I Became the Student Council President of Academy…
Chapter 75 Table of contents

Staggering, he hurried his steps. He opened the door, entered the next room, and continued, catching his breath as he went. Eventually, he saw an unknown machine.

The display on the electronic board showed "98%." Parts of the machine were composed of the flesh and skin of a living organism. The machine was confining a woman.

The woman's complexion was deathly pale. Strange patterns and veins surfaced on her skin.

The machine seemed to be draining her life force, and her once elegant appearance had deteriorated to that of someone at death's door.

It was Oh Baek-seo, the vice-head of the disciplinary committee.

Something sank in my chest.

I thought I’d be happy when I found her, but instead, a suffocating emotion welled up inside me.

My eyes hardened, and my teeth ground together.

The miserable end of a child who had learned all kinds of killing techniques as a Spartoi was approaching.

I guessed it would be a sight I would never forget.

Why did Baek-seo have to end up so miserable? I couldn’t understand, nor did I want to understand.

So I decided to reject it. The damn backside of this academy city that made Baek-seo like this.


With the last of my strength, I raised the Iron Dragon Staff.

"Let's go back."

I swung the Iron Dragon Staff down.

Ahn Woo-jin walked with the broken machine behind him, carrying the limp Baek-seo on his back.

His magic was depleted, and his stamina was at its limit. Every step was unsteady, but the compulsion not to let Baek-seo fall kept Woo-jin mustering the strength to steady himself and keep moving.

He walked along the path that was visible. It was a narrow path.

As he walked, Woo-jin realized the underground facility was quite decorated. Only the area where he had fought Chae-yeon had been a gloomy space.

Thinking even Chae-yeon had her own sense of aesthetics made Woo-jin chuckle unintentionally.

At some point, Baek-seo’s breathing became regular. Woo-jin noticed she had regained consciousness.

“…Are you awake?”

Woo-jin spoke first.

Baek-seo's head moved slightly.


It was a small voice.

Baek-seo seemed to not understand the situation of being carried on Woo-jin’s back.

Woo-jin's condition was a mess. Baek-seo could only guess that he had come through a fierce battle to reach her.

Woo-jin paused to choose his words.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Baek-seo swallowed a dry breath.

“And don’t even think about submitting a resignation letter. I won’t accept it.”

“…You saw it.”

“I found it while looking for you.”

“Yeah…, I figured.”

With Woo-jin’s response, Baek-seo fully understood the situation.

He must have gone through a hard journey. Just by looking at Woo-jin’s injuries, she could tell how much he had been through.

They were walking through an area decorated like a flower garden.

Baek-seo closed her eyes and spoke.



“You once asked me where I learned my skills…?”

Baek-seo spoke softly.

“I’ve killed many people…?”


“I was a Spartoi… My main task was assassination… I received training for that. Under the Headmaster's orders, I eliminated many criminals…. That’s how I lived…?”

Baek-seo decided to be honest.

Woo-jin mentioning the resignation letter was a roundabout way of saying he knew about Baek-seo’s plan to target the Headmaster. Hence, Baek-seo had nothing more to hide.

Moreover, there were no surveillance drones from the Headmaster in the underground facility.

So Baek-seo could speak honestly about the Headmaster.

“Even if I leave here, I don’t know what will happen…. I was trying to take down the Headmaster…. If you stay with me, you’ll get entangled too….”



Baek-seo forced a gentle smile.

“I’d like it if you didn’t get involved with someone like me….”

After executing her plan to assassinate the Headmaster, Baek-seo had thought a lot.

Ultimately, she was a murderer with many lives on her hands. Moreover, she had targeted the Headmaster.

Baek-seo believed that someone as dirty and dangerous as her shouldn’t be by Woo-jin’s side.

“That seems… right….”

“Are you an idiot?”


Baek-seo was taken aback by the calm yet unexpected question.

“It’s better than always showing a perfect image. You seem more human now.”

Woo-jin chuckled, his voice mixed with bloody phlegm. It was a hollow laugh.

“Did I seem like someone who would care about that? You're treating me like someone with no loyalty.”

“No, that’s not…”

“Shut up.”

Suddenly, Woo-jin’s expression hardened, and he commanded firmly. Baek-seo clammed up.

Woo-jin was holding back a lot of emotions.

“I have no intention of letting you go. It might be dramatic, but you need me too, right?”

Woo-jin probed.

“…Yes. I do.”

Baek-seo buried her face in Woo-jin’s back. There was a faint sob in her voice.

It was a sincere word, devoid of any pretense.

“Then why are you trying to convince me otherwise…?”

Woo-jin caught his breath.

“…I thought you were perfect. But a perfect person isn’t human. Ultimately, you also have shortcomings, and you’re handling something difficult alone right now.”

There was determination in Woo-jin’s eyes.

“Then I can fill that gap for you. Just as you have filled my shortcomings up to now.”

“…Will it be okay? If I stay with you…”

“There’s no need to ask if it’s okay. Just…, I need you.”

Woo-jin looked straight ahead.

“Don’t ever abandon your duties and leave without a word again. When we get back, you’ll be reprimanded.”


Baek-seo’s voice trembled.

“I will. I’m sorry…”

After that, Baek-seo didn’t say anything more.

She just silently sobbed.


The Ah-seong High School detachment found the entrance to the underground facility and came out to meet Woo-jin and Baek-seo. As soon as relief washed over him, Woo-jin collapsed from exhaustion.

However, Woo-jin didn’t lose consciousness and instructed them to secure Moon Chae-yeon, who was restrained inside the underground facility.

The detachment began moving Woo-jin and Baek-seo. As she was carried on a stretcher, Baek-seo was more concerned about Woo-jin’s condition than her own. Her worried eyes never left Woo-jin.

“Baek-seo…! I’m so glad you’re safe…! Ugh…! My forearm muscle…!”

Ha Ye-song, covered in dirt, cried out while calling for Baek-seo. However, she was writhing on the ground from severe muscle pain due to the penalty of her unique ability.

Baek-seo felt a lump in her throat but managed to control her expression.



Baek-seo noticed a female student and showed a surprised expression.

She couldn’t manage her expression as well as usual. While part of it was due to her fluctuating emotions, the main reason was that she recognized who it was.

The female student had long black hair and half-closed eyes. It was Lee Se-ah.

“Lee Se-ah…”

Baek-seo’s eyes turned cold, but Se-ah responded with a sly smile.


Se-ah quietly put her index finger to her lips.

As if to say not to mention anything about her.

Baek-seo recalled how she had always been wary whenever Woo-jin and Se-ah interacted or seemed to interact.

She wasn’t wary of Se-ah as a rival in love. If that were the case, she would have growled at other female students as well.

Although Baek-seo and Se-ah had never spoken a word to each other.

Baek-seo was wary of Se-ah. And Se-ah was very aware of Baek-seo’s attitude.

“Is the repair almost done?”

Se-ah approached a member of the Dowa faction who was repairing the vehicle damaged in the battle and asked. She pretended not to know Baek-seo at all.

Baek-seo also turned her head, pretending not to know Se-ah.

Seeing the Dowa faction and Se-ah here, it seemed they had cooperated with Woo-jin.

Although Baek-seo should be grateful for their help in rescuing her, it made her more wary of Se-ah.

It meant that Se-ah had integrated herself into Woo-jin’s life enough to be a valuable collaborator in such matters.


“Huh? This is bad?”

Se-ah’s ominous remark made Park Min-hyuk panic.

“Why, why? What’s happening!?”

Se-ah scratched her cheek and smiled awkwardly.

“They’re coming.”

“What’s coming!? Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking…?”

“It is. The Ma Hyun High School disciplinary committee.”

“What, already!?”


The sound of engines started getting louder.

Numerous vehicles were approaching.

“Hey…! Ma Hyun High School is coming!”

“Those diligent bastards…! I thought we’d have time to escape…!”

Min-hyuk and Ye-song muttered anxiously.

As expected, the Ma Hyun High School disciplinary committee was approaching.

Considering the time of the battle and the distance from Ma Hyun High School to here, the committee had arrived faster than expected. They had lost the time needed to quickly escape and come up with a plan to handle the situation.


Vehicles stopped simultaneously, and the Ma Hyun High School disciplinary committee members got out. They each carried weapons and lined up. The left arm bore the disciplinary committee armband.

A committee member with a platoon leader badge stood at the front. He glared at the Ah-seong High School detachment with a cold gaze.

A heavy tension filled the air.

It was easy to guess that things were about to get very complicated.

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