The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 477 Table of contents
  1. Hang in There, Emi! Stop the Falling Sky Kingdom!


* * *


“Muheeeh, muheeeh, muheeeh!!”

“Muheeeh, muheeeh, muheeeh!!”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s wrong, what’s wrong?”


That day, at that time, Haruitchi, a livestock farmer who runs a Mekena ranch on ‘Farm One’, which has been in his family for generations, tilted his head while cleaning the barn.

The Mekena he raises rarely show signs of fear, perhaps because they have been domesticated for so long, making them less cautious and dull-witted.


And yet…


Suddenly, the Mekena started gathering in a corner of the barn, trembling and making a big fuss.

Flapping their two pairs of wings, which have degenerated into mere decorations, growing from their backs.


“Something’s… strange…?”


He didn’t understand.

But he somehow felt uneasy.


Haruitchi, grabbing his dark blue work clothes, which were uncomfortably stuffy from the sweat, casually glanced out the barred window.




And then.

What came into his view was the vast pasture, used for grazing the Mekena.


Floating in the sky above it.

Something that shouldn’t be there.


In other words.




…The Sky Kingdom of Neverfall!




Moreover, Neverfall, with occasional explosions and smoke… was heading straight towards the barn where Haruitchi was!








Seeing that, Haruitchi—

Didn’t run to get his family to safety…

Didn’t run to get the livestock to safety…

And didn’t even run to save himself…


He fainted, foaming at the mouth, from the fear.


He’s an incredibly timid person.




* * *




<I think it’s better to run away.>





Under a clear blue sky, the Sky Kingdom of Neverfall, scraping along the ground towards me, making a roar and kicking up dust.

Extra-sama, inside my head, grumbled as she watched its gigantic form grow larger.


Extra-sama is the kind of person who doesn’t really care if the humans living in that flying country fall into the Sea of Fog and die.

So of course she’d complain if I risk my life to stop it.


<…It’s dangerous.>


Even though Extra-sama’s attitude could be interpreted as being inhumane, the reason she’s like that is because she’s worried about me.

Her words are laced with concern for me.




Thank you, Extra-sama.


<Geez! This is not a laughing matter!>


Ignoring Extra-sama’s angry voice, I made my 【Black Wings】 disappear and deployed my 【Black Arms】.

Giant arms extended powerfully from my shoulders, piercing through the remnants of the wings, which turned into a jet-black haze and were blown away by the wind.


<…You’re really going to do it?>


Extra-sama asked, sighing, as I planted my feet on the ground of the pasture, where lush green grass grew up to my knees, feeling motivated, emitting a jet-black haze.


Yes, I am.


<You’re really not going to run away?>


No, I’m not.


I think I’m partially responsible for this situation, and…




And Extra-sama, this is also self-preservation.

That boy with the mouse ears in that room.

He was clearly the protagonist, right?


Even if this emergency landing fails, and all the people of the Sky Kingdom die…

He, and that girl who seemed like the heroine, would probably survive.

God wouldn’t let them die.


And if that happens… who do you think those two survivors would target?


…Me, right?

I wasn’t really noticed earlier, because they were all flustered…



<Ahhhh! I give up! I’ve known you for a long time, and I know you wouldn’t back down once you’ve made up your mind! You’re really going to do it, aren’t you!?>


Yes, I am.


<Emi… I’m sure you’ll be fine! So… good luck!>


…Thank you, Extra-sama.








While we were talking, the gliding Neverfall is now just a stone’s throw away.

Its form, which had seemed small until a while ago, now fills my entire vision.


“Muheeeh, muheeeh, muheeeh!!”

“Muheeeh, muheeeh, muheeeh!!”


The warning cries of the Mekena, which had been faintly audible from afar, can no longer be heard, drowned out by the earth-shaking roar.






I closed my eyes for a moment, and exhaled a long breath, concentrating.

The surrounding noises were shut out, and subjective time stretched out.

I focused on the flow of mana, about to explode, rampaging inside me, in response to my fighting spirit.

Circulating it efficiently throughout my body… preparations are complete.




…Here I go.








I opened my eyes wide, and with all my might, slammed both hands of my 【Black Arms】… against the Sky Kingdom of Neverfall, which was now so close that it looked like a moving wall!





Naturally, there’s no way Neverfall, boasting an overwhelming mass, would stop from that one push.

I fixed both hands of my 【Black Arms】 against the outer wall, planted my feet firmly on the ground, and started pushing with all my might, to stop Neverfall’s gliding!




My body, pushed by the giant Neverfall, also started sliding backwards at a tremendous speed!




So I deployed several 【Black Tentacles】 from my shoulders, in addition to my 【Black Arms】!

I stabbed them behind me, like anchors!





Even that still wasn’t enough to stop Neverfall’s momentum, but there’s no doubt that my resistance has increased.

It’s the same as gaining more legs to stand on!




Next, I transformed the shape of the feet of my 【Black Armor】.

I imagined giant claws—gripping the earth!




My resistance increases again!


“Gaaaah… RAAAAAHーーー!!”


And then, next!

I got down on all fours, like a beast, and created giant claws on both hands, to resist even further!


Is there… nothing else I can do!?

Nothing else I can do!?








My body continued to be pushed back.

Although Neverfall’s speed is slightly decreasing due to friction with the ground, it still maintains enough momentum, and continues to glide straight ahead.





It’s probably… to restrict the movements of the grazing Mekena.

Wooden fences, stone walls—they hit my body, and were destroyed and blown away.

Glancing to the side, I saw trees, buildings that looked like silos, being crushed by Neverfall’s giant body, swallowed into the gap between its outer wall and the ground.

There’s a lot of… artificial structures now.

Glancing back for a moment, I saw rows of stone buildings… in the distance behind me.


<This is bad! The outer city is coming into view!>


Extra-sama screamed.

In other words, time is running out!




Neverfall’s speed is decreasing considerably.

But it’s not enough.

At this rate, Neverfall would definitely crush and destroy the outer city, and then fall into the Sea of Fog.

One last push.


One last push!

One last push!!








This is my last resort!

I created nozzles on the back of my 【Black Armor】, and used them to jet mana!






Along with my scream, a jet-black haze of mana was ejected from my back!

Ah, geez!

This makes me—incredibly hungry!!


My remaining mana rapidly decreased!











Slowly, slowly!

Neverfall’s gliding speed visibly decreased!

And then!








With a creaking sound…

Just a short distance from the outer city…

Neverfall finally… stopped gliding.




“Ah… Ga… Haa! Haa, haa, haa…”


Confirming that, I collapsed face down from my four-legged position, sweat pouring out, gasping for air.


Ah, I’m done.

This is painful.


I’m… tired… for the first time in a while.


<You… you did well, Emi…!>


Extra-sama praised me.



I did my best.


Well, its speed was naturally decreasing due to friction with the ground.

I think that was a factor, but.


<But there’s no doubt that it’s your achievement, Emi, that we were able to stop Neverfall here! Good work…!>


Thank you…


Thank you, Extra-sama!






I was unable to move, lying face down for a while, but I can’t keep sleeping here.

Unsteadily, somehow.

I forced my weary body to move, and stood up.




Ah, I’m hungry.

Hey, I did my best, so—

Can I… nibble on the grazing Mekena a little?


<Of course! You did your best, Emi! Let’s kill everyone who complains!>


Ahaha, I see, killing them, huh?

If I kill them, they won’t complain, right?


…Ah, no good.


I’m too tired, my head isn’t working properly.


I can’t even suppress the killing intent leaking out.


Anyway, meat.

I need meat.




I looked around, sniffing the air.


And then…


“Hiih!? …Hiiih!?”


I heard that… pathetic scream of a man, coming from behind.


Turning around, I saw a middle-aged man in a dark blue work uniform, sitting on the ground.

It seems that this man ran into me as soon as he came out of a nearby barn.


The man, his face pale, pointed at me, trembling.




He screamed.




* * *






When Haruitchi woke up, he was inside the barn.

The propeller of the magic ventilation fan attached to the heavy beam is spinning.

And in the corner of his vision, a Mekena was peering at his face worriedly.




“Pfft… Stop, stop i—…”


Haruitchi hurriedly sat up, his face being licked by the Mekena’s rough tongue.

And he thought with his hazy mind.


Why did he collapse in the barn…?

If he remembers correctly… Neverfall…






Haruitchi, thinking that far, remembered!


(That’s right, Neverfall! Neverfall was falling towards us! And, and… what happened after that!?)




And then he noticed something strange about the current state of the barn!


(Wait, it’s dark!? Why is it so dark!? It’s like—we’re in the shadow of something huge… No way!?)


Haruitchi, thinking of a possibility, hurriedly jumped up and rolled out of the barn!




And then, he was so surprised, he screamed and fell on his bottom!

Because there!

In the place where the lush pasture should be!

Just as Haruitchi imagined!

The outer wall of the giant… incredibly giant Neverfall was towering!






He screamed again.

Because the existence that terrified him was—

Standing right next to Neverfall’s outer wall.


It was a small, humanoid ‘something’… with a body about the size of a child.


It was entirely jet-black, with an ominous aura, and sharp, giant claws extended from its hands and feet.

Furthermore, a third and fourth arm, with an intimidating shape, protruded from its shoulders.

And the most terrifying thing is that several tentacles were growing from it, writhing every now and then!

Haruitchi only knew one word to describe such a grotesque existence!




He involuntarily screamed that, pointing at the grotesque being!

The grotesque being stared at Haruitchi, emitting a terrifying presence.




And then… it growled!


“Hiyaaaah!? Hiyaaaaaaaahーーー!?”


Haruitchi, crying out in fear, desperately tried to stand up and run away!

But he couldn’t stand up!

His legs gave out from fear, and he couldn’t stand!




But that grotesque being…

Didn’t take any action to harm Haruitchi, who was wide open, an easy target…




The grotesque being let out something like a sigh, and then—





And then, ignoring Haruitchi, who was surprised by its swift movement…

After jumping onto the roof of the barn, it…

Jumped from roof to roof, heading towards the outer city, and…

Never appeared before Haruitchi again.




* * *




According to the rumors Haruitchi heard later.

Many people in the outer city seem to have seen that grotesque being that day.

The grotesque being, just like Haruitchi saw, continued to move by jumping from roof to roof.

And in the end… it jumped into the Eserem Sea of Fog, and disappeared.


‘Perhaps that monster has something to do with the fall of the Sky Kingdom?’


Because of the timing of its appearance, there were some speculations, but…


…The truth is unknown.

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