I Am This Murim’s Crazy Bitch
Chapter 1 Table of contents

Ah Cheng grew up in modern times and became a wanderer in Wulin.
In other words, he is a person who can compare two civilized societies.

The life of a single production worker in the homeland is yesterday, today, and the future, where work and people are at a high frequency, and when they want to, they can't sleep and their health is compromised.
However, there is nothing wrong with living.
If you live alone, you can eat whatever you want.
Above all, there is no danger of life.

But this was not the case in this primitive ancient China.
If you don't have power and no money, you just have to die.

Thus the past year.
Ah Cheng's life was a series of epic struggles to survive.

At least the Korean people don't draw their swords just because their eyes meet.
However, if they bump shoulders in Moorim, one of them will have to die.
By the way, a match that ends only when one of them dies is called a life-or-death decision in Moorim.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost impossible for a modern man with a soft mind to survive in such a barbarism.
But Ah Cheng was still alive.

Of course, there were many reasons for this miracle.

First, Ah Cheng's body was too strong.
When it comes to character making in modern language, it's thanks to the strength and stamina that I have to use to get through the rough early stages by following the strategy text.
Because he was in the body of the character Ah Qing who had created it, his strength was stronger than that of most men, and his body was indefatigable with his steely stamina.

And above all, the constitutional choice was valid.

Ah Qing's constitution blood poison has nullified all the poisonings in the work.
Food poisoning was also diagnosed as poisoning, so I didn't get sick from eating anything.
I really could eat anything.

And so Acheng survived.

He can't even make eye contact with the third-rate Black Sword Sect scoundrels, so he fights with beggars over the food he threw away.
They plucked potatoes and radishes and stole them, and were beaten by the peasants.

I lasted a year.

From now on, I'm in my second year of life in the middle garden.
It was a special commemoration for Ah Cheng as well.

By this year, I think I can say that I am a Murim person.
Now I can walk around with my shoulders squared because I've been wandering around for a while.
Now I have to try to live like a human being.

He has just offered the head of a wanted wicked man to the government office and received a bounty.
I still vividly remember crying, vomiting, and making a fuss the first time I stabbed someone in my first year, but now I've just cut my arm and neck.
I'm a good Moorim thug too.

Ah Cheng's majestic heart became magnificent.

It's the pride of a powerhouse newcomer who has only been in the midfield for a little over a year.
Even if it wasn't for a year, it would be about a year after the release that was the time when his confidence would leak out the most.

Of course, it wasn't clear whether he had entered this year either.
It was because Ah Cheng carved the bar like a survivor on a desert island or a victim who was kidnapped and imprisoned in a closet, but did not count the days of each day.

However, it fell in the warm spring and overwintered, and now the day has finally warmed up.
So it must have been around the first anniversary.

Days of contempt flashed through my mind.

When he opened his eyes naked and was thrown into a world he didn't know at all, there was little he could do.

Will you dig and make money?
or Would you break into every house like a game, break a jar, open a box, and commit a theft in front of the landlord?

Of course, it is possible without an owner, and there are professionals who specialize in this,
but robbery requires more advanced skills than you might think.
If I knew how to do this, I would have robbed a vacant house instead of a production worker.

Luckily, there was also a game-like part to it.
If you catch people, you will get money.

The people of the Middle Kingdom had a pouch for their money, called a pouch.
When the owner disappears, the person who picks it up is the next owner, so if you kill a person, you can proudly inherit the pouch.

Still, Acheng had always been poor.
Ah Cheng was not a robber or a killer for money.

Even if I had to kill him, he would always pick the bad guys and kill them.
Once they were decapitated and carried to the government office, there was a small chance of receiving a bounty.
However, the amount of money obtained was not much.

When you get out of the house, all you have to eat and sleep is money.
To add a bit of exaggeration, it cost me money just to breathe.
Of course, the attitude of life is bound to be the same.

But let's get out of the quandary for today.
It was a day to celebrate.

It's our first anniversary!

"Hey, Jumsoi."

At Ah Cheng's words, Jumsoy rushed in.
There was a spot the size of a king fly next to its nose.
I could tell that this was no ordinary inn.
The royal dot on his face was blessed.
The bigger and clearer the dot, the higher the fortune of the shopkeeper.

"What are you good at here?"

"There's nothing I can't do, but the dish I'm going to recommend today is chicken that is steamed with king and then fried with dark bean paste and oil. Today is the day the chickens came in from the cockfighting, so the flavor is not normal."

Jumsoi skillfully recommended the dish.
Beginning at the age of fourteen and soon reaching his thirtieth anniversary, the seasoned divination was able to see his guests and immediately make a difference.

She wears a light robe with scratches all over the place, and she is a poor female swordswoman of Wulin. The area under her eyes is thickly stained, but she doesn't look tired.
So it would be nice to have something good to do to forget your tiredness, and it would be better to have a lot of fat than a little of it.
It's a cockfighter, so it's pure.
In fact, Jumsoy doesn't know much about him.
But it wasn't even duck, it was just chicken.

If you do this kind of mouth-watering, it will make your customers feel good.

Ah Cheng, who had only been living in Wulin for only two years, had no idea of the gentle Jumsoi's intentions.
He was just delighted.

Fried chicken!
Korean soul food!

"Do you need a drink?"

"Yes! Shipper, a bottle of counter!"

"Then what about Bi Hongju? It's a drink that came out of the rain market the other day, and it's only a few days now, but it's not normal. It's a drink that even the elderly in the open mouth praise."

For a brewery that is only in its first generation, it is not possible to make good sake with empty words.
Moreover, the opening of the elderly luck was a pure fraud. <B1269> Do the beggars know the taste of wine?

In the end, it was just a verbal package.

However, the packaging makes the customer feel good.
Jumsoy is a highly skilled worker and hospitality artist.

"Here's a water system! One red wine!"

Jumsoy shouted a spell and walked away.
Shouting an order is not to inform the kitchen. Nor is it to double-check with the customer that the order is correct.
This was to let the guests know that this person had ordered this.
The more expensive the order, the louder the voice, and sometimes when a really loud customer came, he would go out to the main street in front of the inn and shout.

However, Ah Cheng's spell was not enough for Zhu Xiao to make a loud noise. It was just that Zhu Xiao had a good look into Ah Cheng's heart.
It's obvious what poor customers expect.

Unaware of that consideration, Ah Cheng was a single bungle.
The guests who saw Ah Cheng's appearance in the inn also burst out laughing.
I knew what was going on right away.

Only Ah Qing didn't know.

Acheng. It's the second year of Moorin.

There was a song that was sung by a group of legendary gangsters (meaning bandits) in the pre- ---- era.
From the first verse, it was extraordinary.

Heroes don't study.

However, the age of ignorant swordplay has passed, and the age of martial arts has become a branch of study.
The more feats of ascension, the more the trick was in touch with the world.
On the contrary, if he did not devise the way and ideology, he could not become a peerless master.

However, the first person of the previous squadron, the best man in the world, liked this song very much.

His nickname is Emperor Mucheon.
It was a terrifying epithet.

No matter how many people in the world are the best, how dare they impersonate the emperor in the name of the emperor!
It was like saying let's take a fight against the majestic emperor.

So it actually stuck.
The majestic Emperor never shied away from a challenge, and at the slightest word of your traitor, the soldiers of the world would rush in.

The result?
The Great Emperor is still the Great Emperor of the Heavens.
If the Emperor had been defeated, he would have been nicknamed a reverse heaven dwarf or a reverse heaven traitor.

It is famous that Emperor Mucheon suppressed thirty thousand people and climbed to the top of the imperial palace with the emperor's head in his hands, and sang a rewritten version of his favorite song.

The hero doesn't even notice.
The world is below me, so what does it matter,
even if
my status is lowly, who would dare to stop

me from doing so ?
In this way, Emperor Mucheon became the godfather of all the Murim people.

Afterwards, Emperor Mucheon actually fulfilled the legend of the fable, and remained an immortal idol.
The musical achievement of the era when he wrote the lyrics for Murim's favorite songs was a bonus.

It is truly the wind and fortune of the times!

But he had side effects, too.
Heroes don't even notice, the lyrics of the song were turned upside down and understood.

If a hero doesn't notice, it means that a non-hero does.
So, the bastard who sees the eye is not a hero, is he?

It was something that the Emperor of Heaven would mourn as he beat his chest in the heavens.

And here.
He was a man who considered himself a hero.

He was eating with his brothers-in-law.
He and his three brothers-in-law were proud to make a name for themselves.

Then, suddenly, I found a familiar face.

Bestowal Thanksgiving Anseong-il.

Contrary to the nickname of the Ugly Devil of the Bestowal, the creature looks perfectly fine.
However, in the case of the bestowal scandal, it was not his face, but his behavior was very obscene and dirty.

His main business was human trafficking, and he was an who did everything else he could: theft, robbery, murder, rape, arson, and fraud.

Heroes don't look at evil.
Of course, if evil is weaker than me!

The realm of Ahn Sung-il was known as the early stage of its peak, and the Sculpture Mountain was still only in its late stage.
But since he was a brother-in-law for such a time, why would the four of them be uncomfortably scurrying around?

Individuals of the Cheongha Association are weaker than Ahn Sung-il, but we are strong because the four members of the Cheongha Association are working together.
Because that's who we are!

After all, evil cannot be overlooked!

After measuring the odds of winning, the Sculpture Mountain finally made up its mind.

The hero doesn't even notice.

The so-called act of eye-catching included the direct and indirect damage that could be caused by causing a disturbance in a crowded inn in the evening.

Such minor collateral damage is only a trivial thing in the face of a great cause, an evil execution under the banner of administering justice.

The Qing Xiao exchanged glances quietly.
The Shards knocked on the table three times.
The Qingsha Brigade flew at once.

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