Supremacy Games
Chapter 1856 Table of contents

Back in the void realm...

After a couple of days of nonstop devouring void energy, Felix finally decided that he had enough to help out Apollo. Of course, he wasn't going to stop the deconstruction.

He sent out a clone with the needed amount to the quantum realm, linking up with his celestial form. Apollo didn't need to accompany him since his core was inside the stone of reality.

"Wow, time sure passes here at an incredible pace," Felix remarked after connecting the clone to his main form, making him realize that thousands of years had gone by.

"You have no idea." Thor replied lazily, "We are dying of boredom here, I think we should switch to one of your cores."

"Indeed, I would rather be on the outside."

"Take us!"..."Take us!"..."Take us!"...

The tenants chanted unitedly with the leadership of Apollo and Loki, resembling a workers' union protesting the bad treatment of their employer.

Felix stared at them speechlessly, feeling like he was responsible for a bunch of children.

"Fine, fine, I was already planning on doing it." Felix shook his head in amusement.

"I think there is a much more pressing problem to handle." Lady Sphinx said calmly, "Asna's core doesn't seem to be recovering at the predicted pace."

"Yeah, I noticed." Felix frowned.

The first thing he checked was Asna's soul process...He found out that even after many thousands of years passing by, which should have been enough, Asna's soul was barely 10% done.

"I knew that she is a celestial and all, but still, this is far too slow." Lady Sphinx said.

"I don't know, there isn't anything peculiar with her soul,"

Felix said he analyzed Asna's soul and found nothing weird. Sure, it was growing slowly, but it was still moving.

"I think she needs celestial energy?" Elder Kraken suggested, "Your soul has accelerated after the stone of reality devoured the life force of the Quantaar. I am assuming that celestials require an extra push to help them compared to unigins."

"Maybe the case." Felix nodded, "Let's try it."

Now that Felix could afford to risk losing some celestial energy, he didn't hesitate to pour a decent amount on Asna's core.

Asna's core responded immediately, shining brighter than a star...Then, the soul started slowly accelerating its recovery speed.

"Celestial energy is truly the answer to all problems." Lord Loki remarked with an astounded look.

"Well, it is the origin of everything." Cyclope replied with a bitter smile, "If only I was able to use it, I wonder if I can forge true divine weapons?"

"I can give you some later to play with." Felix said as he stopped feeding Asna's core, "For now, I need to follow my priorities."

"True, while Asna's core is gonna take immense time, I don't think there is a need to waste celestial energy on accelerating the process." Thor nodded, "With the massive time difference between realms, she will be up and running before you know it."

Felix nodded in agreement...As much as he wanted to reconnect with Asna, he knew that he shouldn't be wasting the gathered celestial energy on something guaranteed to happen. Especially, now that he needed it the most.

Right now, his topmost priority was making Apollo useful.

Without hesitation, Felix closed his eyes and tapped into the stone of reality's powers. He started visualizing the intricate laws governing the universe, the rules that defined the nature of existence itself.

'So, this is the fabric of logic.'

He murmured as he watched the emergence of an infinite chain of letters written in his celestial language.

They appeared as such:

???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????...

It was resemble he was staring at a computer screen filled with zeros and ones. He was the only one in the entire universe capable of reading it.

"Can you explain what you are seeing?" Eris requested, intrigued with the whole concept of the universe's logical frame being separate.

Felix picked up the same paragraph written above and explained, "For example, this short paragraph is a small piece of a logical frame behind the laws of Thermodynamics in our universe."

"If I were to start messing with it by removing sentences from it or adding new ones, I would change the Thermodynamics in the entire universe, turning heat produced from energy into a chill or something." Felix chuckled, "Of course, such a massive change in the universe's reality and its logic requires an unimaginable amount of celestial energy to even carry such a command."

"Celestial energy, there it is again." Thor narrowed his eyes, "Is it possible to change the reality concerning the three rulers if you collected enough?"

"It should be."

Felix began scrolling through the infinite lines while visualizing what he wanted to facilitate the search.

It took no time before a new massive page of lines manifested before him. After interpreting it with one glance, Felix shared with a faint smile.

"The three rulers are also under the logical frame of the universe." Felix had expected as much since this logical frame was the one setting up rules and balance across the universe...The rulers were also affected by the universe's regulations. If it wasn't for this, they wouldn't be banned from entering the matter universe.

"This is great!" Candace exclaimed, "Can't you weaken or get rid of them through this?"

"It's possible, but I don't want to imagine how much is it going to cost." Felix rubbed his chin, thinking quite thoughtfully about doing it.

Although he knew that such a massive disturbance in the universe's balance wasn't going to be cheap, he was free to harvest celestial energy from the entire universe.

"I am certain you can collect enough to pull it off." Thor encouraged, "If you just managed to weaken them, it will make the fight much easier for you."

"Indeed, it's much more efficient than collecting celestial energy to increase your strength." Fenrir nodded with a stern expression, "Weakening your opponent is always better than strengthening yourself."

Felix was intending before on gathering celestial energy for two purposes: Helping Asna awaken to her true form and enhancing his strength to match the three rulers.

After all, they could grow to infinity depending on the celestial energy in their possession. While he could do the same now he was a celestial, he didn't want to underestimate the amount they gathered over billions of years.

"Indeed, weakening them is much more efficient."

Felix agreed as he read the rules the three rulers were working on. Before long, his eyes met with a rule that made his lips widen into a smirk.

'If I pulled this off, the battle would be so one-sided, they wouldn't know what hit them.'

But for now, Felix returned to his main task...He began looking for his 'file' and it didn't take much long to find it.

"It seems quite weird to see my entire existence from soul to physical written in sentences akin to a book." Felix commentated as he scanned his eyes across what made him, him.

Just for the giggles, Felix messed a bit with his appearence, changing the color of his eyes through the fabric of logic. Since such an action was negligible, it took him no energy to use.

"This is the closest you can get to being a god." Thor commentated in fascination.

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