I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
Chapter 33 Table of contents

-[Put on the protective suit.]

-[I just heard that a test stage vaccine was lost in the contaminated area.]

-[The situation isn’t looking good. A rare snowstorm that happens once in a hundred years is closing in on Manhattan. We’ve also detected signals from rogue operators.]

-[All transport will be carried out via stealth helicopters to avoid detection and damage from the snowstorm. This means the base will be locked down, and once you’re out, you won’t be able to return without a helicopter.]

-[You seem ready. Let’s get started.]



-[Warning: Helicopter destroyed, connection with the base lost. Attempting to contact nearby operators….]

-[Warning: Vital signs indicate possible septic infection.]

-[Warning: Treatment deadline - 02:15:33.]

-[Warning: Countdown started.]




It’s cold.

Insanely cold weather, making visible breath even indoors. Outside, a harsh snowstorm is raging, and I can feel the extremities of my body becoming less responsive.

I don’t know how this game knows about the damn vaccine retrieval mission I actually performed in the past, but now that the result is in front of me, I have to accept it.

I almost froze to death back then, and I never thought this damn hardcore mode would affect things here too.

Harmony… isn’t nearby. She doesn’t seem to be in the same area. Am I supposed to find her myself? She’s probably in another nearby building, but for now, I should focus on my survival.

I carefully grabbed the door handle.


"Damn it…."

Opening the door and stepping outside, an overwhelming snowstorm hit, making it hard to even keep my eyes open.

My damn reptilian body, which is very strong in summer but extremely hard to endure in winter, starts vomiting if the body temperature drops even slightly.

Ignoring my body trembling after just a few seconds, I checked the temperature on the UI.

-[Endure: -1°C // Current Temp: -25°C]

The current temperature is -25°C? In this wind? I can only endure up to -1°C.

The wind chill must be around -35 to -40°C. I had to move quickly to avoid freezing. I was armed with only a pistol and a tomahawk.

I quickly organized my thoughts.

First thing to do is... just like when I first landed there, find any place to grab as many clothes as possible.

Before turning into a snake-shaped ice sculpture, I started moving.

-[Warning: Body temperature dropping below normal levels.]

-[Suggestion: Enter a nearby house and wear clothing to endure the cold.]

I’ll do that anyway, you tin can.

The surroundings were difficult to see due to the snowstorm, but fortunately, this place had several low-rise buildings relatively close together.

It wasn’t completely dark either, with the power on and lights visible in some buildings.


"Damn, it's so cold!"

Fortunately, there were makeshift bonfires in cut drum barrels with logs still burning inside them scattered around.

Desperately seeking warmth, I approached one of the burning barrels.

The warmth spread through my body, easing the chill, but it wasn’t a permanent solution. Even my tail felt like it was freezing from the tip up.

I couldn’t stay there.

I quickly entered a nearby building. It looked like a low-rise apartment that people clearly lived in before.

Boxes and tool cases began to faintly glow.

Opening a box revealed food, while tool cases contained gun parts and magazines. I packed these into my backpack and entered the open house.

Inside... naturally, there were no signs of life.

With the warmer air inside, more UI prompts appeared.

-[Suggestion: Detected acquisition of gun parts. Assemble a firearm in a safe house to increase survival odds.]

-[Suggestion: Detected acquisition of food. Consume provisions to stave off hunger.]

Eat when hungry, make better weapons to survive, explained in great detail. We didn’t have this back then.

Anyway, going inside revealed faintly glowing closets and cabinets. Opening them, scarves and thick clothes tumbled out.

"Ugh, I’m going to freeze to death…."

Breathing heavily, I threw off the useless protective suit and changed clothes. It was more like putting on everything I could find.

The cold was somewhat blocked, but it wasn’t enough.

I put on a warm hat, layered two thick winter sweaters, and wore regular gloves—better than nothing.

I wrapped a thick scarf around my neck and bundled my tail as best I could.

-[Endure: -8°C // Current Temp: -27°C]

"Finally, some relief."

However, the UI indicated that the outside temperature had dropped further. Venturing out would still risk freezing. I’d die a miserable death on the street.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up. There were more houses to search.

I would not freeze to death today.



"Oh, everyone! Please, one person at a time! There’s so much to do! I’m just one person, but you’re 8,000! If each of you speaks, that’s 8,000 comments!"


While Eugene was evolving into a super chunky anaconda to avoid freezing to death, Harmony was overwhelmed by the flood of information.

The UI only indicated to craft a virus filter to enter the contaminated area, but Dark Zone was never that simple.

Without Eugene, Harmony had sounded the backseat bell but was buried under data before even freezing to death.

<3ulmotsenigeobiansudogochi sponsored 1,000 won!>

"3ulmotsenigeobiansudogochi, thank you for the 1,000 won donation. I’ll check it right away…."

She carefully opened the photo.

It wasn’t quite a photo—it was more like a cheat sheet. Basics of Survival mode were written on it.

Normally, Harmony would just glance at something like this and give up, but today was different. She was alone in the law of the jungle, without Eugene.

She tapped the top part with her finger, and it enlarged.

-[Initial goal: Craft a virus filter]

-[Tasks: Four main ones - find clothes/make weapons/craft skills/find supplies]

-[Find clothes: Since it’s around -30°C outside, search the map for clothes. Clothes can be found in closets inside houses or bags outside.]

-[Make weapons: There are enemies and rogue operators outside. A pistol alone won’t suffice, so use materials from toolboxes to craft weapons at the safe house.]

-[Craft skills: The safe house has a crafting table where you can make both skills and weapons. Craft useful items.]

-[Find supplies: Here, you die if you’re hungry or thirsty. Medical supplies near ambulances can slow down infection.]

"Why is there so much!?"

Was it that difficult? This?

A famous line flashed in her mind: "There’s no paradise where you run away to," although she didn’t exactly run away here, but it definitely wasn’t paradise.

Maybe it’s an ice hell. Or something fancy like Blizzard Hell.

Anyway, she couldn’t waste more time here. The survival time countdown was dropping, and she needed to find Eugene.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to the outside.

This must be what freshly scooped hell’s snowfield looks like, she thought, as she faced the intense snowstorm blending with Manhattan’s magnificent scenery.

"I’m going to die the moment I step outside!"

She didn’t die immediately, of course.

The outside world was freezing everything, while the chat was on fire, urging her to go outside. Eventually, she was pushed by the invisible force to start exploring.

Unlike someone whose correction rate was almost 100%, Harmony couldn’t feel the cold, but even she couldn’t ignore her avatar’s body stiffening.

A few steps, and her limbs began creaking like an under-lubricated machine.

-[Warning: Core temperature dropping below normal levels.]

"Ahh! What should I do? Where’s a house, a house! It’s too cold here, everyone!"

Scurrying around in panic, Harmony was a sight to behold.

By chance, she followed a similar path to Eugene, entering a random house, raiding closets for clothes to ensure sufficient warmth for outdoor exploration.

The main difference was that unlike Eugene, who started raiding buildings immediately, Harmony...

───Bang! Bang!

"Oh, what are these!?"

Encountered enemies patrolling in this cold, enacting a truly desperate struggle.

Fortunately, the extreme cold frequently caused malfunctions in the enemies' rifles, allowing Harmony to barely survive.

After the last enemy collapsed on the frozen ground, she cautiously reloaded her pistol.

"This is too much… Hey, everyone. How long have I been playing? Ten minutes? I still haven’t found Eugene. Is this normal?"

"Ugh, at this rate, I’ll freeze to death in the middle of the street…."

So, she continued wandering around aimlessly.

Time passed. She found more clothes, looted gear boxes for armor, and crafted an extended magazine and scope in the safe house, as advised by viewers.

Gradually, Harmony transitioned from a civilian with a gun to a fully equipped operator.

Just when she started feeling confident about her adaptation───

-[Notice: Detected an allied operator within a 50m radius.]

"Oh! Something popped up, everyone! This is my teammate, right? Please tell me it is!"

The chat flooded with affirmative responses, finally letting her relax.

Only about fifteen minutes of separation, but the world without Eugene was incredibly harsh for Harmony. She felt a mix of thoughts like meeting a friend after a long time.

Wondering where they had been, if they were okay, and if there was any danger around them….

The signal gradually closed in until they could pinpoint each other’s positions in real-time.

After a short while, they found themselves separated by just a corner.

Within seconds, a figure emerged from the corner. The silhouette was hard to discern due to the blizzard, but the thick tail unmistakably belonged to Eugene.

Harmony’s voice was filled with joy.

"Teacher! Where have you been, and why are you just now—Teacher!?"

But it wasn’t Eugene.

Instead of the tactical figure everyone anticipated,

Standing there was a super chunky anaconda, dressed in layers of clothing, covered in snow, resembling a moving, chubby snowman.

A woolen hat with a small fur pom-pom bobbed in the wind.

It was a shockingly cute visual.

Enough to transform the image of a reliable teacher into something more akin to a cute penguin.

With a smile mixed with countless emotions, Harmony began to fuss.

"Te-Teacher! What is that, ahaha, why did you put on all those clothes!?"

"...I told you, I get cold easily."

"Kahaha, ah, wait. Haha, this is too funny! Teacher, ahaha, oh my god, guys, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

It was chaos.

Everyone was happy.

Except for one person.

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