I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 68 Table of contents

Before Rota could return the magic book to its original place, she reread the passage that caught her attention. Amidst the shock of a massive tremor, she lost consciousness.


And when she suddenly came to her senses, she found herself in a boundless darkness.

“Where… is this?”




In the endless darkness, a golden cat was staring at Rota.

“A cat?”

『…It seems that you too are destined to face the beast god of ‘chaos’.』


The golden cat moved its small ears like the wings of a butterfly. Then, the voice of a young girl began to softly echo.

『The [Fate] of this world is predetermined.』

『No matter how much you struggle, you can never change it.』

『Like the spinning of a wheel, [Fate] is eternally repetitive.』

『We live like threads that emerge from the end of a spinning wheel, only to vanish as we struggle. And when our given life ends, we disappear back into the depths of chaos.』


The gentle voice was like a fairy tale being read, but the content was utterly chilling. Yet the story, echoing from somewhere in the darkness, continued.

『Like the title of a book written in just two characters, we live on a predetermined [Fate]. The only way to escape it is to wash away the title’s ink in the river of ‘chaos’.』

『Our story is defined by a predetermined title and complete nothingness. Only these two conclusions remain.』

“How…?! How do you know such things? And where is this place…?”

Even as Rota spoke, she had a hunch about who the girl was, and it sent shivers down her spine.

‘Could it be…!’

Where had she been before coming to this unknown space? Which magic book had she been reading under the statue?

‘That voice… Why is she telling me this story…?’

The more Rota speculated about the girl's identity, the more the pessimistic tale began to sound like the truth, filling her with fear.

“[Golden Witch]…!”

The gentle voice of the girl turned bitter.

『I discovered this when I was completely bound by the fate of having to fight my nemesis. That's why I had no choice but to deliver the 'story' to a person with a [Golden] soul who would one day return, away from the eyes of Yggdrasil.』

The golden cat began to move.

It… or rather, ‘she’ wagged her tail and continued her self-reproach.

It was a retrospective revelation for a girl with the same fate she would meet in the distant future, and a critique of what she called the dissertation she had written about her life.

[Golden Witch].

The child who resembled a clay ground revealed words she had never disclosed to anyone in her life.

『I am a failure, after all. I couldn’t create a ‘story’ where all races could understand each other. The only 'story' I could create was a fake world that seemed like the truth, allowing the beastkin to escape their fears.』

『The ‘story’ shared by the beastkin was the 'fear of the weak'. Creating a ‘weapon’ to overcome it… That was all I could do.』

The golden armament.

The glorious magic used only by the beastkin wizards. Thanks to that magic, the beastkin won countless wars. The beastkin were no longer the weak of this world. They were the new rulers of the world.

‘[Golden Witch] being a failure… That can’t be.’

Rota felt dizzy hearing the story.

It was too much information to take in.

The great magician, who had written new laws governing the universe, was disparaging herself as a failure. And… the name [Golden] was too heavy for her to bear.

Rota hurriedly poured out words like an excuse. As if speaking would cancel out what she had heard, she pleaded with all her might to the [Golden Witch].

“I, I am the soul of [Golden]?! That can’t be true! I’m incompetent, always a burden… And calling yourself a failure…! Please don’t say that! Your great achievements cannot be criticized!”


The golden cat didn’t move upon hearing her words.

Rota continued to plead with a desperate voice.

“If, if you are the [Golden Witch], then I have a favor to ask…! My dear friends are in a dire situation right now! Please tell me the truth that can help them… the magic that can save people! Please…! I will deliver it, even if I have to risk my life…!”

Her shoulders trembling, she was about to kneel before the golden cat.



The golden cat’s ears moved, and the golden ether lifted Rota’s body back up.


Rota was momentarily floating in the air and screamed.

Looking directly into her eyes, the [Golden Witch] responded.


『…I don’t know either.』


『The world I know only involves wielding weapons and fighting wars. And fleeing into dark caves to escape fear. Beyond that… I know nothing.』


『At the end of my life, I learned that ‘I know nothing about this world’. That was the answer to my [Fate].』


Then who does know?

If even the greatest magician doesn’t know, who could possibly find out?

‘[The Violet Spinning Wheel]… Freya-senpai?’

Just as this thought flashed through Rota’s mind.

The [Golden Witch] approached Rota, who was awkwardly standing.

The small golden cat’s eyes sparkled like jewels.

『[Golden] is not something grand.』


『It’s simply the name given to souls of children who think differently. Even my friends always teased me as ‘a kid who thinks strangely’. Isn’t that true for you too?』

“…I’ve heard that.”

『I’m rather curious about what the title of the next book with the label [Golden] will be… what she thinks about this world’s [Fate].』


So… let’s share a ‘story’.

Because it is the only way to approach the truth of the world and understand each other.


Rota was unable to easily speak.

The first and greatest magician.

The great hero who brought all the beastkin out of the cave called fear. What kind of ‘story’ could she possibly tell her?



Her sister’s dance seen in the twilight garden.

The voice of the diligent girl who came to save her.

The movements of the large flag that always cheered noisily.

And the brilliance of the pink spiral advancing with the morning star behind…

These allowed Rota to open her mouth.

“I believe that everyone living within ether will one day be able to understand the same skill, [Fate], and share each other's [Fate].”


“If the [Fate] this world gives to a person is only two characters long, then they can extend it to ten characters… a hundred characters by connecting different [Fates].”


“If the ‘story’ thus created shines brilliantly…! Surely, even the title of the book will look different! If you can't change the title of [Fate], then change the content of [Fate] through the story.”

The story that changes even with the same title.

Not [Golden], which incites power and greed,

But the story of [Golden] that shines like a radiant sunset.

Magic that connects hearts and minds.

A story that connects fates.

If our fate is a thread created through the spinning wheel.

The beautiful fabric woven from those threads will become the world.

Rota spoke to the [Golden Witch] in a trembling voice.

“I will make it a ‘story’ not to overcome fear, but a ‘happy story’ that everyone living in this world can understand.”


This world is not lived alone.

By weaving different [Fates], creating not a line but a surface.

Then even a predetermined future will entangle and flow in different directions.

The consciousness left by the [Golden Witch] quietly smiled.

What is needed in despair is not a weapon to overcome fear, but a fairy tale-like story… Certainly, it’s an unexpected idea that I hadn’t considered.


For your wonderful story,

I’ll erase the story I left behind.


The [Golden Witch] flicked her ears.

The space that had been shrouded in darkness slowly began to glow golden.

『Interesting. Then let’s turn it into new magic. I’ll help you.』


『My disciples have created a suitable facility inside the library, so…』

“W-wait, what does that mean…?!”

Let’s make it together.

The new rules of [Fate] that you will create from now on.

A story flowing in a new direction by weaving [Fates].

A dream-like story… ‘fairy tale magic’.


[Hahahahaha!! Hahahah! Foolish inferior beings!! This is the fate of [Conflict]—!! While stupidly fighting, you become slaves and are used!!]

Offnir's laughter. His massive voice echoed to everyone near Yggdrasil.

[‘Snake’!! Former god now turned slave!! Be my mount and charge towards Yggdrasil!! Ahahahaha—!!]



Once again.

With an indescribable ominous wail,

The barrier surrounding Yggdrasil shattered with a thunderous sound.

Dust clouds and debris rolled through the center of the Golden Street.


I protected the fainted Rota, who was holding the first grimoire, from the intense aftershock. I barely managed to bring her out from the corner of the library where I found her, but she still hadn’t come to her senses.


The library of the Inquiry Faction, except for the spire leading to the sage’s room with protective magic, was also in chaos due to debris and shockwaves.


And the approaching shockwave.

The surrounding students of the Inquiry Faction, who were already fearful, panicked.



‘…What a mess of a game.’

The appearance of a final boss-level raid boss after the ending.

Isn’t this like forcing us to bring chaos into the world after the sworn brotherhood has ended? The war is doomed.


I looked at the collapsing barrier with trembling eyes. To be precise… I was watching the [Serpent of Wisdom and Cycle], which seemed to stretch over several kilometers, advance.

A side-story boss with no storyline.

In the game, it only appeared with its head slightly out, as a massive hit-point raid boss… It spewed black ether and advanced over several kilometers, and the sight alone made me lose my will to fight.

Even Hilde and Freya, standing beside me, were watching in a daze with blank expressions. In the face of a natural disaster, what could humans possibly do?




A heavy silence.

It was Hilde who spoke first.

“Abandon Yggdrasil. The mission of the Aesir forces to protect Yggdrasil has failed. From now on, while someone draws attention, take as many students as possible and escape the Golden Street. Follow the final order of the <United Student Council President>.”

Freya and I flinched upon hearing those words. The meaning of those words… It was practically Hilde declaring she would sacrifice herself.


“If you do that…”

“I won’t accept any objections. Ah, finally…”

Hilde approached me and took my cheek.

Though gentle, there was no hesitation in her clumsy gesture.

She quietly brought her lips to my cheek and kissed me.


Warmth… was felt.

I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

Should I stay and die together?

Or should I speak the truth to avoid further regrets?

‘Is this how it ends…?’

I struggled… to open my mouth.

But Hilde quietly placed her finger on my lips.



“…I won’t make excuses or regrets. So, Lara, can you do the same?”


Hilde and I looked at each other… and felt that this was the last moment.



Then Freya’s voice came from beside us.

“Hey, hey…”

“…Just a moment, can you be quiet?”

“…Don’t interfere.”

“No, you crazy yuri couples, look, look to the side…!”



When we turned our gaze to the side.

There was a golden cat wagging its tail. From that strange creature, a subtle golden ether was emanating.

『Getting along well.』



『I never thought this era’s ‘saint’ would have such tastes…』



And then…


That golden ether was being absorbed by me. And from the branch-shaped scar on my neck… golden flower patterns began to emerge.

“Golden… flowers?”

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