I Became Jörmungandr In A Fantasy World
Chapter 29 Table of contents

In the beginning, two gods were born.

One god was benevolent. This god bestowed kindness upon all living beings and nurtured the world to allow everyone to live abundantly and peacefully.

The other god was cruel. He believed that living beings existed solely for greed and destruction.

To devour one another.

To grow stronger through fierce competition.

He truly believed that only a world where the apex predator devoured all prey could living beings awaken to their true essence and grow stronger.

The two gods clashed. It was inevitable due to their drastically different ideologies.

With a single planet, it was nearly impossible for them to find a common vision due to their vastly different pursuits.

Therefore, they split the planet in two.

One was a world infused with abundance and kindness, a world rich in resources and plentiful food. Natural disasters would never suddenly appear to sweep everything away, and monsters would not suddenly emerge to disrupt peace.

It was a world of endless peace. And they called the god who created this world a goddess.

The other god was different. He created a world with endless scarcity of resources and an environment of constant decay and rot.

He took a tiny fraction of his divine energy, diluted it ten million times, and scattered it lightly over the entire planet. That energy caused plants to decay, the land to burn, and created a world of constant and endless cataclysms.

Only the survival of the fittest.

A hell where one must devour their own kind to survive.

They called the god who created this hell a demon god.

For a while, they seemed peaceful.

They appeared to enjoy their own worlds without any interference from each other.

To be precise, only the goddess was content.

The demon god was displeased.

He despised a world where creatures lived peacefully as if playing house without any suffering. Therefore, he instilled a desire in the world’s regulators to escape the rules, took a small piece of his own body, and created a creature.

The Demon King.

He was the demon god's creation.

Naturally, his pursuit was the invasion of the peaceful human realm, not the chaotic demon realm.

Originally, it would have been impossible.

No matter how powerful the demon god was, the one who protected the human realm was also a primordial god like him.

A mere demon king could not bridge the dimensions by interfering with portals.

But it was possible.

For thousands, tens of millions of years, he brainwashed the dragons.

He caused the world’s regulators to abandon their rules. It was a very simple task. The more he reinforced the obsession with maintaining order, the more the dragons couldn’t help but desire to escape those rules, just like the sun's warmth making a traveler take off their cloak.

The world’s regulators became corrupted.

Those who once dedicated themselves to creating a world everyone desired now sought to destroy and invade the human realm they had so fiercely protected.

They were strong.

As beings called the world’s regulators, created from parts of the goddess and the demon god, the two dragons who had become stronger and more corrupted over billions of years were enough to deliver a significant blow to the goddess.

In the process, many dimensions were destroyed, and the goddess's influence on the human realm diminished.

From then on, the demon god began to interfere with the human realm.

He established a cult to worship the goddess.

They worshipped, prayed, and respected the goddess, one of the primordial gods.

Why did the demon god do such a thing?

The reason was simple.

Because it made it easier to capture the hearts of humans.

The greatest order the goddess established in the human realm.

The demon god must not be allowed to enter the human realm.

Because of this, he couldn’t exert direct authority over the human realm. After all, the human realm was one of the goddess's territories.

Therefore, he sought to destroy the essence.

He aimed to corrupt the leader of the Holy Empire, Ieros, a religious nation endlessly devoted to the goddess.

The result was successful.

The pope, the highest authority in Ieros, began to destroy the human realm under the pretext of serving the goddess.

Among these, the demon god paid special attention to the saintess.

The trump card left by the goddess to descend directly into the world.

As long as the saintess existed, the demon god's plan had a high chance of failure.

Although he could partially descend through the demon king, the human realm was the goddess's territory, so he would naturally suffer a significant penalty.

Therefore, he devoured the saintess.

He drove her to despair with the pope’s twisted rules and painted her future in a dark, hellish path.

The path of the saintess?

That path was already tainted with the demon god's energy.

She was destined to face a miserable and terrible death.

The first step in this was to take away her senses.

It wasn’t difficult.

The item that the pope regarded as the goddess’s holy relic and kept most treasured was an artifact deeply imbued with the demon god's hatred and curse.

As long as the saintess was within 10,000 km of the holy relic.

The relic’s curse would, by any means, guide the saintess to a dreadful future.

Her senses were taken.

The people around her were led to prioritize 'rules,' causing their hearts to decay and rot.

It was a perfect plan.

The goddess, still recovering from wounds, dared not think of interfering with him.

No, from the start, it was impossible for her to even check on the human realm.

The goddess struggled just to suppress and restrict the numerous portals connected to the human realm.

All she could do was occasionally create heroes to oppose the demon realm.

It was perfect.

Humans were gradually being pushed back by the forces of the demon realm, and the saintess was deteriorating and decaying with each passing day.


It should have been perfect.

[It’s you.]


Something unexpected happened.

A tiny fragment of himself.

Among them, the fragment embedded in the most important saintess rebelled. The one who entered there was an unfamiliar being.

[A snake?]

The demon god chuckled.

It was a snake that dared to challenge him.

A mere little snake.

Was it about 300 meters long?

It was big by human realm standards, but...

[This is my territory.]

Even if it was just a small fragment, it wasn’t something to be concerned about.

The demon god's size began to grow.

To eradicate the snake that dared to enter his territory, his fragment swelled and looked down at the snake.

[You seem quite confident for a so-called divine being.]

Know your place.

The demon god, now tens of thousands of times larger than the snake, swung a giant fist.


A shockwave swept through the darkness of his domain.

The giant crater tore through and shattered his black space, and the massive pressure almost created a small black hole.

To such an extent.

The primordial god was overwhelming.

Although it was just a tiny fragment, he could easily dispose of a bug that had barely become a god.

As the demon god brushed off his hands and cut off his interest.

[A bug...]

[Bug, I wonder who’s the real bug.]

[...How is this possible?]

A voice was heard.

Surely his blow should have obliterated the divine being?

The demon god hastily turned his head.

But the god in the form of a snake was nowhere to be seen in the place where he had struck.

Too small.

Was it too small for his massive body to see?

No... it wasn’t.

The demon god urgently lifted his head.

And there...

[You're so small.]

There was a gigantic serpent.

No, could it even be called a snake?

Its size was already so immense that even undeveloped divine beings couldn’t compare, but this was on a different level.

There was no end in sight.

For the demon god's fragment.

He could only encounter a mere fragment of the serpent.

[What is... this?]

This was the first time encountering such an entity.

No matter how divine a being was, there was always a limit to its size.

Most gods, at most, could reach several kilometers, or at most a few dozen kilometers.

But this was...


It was a giant wall.

Only then did the demon god realize that what he faced was just a single scale among the countless scales that made up the serpent's body.

To that extent.

The snake was unmatched in size.


He couldn’t remember the last time he felt such a sensation.

But the demon god sneered.

Did they think divine stature was only measured by size?

[Then you’re mistaken.]

The demon god reached out.

Instantly, the aura of death gathered in his grasp.

An aura so terrifying that most gods would be annihilated by a mere touch.


[How insignificant.]


His voice shook the world.

A massive wave shattered his entire domain and instantly dispersed the energy gathering in his hand.

The demon god laughed at the absurd divinity.

[To think such an entity exists...]

Surely there should be no light in his territory.

Yet, somehow, it felt as though a shadow of death was approaching.


That was the end of it.

The overwhelming divine presence contained in Jörmungandr's words swept away everything.

The world began to crumble into ashes.

The demon god, feeling his body disintegrate into dust, blankly watched the world.


Was this your hidden card?






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