I Became the Student Council President of Academy…
Chapter 80 Table of contents

"Disciplinary Leader, Ahn Woo-jin," the chairman of the disciplinary committee announced in a serious tone, his eyes fixed on the documents before him.

The disciplinary committee session was held in the presence of students from various major academies. This practice was implemented to prevent biased decisions, as the position of a disciplinary leader in a major academy like Ahseong High was a critical role.

Hanyang Federal Academy took charge of such proceedings, with the chairman of the disciplinary committee belonging to Hanyang Federal Academy, while the rest of the committee members came from other major academies. Only two members were from Ahseong High.

After deliberation, the majority decided on the level of disciplinary action. One of the Ahseong High members bit his lip and looked down, while the other glared angrily at the chairman.

Meanwhile, I kept my emotions cold and composed.

"After thorough deliberation by majority vote, despite considering extenuating circumstances, it has been concluded that the student in question excessively abused his position as a disciplinary leader in a different jurisdiction. This caused significant disruption to the order of Neo Seoul. The nature of his actions is deemed highly improper. School rules and laws must be applied equally to all."

The chairman of the disciplinary committee raised his gavel and declared, "Therefore, we hereby decide to remove Ahn Woo-jin from his position as disciplinary leader."

"I object," I said firmly.

"Objection? This is unacceptable," the chairman replied without lifting his gaze from the documents.

"Then please delay the decision," I requested.

"According to the regulations, unless there is an unavoidable reason, the decision cannot be postponed."

"It is because I cannot accept this decision."

"This is unacceptable."

The chairman answered dismissively, still not looking up from the documents. In the disciplinary committee, the chairman wielded overwhelming authority.

Even if I could come up with an unavoidable reason, it was clear he would refuse to accept it with any pretext.

"Chairman, look at me," I demanded.


"Why can't you meet my eyes?"

"Because there is no need," he sighed, sounding exasperated.

The proceedings of the disciplinary committee were excessively biased. The Ahseong High members glared at the chairman, discontent evident on their faces due to the unreasonable deliberations.

The underlying situation was easy to guess.

'They've been bought off.'

Once the disciplinary committee members were selected, their identities were kept confidential until the day of the proceedings to ensure fairness and prevent lobbying.

Members from Ahseong High were randomly chosen on the day the disciplinary committee convened, eliminating the need to worry about lobbying. However, the external members had to be predetermined due to the structure.

It was evident these external members had been bought off, despite coming from various major academies.

The student council president could know in advance who would be selected for the disciplinary committee from their academy, as it was mandatory for Hanyang Federal Academy to notify them.

The student council president was bound by confidentiality, but if suspicious circumstances arose concerning the committee members, they could instruct the disciplinary leader to investigate those students. This was another regulation to ensure the fairness of the disciplinary committee, though it was practically ineffective due to strong security and the difficulty of detecting illegal interventions beforehand.

Despite the thorough efforts for fairness, the outcome was particularly unfavorable at this moment.

'Someone is determined to remove me from the disciplinary leader position.'

It was easy to guess who would go to such lengths, bypassing the confidentiality of the disciplinary committee, to cause me harm.

'The principal is intervening in this manner.'

The principal was starting to perceive me as a threat, transitioning from merely an annoying figure to an outright enemy.

In Academy City, the power and influence of a disciplinary leader were substantial. I had achieved significant accomplishments, defeating two of the principal's subordinates, the Six Sins, and becoming widely known for these feats.

Even for the principal, it would be difficult to bury someone like me without facing repercussions. The principal's position wasn't invincible; she wasn't a king or president.

If Academy City turned against her, she would have to step down. Given her secretive actions so far, it seemed she hadn't fully secured the support of the Federal Council either.

Thus, the principal aimed to gradually strip away the elements that gave me power, starting by removing me from the disciplinary leader position, which would eliminate a major obstacle for her.

'Damn it.'

I narrowed my eyes. As the subject of the disciplinary action, I had no power here.

I could contest the decision through the judicial academy later, as it was a completely independent institution beyond the principal's reach. However, this process would take time, and my term as disciplinary leader would end in the meantime, leaving me with only compensation for the unfair treatment. By then, who knows what could happen to me?

Without any valid reason to present, applying for a stay of execution to temporarily retain my position as disciplinary leader was also impossible.

It was a dirty situation. However,

'This is still within my expectations.'

The disciplinary committee didn't conduct a search of personal belongings. This wasn't a court of law.

I had a small signal device in my pocket. Noticing the proceedings were skewed against me, I pressed the signal device under the pretense of adjusting my posture.

This signal would have reached Baek-seo, who was aware of the instructions based on the number of signals sent. She would act accordingly.

The interesting part was about to begin.

"If there are no further statements, this session is adjourned."

At that moment, the door burst open, and four students entered.

Everyone's attention turned to them.

There had been no sound of footsteps outside, indicating that the four students had arrived discreetly and were waiting outside the door.


My eyes widened upon seeing them.

"What is this? This is a restricted area for unauthorized personnel."

The chairman finally looked up, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognized the intruders. They were unexpected guests.

It was unthinkable that they would appear here, given their strained relationship with Ahseong High.

'Why are they here?'

Even I was puzzled by their presence.

"I've never called for them…"

"Is it not permissible for us to be here? As a principal party to the disciplinary case, regardless of affiliation, we should have the right to participate," said a female student in a reddish-brown uniform, smiling brightly. Her smile was so pure and beautiful that it seemed to make flowers bloom around her.

A badge on her left chest gleamed, signifying her high status within Academy City.

"You see, I was listening outside, and the more I heard…"

Her eyes turned icy cold.

"This disciplinary committee seems like a complete farce, doesn't it?"

She was one of the influential figures in Academy City, Lee Yena, the student council president of Mahyeon High School.

Accompanying her were other students wearing student council badges. For some reason, the Mahyeon High student council members had come.

Following them, two more students entered: a male student with a disciplinary leader armband and a female student with a vice-leader armband.

They were the ones I had called.

They stepped forward, pushing past Yena and adjusting their glasses in unison. The male student presented his disciplinary badge.

"Mahyeon High Disciplinary Leader, Lee Jae-ho. This is Vice-Leader Shin Ga-yeon."

They were the disciplinary leader and vice-leader of Mahyeon High.

The surprised expressions of the disciplinary committee members were clear.

Lee Jae-ho's timing in intervening was pre-arranged with Ahn Woo-jin.

If he were one of the higher-ups opposing Woo-jin, what would he do? With this in mind, it was easy to predict that the disciplinary committee might be compromised.

Woo-jin had discussed this possibility with Jae-ho before.

The position of a disciplinary leader was a significant hurdle. From an enemy's perspective, removing Woo-jin from that position would make it easier to deal with him.

So Jae-ho decided to help Woo-jin. Once the Mahyeon High committee members were decided, he secretly investigated them. On the day of the disciplinary committee, he waited near Ahseong High, ready to act upon receiving Baek-seo's signal.

'Ahn Woo-jin…'

Jae-ho thought.

'I hate to admit it, but you're capable. More than I am.'

Jae-ho still disliked Woo-jin, his feelings of resentment stronger than ever.

But despite his personal feelings, he couldn't deny Woo-jin's remarkable accomplishments as a disciplinary leader. The achievements spoke for themselves.

Woo-jin's information-gathering and execution abilities were on a level that even Jae-ho had to acknowledge.

'You shouldn't fall.'

Jae-ho admitted that Woo-jin was an indispensable figure in Academy City.

Someone higher up was targeting Woo-jin out of personal disdain, which was unacceptable to Jae-ho.

As a disciplinary leader, he wanted to protect Academy City. Therefore, he resolved to protect Woo-jin.

"As the school affiliated with the location of this incident and a principal party to the case, we request to participate in the disciplinary decision process and reconsider the level of disciplinary action."

"The discussion is already concluded. A decision has been made. Even if you are a principal party to the incident, we cannot allow it."

The chairman, now visibly tense due to the intervention of the Mahyeon High student council president and disciplinary leader, tried to stand his ground.

The chairman had the most significant authority in the disciplinary committee.

Jae-ho sneered at the chairman and spoke softly.

"You're a fool. Can't you understand a hint?"

"What? A fool…!? Are you out of your mind? I heard you!"

"I said it to be heard."


Jae-ho adjusted his glasses.

"Your decision is invalid. Mahyeon High will point out the injustice and unfairness of this disciplinary committee."

"What are you talking about!? Injustice!?"

The chairman, now furious, slammed the table and stood up.

"We have conducted the proceedings fairly…!"

"There is evidence that our Mahyeon High committee members have accepted bribes. We have already secured the evidence. The decision process of the disciplinary committee, which should be clean and fair, has been tainted, rendering the decision invalid."


The committee members were all taken aback.

The two Mahyeon High members were particularly shocked.

Soon, fear spread across their faces as Jae-ho's gaze fell upon them.

Vice-Leader Shin Ga-yeon distributed copies of the evidence to the committee members. The documents contained irrefutable evidence of suspicious financial transactions and the acceptance of bribes.

The expressions of the committee members hardened.

'Of course, they wouldn't have expected us to dig into the bribes accepted by our disciplinary committee members.'

It was challenging to investigate external committee members, but it was possible to scrutinize those selected from one's own school.

After explaining the situation in writing to the student council president, the committee members were investigated.

The disciplinary leader had the right to request information from the student council president if there was a suspicion of unfairness in the disciplinary committee.

The Mahyeon High members hadn't anticipated their disciplinary leader would do such a thing.

Student council president Yena placed a hand on Woo-jin's shoulder and looked at the chairman.

"We're filing a request to recuse this disciplinary committee, including the chairman. Please reconvene with new members."


"Long time no see?"

Yena greeted Woo-jin softly.

They weren't well-acquainted, but she had seen him at the first semester exchange meeting, so she greeted him warmly.

She whispered to him quietly, her hand shielding her mouth.

"I received a rough summary from my brother. I discarded it. Let's be on the same side, okay?"


A dazzling smile spread across Yena's face, and it seemed as if petals fluttered around her in a romantic manga-like effect.

Amidst the shocked committee members, commotion erupted outside.

Soon, Ahseong High student council president Han Baek-hyun entered the room, panting, with two student council members.

"Wait! Mahyeon High representatives, how did you get here…!?"

"By car."

Yena answered nonchalantly, smiling.

With the student council president and disciplinary leader of Mahyeon High visiting Ahseong High, Baek-hyun had rushed over upon receiving the report.

When high-profile figures like this visit, the guardhouse reports to the disciplinary committee, which then reports to the student council.

This chain of reporting exists to prevent unnecessary intervention from higher-ups for minor or non-threatening visitors.

Baek-seo had intentionally delayed the report, allowing the Mahyeon High disciplinary leader and student council president to head straight to the disciplinary committee room without hindrance.

"Good to see you, Ahseong High president. Did you know something outrageous was happening here?"

"Excuse me…?"

The process of the disciplinary committee was confidential to outsiders. Baek-hyun would only learn of the decision and its grounds after the committee's conclusion, so he had no idea.

With the revelation of the Mahyeon High committee members accepting bribes and the intervention of influential figures from major academies, the chairman's expression grew increasingly grim.

Whispering softly, a Mahyeon High student council member explained the situation to Baek-hyun.

His brow furrowed as he listened.


He glared at the Mahyeon High members wearing disciplinary committee gowns.

"…Is this true? Is there evidence that those who should be the most impartial in the disciplinary committee have accepted bribes? Was the deliberation excessively biased, omitting favorable information for our disciplinary leader? Is that true?"

"We didn't know about the bribes, but we conducted the proceedings fairly…."

"There's no need to excuse yourself!"

The Ahseong High student council member handed over the committee documents to Baek-hyun. The disgruntled Ahseong High members offered no resistance.

"Confiscating disciplinary committee documents is illegal…!"

"Since some members have been found to have accepted bribes, the decision process and the conclusions are invalid. These documents are now null and void."

"Even so…!"


Baek-hyun's face turned red with anger as he read the documents.

His teeth clenched, and his jaw tightened.


His face contorted with rage.

"These people!!"


Suddenly, Baek-hyun ripped off his tie and threw it forcefully on the floor.

'Here it comes!' 'The president's tie-throwing!'

The Ahseong High student council knew what this meant.

It was a clear expression of Baek-hyun's firm anger and his decision to show no mercy.

"Are you out of your mind!? Who do you think you are!? Do you think we're pushovers!? You think you can do this to our student!? You filthy scumbags!!"

"Please calm down, president!!"

"Let go!! Is Ahn Woo-jin someone who deserves such unfair treatment!? You dirty bastards!!"

As Baek-hyun started causing a commotion, the committee members backed away in fear. The student council members blocked him, sweating nervously.

'What is this…?'

Woo-jin felt bewildered by the unexpected chaos.

"Yikes!" "Hold on!" "What are you doing!?" "Security, stop him! Quickly!" "He's the president…!" "I order you to stop immediately! Ugh!" "Aaaah!!"

Tables overturned, documents and chairs flew, and the committee members scattered in panic.

The disciplinary committee room was in complete disarray.

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