a venerable elder. Sometimes, I'm proud to be associated with such a distinguished person."


"What? Why?"

"Maybe you should have stopped when I told you to..."

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"Sure, sure."

Damn it. That hag.

When did she start watching?

She should be busy now.

It’s impossible for a stray bullet to accidentally hit and shatter my earring.

She must have been watching.

She’s sensitive about her age, even if she doesn't show it.

Life at the academy will be tough.

I'll have to grovel later.

Just thinking about having to placate her made my head hurt.



"Why the long faces? Haha, young students are a sight to behold! Enjoy your youth while you can! Time flies!"

The headmaster’s cheerful voice echoed in the control room.

But no one believed it was genuine laughter.

It made sense.

Suddenly barging into the control room and hearing such disrespectful comments to her face.

Everyone was already worried if it was okay to say such things, and then she heard it.

Her reaction was swift.

Gathering magic, she shot a single bullet.

It penetrated the wall and shattered Stella’s earring in an instant.

The distance between here and there must be considerable...

As expected of the headmaster.

Ridiculously powerful.

"...Ah, Ophelia, come see me. There's a student whose mental state needs fixing."


Other teachers looked at me with pity.

...If you feel so sorry, can't you help a bit?

I looked at them for support, but they all avoided my gaze.

Traitors. The sense of betrayal was overwhelming.

"Well, fine. What's done is done. Let's focus on the task at hand."

"Princess, we need a plan..."

"Silence. How could I have known that hag was listening?"

That busy hag, suddenly appearing here...

The consequences will be severe later, I’m sure.

"But right now, I can't do anything about it.

We need to deal with the immediate problem first."

"Prepare yourself, Charlotte. They're coming."

"Always ordering me around... Just so you know, I'm the duke's daughter too."

"Prepare yourself. There's no one left to help us. We might as well make a stand."

"Sigh, my fate..."

Crack, crack.

Stretching in preparation for the upcoming battle, Charlotte spoke in an exasperated tone.

"Princess, don't you think it's odd?"

"What is?"

"A princess fighting with her fists? Shouldn't you learn swordsmanship, spearmanship, or archery?"

"I'm not interested."

"Why not?!"

"I find this more comfortable."

People say I lack refinement, but...

Refinement is useless in battle.

The dignity of a princess, fine.

But in battle, instead of thinking about dignity, think about hitting one more time.

Losing because you're using an ill-fitting sword is more disgraceful.

"Sigh. I give up. Just cast the enhancement spell."

"Alright, knight. The queen marches. Protect her."

"Yes, yes."

After casting enhancement spells on herself and Charlotte, they waited a few minutes.

A woman in a white nun's habit with silver hair, and a black-clad student appeared.

"...It’s you."

"Hello, Princess."

"Nice to see you. There should have been students around you."

"Oh, those guys? They're sleeping well."


As expected, our guess was correct.

For some reason, the demon-possessed and the Watcher were together when the battle occurred.


"They should have avoided fighting."

Attacking one of them might have caused some damage, even if they couldn’t win.

Enhancement spells aren’t always good.

They can make you overconfident.

Being able to do things you normally can't, you don’t realize the difference in abilities.

With several enhanced students around, they must have rushed in thoughtlessly.

Not realizing they were up against unbeatable opponents.

"Perfect timing. There are two of you, so I'll take the demon. Charlotte, you handle the Watcher."

"Why?! I can't hold out long!"

"You'll be fine. I'll finish quickly and join you."

Stella's comment must have hurt Orca’s pride.

She smirked fiercely.

"Bold. Is it arrogance because you're a noble?"

"This isn't arrogance. It's confidence."

"Everyone who said that in front of me kissed the ground. Wanna try?"

"Good. I like your spirit."

Tension mounted.

In this stand-off, where both sides waited for an opening, it was an unexpected presence that broke the silence.

"Hey, Leo... can we just leave?"

"Shh, quiet...! They might hear... Ah, they already did..."

"What the... Who are you?"

"Hello... Haha. We'll just pass by. Carry on with your business."

That boy, I remember him.

Leo, wasn't it?

He stood out because, despite being an orphan with no background, he had a relic.

I investigated, thinking he might be an assassin’s pawn or a hidden master’s disciple.

But there was nothing.

It was more surprising that there was nothing.

Having been admitted to the academy, he has potential, but...

Currently, he's not much.

The one he's carrying...



"I thought you weren't enrolling. Didn't think you'd go back on your word."

"...I was forced."

"As expected. Didn’t I tell you to give up?"



Still not in her right mind.

Once glorious, now where is that glory?

She might be somewhat capable, but...

After years of decay, she isn't the same.

"If you’re not fighting, leave. Useless things. You're in the way."

"Stella. You..."

"I know, Aileen. This will anger you, right? You wouldn't get mad?"

Smiling like she used to provoke me as a child.

She always did this.

Pretended not to care, but would react if provoked.

...Like this.

"You know me too well..."

"Wait, Aileen? What are you..."



"Haha! Charlotte! Hold them back! Charge them with attempting to assassinate a royal!"


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