The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 24 Table of contents

Chapter 24 The Master’s Arrogance is Like the Sky (1)


Ninomiya Aika was a genius in kendo.


It was something many people said in unison.


Starting from elementary school, she began to sweep through individual matches in kendo tournaments.


Until she finally won the individual kendo competition in “Interhigh,” the largest high school sports event in Japan.


In her kendo life, the word “defeat” never existed, so it was natural for her to be called a genius.


Perhaps because of that.


Aika was the first among the Awakened to awaken an EX-grade unique talent.


『Sword Saint (EX Rank) – Master of Sword Principles.』


‘I’m an Awakened… no, EX rank?’


“Mama, Papa. My unique talent grade is….”


“Dear, it’s already amazing that you became an Awakened, so there’s no need to lie.”


“That’s right, Aika. Lying is bad.”




At first, even her parents didn’t believe her.


In about 30 years, the number of people who could prove they were truly S-grade could be counted on one hand.


There were many who claimed to be SSS-grade or whatever, but when examined closely, there were plenty of Awakened who were not even as good as C-grade.


So when a newly awakened 20-year-old girl said it, there was no way they could believe it.


No matter how much of a kendo genius she was, breaking the prejudice built over 30 years was not easy.


“Excuse me, my grade isn’t listed in the checkboxes here?”


“Pardon? We have all the grades from D to S listed.”


“That’s because my unique talent grade is EX.”


“…Ha, Miss Ninomiya? I understand you’re excited about becoming an Awakened, but please fill out the form sincerely and stop joking.”


“…I’ll come back another time.”


On top of that, the rigid Japanese administrative system made it difficult even to report her awakening.


As a result, she reluctantly chose to go to Korea.


She thought that if it was the place where Seol Ha-yeon, the 3rd-ranked S-grade, was, maybe it could contain her.


-Rustle, rustle.


“They made this to challenge the graduates… and a newly awakened freshman passed it all?”


‘Is this it? I’m disappointed.’


She couldn’t be contained.


Even Korea, the strongest country of the Awakened, couldn’t handle her talent.


Even after becoming an Awakened, she remained a genius.


“Congratulations on your graduation. Cadet Ninomiya… no, S-grade 1st rank, Ninomiya Aika.”


“Thank you. S-grade 4th rank, Seol Ha-yeon.”




Thanks to that, she graduated early from Pentagon Academy.


It was thanks to her solo achievement of closing an S-grade gate that appeared in Korea at that time.


After that, years that were far from enjoyable passed by.


[Japan’s pride, S-grade 1st rank! Owner of EX-grade unique talent! Welcome back, Ninomiya Aika!]


‘…They didn’t even believe me.’


As soon as she returned, she was treated as a walking cultural heritage of Japan.


“Mama. I want to participate in the All-Japan Kendo Tournament….”


“Aika, didn’t you hear? From now on, Awakened are banned from participating in tournaments.”




“Instead, they are asking you to be a judge. What do you think?”


“No interest.”


As a result of becoming too strong, she was expelled from the kendo world she had been part of since childhood.


“From now on, Awakened activities must be done in hakama (traditional Japanese clothing)?”


“Yes. The law states that as a representative Awakened of Japan, it is only proper….”




‘This damn country, if it weren’t for Mama and Papa, I would have left it long ago. Seriously.’


Even her attire was fixed in traditional clothing, which she found outdated.


[Sharp decline in survival rates among new Awakened katana users… Is it Ninomiya Aika’s fault?]




She received absurd articles and slander from all over the world.


Thanks to the not-so-welcome title of the strongest, her personality became more irritable by the day.


“Aika, you’re in your thirties now, right? Shouldn’t you start thinking about men….”


“Mama, I told you I’ll handle it!!”


‘How can I when there’s no one up to my standards!!’


…She became particularly more irritable after turning thirty. Anyway.


While she was spending her days like that.


“There’s a fuss right now because a Korean freshman broke the record you set in Korea.”




Suddenly, an interesting piece of news reached Aika’s ears.


The unprecedented achievement that only she had accomplished.


Passing the 10th stage of the Pentagon Academy entrance exam.


The news was that someone had done it again.


…She wasn’t particularly interested.


It was more baffling to her that people couldn’t even accomplish such a simple task.


### Chapter 24 The Master’s Arrogance is Like the Sky (1)


“Oh, really? Finally, something decent has come along.” That was all I thought.


What piqued my interest was hearing his gender.


“They say he’s a male Awakened.”


“Hmm? Where.”


‘I hope it’s not a kid-like one, but someone proper.’


My age. Already thirty-two.


It’s the age when things start getting urgent in many ways.


Although I denied it, deep down, I was unknowingly anxious.


And just in time, a man who was likely an S-rank had appeared.


It was only natural for me to instinctively show interest.




“Where… hmm? This person’s swordsmanship?”


The trajectory of the katana. The natural footwork.


Seeing all of it, I was uncharacteristically disturbed.


It wasn’t because the swordsmanship was impressive.


Rather, the opposite.


I realized at a glance that Yu-jin’s cherished ‘Zaha Swordsmanship’…


was only half-complete.


‘What kind of incomplete swordsmanship is that? Even a 5th-dan kendo practitioner could toy with it.’


Fancy moves?


To my eyes, who had mastered sword principles, it was full of flaws.


Mysterious footwork?


It was just moving knowing how the opponent would move, not proper evasive maneuvers.


There were various other issues, but…


In summary,


‘Even if the katana is a weapon of dominance. Not even deflecting common attacks is a bit.’


A swordsmanship focused solely on offense, neglecting defense.


Thanks to that, its offensive power was exceptional, but that was all.


…It was astonishing for me.


The subtlety in the attacks was refined enough for even me to acknowledge, but no defense at all?


Could there really be such an extreme martial art?




It was like…


‘Like complementary skills… hmm?’




The term “complementary skills” suddenly flashed through my mind.


As someone who was the strongest even alone, it was a concept I had never considered.


Like being entranced, I rewound the video.


To imprint his battle into my mind again.




The battle, which had been full of gaps, looked different now.


The moves that seemed flashy but flawed were…


ruthless attacks relying on trust in a companion at his back.


The excessively close distance to the enemy.


He was simply launching an offensive while his companion restrained the enemy’s movements.


A swordsmanship purely focused on offense without any defense.


It was an expression of trust that his life would be protected by his companion.


Indeed, it was a half-complete swordsmanship.


If the other half joined, it would become complete.


‘So, if one acts like this here….’


Next to him, I saw the phantom of someone.


A person who complemented him.


A companion who took on defense, allowing him to shine, despite having immense skills themselves.


Someone who knew each other’s minor habits and combat styles intimately.


A true soulmate.


I was involuntarily awestruck.


‘Huh. Where did he learn such swordsmanship? It must be made by someone dedicated to him… Wait, huh?’






But that was only for a moment.


I raised a question.


The other half that should be by his side.


The hazy phantom…


had somehow turned into my figure.


‘Is that… me?’


I was standing beside him.


Blocking desperately when he was in danger.


Engaging the opponent appropriately so he could stand out.


Moving solely for him, Ninomiya Aika.


When I substituted myself as the other half of the incomplete swordsmanship, everything clicked into place.


This was a martial art designed for fighting alongside me.


‘It’s just a coincidence… It can’t be just a coincidence!!’


“Book a flight to Korea for me. As soon as possible.”


That’s why she immediately chose to go to Korea.


“What!? Without a legitimate reason, I don’t think you’ll be able to leave the country….”


“Bojji Kkong is going too, so I’ll just blend in with him. Don’t tell the officials.”


“…Seriously, if we get caught, I don’t know you.”


She easily ignored the travel restrictions.


“Bojji Kkong. I’ll be hiding my identity and observing him, so don’t reveal who I am.”


“Ninomiya? I know you’re getting desperate now that you’re over thirty. But a 12-year age difference is a bit criminal.”






“Didn’t anyone teach you that it’s rude to mention a woman’s age, kid? And that’s not the reason, so shut up.”


“Ugh… You could’ve just said that instead of hitting me, you gorilla.”


“Try climbing up the ranks one more time, and I’ll make you a woman.”


“…I apologize.”


She even threatened poor Kkong into accompanying her.


As a result, she succeeded in secretly meeting Yu-jin.


-Thump, thump.


‘It must be our first meeting, yet why does it feel so familiar? And my heart is racing….’


Seeing Yu-jin in person was different from what she expected in many ways.


Sure, she knew he was handsome from the videos.


But seeing him in person made her heart race.


It was like falling in love at first sight.


Moreover, there was a sense of familiarity as if she had known him for decades.


It felt like reuniting with a long-lost lover.




‘Seeing those girls next to him annoys me.’


Even a mysterious jealousy towards Shia and Alice surfaced.


Thus, Aika concluded.


‘———He must have used some sort of magic. A hypnotist, indeed sneaky.’


She believed he had done something to her.


…It would have been unfair if Yu-jin knew.


Even in his prime before his regression, he couldn’t hypnotize his master when she was sober.


In the game, she was portrayed as a ‘hidden heroine immune to hypnosis.’


Yet, she misunderstood, thinking he had used hypnosis on her.


But Aika believed so.


As someone who only knew swords, she couldn’t think otherwise.


‘Whatever tricks you’re up to, it won’t work on me.’




That’s why she kicked Yu-jin as soon as she revealed herself.


In her mind, he was a pervert trying to do something to her.


Her attitude towards him was naturally harsh.






-Twitch, twitch.


‘What did I just do… No, even this desperate feeling is false. Don’t be swayed, Aika.’


In reality, she didn’t put much force into the kick.


Even so, seeing Yu-jin flustered made her feel extremely guilty.


She wanted to hug him right then and apologize, ask if it hurt a lot.


But she held back.


And then,


“Your swordsmanship. Who on earth taught you that?”


‘Why are you wielding a sword fitting for the partner heaven has given me?’


“If you speak lies, I will cut you down.”


‘Well, if you speak honestly, I might let it slide?’


She interrogated him.


She tried to look as fierce as possible, but her questioning was actually softer than she thought.


Under her interrogation, Yu-jin’s lips quivered several times…


“Well, um. Actually… Kuhk!!!!?”




———He spat blood.


Aika’s vision narrowed instantly.




‘Huh? Why is he spitting blood…’




‘Why is he collapsing? Huh?’


What she saw was his body starting to collapse as his pupils lost focus.


A few drops of blood he coughed up scattering in the air.




Unknowingly. Without caring about her disheveled appearance. Ignoring her dignity, she hastily reached out her hand.






“…a moment.”


But before she could finish saying to wait a moment,


Yu-jin completely lost his strength and fell.


“———Ah, ah.”




“Ah, ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!”


A lament filled with despair finally broke the silence.



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