I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 18 Table of contents

Stella exuded confidence. She believed she couldn't be hypnotized and, even if she were, her personality wouldn't change.

I didn't want to argue. She had never changed her mind, after all.

Even if she were to lose the throne and her fate remained unknown.

Stella's fate was never properly revealed. The story only described how the world moved on as if she had never existed.

Players speculated about Stella's end. Some thought she was killed by a rival prince in the struggle for the throne. Others believed she was imprisoned in some remote cell. There were even rumors that she might have been sold into slavery.

Because of her unyielding nature, Stella's fate became a mystery.

"Your spirit is commendable, but..."

It's not that I dislike her personality. Her straightforward nature is what makes her character complete. Fans who love Stella would respect her for it.

But that's not what I wanted.

I knew she'd dislike being forced to change, and if she were conscious, she'd probably protest and even consider it a violation.

If she realized what was happening, she might even try to kill me.

"Now, Stella, repeat after me."

"Repeat after you..."

"You suddenly begin to see the merits of people you didn't care about before."


"Repeat it."

"I suddenly begin to see the merits of people I didn't care about before..."

Still, I didn't want to stop.

What I wanted was a happy story for the characters I liked, without any tragedies.

Even if it meant using forceful methods, if there was no other way, I wouldn't hesitate.

I've always preferred happy endings.

I wanted the characters I loved to experience happiness and laughter, not bloody and tragic youth.

Not because they wanted it, but because I wanted it.

So, even if they didn't want it, I wouldn't care.

This is my goal.

"Alright. You don't want to use your powers on anyone you don't acknowledge. I won't deny that."


"But how about becoming someone who can acknowledge even the smallest merits in others?"

Her problem was that most people couldn't gain her acknowledgment.

Unlike other playable characters, her issues stemmed solely from her personality.

It wasn't due to past events or unavoidable situations.

If I openly tried to change her personality, someone might notice.

This is counseling.

There shouldn't be dramatic changes.

For the sake of the students and myself, I had to do this slowly and surely.

"It's okay if you can't find those merits right away. You just need to take a second look at others."


"Good. Today's session is over."

I gently tapped her forehead and smiled.

It's not a huge change, but it's a start.

If these small changes accumulate, she might become an empress loved by all.

I'd love to witness that.


"Don't fall asleep, Stella. Do you remember what I said?"


Maybe it was the tap on her head that confused her.

She looked dazed, not understanding what had happened.

People often reacted this way when coming out of hypnosis.

But she would soon adjust her memory to align with the hypnosis I had given.

"Don't belittle others. And make sure to apologize to the headmaster. Okay?"

"I... I will..."

"Good. That's all for today. I hope you come to the counseling room regularly."

"What?! I'm fine! I don't need more counseling..."

"It's the headmaster's order."


That's a lie.

The headmaster never gave such an order.

All she said was to fix the princess's rotten mindset.

...Though I didn't think her personality was that bad.

Anyway, since she had heard something plausible before, her mind adjusted and accepted it.

"Fine... That old... Ahem. The headmaster's order is absolute."


The headmaster would be satisfied if Stella started calling her 'headmaster' instead of 'old hag.'

If Stella asked why she gave such an order, the headmaster would likely play along.

She's that kind of person.

...Alright. One more thing to try.

"Before your next visit, I have a small assignment for you."

"What? I didn't hear anything about..."

"Compliment someone once a day. Easy, right?"

"How dare you...!"

"Well, I'll be going now. See you next time, Princess."

I bowed slightly and left the headmaster's office.

What will happen now?

I was excited to see how things would turn out.

How would people react?

Imagining the expressions of people seeing the princess suddenly complimenting others made me chuckle.

"Why are you suspiciously laughing there, teacher?"

"Oh, Orca... Suspiciously, you say. That's rude."

"You were laughing really suspiciously... Anyway. Let's go back to the counseling room. Light the incense."


"What are you doing? I'm sleepy. I want to sleep. See, I even washed up. Satisfied?"

When did she leave the counseling room?

Orca, with her still-damp hair, urged me to return and light the incense.

Her previously gloomy expression was gone.

She now looked like a child, nagging about being sleepy.

...She hadn't realized yet.

She hadn't noticed that she had fallen asleep during the practice match.

She didn't realize it wasn't the incense but something else that eased her fatigue.

Maybe she's just that oblivious.

I don't know.

What I do know is that Orca seemed much more at ease.

For someone who had suffered from insomnia her whole life to sleep peacefully, even with people around...

Even with someone from the church, who had always viewed her suspiciously.

It was unimaginable.

But it happened, thanks to hypnosis.

...Her being able to sleep peacefully isn't a bad thing.

I smiled at Orca, who was looking at me with a pout.

"Always complaining about being sleepy. Sometimes, you really seem like a child."


"Should I hold you? Want some milk?"

"What are you saying?! Shut up!"



"What are you doing, Princess?"


"If you have something to say, say it. Why are you acting so out of character?"

Charlotte was confused by her childhood friend's behavior.

Stella, always so confident, was now hesitating.

It didn't make sense. Stella should still be elated from winning the match, even if there was no prize.

...It should have lasted a week.

What happened?

Charlotte began to worry.

Stella rarely hesitated like this.

If even Stella, so confident, was hesitant, it must be serious.

...Could it be something like a secret organization planning to overthrow the empire?

She hoped not, but seeing her childhood friend like this, Charlotte's face grew serious.

"What's going on? If I can help, let me know."


"Yes. Isn't that what friends are for? My father may not be as powerful as yours, but he has some influence. I can help indirectly."


Even though the dukedom and the royal family were publicly at odds, she could help Stella indirectly.

What could it be?

Stella swallowed hard, looking at her, making Charlotte even more anxious.

What was she about to say?

"You... You're kind as always!"


"You're truly my childhood friend! That kind nature is why I acknowledge you!"


"Th-Thank you!"

Charlotte watched in bewilderment as her childhood friend dashed away.

What just happened?

She couldn't understand what had just occurred.

It took a long time to piece together Stella's words and actions.

...Did she eat something bad?

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