The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 17 Table of contents

Chapter 17 In the Training Room with a Chaebol’s Second Generation Young Girl (1)


Yu Shia felt very good since the morning.


Thanks to Yu-jin.


“Body? Not really?”


‘…Huh? Well, he knows something. Having big breasts isn’t everything! It’s not like I’m small!’


When asked about his ideal type, he said he didn’t care about body shape, at least.


To her, it was an answer she couldn’t help but be pleased with.


It’s not like she was insecure about her body shape.


There wasn’t a particular reason for her to be in a good mood just because Yu-jin said so.


Whether it was a lie or not, it was pleasant to hear.


Thanks to that, Shia had been smiling brightly since the morning…


But her mood plummeted the moment she saw Alice.


More precisely, the moment she saw Yu-jin fidgeting around Alice.


“Alice, are you okay…?”




‘Why is he making such a fuss? Anyone would think she’s dying.’


She admitted that Alice didn’t look well.


But if Alice said she was okay, shouldn’t he back off a bit?


Why was he so restless? Why did he look like he wanted to suffer in her place?


She was annoyed to death.


‘Haa. But it’s not right to get angry at a sick girl. I guess I’ll have to take care of her instead.’




“Hey, is it that time of the month? If you need an excuse, let me know. I’ll help you with the paperwork…”


“H. I told you I’m not sick, Shia.”




‘Was she pretending to be sick, this sly fox?!’


Wondering if it was that time, she asked, only to be flatly denied.


Alice had only told the truth.


It wasn’t that time. She felt terribly sorry for Yu-jin’s concern, let alone Shia’s.


In her flustered state, her words came out a bit curt.


But from Shia’s perspective?


She had been almost whining to Yu-jin, but to her, she was serious? Not even showing signs of being sick?


…Was she pretending to be sick to get attention, this sly fox?


She couldn’t help but see it that way.


She ground her teeth for no reason.


“Should I take you to the infirmary? You really don’t look well.”


“Why, why do you keep doing this… I’m fine…”




‘She’s really something. Does she want to act like this towards someone who cares about her?’


She wanted to shout immediately.


This girl is pretending to be sick. She’s actually fine.


So stay away from her – she wanted to say.


But if she said it wrong?


Yu-jin. Shia, why are you saying that to a sick girl like me?


My goodness. Shia, I didn’t see you that way. How could you say that to a sick person? I’m disappointed.


Wouldn’t it turn out like that?


It was something she had to avoid.


Even though it was unpleasant, Alice was a necessary talent for the clan, and Yu-jin was their top recruitment target.


It was an act that would greatly reduce her favorability with both of them.


So Shia held back and held back…


‘I can endure it. Anyway, that act won’t last long. If she does it too much, she’ll become annoying, and it will backfire. If I wait patiently…’


“I’ll take Cadet Alice to the infirmary.”






In the end, she exploded.


‘Huh, what? Who carries a girl like that? Is she a princess? And that girl, making such a surprised face so deceitfully? Ha. It’s ridiculous. Ha.’


Her patience finally broke at the sight of Yu-jin’s princess carry.


The anger that crossed the threshold brought her back to calmness.


She was the type to become calm when she was truly angry.


“Like Cadet Yu-jin, individuals can finish the lecture early depending on their performance. So let’s all do our best!”


‘Yu-jin is just Yu-jin. Does he get swayed so easily just because someone wags their tail? Ha, really.’




[Due to repeated experience, you have acquired the passive skill ‘Beginner Mana Manipulation’.]


[Through repeated experience, you have gained proficiency. The passive skill ‘Beginner Mana Manipulation Lv.1’ has evolved to ‘Beginner Mana Manipulation Lv.2’.]


The strong determination to catch and punish those brats as soon as possible pushed Shia’s talents to the limit.


A level that even talented cadets would take a month to reach…


She reached it in just an hour.




‘This won’t do. I have to give her a stern talking-to as a fellow cadet.’


[The passive skill ‘Beginner Mana Manipulation Lv.Max’ has evolved to ‘Intermediate Mana Manipulation Lv.1’.]


‘…What is that? It’s beyond the level of being called a genius.’


Even the professor couldn’t hide his astonishment at her achievement.


Yu-jin had been perfect from the start, and considering his abilities were in the mental domain, it could be attributed to his Ex-class innate talent.


But Shia had started from scratch.


She had been a complete novice, as seen with my own eyes.


Yet, she had grown to an intermediate level in just an hour?


It wasn’t a level of talent that could be easily overlooked.


To describe her achievement…


‘It’s like someone who has already reached a high level once before.’


— She was similar to Yu-jin, a regressor.


Of course, she couldn’t compare to him who had reached the top in an instant.


But she, too, had started to draw out experiences etched in her soul, little by little.


Her obsession with Yu-jin had created a miracle.


-Crunch, crack.


‘No, let’s make a permanent contract with Cheonhwa right now. If things go on like this, her life will be ruined by some con artist. We, I, need to manage her.’


Shia herself didn’t pay any attention to the message window that popped up before her eyes. Anyway.


“…Professor, why are you looking at me?”


“Oh, it’s just that… I think that’s enough for today, Miss Shia.”


“Ah. Yes. Thank you for your effort.”




She, who had been lost in a trance, finally moved her body.


Her first destination was the infirmary.


[Out on a business trip….]


-Clunk, clunk clunk clunk clunk.


“It’s locked.”


The suspiciously coincidental ‘Out on a business trip’ sign hanging there.


The door was firmly locked, so much so that you wouldn’t know what was happening inside.


The light disappeared from Shia’s pupils.


‘Pretending to be sick to drag Yu-jin to such a secluded infirmary, locking the door… what are they doing inside? Haha.’


What could be happening in there.


I wanted to break down this door and check immediately.


I wanted to ask what the hell they were doing.


At the same time, I didn’t want to see.


If something like that was happening…


— I wouldn’t be able to bear it.


‘They said using abilities on fellow students would result in disciplinary action. If this just leads to a meeting with the Chairman for a simple hypnotism prank….’


『Master of Darkness (S Rank) – Rules over darkness.』


‘If I rampage with my ability, not even Cheonhwa could handle it.’


Shia, who had been biting her lips for a while, turned around silently.


If nothing was happening inside, there was no reason to barge in.


If something was happening…


It could become newsworthy.


Shia knew better than anyone that she was a ticking time bomb about to explode.


‘I should talk to Yu-jin first. Find out what happened. What that woman was plotting.’


The sound of footsteps headed elsewhere.


To where Yu-jin had said he was going. The physical training room.


A secluded space that even upperclassmen used only just before graduation exams, as hidden as the infirmary.


And then…


She met Yu-jin not long after.


-Squeak. Plop.


“Arrived~ Whew!”




But now, he jumped in cheerfully, unnecessarily carefree.


Even Shia, who had been brooding in anger, momentarily thought, ‘What is that? So cute,’ at his action.


‘This is a textbook jump… Kids these days probably don’t know this, right?’


He himself thought he was acting like an old man.


Thanks to that, Shia’s anger subsided a bit.


‘Pfft. What are you doing? Well, he’s the same age as me, 20, still pretty immature.’


“Hey, Yu-jin. What were you doing with her?”


Momentarily forgetting about wanting to kill those brats, Shia tried to start a conversation.


Yu-jin looked frightened.


“Uh, huh?”


‘What? Shia’s angry? Not extreme anger, but mid-level at least?’


As a family man, he was afraid of his wives’ anger.


Even a slightly subdued, subtle anger was enough to scare Yu-jin.


Shia’s anger subsided a bit more.


‘He’s just standing there… Gosh, it really softens my heart.’


“The infirmary door was locked, what were you doing there?”




Thanks to that, a bit of rationality returned.


Shia’s eyes quickly scanned Yu-jin.


Her attire was intact.


Her hair was fresh.


Her scent…


‘If they had done something indecent, there would definitely be a strange smell, right?’




‘Just stay still, Yu-jin.’


After a brief judgment, Shia buried her nose into Yu-jin’s body.


She intended to check his scent.


-Sniff, sniff.


‘Hmm, he vaguely smells like chicken, so he didn’t wash… Ah, I like the smell of sweat. I really like this.’




‘Why is she doing this all of a sudden!!!? It’s embarrassing… Her, her chest is touching!! Oh no, the hypnotism mating old man is getting caught!!!’


To someone who didn’t know the situation, it might have looked like nothing but perversion, but Yu-jin was too shocked to react, so there was no immediate problem.


For 1 minute, 2 minutes.


After a total of 3 minutes had passed.


“……Phew. Huh? Yu-jin, why is your face so red?”


“Th-that, um, Shia, hey? Why are you doing this all of a sudden…?”




Shia, who had been subtly satisfying her personal desires, finally came to her senses.


She realized what she was doing only belatedly.


“……!!!!!? Oh, no. This is. Your smell….”


‘What am I doing!!? Saying I’ll check by scent, I just suddenly hugged a guy like a pervert!!!’


Saying she’d check if they had done something indecent by smelling him.


No, it would be pointless if he had taken a shower. What was I thinking?


Besides, you don’t even know what someone who has done such a thing smells like.


Even if you smell it, you wouldn’t know, so what are you doing?


Why am I doing something so stupid and perverted?


‘What do I do, what do I do… Yu-jin will think I’m that kind of girl….’


“Scent…? Oh, do you mean my sweat smell was that strong?”




“I ran around to buy medicine after putting Alice to sleep. I was going to wash up after exercising anyway… was it that bad? Sorry.”


Fortunately for her, Yu-jin trusted his wife.


There was no way Shia, who had just met Alice yesterday, would hug her.


He thought she was probably fastidious, so maybe my smell bothered her.


Maybe she was about to tell me off and fell over.


The fact that it took her 3 minutes to recover was probably because she fell and got embarrassed when she ended up hugging me.


Yes. That must be it.


‘There’s no way Shia has a weird fetish of burying her nose into guys!’


“Sorry I didn’t catch you when you fell!”




‘What is he talking about?’


It was a love so firm it bordered on self-hypnosis, a belief in his wife that Shia herself couldn’t understand.


* * *


Although Yu-jin’s lower half almost unsheathed its ‘sword,’ he managed to hold it in with all his might.


I slowly explained the situation in the infirmary.


“So, you put Alice to sleep right away?”


“Yeah. She looked severely sleep-deprived, so I hypnotized her to sleep for about 5 hours without feeling any pain.”


“And you didn’t do anything else?”


“I swear on the heavens, as soon as we got to the infirmary, I put her to sleep. I even locked the door in case anyone came.”


‘Well, that’s about it for now.’


…Even as I explained, I felt a bit bitter.


The fact that she had rushed over, worried I might have done something to Alice, showed how distant our relationship still was.


But it couldn’t be helped.


A guy with hypnotic powers taking a girl to the infirmary?


I would be suspicious too.


Thinking that, I explained diligently, and a smile spread on Shia’s lips.




“That sly fox. Serves her right. She should have acted moderately.”




“It’s nothing. Just glad you’re so decent~”


I didn’t know what she was thinking, but it seemed she believed in my innocence.


“Thanks for seeing it that way.”


“Hehe. So, training now? Exercising?”


“Yeah. I need to digest the chicken I ate this morning.”


Our conversation naturally shifted to another topic.


Towards the training room where it was just the two of us and the equipment piled up there.


“Hmm. Can I watch?”


“Huh? It might smell like sweat.”


“……It’s fine! It’s a chance to see how you’re so strong! I really hate the smell of sweat!!”


“Well, then I’ll open a window….”


“It’s fine, just start!! Right now!!”


With an unnecessary amount of enthusiasm and fighting spirit,


“Alright. It’s not really an apology, but I’ll show you something really good.”


“Huh? Something good?”


“This is something I’m telling you alone… There’s a training method that can increase your stats by 1 in just an hour?”




Thus began an earnest health lecture.


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