The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 14 Table of contents

Chapter 14: Twisting Fate


A series of commotions marked the entrance ceremony of the Pentagon Academy.


That night, Seol Ha-yeon, the Academy Director and Chairwoman of the Awakener Association, was deep in thought under the moonlight.


‘The Awakener Expansion Plan and the First-Class Villain Winterer….’


Through Yu-jin’s words, she learned about Seo Haru’s past.


And then, there was the brief mention of a villain.


…Wasn’t it the same villain who attacked the academy two months ago?


The one who targeted her directly.


[“If you just die, this country will become much more interesting!!!”]


‘They will surely strike again. And soon.’


The reason why South Korea was the strongest country of Awakeners and a nation of strong public security where one could walk the night streets without worrying about villains was because of her unique S-class talent, ‘Sixth Sense’, which could identify villains.


To villains, her ability was like a thorn in their side.


It was enough reason for them to attack.


‘To take away Seo Haru, this child….’


Moreover, she now had Seo Haru in her grasp.


An asset who approached the top of the A-class, whom Winterer had used conveniently until now.


It was natural to expect another attack to reclaim their subordinate.


…Recently, she had been feeling uneasy. Was this the reason?


The Director bit her lip hard.


‘Even though we’ve strengthened the security and have at least two A-class Awakeners on standby at all times… is it still not enough?’


Her Sixth Sense, honed over decades of experience, was sounding alarms.


The upcoming attack wouldn’t be as soft as the previous one.


No matter how much she strengthened security, even as the fourth-ranked S-class and representative of Korean Awakeners, she couldn’t guarantee safety this time.


More preparation was necessary.


She was consumed by worry.


‘An S-class is needed. But how?’


She had become an S-class Awakener due to her ability to identify villains.


Moreover, time had long taken away the strength of her prime.


Despite her reputation, if she faced the first-class villain Winterer one-on-one, she couldn’t guarantee victory.


They killed without hesitation, while Awakeners prioritized capturing the enemy alive.


Therefore, there was a need to recruit an S-class Awakener from abroad.


One who could stand against Winterer.


Without letting the outside world know, in secret.


But how?


An S-class Awakener was akin to a national power.


Practically a nuclear weapon of each country. Would they really send such a person to another country?


Would they even have the will to help Korea in the first place?


The frustration she couldn’t reveal in front of Yu-jin escaped as a sigh.




“Grandma. Why are you sighing?”


“Hmm? Haru?”


Beside her, dressed in an unusually cute animal pajama, Seo Haru approached and sat down.


A pitiable child she had decided to raise.


A smile naturally spread across her lips.


“Don’t call me Grandma.”


“Dad said to call you Grandma.”


“…That rascal. Haa.”


The term “Grandma” was a bit much. Anyway.


Her hand naturally landed on Haru’s head.


With genuine affection, as if dealing with a grandchild.


“…How was it? Your dad, Yu-jin.”


“The best. I really like Dad. He cuts my pork cutlet, gives me piggyback rides, and we’re going to the amusement park on the weekend. I’m so excited I can’t sleep.”


Seo Haru didn’t avoid the hand.


Rather, she rubbed her head against it, asking to be petted more.


She welcomed this warm kindness, so different from what she had experienced so far.


“I see. That’s good.”


‘…I must protect them. The future of these children. Of Korea.’


Her chattering happiness ignited the Director’s maternal instincts.


Yes. I am the only S-class Awakener in this country.


I have the duty to protect this nation’s future.


No matter how difficult, I must protect them – this determination was added as a bonus.


‘Seo Yu-jin. If only that rascal could grow up quickly, I’d feel a little less burdened….’






And just as she thought of Seo Yu-jin, her phone rang.


It was her personal phone.


‘What is it, who’s contacting me at this late hour….’




‘…And twice?’


Late at night, who would dare to contact someone ranked as high as 4th in the S-rank?


With this question lingering in her mind, she checked her phone’s notification…


And then, her expression turned blank.




“Two S-ranks… Seo Yu-jin, do you have honey smeared all over your body or something?”


* * *


Meanwhile, other countries were also in an uproar.


It was all because of the video of Yu-jin’s entrance exam, which was sweeping across the world.


[Korea Awakener Minor Gallery]


Title: I want to bash the heads of those who say the hypnosis ability is a lie.


(Picture of a crab holding a wooden mallet)


There’s no benefit for him to lie about his ability.


And the 6th and 9th stages can’t be explained with any other ability.


If you watch the full video from 1:12:57, the answer is there.


Those who make assumptions based on just screenshots need their heads bashed.


ㄴ I thought it was a crab joke because of the picture, but why is it true?


ㄴ Don’t pretend to know if you don’t. It’s clearly a skill anyone can see.


ㄴㄴ It’s actually hypnosis, yeah. He used an illusion to make the effect look cool.


ㄴㄴ How serious is this obsession with Si-ptana…


Naturally, not only Korea but all of humanity showed interest in his ability.


The fact that a potential S-rank candidate with a hypnosis ability had appeared was the hottest topic.


Starting with whether it was real, many were analyzing Yu-jin’s battles.




The commotion reached other individuals.


“Miss Ninomiya! You did a great job in the recent S-rank gate subjugation!”


“Only swung my sword for about three days. Nothing much happened while I was gone, right?”


“Nothing much… Ah, there’s chaos because a new Korean student broke the record you set at Pentagon.”


“Hmm? Someone other than me?”


First, Japan.


S-rank 1st place. Ninomiya Aika.


“Let’s see… Huh? This person’s swordsmanship is…?”


“Miss Ninomiya?”


“……Book me a flight to Korea. As soon as possible.”


“What? Suddenly… The government won’t allow your departure, though?”


“I’ll go secretly, without those bald guys knowing. Quickly.”


“Yes, yes!?”


She, who was Yu-jin’s mentor, showed interest.


“Heh, hypnosis, huh…”


“What do you plan to do, boss?”


“If it’s true, I definitely want to see it once. I happen to be free, so should I take a quick trip?”


The only male among the S-rank Awakeners, ranked 7th, also took an interest.


In the existence known as Seo Yu-jin.


Yu-jin captured the attention of even the major figures of the S-ranks.


* * *


Meanwhile, there were two people whose heads were filled with thoughts of Yu-jin.


For slightly different reasons than others, two women had complex thoughts.


Ryu Soo-yeon and Alice, who were his wife before the regression.


“Miss Shia? What’s the reason for your call…?”


“Investigate everything about Seo Yu-jin. From family background to growth history. Everything about why he is so strong.”


Shia decided to thoroughly utilize her position as an executive of the Cheonhwa Clan.


She resolved to investigate everything about Yu-jin.


“Well, he’s that much of a talent…”


“And… also about his romantic relationships? His favorite food? Could you find out those things too?”




“Y-you need to know that stuff to recruit him!!”


Although it was mixed with personal feelings. Anyway.


Thus, Shia started gathering information secretly.


‘Since I’m being pushed by that fox and those ridiculous claims about her daughter. I need to do this!’


If her gender were different, it would have been stalking, but she didn’t care.


Today. The humiliation she suffered from Seo Haru and Alice.


She sublimated that anger into an obsession towards Yu-jin.


Shia’s eyes were already glinting dangerously.






‘Is it because he’s my kindred spirit? I keep thinking about him. I should have gotten his phone number.’


Alice was also sulking in her room.


The soda can he had given her.


She had cleaned it thoroughly and displayed it in her room, touching it gently.


‘Yu-jin, Yu-jin… Come to think of it, the hypnosis was amazing. My body moved on its own.’


Next came the memory of the sensation she felt when he hypnotized her.


The man I met for the first time today took away my freedom.


Yet, instead of being scared, I felt good. Relieved.


I wanted more.


…Felt good.


That unfamiliar sensation made the corners of her mouth curl up slightly.


‘Should I ask him to do it again? I’ll get in trouble if caught, so maybe when we’re alone… Hmm. How should I ask him?’


-Tap tap.


With a strangely pounding heart, she tapped on her phone.


Wondering what kind of hypnosis she should ask Yu-jin for.


To find the answer.




“Hmm? Female: Mind control…? Why is it in English if it’s a Korean site?”


-Tap. Tap tap.




———She accidentally turned on the ‘Pupil’.


“W-What the…?!”


‘An erotic comic!? No, are these all hypnosis comics?!’


Alice, who used to think of hypnosis as something related to psychological therapy or clinics.


She had no interest in erotic videos or anything of the sort; in fact, she found them gross and avoided them.


To her, a flood of stimulating content created by human sexual desire had arrived.




‘A, a little should be fine, right? I am an adult, after all. Yes.’


-Tap. Tap tap.


‘…Hypnosis for something like this?! And for that, and even for this…!!!?’


In the end, Alice spent the night exploring the ‘Pupil’.


Breathing quick, excited breaths. With her eyes wide open.


‘Hypnotizing a foreign student from England… T-This is exactly like me…!!?’


That day, her sexual tastes encountered a new horizon.


* * *


Lastly, Yu-jin, who was at the center of all the commotion.


Yu-jin was just swinging a wooden sword.


With a serious face. With an unnecessarily diligent attitude.


‘The trait ‘Indomitable,’ good relations with my wives, and financial stability. It’s the best start.’


-Swish. Swish.


‘But… it’s only the first day. I’m still very weak. It’s not worth getting excited over.’


To Yu-jin, who had returned from the future, all these achievements were just the first steps.


Knowing the heights of the mountains he had to climb, Yu-jin reduced his sleep and devoted himself to training.


To become stronger faster than anyone else.




‘The academy starts tomorrow. In the game, skipping first-year education was impossible, but…’


-He smirked.


‘Since I’ve gotten acquainted with the chairman, I can skip what’s unnecessary. It’s my second time around.’



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