I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 50 Table of contents

The Play Eyes Closed

The play Eyes Closed had quickly become one of the most talked-about productions in recent times. On the day of its first performance, it was almost impossible to find anyone walking around Daehangno who wasn’t talking about it.

"Did you see the variety show? The one with Park Jung-woo and Princess Yeonhwa?" "Of course I did. That’s why I bought the tickets."

A young couple chatted as they walked. The Moon That Hid the Sun was a hit drama from ten years ago.

"But who is Joo Seoyeon?" "She’s really pretty. Apparently, she’s still a high school student." "She was the actress who played the young Princess Yeonhwa."

The younger generation didn’t really remember the show. But as is often the case with word of mouth, when the older generation made a fuss, the younger ones became interested.

"Wow, so she just happened to run into Park Jung-woo on that variety show?" "I heard the young actress did such a good job in Episode 8 that it stirred up controversy. That’s why everyone’s talking about the reenactment now." "Ah, I see."

The story.

There was nothing more effective than a compelling narrative to make an actor's name known.

A "child prodigy" making a comeback after ten years. The reaction of the renowned actor Park Jung-woo to her return.

All of these factors combined to spark curiosity about "Joo Seoyeon" and, by extension, the play Eyes Closed.

"She’s still more known as ‘Princess Yeonhwa’ than ‘Joo Seoyeon.’" "Hmm, that’s true."

Two middle-aged men sitting at an outdoor café overheard the young couple’s conversation. Although there were still about two hours left before the performance, a large crowd had already gathered.

"It’s been a while since I’ve felt the impact of an actor’s influence like this." "Whether this interest ends here or becomes a springboard for her future success depends on her."

Looking at the Past, Reliving Memories.

This variety show originally had a modest viewership rating of around 6%. But after the "Yeonhwa High School" episode aired, the ratings jumped to over 14% overnight. A show that had been on the brink of cancellation had suddenly been revived.

The buzz was so intense that several YouTube videos discussing "Joo Seoyeon," The Moon That Hid the Sun, and Park Jung-woo had already been uploaded.

It was likely that the play’s sudden popularity was due to these factors. Whether the audience had come to see the play itself or just to catch a glimpse of Joo Seoyeon remained unclear.

"Director Bae Jin-hwan."

While lost in thought, the producer Cha Dong-jin, who had come with him, spoke up.

"Thanks to you, I’m getting to see this play too." "Well, there was no point in coming without you."

Bae Jin-hwan and Cha Dong-jin were there to scout for actors.

They were searching for one of the most important roles in a movie that GH Group was ambitiously preparing.

Watching Eyes Closed was part of that process.

"We’re lucky that PD Jo Do-yul gave us VIP tickets. We wouldn’t have been able to get in otherwise."

They had received two tickets, a rare commodity usually reserved for actors and production staff.

Bae Jin-hwan and Cha Dong-jin were immensely relieved.

"What do you think, Director?" "About Joo Seoyeon, you mean?" "Yes, since she’s playing the role of ‘Hong Jeong-hee.’"

Initially, they had planned to watch Eyes Closed regardless of the recent buzz, to evaluate the actress playing "Hong Jeong-hee."

It was purely by chance that Seoyeon had taken the role.

"A young actress who can deliver a powerful villainous performance is rare." "Exactly. We haven’t found anyone suitable yet."

They had watched several plays, mainly those featuring significant villain roles, as well as dramas and movies. Recently, no actor had left a strong impression with their portrayal of a villain.

They even considered holding auditions, though GH Group had expressed a preference for casting a well-known actor.

"Her performance on the variety show was impressive, but..." "Villain roles are a different story."

The saying "a feast for the eyes but no food to eat" was famous for a reason. Princess Yeonhwa and Hong Jeong-hee were vastly different roles.

There was no guarantee she could pull it off.

"Let’s head in. It looks like they’re letting people in now." "Ah, yes."

As they watched people lining up, they stood up slowly, not holding high expectations.

"Everyone ready?"

Sim Cheong-seok looked at the nervous actors and spoke. Things had grown too big. The venue was larger, and the expectations had increased exponentially.

Eyes Closed had always been a known play, but it was ultimately a romantic comedy. It was far from being considered a "blockbuster."

"Is this going to be okay?"

The question came from Lee Hye-jin, who was playing the role of Song Min-seo. She was originally scheduled to perform in the third run, but the order had been changed.

This was the first performance of Eyes Closed, and the reason was obvious.

"Well, what are you going to do if it’s not okay?"

Sim Cheong-seok responded with a dry laugh. It wasn’t the kind of thing an actor should say at a time like this. Normally, he might have tried to reassure her, but not today.

"We’ve practiced a lot. We’ve prepared thoroughly. Be confident." "Yes, yes."

Hye-jin’s timid response made Sim Cheong-seok’s head throb.

She’s been like this since rehearsals.

He wondered if he should have changed the order of Song Min-seo’s role. Meanwhile...

I can’t tell what she’s thinking.

Seoyeon sat with her eyes closed, calm and composed. Her performance during rehearsals had been excellent, but how she would perform in the actual show was still uncertain.

Seoyeon was still a high school student, vulnerable to the psychological pressure of the situation.


Sim Cheong-seok recalled the variety show Looking at the Past, Reliving Memories. The number of students watching her then was even greater. Not to mention, it was broadcasted on TV and YouTube.

So, she’ll be fine.

Sim Cheong-seok smirked as he looked at Seoyeon. She was an opponent worth acting alongside again. He even wondered if it would have been better if she had taken on the role of Song Min-seo.

But then it would have been a disaster.

Not because of Seoyeon, but because Lee Hye-jin would have had to play Hong Jeong-hee. She had no talent for villain roles, of that Sim Cheong-seok was certain.

"Let’s go."

Despite the lingering unease, the curtain rose on the play.

"Excuse me!"

A sharp shout from Bae Sung-hak echoed through the theater. His voice was tinged with irritation. He strode forward and grabbed the arm of a woman who was ignoring him.

"I called you several times! You dropped something!"

The woman looked at him with an innocent expression.

"I can’t hear."

Bae Sung-hak was visibly flustered. He hadn’t expected her to be deaf.

Thus began the first meeting between Bae Sung-hak and Song Min-seo. An unlikely connection between a popular idol and a deaf woman, leading to the unfolding story of the play.

Min-seo, who wanted to hear the idol Bae Sung-hak’s voice, and Sung-hak, who wanted to share his voice with her, tugged at the audience’s emotions.

This is my first time seeing a play, and it’s pretty good. Who is that actor? He’s really handsome.

The audience’s reactions were positive. But not everyone was impressed.

The female lead’s presence is weak compared to Bae Sung-hak’s. It’s not just a matter of the role. This is a mismatch.

Anyone with some knowledge of theater would think so. Director Bae Jin-hwan was one of them. Sometimes, the first performance could be rough and full of mistakes. That’s why some theatergoers avoided the opening night.


As Bae Jin-hwan watched the play with a disinterested expression, something changed.

"Oh! You must be Hong Jeong-hee."

Bae Sung-hak’s tone shifted.

"It’s nice to meet you. I see you at every performance, right? You look familiar."

His words were nothing special, but the feeling was entirely different.

Sung-hak’s performance, already good, suddenly sharpened like a blade. His emotions, movements, and gestures all intensified.

"Oh, hello. I’m... I’m Hong Jeong-hee."

The woman who received his performance was a timid, shrinking figure. With her entrance, the atmosphere of the play changed completely.

Hong Jeong-hee.

The main antagonist of Eyes Closed.

Joo Seoyeon.

Bae Jin-hwan recognized her immediately.

She’s completely different from Princess Yeonhwa.

He exchanged glances with Cha Dong-jin sitting next to him. This was the real thing.

They had come to this play solely to see her. Would she meet their expectations, or fall short?

As they pondered this, the third act began.

The act where Hong Jeong-hee’s role was most prominent.

"Affection? Oh, you were still thinking about that?"

Seoyeon asked Sim Cheong-seok as the play was about to begin.

"Yes, I feel like I can’t afford to show any weak acting now." "Hmm, that makes sense."

He smiled slightly as he responded.

"Affection, huh. It’s true that Hong Jeong-hee had feelings for Bae Sung-hak. It’s a flaw if that doesn’t come across. I guess that’s what you’re worried about?" "Yes."

This was a significant issue. It could disrupt Seoyeon’s immersion in the role of Hong Jeong-hee or prevent her from fully understanding the character.

"You’re too greedy." "Sorry?" "Here’s a tip."

He raised his index finger as he spoke.

"Sometimes, a little deception is necessary in acting." "Deception?" "Sure, affection is important. After all, Hong Jeong-hee’s actions are ultimately for Bae Sung-hak."


"But Hong Jeong-hee’s role in the play is what? She’s the villain."

It’s good to show affection. But it must be balanced.

The role of Hong Jeong-hee in the play.

It’s good to show affection, but it’s not essential. At least, that’s what Sim Cheong-seok thought.

"The playwright’s intention and the actor’s interpretation don’t always align." "..." "You know what I mean, don’t you?"

She was just avoiding it.

"Perfection isn’t always the right answer."

Recalling her conversation with Sim Cheong-seok, Seoyeon slowly opened her eyes.

The third act was about to begin. She could feel the eyes of countless audience members on her.

I am Hong Jeong-hee.

She exhaled, releasing the tension in her body and slouching her posture.

Hong Jeong-hee, as interpreted by Pyo Ji-woo’s emotions.

At this moment, Seoyeon became one with Hong Jeong-hee.

The villain.

Yes, that’s why she had taken on this role.

Hong Jeong-hee’s inferiority complex, her insidiousness, and her obsession.

She would emphasize these traits.


As Sim Cheong-seok had said, if she pushed this to the extreme, the audience would eventually find a reason for it.

The reason behind Hong Jeong-hee’s actions.

Even if she didn’t explicitly portray affection, the audience might still perceive all her actions as driven by love.


A low chuckle escaped from Seoyeon’s, or rather Hong Jeong-hee’s, lips.

In that moment, the audience froze.

Something had changed.

Hong Jeong-hee, with her shoulders shaking as she chuckled darkly.

As she lifted her head, the pale face visible under the dim lighting was chilling.

Joo Seoyeon.

Princess Yeonhwa.

Those names didn’t even come to mind anymore, so terrifying was her presence.


As Hong Jeong-hee’s monologue began, Bae Jin-hwan nearly jumped out of his seat.


The actress he had been searching for.

The villain who would bring his film to life.

Perhaps he had finally found her.

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