I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 85 Table of contents

I woke up with a start on the sofa.


I quickly straightened my tousled light pink hair, pushed aside the silver blanket that had been covering me, and got up. As I looked around to fully wake up, I saw the familiar sight of the living room.

‘I must have dozed off while the kids were at school… Since they moved up to elementary school, there’s less to take care of.’

The living room was spacious for a family of four. On the table were a teacup and a graduation photo album. The afternoon sun streamed into the room, giving it a lazy, cozy atmosphere. The pastel-toned furniture added to the warm, vintage, and quaint decor of our home.

In fact, most of the furniture was chosen to suit my taste. Even our two daughters preferred the items I picked out.

‘If I left everything to Hilde, the house would end up looking like some sort of military dormitory or an administrative office…’

When we first moved in together, I was shocked by Hilde’s stark taste in decor. It felt like I was reliving military life, and it’s now a memory I look back on with a smile.

‘Military… life. My goodness…!’

I chuckled at the thought of a term from my previous life that I hadn’t recalled in years.

"Oh my, ‘military life’…! Haha♪ It feels like ages since I’ve said that."

The memories of my time as a man had become so distant that they felt like a dream… Over time, my tastes, my personality—everything had completely changed. Living as a mother with two children, there were times when I wondered if the time I spent as a man had even existed.

‘Back in the academy city, I felt like I was a mix of two personalities…’

Now, I’ve simply become an ordinary married woman. Even my memories of my school days were fading.

“…I should’ve taken more photos back then.”

In front of everyone, When we both wore wedding dresses, And acted all lovey-dovey…

I regretted feeling embarrassed at the time.


Now, those moments feel like romantic memories, but back then, I was mortified to the point of madness. That’s why I pretended not to notice how much Hilde wanted to take photos to capture those moments.

‘Looking back now, it wouldn’t have hurt to play along…’

I still feel sorry for not reciprocating her efforts. The image of two shy girls, one in pink and the other in silver, wearing wedding dresses… Now, it’s just a distant memory.

Back then, I was clumsy even with romance, let alone marriage. If I were to see it now, I’m sure it would have been an adorably heart-pounding sight.

But now, the memories are hazy.

‘Ah… such a waste.’

Back when my skin was still smooth, And we still had a youthful charm, We should’ve taken more photos together.


Considering how much we’ve seen of each other since, I don’t know why I was so embarrassed back then… Our matron, too, had such adorably round cheeks like a little girl back then.

Everything shines brighter when you’re young… Only after time has passed do you realize how precious those memories are.

‘When we first started living together after graduation, it was like we were untamed colts, causing a ruckus day and night… Haha.’

I still love the flawless queen she’s become, But there was something even cuter about her clumsy and bold younger self.

‘Now that we’re married and older, it’s too awkward for us to go to a photo studio and retake wedding photos…’

I sighed, placing my hand on my cheek.

“Huu… Time is so cruel, so cruel…♪”

At that moment, The silver ring on my left hand sparkled, As if to comfort me, saying it was okay.


Hilde would still tell me I’m beautiful, but honestly, there’s no escaping the effects of aging. Those emotions that once sparkled like stars, that voice that once bubbled with energy, have all mellowed over time.

Even the invincible Clara changes with age. The academy city’s pink airhead has vanished, leaving behind a mother of two.


The years passed like a dream. During a brief nap, I had reminisced about them after a long time.

Memories shining like a rainbow…


I whispered to myself, touched by the nostalgic feelings.

“I miss it.”

I miss it…

-I miss it…

-I miss it…

-I miss it…

“…I miss it—☆” “What do you miss?”

I snapped back to reality at the sound from beside me.

“Ah—☆” “…Senpai?”

Albite was sitting next to me, tilting her head as she looked at me. Freya was also sitting nearby, sipping tea as she began to scold me.

“You, you suddenly zoned out… Were you meditating or something…?” “Is your dress uncomfortable? It does look pretty tight.” “B-but to be wearing a wedding dress already… The way it shows off your figure and the patterns and embroidery… It all gives off a rather dark and fetishistic vibe, like someone is showing off what’s theirs…”

Albite glanced at Hilde as she spoke.

“…And the person who chose it is wearing something similar.” “Th-that just completes the dark vibe…”

Listening to their conversation, I slowly came back to my senses.


I looked around.


A modest tea party. The vintage-style newlywed house was gone, and we were in a small conference room adjacent to the main hall, where tea and snacks were laid out. We had come here after finishing the meeting to prepare for the next event.


Astrid was munching on a pile of cookies with her fangs, her red eyes gleaming. Anna was beside her, trying to offer her a potato, which she refused.

“Nom nom nom… No thanks. Take it away.” “Oh~ why! I worked so hard to grow these! There’s still so many left!” “I’m done with them… No, I mean, Ohoho—! The noble incarnation of the night cannot accept such earthly produce! I shall only partake in these sweet blessings—!”

Hilde, wearing a dress similar to mine but with more restrained decorations, was striking a grand pose as if giving a speech, proudly showing off to those around her.

“And so, Lara and I have made an eternal vow to be partners for the rest of our lives—!”

Skadi, with her legs crossed and rubbing her eyes, interjected with a tired voice.

“Hold on… Is this a wedding? Or an engagement? There’s supposed to be procedures and order to events like this, but you’re just bulldozing through everything…” “In love, procedures and order are mere formalities. It’s pitiful that you don’t understand that.” “…It’s pitiful that the strongest person in the academy city is like this, and that I’m stuck here listening to this lecture.”

By the way, Katrin and the black knight Helena, who had no interest in the wedding event(?), had quietly left, and Eir had long since departed, declaring that three claps were enough of a celebration.


But even with just the remaining people, it was still a lively scene.

We had appeared before them in our wedding dresses, presenting ourselves with a flourish, and were now enjoying a makeshift reception.


But what was that vivid scene with rainbow colors I just saw?


As my dazed mind gradually returned to normal, I felt my face grow hot.


What was that? What was that…? What did I just see…?

Why was I suddenly married, calling Hilde ‘my husband’?

Such a shocking setup.

I even vividly recalled reminiscing about our wild nights together from when we were living together.

‘My tone, even my internal monologue, had completely turned into that of a married woman…’

… … …


Oh my goodness.


I covered my burning face with both hands.


I’m a failure as a man. What was I doing, daydreaming in 4D like that?

‘Have I completely lost my sense of pride? Just because I put on a wedding dress, I’ve completely fallen, proclaiming “My dream is to be a good wife and wise mother.”’

“Waaah—☆” “S-senpai?!” “Oh dear… Is this marriage blues…? This is why they say rushing into marriage isn’t good…”

As I was half-listening to Freya’s nonsensical words,

“…Lara.” “…Hilde?” “…” “…?”

Hilde, who had just finished her speech, was now standing hesitantly in front of me. For some reason, she was hiding her hands behind her back, looking like she wanted to say something but couldn’t bring herself to.

In a shy voice, Hilde spoke.

“So… Lara. How about we… take one last commemorative photo?” “…” “…Would that be okay?” “….”

Normally… if it were about spreading rumors, I would’ve said this was enough and gently refused.

Honestly, even wearing couple’s dresses was already pushing the limits of my psychological comfort zone.




The girl dressed in silver and blue, Wearing something similar to what I was wearing and seeking to be celebrated by others…

Seeing her like that, I automatically matched her to the sleek silver-haired woman in her thirties that I had envisioned in my fantasy. Just as the married Clara in the dream had mentioned, her still youthful cheeks were noticeable.

‘…She really is still young.’

This innocent, unrestrained appearance… This is probably the true feeling she’s showing me, as if to make up for her lonely days.

-No matter who you were in the past, my feelings for you won’t change.

How could I not play along with this child who loves every part of me, including my past?

[Looking back now, it wouldn’t have hurt to play along…]


Somehow, the muttering of the married Clara from my fantasy struck a deep chord in my heart.



I took hold of Hilde’s hidden hand. As I expected, there was a camera shyly tucked away in it. As I took the camera, I smiled as brightly as I could and said,

“…Sure♪ Let’s take one—☆ While we’re at it, let’s gather everyone who’s left and take a big group photo—☆”

At that, Hilde’s face lit up.


It was strange, talking about marriage so quickly. It felt rushed, especially with so many things still left unresolved, leaving me feeling uneasy.


But at least, Today, Hilde…

Was smiling more brightly than ever… and I felt relieved.

Anna cheerfully took the camera.

“Alright~! One, two, three…!”

Then Hilde suddenly lunged at me and pressed her lips to mine. Her sudden kiss was so poorly aimed that it was a mess.

“Lara, I love you—!!” “Waaah—☆” “S-senpai—?!” “Ohoho! Such a shameless performance!” “Wow, that’s intense.” “I’m seriously worried about the <United Student Council>.” “They’re… totally… out… of control…”


A concept shot of a couple who had just confirmed their feelings two months ago. The pink and silver girls shyly dressed in wedding gowns.

It was neither funny, Nor was the embarrassment that still made my skin crawl.

But at the very least, I hoped that for Hilde, it would be a dazzling memory she could cherish forever.

And so, we set the date for the next meeting and concluded today’s schedule.

On the way back to <Central Prism Academy> after the date for the second United Meeting was set,

[…Please watch your step as you disembark.]

As we got off at the ether train station, The sun had completely set, and it was dark.

We walked, chatting about what we had seen in the Golden District.

“So, you see!”


Orange cat ears twitched constantly.

Rota spoke with a beaming expression.

“Freya-senpai asked me if I could come by often in the second semester to help with ‘Fairy Tale Magic’ research! She said that people who are still used to the old ‘Golden Armament Magic’ have a hard time with the new chanting method!”

“Ooh—☆ That’s amazing♪”

Rota proudly shared the news, then hesitated before speaking again.

“S-so, what I’m saying is… I might occasionally have to sleep over at <Public Bana Boarding School>… you know.”

Of course, we all nodded readily at her words.

“Sure♪ Go ahead~ If anyone gives you trouble, just let us know—☆ We’ll beat them to a pulp and turn them into little girl meatballs—☆” “Comrade! Don’t worry about us. If anyone bothers you, my ‘Revolutionary Comrades’ squad, which has now grown to 15 units, will deploy and exact revenge!” “Just don’t push yourself too hard and have a good time. I’ll take good care of these folks. If anyone gives you trouble, let me know, and I’ll help you out.” “…But why is everyone assuming I’m going to be bullied?” “It’s a misunderstanding—☆” “It’s a misunderstanding.” “It’s probably just your imagination.” “R-right…?”

I smiled warmly as I watched my juniors walking ahead. I walked along, feeling a sense of admiration.

‘The growth of the main characters… it’s happening so fast and impressively…!’

And my own generation… the growth of the Five Colors had also accelerated. Everyone in the academy city had united against <Ratatoskr> much faster than in the original story.

That fact made me feel incredibly proud and happy.


But just before entering the school gate, I felt a strange unease that made me stop.

There was something there.

‘What is it…?’

The presence was too insignificant to be a delinquent student. But it was larger than most adolescent chaos beasts.

‘An animal…? Could it be… that the time has come for ‘that one from the underground’ to awaken?’

As we passed through the gate, I was able to identify the source of the presence.

“…” “…” “…” “…” “Peep peep—! Peep peep—!”

A chick, about two meters tall, was crying out in the middle of the playground.

‘It’s not yet time for it to wake up, but… it’s happened faster than in the original.’

The creature turned to look at me and spoke in a pitiful voice.

“Peep peep—! It’s too cold here! Peep peep—! Why is the egg of resurrection and my nest in some underground corner—! Peep peep—!”

Surprisingly, this pathetic creature was… the ancient beast god, the god of order, [The Nameless Hawk].

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