I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 55 Table of contents

The midnight road stretched across the wasteland toward the Golden Street. The path was devoid of vehicles, filled only with an eerie silence. I was driving the massive truck from <Svart Industrial High School> that Lota had secured for us.

‘Driving this thing is easier than I thought. It's simpler than manual vehicles from my past life and even easier than automatic ones.’

Just starting the engine and pressing the accelerator made the vehicle glide smoothly forward. The roads were deserted, making the drive even more straightforward.

One of the most surprising things in this world was seeing high school girls driving so effortlessly. Although it was depicted occasionally in the game, I had dismissed it as dramatic license to facilitate character movement.

‘I thought there was some setting where they’d earn a driving license or something…’

But now that I’m behind the wheel, it feels like the vehicles in this world are just ether-powered racing carts. Moreover, due to the characteristics of ether engines, maintenance and repairs are straightforward.

Indeed, ether is a versatile energy source. Thanks to it, I could drive smoothly without a heavy vehicle license, unlike Lota and Freya.


The silent road echoed only with the sound of our truck’s ether engine.

I heightened my awareness just in case, but there wasn’t any noticeable presence around. The continuous explosions of magical weapons in the distance seemed to have driven away any wildlife.

‘It’s unusually quiet.’

The road leading to the academy city’s largest industrial complex was typically bustling with traffic heading toward <Mimir Industrial High School> and <Svart Industrial High School>. It was often so congested with vehicles carrying dwarves and students that it was faster to ride a bicycle.

Even at night, the road was usually teeming with people. But now, it felt like our private thoroughfare.

‘Such a quiet academy city feels strangely unsettling…’

I sighed internally, recalling the encirclement we had just breached.

‘Is it because of the continuous bad news in this area?’

The appearance of <Ratatoskr>, the Eastern Alliance’s upheaval, the erosion incidents… In just a short period of three months, events akin to disasters had erupted in succession. For ordinary students and dwarves, it must have been disconcerting.

‘For regular students, the future will only get tougher. Much bigger events will unfold than what has happened in <Yggdrasil Academy City> so far…’

Ordinary students. Those who love peace more than conflict. Like Frida-senpai, for example.


Suddenly, Frida-senpai’s gentle smile crossed my mind. From late April, when the sun became scorching, she wandered inside the school, sketching with a shabby parasol.

<Central Prism Academy>’s small campus could be circled in five minutes even by Clara’s short legs. Yet, Frida-senpai meticulously observed even a single flower bed, taking over four hours to complete a circuit if she claimed she was checking the school grounds.

“Clara, have you seen Frida anywhere?”

“She’s always late for mealtime…”

When it was time for a communal meal, Nina-senpai or Selma-senpai would search for Frida-senpai. And when I, the fastest runner, found Frida-senpai…


The gentle sway of her yellow hair matched the head turning toward me, along with her leisurely smile…



I gripped the wheel tightly in a moment of nostalgia.


I seemed to have been lost in memories for too long. For a moment, I forgot I was driving. I shook off the many thoughts swirling in my head.

‘This car is so easy to drive; it’s hard to focus.’

I resolved to leave the driving to Maya or Albit next time. For me, my red bicycle, my red mare, was enough. Clearing my mind, I gripped the steering wheel tightly and focused on the road ahead.


The first thing that caught my eye was a giant white tree. Surrounded by a sturdy white wall, it loomed large, with massive stone buildings peeking through.

We were on the road leading toward the distant Golden Street. Fortunately, no unexpected events had occurred, and we continued moving forward, albeit more slowly than vehicles from my past life.

The landscape gradually enlarged as we approached, but its massive size made judging the distance difficult, even from hundreds of kilometers away.

‘The checkpoints at every intersection are empty, and nearby small to medium-sized school grounds are barricaded. I can’t even see the Golden Street due to the wall.’

Walls erected to strictly control student access. Walls built to protect the World Tree and prestigious schools were enormous. These now thoroughly obstructed my view.

‘I’m not familiar with this area, so I don’t know where to go next…’

Ironically, In the game, it was the most frequently clicked location for high-end equipment and character quests. But now, it had become an inaccessible area in real life.

In such situations, a local guide is essential.


I glanced at the rearview mirror toward the backseat. There, purple and orange cat ears twitched side by side. Both pairs of eyes, one purple and the other orange, gleamed as they gazed out the window.

Twitch. Twitch.

“...?” “...?”

The two cat ears moved, catching my gaze.

‘Loyal cats… Even if they’re tired, they don’t leave me to sleep alone.’

They had been quietly discussing magic, but I couldn’t comprehend it, so I had tuned it out.

Looking toward the unsightly purple cat ears, I spoke.

“Well―☆ I’m not familiar with the Golden Street, so I wonder how much further we have to go―☆”

From the backseat, Freya leaned over and replied hesitantly.

“Um… There are no people around… Usually, there are markings at each checkpoint, but… it’s hard to see them. I think we’re almost there…”

“Wow―♪ What… a helpful… comment…☆”

Oh dear…! Asking a recluse homebody alley cat like Freya about the roads was too much.

‘Freya isn’t a strategist like Pang Tong; she’s more like an aloof recluse warlord like Gongsun Zan…’

Hearing my feeble response, Freya flinched and retorted petulantly.

“I-It’s not my fault…! I-I usually go on dungeon explorations in the wilderness for personal research, riding the ether train… And whenever I go on joint research with the research faction kids, I’m always given a ride…”

“I see―☆ A pampered house cat chauffeured around, I see…☆”


Flustered, Freya. Cold sweat trickled down her aloof face. Her sharp tongue was long, as always. Revealing her ignorance seemed to embarrass her greatly.

Freya mumbled, her voice growing quieter.

“I-In the first place… Isn’t it just about going straight ahead without asking for directions…! Anyway, whether we go this way or that… The center is the same…!”

“That’s why we need to enter precisely between <Public Bana Boarding School> and <Aesir Girls High School> to join―☆”

“Ugh… T-That’s… Oh…”

Just as Freya struggled to find excuses, she suddenly pointed outside the window.

“Ah! There―!”

Outside the window was the only lit signpost. The dim light revealed a massive barricade.

‘Warning: From here on, it is <Public Bana Boarding School>’s private property. Non-affiliated personnel must turn back.’

A large barricade marked the road’s edge. With its rude wording, typical of beastfolk. Freya’s face lit up, pleased by the sight.

“Y-Yes! This is just as I remember! This is the school’s boundary! S-See? Just as I said, we’re almost there…!”

“Haha…☆ I see, I see♪”

However, as indicated by the sign, Further progress was blocked by a strict barricade, making vehicle passage impossible. So we decided to park our truck at the roadside.

Disembarking, We stood in front of a massive white wall, quietly sleeping in the darkness. Even though battles raged beyond, the wall muffled the sounds of combat.

“...” “...”

Lota broke the silence, cautiously speaking to Freya.

“So… If we enter through the main gate beneath the distant wall, we’ll reach <Public Bana Boarding School>’s grounds, and while the noble faction fights, we rescue the research faction students hiding in the library… right?”

“Well… They’re good at hiding like me… I doubt the noble faction did anything…”

Freya suddenly shifted her gaze, speaking with a chilling tone.

“If by any chance… that idiot Frau touched the original grimoires left by the [Golden Witch] or our research faction students…”


Though she didn’t finish her sentence, The sound of her grip tightening on the wand made the rest clear.

“...” “...”

Watching her, I hoped Albit’s group arrived safely.

Though they traveled a less dangerous route, Their mission was equally crucial.

‘We rescue the detained research faction students and join them. They circle around to the union student council and join us… Ironically, it’s safer to take the longer route.’

Just as we were about to move past the barricade, A murderous intent was felt in the distance.

“...!” “...!”

I quickly picked up Lota and dashed toward a checkpoint beside the barricade. Freya, too, prepared to activate her skill at maximum speed, hiding nearby.


“[Spindle of Eternity], local area, precision strike, launch delay!!”

Surprised by our sudden movement, Lota shouted.

“W-What?! What’s going on?!”

“Stay hidden―☆”


I gave Lota, who was looking around frantically, a reassuring hug. Fully enveloped in my arms, she seemed to understand something and crouched on the ground, bracing for impact.

At that moment…


Massive flames of black ether flew toward us.

There were at least five flames, crashing into the truck we had just been in and exploding. The truck shattered into countless pieces.

I rushed out of the checkpoint before the explosion ended, speaking.

“Really, truly, sincerely, girlishly sincere―☆ Don’t come out~♪”


Lota’s voice, almost a scream, echoed around us. But I brushed it aside and dashed toward Freya.

We stood together on the road, watching the approaching enemies through the rising flames.

“Heeey―☆ Those guys are here…”

“S-So that’s… what I’ve heard of as <Ratatoskr> or whatever… those dregs.”

“Yes♪ That’s right.”

Even as we spoke, the hulking figures arrived one by one. They surrounded the last gateway to the Golden Street, creating a massive thud with each step.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The dragon horns protruding from their towering 3-meter shadows were striking. They all scattered black ether, ready to transform.


I scanned the area, wary of a priest-class leader, but fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately… no such presence was felt.

‘Who on earth brought the power of [The Serpent of Wisdom and Cycles]?’

A high-difficulty event boss created for bored veterans after the main story’s end. How they obtained traces of [Dragons Lurking in the Abyss], entities meant to exist only in lore, was a mystery.

But it seemed the <Ratatoskr> cultists before us had no intention of explaining.

The cultists surrounding us numbered in the tens. One of them spoke with a heavy voice.

“No further, inferior race.”

“Wow―☆ Such classic dialogue♪ Despite being nothing special―☆”


Freya, startled by my words, whispered to me.

“A-Are they really that weak?”

“Yes♪ Roughly equivalent to evolved chaos bugs…☆”

“T-There are quite a few of them, though… We have a lot to do…”

“In that case, there’s a way―☆”

“W-What is it?”

I addressed the unsightly purple cat ears of Freya.

“Lend me a weapon―☆”


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