A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation
Chapter 356 Table of contents

Chapter 356: Ancient Force Realm (古力界)


The Twilight Domain, a land of ghostly creatures, traverses a monochromatic side path.

'It seems there are no problems.'

The side path originally serves as a route through the deep outskirts of the Netherworld.

To use this side path, one must either have learned the Ghost Path Method or possess a dream body created using the power of the Nether Crossing Ship.

However, the Wuji Religious Order situated in Twilight Domain is a cult of ghostly creatures.

From the start, there was no problem in using the side path.


The monochromatic side path is quiet.

The followers keep their mouths shut as expected due to the death aura emanating from the side path.

However, even with their mouths closed, I can feel it.

Everyone is immensely excited.

Though the sound is almost nonexistent and silent, I can see it.

Various colors are wildly bouncing within the world of intent.

All the followers of the religious order.

They are all feeling immense loyalty towards me and an overwhelming sense of belonging to the Wuji Religious Order.

Is it because they witnessed with their own eyes as I drove out the Entering Nirvana stage True Persons?

Even when I appear in the form of the 'human Seo Eun-hyun' from the 19-headed Ghost King, no one shows fear or dread towards me.

Their loyalty and fervor have surpassed the fear my appearance induces.

'Thank you all for following me thus far.'

With a grateful heart towards the followers, I, along with Jeon Myeong-hoon, guide the Twilight Domain to the Bright Cold Realm.

"...Hey, Jeon Myeong-hoon."

It's then.

"Hmm? What?"

Currently, the Twilight Domain is being navigated by me, the one who opened the side path.

And it's Jeon Myeong-hoon, possessing the attraction force of the Integration stage, who is controlling it.

While I maintain the side path, Jeon Myeong-hoon pinpoints the coordinates of the Bright Cold Realm and pulls the Twilight Domain using his attraction force.

However, I feel something strange.

"Are you driving properly?"

"Of course. We're heading straight to the Bright Cold Realm. I've locked the old site of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect as our coordinates, so that's where we'll emerge. What do you take me for?"

"An inconsiderate bastard who hands over the driving to someone who stayed up all night because he couldn't drive?"

"Haha, did you say this is the side path? The scenery is quite nice."

Clicking my tongue, I grab his shoulder.

"No, I'm seriously asking. Are you really pulling us to the Bright Cold Realm? Something feels off..."

"What feels off?"

I frown at the strange discomfort.

Indeed, Jeon Myeong-hoon is pulling us towards the coordinates of the old site of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect that he remembers.

Given that it's an unforgettable coordinate for him, there's no worry about it being wrong.

But strangely, even though we are heading towards the 'correct' coordinates, it feels like we are heading down the 'wrong' path.

'Why? The direction is right, but it feels like we're taking another route.'

I repeatedly confirm Jeon Myeong-hoon's attraction force to ensure we are on the right track.

Jeon Myeong-hoon's attraction force is definitely connected to the old site of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect in the Bright Cold Realm.

'This is strange...'

We're going the right way, yet it's wrong.

It's a truly odd feeling, but it's the reality I feel.

It's then.



I suddenly feel the Colorless Glass Sword heating up within me.

'What's this?'

The Colorless Glass Sword is resonating.

"Stop crying, Colorless Glass Sword!"

I try to quell the vibrating Colorless Glass Sword by taking it out of my mouth, but the sword remains unyielding.

The sword continues to vibrate, emitting a faint light.

'This light...?'

I'm startled as I look at the light.

This light is undoubtedly from the reversed method of the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.

The salt light I had just used to drive away the True Persons!

'Did using this method somehow affect the Colorless Glass Sword?'

It's when I'm looking at the Colorless Glass Sword emitting a grain-like white light.



I realize that the mist from the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections embedded in the Colorless Glass Sword is also vibrating.

'No, just what is this...!'

I'm flustered.

"Wait! Jeon Myeong-hoon! Where are you driving!?"

"What? I'm driving just fine!"

"Damn it! We're heading down a strange path!"

"What are you talking about? Can't you see I'm heading to where the attraction force is fixed to?"

"No, damn it!"

Jeon Myeong-hoon, as if going crazy, suddenly veers off the straight path and starts heading in a strange direction.

I'm terrified, but Jeon Myeong-hoon looks at me with confused eyes.

"How is this straight?! We were just there, but where are we heading now?!"

"I mean! We can't see front or back in here! I'm just following the attraction force!"

"Damn it...!"

Jeon Myeong-hoon's understanding of death is not as deep as mine, so he can't see the side path clearly, but it's vividly clear to me.

This guy suddenly turned in a strange direction.

"It's fine! I'll set the direction, so just follow me.'

"Well, for now, fi-'


Right at that moment.


Suddenly, the Colorless Glass Sword starts vibrating like crazy.

At the same time, the slowly advancing Twilight Domain begins to be pulled forward 'as if crazy.'

"Damn it! What's happening!?"

"I don't know!"

Thinking that something terrible will happen if we continue like this, I try to sever the attraction force somehow. Jeon Myeong-hoon follows my instructions and envelops the Twilight Domain in his own domain.

I can feel it.

'Something' is pulling us.

'C-Could it be an Entering Nirvana True Person?'

It's possible.

One of the enraged True Persons might have come to the side path to devour us!

With a tense face, I draw upon the energy of the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique once more.

Just then.


Up ahead, a dimensional barrier appears.

If we continue like this, the Twilight Domain will crash into the dimensional barrier and shatter!


I cover the front of the Twilight Domain with the All-Heavens Sword.

'Pierce through!'

In the next moment.


The force of the Twilight Domain, the sharpness of the All-Heavens Sword, and the speed at which we are being rapidly pulled by the attraction force combines, creating an enormous bomb-like rumble that envelops the vicinity. The Twilight Domain is dragged straight into this suspicious dimension.

Ancient Force Realm.

Sacred Orchid Island, Waterflow Domain.

Located in the middle of a vast ocean, Sacred Orchid Island is a thriving place.

It's one of the trade cities where exchanges frequently take place with various other islands, and it's also rich in spirit veins, preventing major conflicts.

Yuk Yo, a koi (silk carp) demon beast and resident of Sacred Orchid Island, wakes up inside her territory, the Ascending Ridge Falls, shakes her body once, and then jumps into the waterfall, swimming up against the current to the sky.


As soon as she ascends the waterfall, Yuk Yo transforms into a divine blue dragon.

Although she hasn't actually become a member of the Dragon Race, she uses her unique divine power to transform similarly.

"Ah, what a pleasant day again. Shall I find a fool to scam joyfully today as well?"

Though she is still at the early Nascent Soul stage, Yuk Yo flies to the harbor of Sacred Orchid Island with an unbothered expression.

When she arrives at the harbor, she hears clicking tongues all around.

"That swindler's starting her activities again."

"Instead of diligently cultivating to become a real dragon, she's going around using her cheap transformation technique to scam people."

"Only the victims suffer. Tsk tsk..."

Despite the murmurs all around her, Yuk Yo doesn't care. In her dragon form, she performs transformation.

Her upper body remains a dragon, while her lower body turns human, resulting in a half-transformation.

However, this appearance exudes considerable dignity, making it look rather convincing from the outside.

While wandering around the harbor, she notices a newly arrived ship and heads towards it with a gleam in her eyes.

Several demon beasts are unloading goods from the ship, and others, seemingly from another island, are looking around.

Yuk Yo approaches one of the demon beasts who appears confused and is at the Heavenly Being stage.

That demon beast, fully transformed into human form, seems to be nervously biting his lip as if it's his first time on Sacred Orchid Island.

"Haha, hello, fellow cultivator. Is this your first time on Sacred Orchid Island?"

"Ah...that's right, fellow cultivator. I came to attend the auction being held on Sacred Orchid Island..."

"Ah, you mean the Sacred Orchid Trading Fair. The Sacred Orchid Trading Fair is in five days, but how about exploring Sacred Orchid Island until then? As a local, let me show you around."

"Oh, there's no need for a noble dragon to go through such trouble."

"Haha, it's nothing. I've always enjoyed making friends from outside the island. I'd appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity."

"Haha, if the noble dragon insists so much..."

The demon beast cultivator seems persuaded by Yuk Yo's dignified dragon face and starts following her.

Yuk Yo quickly becomes friends with the Heavenly Being cultivator using her unique charm and eloquence.

"Is this really true!? As expected of Yuk Noonim! To subdue a Four-Axis stage monster with a single command!"

[TL Note: Noonim is basically Hyung-nim but referring to an older woman.]

"Ahem, that one wasn't much. The truly scary one was an Integration stage Demon King. The strike from the Integration Demon King was truly formidable. Surviving its ultimate move is what brought my cultivation down to this level.'

"My goodness, to survive after an encounter with a Demon King! As expected of Yuk Noonim...I respect you!"

Yuk Yo continues to boast incessantly while conversing with him, and at some point, she takes out a small piece of paper from her storage scroll.

"So, little brother. I've been planning on starting a business soon. If I start one under my name, it will be hugely profitable. So, little brother, could you lend me ten ancient stones? I'll return them a hundredfold."

"No way! Really? If it's for you, Yuk Noonim, I can sell everything I have and give you a hundred ancient stones!"

"Oheot! Even amongst close siblings, one should not casually trade money. If our friendship is strained, it would be heart-wrenching. Just ten will do."

[Oheot is basically a sound of disapproval]

"Ah...as expected of a noble Dragon Race, Yuk Noonim!"

Yuk Yo pockets ten shining stones handed to her by the seemingly touched demon beast cultivator.

"Ah, come to think of it, I left something behind at the other harbor. Please wait here for a moment, younger brother. I'll go fetch my belongings."

"Yes, Noonim!"

Yuk Yo disappears somewhere, leaving the demon beast cultivator waiting with an excited expression.

However, Yuk Yo does not return.

"...? That's strange. Why isn't Noonim coming back?'

It's then.

"Hey, young man. Are you waiting for a noble-looking Dragon Race member?"

"Yes...I am."

"Tsk tsk...you've been scammed."


"That bastard is notorious around here. She transforms into the Dragon Race to scam newcomers to Sacred Orchid Island. She's very elusive, making her hard to catch. Just think of it as bad luck."

"N-no, what do you mean? Yuk Noonim was originally a Grand Perfection Four-Axis stage cultivator, a quasi-Demon King on the verge of reaching the Integration stage. Why would she scam someone at the Heavenly Being stage like me?"

"Tsk tsk. This friend, that scammer isn't even at the Four-Axis stage. She's a Nascent Soul stage demon beast. She can't even perform transformation properly and is just an early Nascent Soul cultivator."


"Poor fellow. Tsk tsk..."

The passerby pats his shoulder and, while pretending to comfort him, slyly steals the storage scroll from the Heavenly Being stage cultivator's waist and walks away.

The demon beast cultivator stands there blankly. It's only much later that he realizes his storage scroll has been stolen, and he roars in rage.


Kurung, kurururung!

Another harbor on Sacred Orchid Island.

Yuk Yo watches from afar as the Heavenly Being stage cultivator roars in anger, causing a storm, and chuckles.

"Welcome to the island of thieves, kid. Walking around with such a dumb face, you were bound to get scammed by this elder. Hehehe...So, what should I buy with these ancient stones today..."

Yuk Yo laughs, staring at the ten stones in her hand.

The transformation technique she learned, the Dragon Form Disguise Method, has some side effects but allows her to transform almost perfectly into any Dragon Race member she has seen once!

She has used this technique multiple times to scam people on Sacred Orchid Island and has succeeded once again today.

While she is reveling in her success.

Kurung, kurururung!

The sky suddenly starts to darken.

"Hmm? What's this? Is someone advancing?"

Yuk Yo looks up at the sky with a puzzled expression.

The sky is darkening as storm clouds gather.

'No, this feels like...'

Seeing the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy fluctuating unstably, Yuk Yo breaks into a cold sweat.

The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy is conveying a strong sense of foreboding.

'Isn't the Yin energy becoming too strong?'

The balance of Yin and Yang is breaking, and the previously smooth-flowing Heaven and Earth spiritual energy is rapidly shifting towards Yin.

And then,


With an enormous explosion, the sky shatters like porcelain.


She freezes in shock.

And in the next moment.




Overwhelming ghostly wails echo throughout the entire ocean as countless ghosts start emerging from the crack.


Thunder rumbles as a monster with six arms crawls out of the fissure.


The giant god emerges from the crack, howling in a strange language.

Then, six shadows beneath the giant summons black lightning, forcibly widening the crack.

The giant god hurls the black lightning into the crack like a hook and starts pulling something out from within.


The next moment.


A massive chunk of land large enough to cover Sacred Orchid Island bursts out form the crack.




A dreadful ghostly wail fills the surroundings.

Yuk Yo looks up at the sky.

On top of that massive chunk of land stands countless ominous buildings exuding dreadful yin energy, and between the buildings, grotesque cursed dolls kneel and pray towards the sky.

"W-What is that...!"

While Yuk Yo's mind is blank,


All the residents of Sacred Orchid Island, sensing the crisis, transform into their true forms and start fleeing.

Seeing them, Yuk Yo finally snaps back to reality.

'R-Right. Damn it, this isn't the time to be like this. I need to get off this island quickly!'

She turns pale, releasing her transformation and tries to flee, but her speed is slower than even the Core Formation cultivators.

'Damn it! I can't move fast because of the Dragon Form Disguise Method!'

The Dragon Form Disguise Method she learned allows her, a koi demon beast, to disguise herself as a noble member of the Dragon Race, but it has the drawback of reducing both her speed and physical strength.

Of course, being a divine ability with such a cost, it allows her to imitate the aura of the Dragon Race almost perfectly.


'Damn it! Release! Release!'

It takes a considerable amount of time to undo the Dragon Form Disguise Method.

She has to sit still and concentrate for at least the time it takes to drink one cup of tea to release the disguise.

Yuk Yo tries her best to undo the disguise while running away.

But just then.

Yuk Yo feels a prick on the back of her head and looks back, feeling like her breath will stop.

Standing at the center of the demon ghosts, the six-armed giant is staring directly at her.


The giant extends an arm towards her.

At the same time, Yuk Yo feels a massive force pulling her in.


Yuk Yo screams and struggles, but she fails to escape and is eventually caught by the giant's hand.

"Bring it here."

I speak, sitting in front of the Wuji Religious Hall, gazing at the endlessly spread sea.

Thud, thud, thud, thud!

Jeon Myeong-hoon, in his Giant God form, drags a demon beast that appears to be of the Dragon Race before me.

[I have captured it, Cult Leader.]

I look down at the demon beast before me with cold eyes.

The demon beast is shouting noisily in the language of the Demon Race, but the ghostly creatures of the Nether Ghost Realm have their own language, so shouting in Demon Race language is useless.

I speak to the demon beast in the Demon Race language.

"Calm down. I won't eat you. First, explain where we are."

The creature trembles and speaks.

"Th-this is Sacred Orchid Island in the Waterflow Domain, Senior. P-Please, spare me! As you can see from my aura, I'm just a weak Core Formation cultivator!"

"...Water Flow Region? Where is that? Is it in the Stable Realm or the Chaos Realm?"

"Huh, pardon? Of course, it's in the Stable Realm."

"Since it's a place where demon beasts abound, it must be in the Earth Tribe territory...how far is the True Dragon Alliance from here?"

But the demon beast responds with confusion.

"True Dragon Alliance? What does Senior mean by that? Where is that?"


I realize something is wrong from the demon beast's reaction.

'As expected...did Jeon Myeong-hoon mess up the driving?'

It seems we have not landed in the Bright Cold Realm.

"This is...what's the name of this world? We just crossed over from the Nether Ghost Realm, so we don't know much. Explain it to us."

At the mention of coming from the Nether Ghost Realm, the demon beast begins to tremble and speak.

"Th-this is the Ancient Force Realm, my lord. But why have beings from the Nether Ghost Realm come here...?"

[You insolent thing! How dare you question without the permission of the Cult Leader!?]

Baek Rin, who recently joined as a Guardian Ghost King, shouts furiously from beside the demon beast. Although he can't speak the Demon Race language, he seems to understand from the tone that the creature was asking a question.

The demon beast, seeing the shouting Baek Rin left only with white bones, looks like it's about to faint and starts gasping for breath.

Hong Fan, standing next to me, translates the Nether Ghost Realm language for the demon beast.

"It means to keep your mouth shut unless asked."

The demon beast's tremble and closes its mouth.

I sigh.

'Damn it...we've really landed in the Ancient Force Realm!?'

The distance between the Ancient Force Realm and the Bright Cold Realm alone is a thousand years.

Of course, with Jeon Myeong-hoon having reached the Integration stage, we can return much faster with his help. However, bringing back the entire Wuji Religious Order will take a considerable amount of time.

'How did this happen...?'

I sigh again.

"Chief Law Protector, call Yeon Wei through Yeon Jin."

Regardless of what happened, we need the wisdom of the elderly.

"And you there..."

I question the demon beast trembling in front of me.

"That appearance, it's not your true form, is it?"

"Yes, yes! That's right, my lord. This is a demon ability I learned, which allows me to transform into the face of a Dragon Race member I've seen once!"

"Oh, I see."

I ask the creature with gleaming eyes.

"Then you must have met Seo Ran. When and where did you meet him? Tell me."

This creature in front of me has a form exactly identical to Seo Ran's dragon form.


Author's Note: The Nether Ghost Realm part is over, and the Ancient Force Realm episode is beginning. Ham Jin and the Lower Realm episodes are planned to continue in the Ancient Force Realm as well. I plan to finish the Ancient Force episode as quickly as possible, so please wait just a little longer.

And...to organize the Ancient Force Realm episode, I will take a day off tomorrow. Haha;;

Thank you all.

Translator Notes: Don't worry. I won't take a day off tomorrow, haha.

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