The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 27 Table of contents

Chapter 27: The Master’s Foolishness is Like the Sky (4)


After some deliberation, Yu-jin made an excuse that wasn’t really an excuse.


“My Zaha Swordsmanship was learned in a dream. The person who taught me… was my wife.”


Aika’s eyes widened.




‘Is that even possible? No, didn’t they say this kid has an Ex-class unique talent like me? If so, then…’


Yu-jin had simply made up a story, but she, too, had experienced something similar.


A similar experience meant dreams in which she competed against the great swordsmen recorded in history.


In the modern world, unable to find a worthy opponent, she resorted to sparring in the realm of her imagination.


In her dreams, she crossed swords with renowned warriors of the world.


Starting with Miyamoto Musashi, the legendary swordsman of Japan and the founder of Niten Ichi-ryu.


Honda Tadakatsu. Richard I. Sammoari. Cheok Jun-gyeong. Xiang Yu, and so on.


In the subconscious world of dreams, she had engaged in life-or-death battles with these historical figures.


Although she thought it meaningless after reaching a certain level of proficiency and stopped…


At least in the early stages of her awakening, these imagined duels were immensely helpful.


Thanks to her Ex-class unique talent, they all displayed swordsmanship that was hard to believe was merely her imagination.


As a result, her experience grew rapidly.


Of course, these were memories she had forgotten after quite some time since her awakening…


‘Could this kid have had a similar experience to mine? No, with his mental abilities, he might have experienced it more vividly than I did.’


Aika naturally recalled her own experiences at Yu-jin’s words.


To her, Yu-jin’s words were by no means an absurd lie.


Rather, they were an absolute truth without a shred of falsehood.


Just as she did, she believed he too sought knowledge in his dreams.


“Does that even make sense?”




‘Well, it is a lie after all.’


To Yu-jin, it was an outright lie.


He didn’t have the mania to wield a sword even in his dreams. Nonetheless…


Aika’s cheeks gradually reddened.


‘The swordsmanship that can’t be done without me was taught by his wife in a dream? What a coincidence!’


Yu-jin hadn’t known even in his first playthrough, but the Zaha Swordsmanship was a technique Aika created to elevate him.


Without her assistance, it was a martial art difficult to master to its full potential.


And yet, he claimed to have learned such a sword in a dream. From his wife, no less.


Wasn’t it too precise to be mere coincidence?


‘It’s as if I taught him the sword in his dreams… Could it be!!?’


A shocking realization flashed through Aika’s mind.


She had no match in the modern world and fought legendary figures in her dreams.


But that diligent young man?


He must have known the strongest person of his time as a master already.


The number one S-class. The Sword Saint. Ninomiya Aika.


In his dream, he unconsciously chose her as his master.


That was her conclusion.


‘Well, if that’s the case, it explains that half-baked swordsmanship. His master was always by his side, so a half-baked skill was sufficient.’


Only then did everything make sense.


Why he wielded a half-baked sword that couldn’t be done without her.


Why someone who had lived an ordinary life, unlike her who was called a genius in Kendo, handled a katana so well.


Why she felt so familiar with him the first time they met.


All this because…


In Yu-jin’s dreams, Aika had been his master.


Her cheeks reddened even more.


‘Well, that’s one thing, but how could I be… His wife in a dream? Even if it was just a dream, but still…’


It was fine for him to call her master, and to be honest, it made her happy.


But to be his wife in a dream?


It’s a dream. A world where one’s subconscious is directly reflected.


To take someone as a wife in that place…


Didn’t it mean he wanted that in reality too?


Aika couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.


The words the young man said without much thought were, in fact, a confession that he adored her even in his dreams.


It sounded like a proposal that he wanted to marry her.


[Aika? Are you finally ready to think about men?]


‘Mom…!! What do I do!? Should I accept this!?’


She was bewildered.


She had never had any romantic experience until now.


But suddenly, a young man appeared who wanted to marry her?


A young man who was 12 years younger than her, good-looking, capable, and even had a good personality?


As a complete novice in love, she was naturally flustered.




‘Well, it’s not like I particularly dislike it or anything….’


Of course, she didn’t dislike it.


At thirty-two years old, she was at the age where she was starting to feel the pressure.


To dislike this would mean she was not just full but bursting with conscience.


Therefore, she seriously considered it.


———Whether Aika’s sheath could contain Yu-jin’s sword, which she had glimpsed earlier.


-A quick glance.


‘Th-that… it’s really, um, big…’


If Alice or Shia knew, they would be shocked and call it not just lewd but downright obscene.


Denying it so vehemently and then thinking about this behind their backs?


Wow, so that’s what happens when people get old. I shouldn’t become like that.


It wouldn’t be strange if they said this and shook their heads.


But she couldn’t help it.


Clairvoyance? She used it to check for internal bleeding.


She was just trying to see where to apply pressure with the bandage.


But the blood happened to be concentrated in one area.


Wasn’t it natural to closely observe if it was abnormal or if it was because of her?


She had stared at it for nearly 30 seconds, and if Yu-jin hadn’t moved, it might have been longer.


Anyway, that’s what she thought.




“Will that even fit…?”


Aika’s hand moved to her lower abdomen.


She spread her hands to match the length of what she had just seen.


Ignoring others’ gazes while doing so was beyond foolish.


Even her indiscretion was world-class.




‘What’s this? Does she need to go to the bathroom?’


‘What’s with Aika now?’


Fortunately, Aika’s actions didn’t look too obscene on the surface.


Her loose clothing made it seem like she was just fiddling with her clothes.


Yu-jin and Shia didn’t think much of it.


———However, unfortunately.


Among them was a maiden who had awakened her ‘Eyes’.




‘I-I saw that!! It’s that thing from those lewd comics, measuring the length!!’


Alice instantly caught on to her lewd intentions.


It takes one to know one.


‘That lecherous woman!! Not satisfied with kicking Yu-jin, she even used clairvoyance to stare at that part!! Now she’s simulating how far it can go in!!’


She was appalled.


Well, using violence right from the first meeting is one thing.


It’s well-known that the number one S-class is violent.


But using clairvoyance to stare at that part?


Then measuring it against her lower abdomen?


Is she even human?


She’s not human. She’s a rutting female.






‘That, that length of Yu-jin…? At least 8 inches? He could do those things from comics?!’


Even as she entered such hot and sweaty imaginations, she was in no position to criticize others.


Thanks to this, Alice became restless.


‘Anyway, I have to protect Yu-jin from that lewd female!! A woman who is 32 years old and doesn’t know her place!!’




‘What’s with Alice now? Is she still suspicious about that clairvoyance thing?’


The clean-living youth couldn’t even imagine the start of this truly lewd battle.


* * *


My teacher and Alice’s faces turned red, but anyway.


After finishing my explanation of the Zaha Swordsmanship, I waited quietly for the judgment.


‘I wonder if they will believe me… Even if they call me a pervert, I just hope they believe me.’


I had mentally prepared myself to be called a pervert who thinks of women in his dreams.


To me, my teacher said…


“…K-Khmm. Khmm. The master in your dream taught you quite well. You’ve learned quite diligently. It’s hard to believe you’re a novice.”


“Y-Yes! Thank you!”


“However, it’s not enough. From just your stance (Kamae), you’re at best a 7th Dan. Far from being a role model for others.”




Contrary to my expectations, she showered me with praise.


It might sound like reproach, but being a 6th Dan in Kendo means you’re already recognized worldwide.


From the 7th Dan onwards, even with skills, age restrictions prevent young people from achieving it.


In other words, my teacher’s comment about being a 7th Dan was essentially high praise, saying I was world-class.


I couldn’t help but smile.


“Thank you for your kind words….”


“It’s not a compliment. In my opinion, you can go much higher than that.”




My smile disappeared.


No, I’ve been swinging a sword for over ten years to get to this level.


I’m not some kind of prodigy.


“Th-that’s a misunderstanding….”


“So, I propose this: become my disciple!”




However, my teacher continued without concern.


A line similar to the one in the first round.


But delivered with more fervor.


“It’s not because of any strange ulterior motive, but simply because it’s a shame to let your talent go to waste. Mm. There’s absolutely no other reason.”


“Oh, my….”


Shia’s mouth hung open.


A reaction from someone well aware of my teacher’s prestige.


On the other hand, Alice…


“Well, what do you think? It’s not a bad offer for you ei—”




“Yu-jin, don’t believe her. This woman only wants to do indecent things with you.”




A sudden attempt to slander.


…Was she so upset about my teacher kicking me?


To the point of making such absurd slander?


As expected of my wife. She’s so kind. I love her.


‘Still, this is groundless slander.’


“It’s okay. She’s not like that.”


“…Yu-jin, you’re too naive.”


After gently pushing aside kind Alice, I bowed my head a little more confidently than in the first round.


“I will call you Master from now on. Master Ninomiya Aika.”


‘In the first round, I stuttered and just bowed.’


“Master… Hm, yes. Call me that in public.”


My teacher also welcomed me a bit more warmly than in the first round.


Unlike in the first round, when she told me not to lower my shoulders too much and hit my back. This time, she was gentle.


“Then, first… Is the training room still available?”




“Let’s go there first. Before teaching, I need to check how far you’ve trained.”




Then I headed to the training room with my smiling teacher.


‘Might this be tampering…?’ Shia muttered, thinking things were going too smoothly…




“At this rate, Yu-jin will be devoured by that woman soon…!! I have to do something to stop it…!!”


Dragging along Alice, who had been muttering since earlier.


And then,






“Dad. Who is that woman?”


“…!!! Miss Haru, listen! That person….”


“Hit. Dad?”








The battle between a quasi-S-class and the number one S-class had begun.


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