I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 74 Table of contents

The golden cat lazily wagged its tail.
The [Golden Witch] spoke to us in a calm voice.

『Was I interrupting?』



‘Is that even a question?’

I almost blurted out those words, but…


The warmth that lingered in my mouth.
As I instinctively swallowed my saliva to speak, I felt a vague sense of foreignness, and my mind began to feel dazed, leaving me unable to say anything.

This isn’t my saliva.


I had kissed.
Hilde and I had definitely kissed.

Realizing it clearly, my heart started pounding now.

The lingering warmth felt through the mucous membranes.
Something warm and damp had definitely touched the inside of my lips. Something I thought shouldn’t be touched had clearly met. Clumsily, but while feeling each other’s pulse, our lips overlapped and craved each other.

We craved each other’s affection and shared a space not permitted to others. I vaguely understood what the phrase “melting feeling” commonly found in third-rate erotic novels meant.


My heart pounded as if it would burst, my body felt warm, and my head grew hot. Knowing well what this chest-tightening feeling was… made it even more embarrassing.


And what was even more embarrassing was that, having become Clara, it was the first time I showed such a disheveled appearance in front of someone else.

‘If only Hilde were here alone…’

…Even during my time as a man, I had never shown such excitement to others. But showing it like this in this form made it unnecessarily embarrassing.

I glanced at the [Golden Witch].



She let out a cat’s cry, perhaps giving us time to collect ourselves, and quietly watched.


Even during the fight with Ophnir, I didn’t mind if my skirt flipped up. Yet now I stood with my knees inward, adjusting my clothes, feeling self-conscious.

Surely there’s no smell?
Ha… This is driving me crazy.

Even Hilde, who shared the same experience, didn’t seem as heated as me; she merely touched her lips, glancing sideways. She even smacked her lips, causing quite a commotion.

‘Or is she not the type to feel embarrassed over something like this…?’

Indeed, Hilde comes from a wealthy family… and receives all sorts of attention at school, so she probably isn’t too sensitive about privacy.


Although I’m older in actual age, I feel strangely defeated. If we’ve gone through with it, I wish she would at least share in this embarrassment.

‘The scenery is also unnecessarily romantic, and maybe Clara’s emotional points kicked in. Clara, you were an easy woman… Though I’m one thing, with the pretty filter on top of it, it’s become an even more embarrassing sight.’

Zhuge Liang is impressive. Even when he was attacked while spending a passionate time with a married woman, he remained calm and didn’t flee, even as Joang and Zhenwei died.

I want to learn that boldness.

‘Please…! Please pretend you didn’t see anything…!’

I kept crossing my legs, trying to act naturally but eventually gave up. Finally, while fastening my coat buttons, I spoke to the [Golden Witch] in a feigned casual tone.

“Aha—☆ The timing was… just… unfortunate…!”

The [Golden Witch] nodded, looking at the sunset. The sunset was faintly visible through her gradually becoming transparent cat form.

She was slowly fading away.

『…Yes, it seems so. But now I don’t have much time left. I used all my ether to create a new magic after stopping the [Serpent of Wisdom and Cycle].』

“…I see☆”

『I’ve already said everything I could to the children in the Sage’s Room… it’s time for me to step back.』


The [Golden Witch] perked her ears as she looked at the distant, lonesome sunset. Somehow, she seemed like she was about to embark on an adventure, exploring this world again.


『My story has already ended. This is merely a note written on the few remaining pages; the rest of the story must be continued by the children left behind.』


『Originally, I had left power for the moment to face the [Dragon Crouching in the Abyss] that we couldn’t defeat and had to seal… but ultimately, due to ‘his’ choice, even the [Serpent of Wisdom and Cycle] rose. Perhaps even another beast god, the [Vengeful Wolf], might awaken.』

At the mention of ‘he,’ Hilde reacted and questioned the [Golden Witch].

“The prophet that Lara asked about… are you talking about him?”

『Yes, though you’ve already heard the important parts earlier…』


The [Golden Witch]'s ears lightly fluttered, as if recalling winds from the past.

『A very… gentle man, whom all four of us relied on… And a man who was hurt by our ‘sacrifice.’ Apart from the fact that he came from ‘another universe,’ we don’t know much. He would always listen to our stories.』

“…I see.”

『…However, the fact that the children with the [Destiny] we had are all gathered here at this moment isn’t a coincidence.』


『Above all, a child who inherited the [Destiny] of the girl whose name is now forgotten—the [Saint of Sacrifice]—is here.』

The [Golden Witch] looked at me and said.

『The destiny to erase even that name and dedicate oneself to the world… The [Saint of Sacrifice] of this era, are you ready to accept that destiny?』


『Can you endure the irrationality that your [Destiny] might push you down the path of ‘sacrifice,’ even if you don’t intend it?』


Her voice carried concern. And under the [Golden Witch]'s statue, the last name someone had faintly inscribed.

[Saint of Sacrifice].

Even I, who knew the original work, was unaware of this alias.

I didn’t fully grasp its meaning.


Hero, rider, witch… and saint.
A character whose alias was written alongside [The Destiny of Three Heroes]. If there was someone who inherited that [Destiny], it could only be me.

‘After all… <Central Prism Academy> was the protagonist’s school in this game.’

The last character belonging to the protagonist’s school having a hidden plot was inevitable.

The girl who was completely forgotten at some point in the original game.

It’s surprising that such an absurd gag character had the role of the [Saint of Sacrifice].

‘Well, it’s no longer surprising that there are hidden plots in this world that I didn’t know about.’

Having seen the existence of ‘Urd’… I had no choice but to accept that she, too, had some significant role.

‘Probably, the fact that I, who died from overwork, was reborn into Clara’s body… and that in this world, I could overcome the weapon aptitude of the ‘original Clara’ and defeat the [Priest of Erosion]…’

It was thanks to the sacrifice of the girl who even gave up her name to completely step aside for my foreign soul, an outsider in this world.

I am here thanks to Clara, the [Saint of Sacrifice]. And… that [Destiny] of ‘sacrifice’ still remained with ‘me.’

What should I ‘sacrifice’ for?


It’s already decided.

What I wish for is a happy ending where everyone can smile.

‘And a happy ending where I can meet the seniors I can’t see now again.’

I spoke as I looked at the [Golden Witch], who was slowly fading.

“Of course—♪ The important thing is the ‘story’ over [Destiny], right? It’d be troubling if the person who said that didn’t stick to it☆ Leave the ‘prophet’ and <Ratatoskr> to me—☆”


The [Golden Witch] quietly prayed while looking at me.

『I hope that your ‘sacrifice’… isn’t as painful as hers, and that you can smile with those left behind…』

“Leave it to me—☆ If it comes to it, I can just fight together with Hilde or friends here~☆ Just like this time, I’ll defeat them all swiftly!”


Hilde looked at me with worried eyes. But I smiled brightly so that neither Hilde nor the [Golden Witch]'s avatar would worry until the end.

There’s still much I don’t know.
But I, too, long for a happy ending beyond [Destiny].

I laughed loudly enough to echo beyond the sunset.

“Aha—☆ Don’t worry too much~”

『…Yes. Thank you.』

The [Golden Witch] listened to my laughter and looked back at the sunset.


The sky turned entirely golden, transforming the city into gold. All memories were also painted in gold, shimmering faintly.


Though our story was still ongoing,
The story left by the [Golden Witch] was turning to its last page.


The [Golden Witch] wrote that final golden page.

- May your lover, friends, and everyone be happy… May your story be remembered by all. The miracle caused by the ‘Destiny’ of ‘sacrifice’… May it bring happiness to everyone, including you…

The shimmering gold.
The scattering ether.
The golden murals that vanished like a dream of one night.

And so,
The golden cat disappeared into the dazzling sunset.

The slowly disappearing golden fragments transformed into the form of a little girl, an awkward magician, an experienced adventurer, a mature woman, and then changed back into a small golden cat and ran off.

The story of the little girl who ran out of the cave 1500 years ago… came to an end in the golden sunset.


Hilde and I looked at the sunset for a moment and then climbed down from the ‘serpent’s’ body, which was now completely crumbled and gone.

Now it was time to clean up many things.

Rota stepped outside the library of the Exploration Faction and looked up at the sky where the sunset was already setting.


In her arms was the first magic book, now emptied of all golden letters. She resolved to write her own story here from now on.

Murmur, murmur

Voices faintly audible around her.
Even the students of the Exploration Faction were excited, ready to start new research aligned with the newly discovered magic.

Not that no one cared that Rota was leaving with the first magic book. But having seen her achievements, most acknowledged her ownership.

More importantly, the fact that she was personally designated as a successor by the [Golden Witch] played a significant role.

Rota lightly left the buzzing library behind and walked forward.

“…I should return to my senior.”

Albit and Kara stood before the dozens of magical armor weapons that had turned to scrap and Andrea being dragged away unconscious, looking at the sunset.


Numerous noises.
Behind them, the <United Student Council>, <Aesir Girls’ High School>… and many ordinary students were dealing with the aftermath of the incident.

Amidst this, Kara suddenly muttered.

“But where is Comrade Senior?”

“Well, seeing as the ‘serpent’ no longer moves, the incident seems to be resolved.”

Albit scratched her head with a troubled expression. Kara congratulated her for something she couldn’t mention during the battle.

“By the way, congratulations. To think you’ve reached the realm of [Wave Ether] amidst all the chaos. It seems like an unprecedented growth speed!”

“Well, you see… Suddenly, a ‘hawk’ came to mind…”

“A hawk?”

“Uh… I don’t know, honestly.”

“Then who does?”

“That’s a good question…”

The two remained silent for a while.

“We should go find Comrade Senior.”

“Yeah, let’s go talk to our senior.”

“There seems to be much to talk about. Heh… It’s been a tumultuous night…”

“I agree…”

A week in the Golden Street.
During that time, the <Central Prism Academy> party stayed in the <United Student Council> building, which hadn’t been destroyed even by the [Serpent of Wisdom and Cycle]'s attack.

Amidst the busy aftermath, Hilde and I frequently met and talked.

We laughed, sulked, and shared many stories. And so, for the first time in this world, there was someone who heard all my stories.

My past life and this life.
Secrets and misunderstandings.
After sharing all the stories, the conclusion we reached was…

“I love you, Lara.”
“Y-Yeah…☆ Me too.”

…That’s how it became.
And upon seeing this, the juniors all wore dumbfounded expressions and screamed in shock.

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