I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 173 Table of contents


While I'm trying to access the chapters closed behind the 18+ icon on Novelpia, which is not so easy due to the lack of a Korean phone number, I decided to skip chapters 171 and 172 for now, and continue translating from chapter 173. As soon as I get through to the administration of Novelpia, the missing chapters will be published!


After Everything Was Over, in the Bathtub



In the warm water heated by Sally, I quietly met Ethan’s gaze in the bathtub. We sat facing each other, each leaning against opposite ends of the tub, with our knees drawn up.

I tried to cover various parts of my body with my knees and feet, avoiding Ethan’s gaze.

…How did it come to this?

It had all started so innocently. I was merely helping Ethan relieve his sexual tension using my "hands."

However, when I came to my senses, I realized I had not only shown my naked body to Ethan but also ended up receiving his climax on my body.

As the act came to an end, a cold feeling washed over me, and my mind became oddly cluttered.

'I didn’t intend for things to go this far.'

I hadn’t planned to show Ethan the lower half of my naked body. The upper part was something he had seen plenty of times before, so I wasn't too concerned about showing it again. But the lower part was only exposed because the towel slipped away.

Had I known this would happen, I would have at least worn some underwear before getting in.

And even though Ethan, conscious of my reaction, had removed his own towel to reveal himself entirely, it felt strange for me, his personal maid, to pick up my towel and cover myself again.

After all, I had only shown it to him; I hadn’t let him touch it, so technically, I was still barely safe...

'No, thinking about it, it’s not really safe, is it?'

If we continued to progress this hastily, there was a real chance we might cross a line before graduating from the academy.

I should have exercised more restraint somehow.

Even if it was a bit awkward, perhaps it would have been better to tell him he could quietly remove his pants on the bed in exchange for his complete victory.

Of course, that would have been embarrassing as well, but at least I wouldn't have to bear the shame of showing my naked body.



Knowing full well there was no point in covering up after already showing everything, I still tried to push my body further into the corner of the tub.

As the awkward silence lingered, Ethan’s voice reached my ears.


Ethan’s voice sounded slightly more subdued than usual, probably due to the acoustics of the bathroom.

I tried to maintain my composure, ignoring the faint dizziness from the bath’s heat, and responded to him as calmly as I could.

"Yes, Young Master Ethan."

"...Thank you for today."


"I didn’t expect you to do all this for me, Lilith. I did expect a reward for my complete victory, but I didn’t expect you to go this far."

Of course, you didn’t. I didn’t expect myself to go this far, either.

Looking back, entering the bathroom with just a towel on might not have been the best idea.

I had subconsciously felt that the rewards between Ethan and me were becoming more intense lately. Even though I knew in my head that this was not right.

…I need to make sure this doesn’t happen again next time.

"...This is as far as it goes, Young Master Ethan."


"Even if you win against your master in a duel next time, I cannot offer a reward beyond this."

"...What do you mean?"

"I heard that from the next duel, your master will be using both his magical and physical powers against you."

"...That's right."

"It will undoubtedly be much more challenging to win compared to previous duels, but even if you manage to win, I would prefer it if you did not expect anything more than what you received today."

"...Oh, that’s what you meant?"

"Yes. Let me remind you once again: I absolutely cannot allow any intimate relations between a man and a woman before graduating from the academy."

"...Oh, I understand, Lilith."

I was sure Ethan understood me, given how firmly I had spoken.

Since my actual mental age was much older, it was only right for me, the elder, to set boundaries in situations like this.

Maintaining boundaries while acting as temporary lovers was definitely not an easy task.

Ethan’s Thoughts

"...Even if you manage to win, I would prefer it if you did not expect anything more than what you received today."

"...Oh, that’s what you meant?"

"Yes. Let me remind you once again: I absolutely cannot allow any intimate relations between a man and a woman before graduating from the academy."

"...Oh, I understand, Lilith."

As Lilith, who believed she had set a clear boundary while wrestling with confusing emotions, spoke, Ethan quietly reflected.

Today was the first time he had entered the bathroom naked with Lilith and experienced the sensation of climax through her hand.

Recalling today’s experience in his mind, Ethan pondered her words.

'So this much is allowed. I thought we’d just go back to groping her breasts…'

Without realizing it, Lilith had reignited Ethan’s motivation to grow further.

One Week Later

A week passed after I first gave Ethan his "complete victory reward" in the bathroom.

The second semester of my first year in Luminor Academy’s Magic Department was progressing without any major issues.

Though Ethan and I felt awkward until the day after the bath incident, we returned to our usual selves within a few days.

The potion transaction for the end-of-semester hunting festival with Lizzy, with whom I had resumed contact through the student council, was also proceeding smoothly.

'Looks like this semester will end uneventfully too.'

After all, dealing with constant incidents and accidents was the hero’s job, not mine.

Even though I had transmigrated into Lilith, I was no longer Ethan’s slave or a tragic heroine.

As long as I didn’t interfere with the main story, I should only experience ordinary events typical for a student at the academy. …It was just that things had gone awry, leading to recent crises.

The defeat of the Kraken of the Abyss was meant to be the hero’s task, not mine...

Thoughts About the Hero

'By the way, I wonder if the hero is doing alright?'

By defeating the Kraken of the Abyss, I unintentionally stole a major experience event from the hero.

While there were plenty of ways to gain experience in Luminor Academy, even without large events like defeating the Kraken of the Abyss, I wasn’t sure if Gyeongmwajogyegigwat felt the same way.

And if the hero’s target was Agnes, then missing out on a major affection event could lead to resentment toward me and Ethan.

'I wish I could find out what the hero thinks of me and Ethan.'

Thinking about this, I made my way to Ethan’s fencing department building after my morning classes finished early. Just then, the person I was most familiar with from the hero’s group appeared.

Approaching her from behind, I cheerfully greeted the girl with pink hair and a pristine white priestess robe.

"Haaah… How can I reveal that Lilith is the true saint without any trouble…"

"Hello, Saint Seriste."

"Eek, kyahaaa?!"


As soon as I called out to her, Seriste leapt back in surprise.

Startled by her reaction, I also took a step back involuntarily.

Seriste, looking ten times more shocked than me, clasped her hands over her chest and fixed her gaze on me.

"Huff, huff, huff…."


"Did…did you hear?"


"...N-no! If you didn't hear, then it’s nothing to do with you, Lilith…"

She seemed to be muttering something to herself, but whatever it was, she clearly didn’t want anyone else to hear it.

Maybe she was contemplating asking the hero out on a date and was practicing how to say it to herself.

Knowing Seriste’s character, it would make sense for her to be mumbling about something like that. After all, her shy side as a girl in love was a key part of her identity in the game.

Remembering the image of her from the original game, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.


"Eek?! I'm sorry…! So you did hear?!"


"Under the goddess's name, I mustn't deceive anyone. I can’t change what's already done, but I need to reveal my true feelings soon…"

"Please calm down, Saint! I don’t know what’s troubling you, but please place your hands on your chest and take a deep breath!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…"

"Slower, please, Saint. Take it slower."

"Whooo…. Whooo…."

...I hope I didn’t do anything weird to her while I was staying at the church.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t think of anything. I remembered receiving treatment quietly and leaving as soon as I could.

Or maybe it was because she thought I had overheard her muttering.

Either way, I needed to calm her down to have a proper conversation.

"I really didn’t hear what you were muttering about earlier, so please don’t worry, Saint Seriste."

"What? Then what was that smile about…"

"I was simply happy to see you, Saint. After all, you saved my life."

"...Ah, ahh…. So that’s what that smile was about… Phew, whoo…."

"I apologize if my approach caused you any distress, Saint."

"N-no…! I was just mistaken. Haha…."

For some reason, her reactions felt awkward today.

Based on her flustered expression, it seemed like she was hiding something from me.

Given her character, which wasn't accustomed to hiding things, this was probably the case.

She was one of the easiest characters to read in the game. Despite pretending to be the "Prophetic Saint," she seemed more like she should have been titled the "Pure Saint."

…Regardless of whether Seriste was truly hiding something from me, it didn’t concern me much.

As I often said, I had no intention of getting involved with the main characters of Luminor Academy more than necessary.

The hero was no different, and Saint Seriste, if you think about it, was also a high-risk individual for me.

Clarifying with Seriste

Nevertheless, I approached her only to confirm one thing.

I wanted to ensure that Gyeongmwajogyegigwat didn’t hold any grudges against Ethan and me for the previous incident.

If I didn’t address this now, the hero might harbor unintended resentment towards us later.

"Um, Saint Seriste. Since we've met, may I ask you a question, if it’s not too much trouble?"

"Y-Yes...? A question...?"

"Yes. If it’s too difficult, you don’t have to answer."

"Oh, okay..."

"...Actually, it’s more about the hero than you, Saint."


"Could I ask if the hero has mentioned anything about me or Young Master Ethan recently?"


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