The Man with Hypnotic Powers Doesn’t Hold Back th…
Chapter 33 Table of contents

Chapter 33: First External Activity (2)


The first external activity of the second round.


It was a monumental moment, but I had no choice but to go out alone without my wives.


-Can I take my friends with me? I want to hang out with Haru afterward…


-Not allowed. The only person A-rank Awakener Ryu Soo-yeon requested support from is you.


-Oh. Is this a mission?


-Of course. If it were unpaid volunteer work, would I have allowed it as the Association President?


‘I can’t take my wives with me to work.’


This was an assignment for A-rank Awakener Seo Yu-jin.


It was an activity as an Awakener, not as a cadet.


He said that besides the money, it was also important to strictly separate public and private matters.


He didn’t explain in detail, but the Chairman was obviously concerned about my image.


‘This alone won’t be enough, but knowing noona and the Chairman, they’ll probably add something more.’


It even seemed like there was more to it based on the hints.


The fact that the Chairman would secretly drive me to the hospital indicated as much.


If things went well, they would hide the fact that I was involved in the treatment. Even if not, they planned to minimize exposure and protect me through media manipulation.


It seemed they had such arrangements.


But I pretended not to know anything.


Maintaining an innocent image was crucial to my plan.


I couldn’t afford to appear overly perceptive.


“So, what should I do?”


“Today’s round will involve a light clinical test of your hypnosis. Please hypnotize according to each attending doctor’s opinion.”


“Wow. It’s quite formal. I thought you’d just tell me to go around treating people.”


“Without a medical opinion, it would be a violation of medical laws. Even so, this might not be entirely free from issues, but I’ll cover for you, so don’t worry.”


She greeted me with a somewhat amused tone, as if my act had worked.


Maybe she was thinking, ‘This newbie is cute.’


Even Soo-yeon noona, an Awakener, acted this way, so there was no need to mention the reactions of others.




“I am A-rank Awakener, Seo Yu-jin. Please take care of me!”


“You’re quite fresh despite your fame. I am Professor Song Young-hoon, Head of Neuropsychiatry. I look forward to working with you.”


“I’m Oh Eun-sol, a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry. I don’t expect much, so don’t be too nervous and just relax.”


After a 90-degree bow, friendly responses came flying.


Thanks to that, I was convinced.


I was sure my plan would work.


“Yes. I hope my ability will be of help.”


‘I, Seo Yu-jin, until the hypnosis is released….’




[Success. The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]


“Then, let’s start the rounds.”


It was time for hypnosis, which had been quiet recently, to shine again.


* * *


Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Oh Eun-sol.


She didn’t have high expectations for Yu-jin.


‘Hypnosis treatment. I hope it doesn’t just give false hope to the patients.’


She understood that the abilities of Awakeners couldn’t be explained by modern science.


Wasn’t Ryu Soo-yeon, walking beside her, the living proof of that?


She didn’t intend to deny the magical ability of hypnosis.


But her experience made her skeptical of Yu-jin.


Psychiatry had countless diseases with unclear causes even to modern medicine.


Even common and severe diseases like Alzheimer’s dementia didn’t have clearly identified pathogenesis.


For such diseases, could a mere freshman cadet? With hypnosis?


Ha. At best, it would only have a basic hypnosis therapy effect.


Treating PTSD was impressive, but for patients hospitalized in a university hospital, it would be useless.


She couldn’t help but scoff inwardly.


‘Well, apart from that, he is a likable person. How can such a handsome kid be so kind?’


Of course, this was only her opinion on hypnosis.


Her evaluation of Yu-jin was sky-high.


Seriously. Look at that face. He’s really handsome.


Isn’t his face itself a form of hypnosis?


And that enthusiastic demeanor.


A famous person, said to be the next S-rank, got called out on a weekend and instead of grumbling, his eyes sparkled as if asking to be given tasks?


He even hoped his ability would be helpful?


He’s truly kind. Kind-hearted.


‘If he gets discouraged, I’ll have to comfort him. I’ll tell him it had some effect.’


“Ahem. Then….”


As her favorability kept piling up, the group of medical professionals moved on.


An ultra-luxurious round accompanied by two professors and two A-rank Awakeners.


The first to face this honor was a patient with an eating disorder.


“This patient is….”


‘Anorexia with mild depression. Hm. I don’t get it.’


A patient who looked up at Yu-jin with a ‘Why are you here?’ expression, thin as a rail.


The professor’s eyes also turned to Yu-jin.


“This patient has a severe fear of eating. So….”


“Do I need to make eating not scary for them?”


“For now. Let’s try it and see the results.”


‘It won’t work, though.’


A light prescription, thinking it wouldn’t work anyway.




For Yu-jin, it was an easier request than eating porridge.


His golden eyes focused on the patient.


“What’s your favorite food from the past?”


“What? Oh… um… pork cutlet.”


“What a coincidence. I love pork cutlet too.”




“When you cut through the crispy fried coating soaked in sauce, your mouth waters even before eating it. And then you get greedy and pick up two pieces at once with your fork.”


A conversation between Yu-jin and the patient.


But the people around couldn’t question it.


Because as Yu-jin’s eyes sparkled, a drop of saliva hung between the patient’s lips…




“You know how to eat.”


“I do. Anyway, didn’t your heart pound with joy when you cut pork cutlets as a kid?”


“Yes, it did….”


“I’ll help you feel that joy again. So meals won’t be scary anymore. You’ll feel the joy of eating again.”




“Three, two, one… Ta-da!”




[The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]




“It’s done.”


Yu-jin declared it over in less than 30 seconds.


Everyone around gasped in surprise.


They expected something grand to happen, but outwardly there seemed to be no change.






“I’m, I’m hungry.”




A patient who hadn’t felt appetite due to malnutrition complained of hunger for the first time since admission.


All eyes turned back to Yu-jin.


Yu-jin smiled slightly, his face a bit pale.


[Due to the effect of the status ‘Hypnosis’….]


‘One down.’


“What’s next?”




Time resumed for the stunned professor.


Then, the ward became a bit hectic.


“Nurse, bring some porridge. Quickly!”


“We have some instant abalone porridge brought by the patient’s family….”




“I’ll heat it in the microwave!”


People ran around to verify if the anorexia had really been cured.




-Devour, devour.




The patient enjoyed the abalone porridge, an unbelievable sight for someone who used to vomit after a single spoonful.


The professor’s eyes changed dramatically.


‘By what principle… No, let’s finish the rounds first.’


“Yu-jin, the next patient here is a schizophrenic.”


The second was a severe schizophrenia patient.


“This is a condition where hypnosis treatment is usually impossible….”


“Wake up, yap.”


[The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]


“It’s done.”


“…? Patient, can you talk to us? What did you eat yesterday?”


“What? Oh, um… tasteless hospital food? The mackerel stew was good.”


The patient’s communication skills, which were previously non-existent, were now normal.


‘Up until now, it was an open ward. In the closed ward….’


“This patient has severe depression and frequently attempts s*****e.”


“Can you honestly tell me why you’re doing this?”


“I, I just… hate myself….”


“You’re too beautiful for that. Like how I like you, please like yourself and live.”


[The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]


“Yes, yes…♡”


The woman with wrists covered in scars hid them shyly and smiled brightly.


The professor’s jaw dropped.


‘What is this.’


Treatment was this easy?


Our hospital is quite recognized in the field of psychiatry, isn’t it?


But patients we couldn’t treat with just a few words?


Unable to hold back, the professor asked Yu-jin.


“Excuse me, how long does your hypnosis last?”


‘This strong hypnosis state can’t last long….’


“For non-Awakeners, it lasts at least ten years. If it’s a hypnosis they subconsciously desire, it could last for thirty years.”


“Thir-thirty years!!?”


His shock deepened.


A few seconds of hypnosis lasting decades?


Could this really be the ability of a freshman cadet?


Even the angel in white, Ryu Soo-yeon, wasn’t this powerful.


The doctors’ eyes were filled with awe.


…Meanwhile, Yu-jin’s expression darkened.


[Due to the effect of the status ‘Hypnosis’….]


‘Wow, this is tougher than I thought.’


“Who’s the next patient?”


But Yu-jin didn’t show it.


As a result, an unprecedented psychiatric ward round turned into a mad movie.


[The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]


[Due to the status ‘Hypnosis’….]


[Under hypnosis




[Due to the effect of ‘Hypnosis’….]


[Under hypnosis.]






With every few words Yu-jin exchanged, the patients washed away their mental ailments.


Someone’s muttering represented everyone’s thoughts.


It was indeed an insane ability.


Perhaps that was why,


“Next patient, please!”




‘So tiring.’


Even those working in the medical field didn’t notice.


That Yu-jin’s complexion was turning paler in real-time as he performed miracles.


In the end, Yu-jin stopped after treating the 99th patient.


“Ne-next one….”


“Yu-jin. Stop.”




The one who caught Yu-jin’s shoulder, who had been moving like a machine, was the woman who had been watching him closely. Ryu Soo-yeon.


Only then did the doctors cast their gaze on Yu-jin’s face.


Beneath the nose Yu-jin had covered with his sleeve, a stream of blood trickled down his pale face.




‘Why was he hiding this…?’


‘Well, considering how he used his ability continuously, it’s no wonder his body isn’t intact.’


‘He must have hidden it knowing we’d stop him if he showed any sign of struggle.’


Doctors, who had been absorbed in the miracles, were now flustered by the shock of not having noticed Yu-jin’s condition.


Meanwhile, Yu-jin shook his head.


“I can handle one more.”


“No. You’ve reached your limit, Yu-jin. I’ll treat you, so rest now.”


“It’s alri-right….”


Though he staggered as if he might collapse any moment, Yu-jin was determined to save one more person.


Even the cynical professor was genuinely moved.


‘Huh… Such an incredible ability, held by someone with such character.’


“This is more than enough. Stop now.”


Of course, that was that. This was this.


The professor also joined Soo-yeon in trying to stop him.


———Until a desperate cry was heard from somewhere.


“Se, Se, Seo Yu-jin!!!!”




Everyone’s eyes turned to one place.


A young man, drenched in sweat and carrying a woman on his back, was standing there.


Guards soon grabbed him.


“You cannot enter without permission!!”


“I understand, but….”


“Pl-please!! My sister is sick… CRPS….!!!”


Though strong hands grabbed him, he shouted without caring.


He said his sister was in pain. So much that even the wind felt like it was cutting her skin, preventing her from going outside.


He begged to save her.


Yu-jin smiled.


-Step, step.


“Yu-jin, stop.”


“One more, I can handle it.”


And then staggered.


So exhausted, his steps were out of sync.


His eyes, long past their limit, wavered left and right, unable to focus.


Even the nosebleed continued, scattering red droplets on the floor.


Yet Yu-jin subtly checked behind him.




‘I was wondering if any reporters would show up. Perfect timing.’


A woman sneaked out amidst the commotion.


Her skill in filming with a small camcorder was evident to anyone as a professional.




‘Really, how does Bojji Kkong endure this every time? He’s amazing, really.’


He walked inconspicuously.


For the perfect conclusion to his plan.


To ensure his overstrained self was captured well.


And then,


“Doctor, how should….”


“…Unexplained chronic neuropathic pain. Make her not feel pain.”




As the opinions of the two doctors diverged.


“Kid, look this way.”




“From now on, don’t feel pain. Live healthily.”




[The target is under ‘complete’ hypnosis.]


The young girl on the man’s back.


The pain-stricken look on her face eased.


“Brother, I don’t hurt….”


“Ah, ah. Tha-thank you. Hic….”


In exchange,


[Due to the effect of the status ‘Hypnosis’, you have acquired the status ‘Partial Overload’. (100/100)]


[The status ‘Partial Overload’ has evolved into ‘Overload’!]


[The trait ‘Indomitable’ has been forcibly activated! The status ‘Overload’ has been greatly mitigated to ‘Mild Exhaustion’.]


[The conditions have been met to release the status ‘Hypnosis’.]


‘Good presentation….’




“Haa… Latch the trolley and transfer to the ER! Check for fever and inject an antipyretic!”


“Yu, Yu-jin!? Stay with me, Yu-jin!!”


The hospital was in chaos once again.



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