What! The Wives in My Dreams Are Real?
Chapter 107 Table of contents

【When he first heard the name ‘Prince Reckless’, Ye Yu’s expression turned quite strange.】

【Reckless? Are you sure?】

【If that’s the case, then in the future, I’ll use my actions to prove to the whole world that the ‘reckless’ in Prince Reckless truly lives up to its name!】

【Since the position of Crown Prince in the Great Yong Dynasty had been vacant for a long time, even if a prince established his own residence, he had to remain within the capital.】

【This was a huge advantage for the princes.】

【Only in the capital could they more easily carry out their plans and win people over.】

【So, no one had any objections.】

【But Ye Yu was different; he insisted on petitioning to establish his residence in a more remote location.】

【To be honest, only in this way could he demonstrate his determination not to vie for the throne.】

【To stay away from the hellish level of political struggles.】

【However, the petition was quickly rejected.】

【It was marked with the word: Impossible!】

【It seemed Ye Kuiliang himself had made the decision.】

【Ye Yu was so angry his teeth hurt.】

【But what made him even angrier was yet to come.】

【Ye Kuiliang arranged for Ye Yu’s residence to be just outside the palace, very close to the entrance.】

【Such an honor was unprecedented for any prince.】

【They were all scattered in the four corners of the capital.】

【For a time, everyone’s attention was focused on the Prince Reckless Ye Yu.】

【It seemed that this prince had received special favor from the emperor.】

【Did this indicate that the emperor had already decided on the Crown Prince?】

【In an instant, the calm capital was stirred with undercurrents.】

【Ye Yu also caught wind of some rumors.】

【That night, he began to scratch his head furiously.】

【Ye Kuiliang was simply impossible to deal with.】

【He had clearly said he had no interest in the throne. Yet, despite this, Ye Kuiliang seemed intent on pushing him into a pit.】

【Making everyone believe he was the most likely candidate for the Crown Prince position.】

【How abominable.】

【You are so old and yet so rebellious.】

【However, Ye Yu will not give in just yet.】

【Want to play games?】

【Then bring it on!】

【The next day, Ye Yu went to his maternal grandfather, Zhou Baiwan.】

【With a bit of sweet talk, grandfather Zhou Baiwan bestowed rewards.】

【Ten weapon artifacts, ten thousand spirit stones, and one million silver notes.】

【Such a large sum was truly extravagant!】

【But what was the first thing Ye Yu did with this fortune?】

【He used the money to bribe his neighbors.】

【He bluntly stated that he liked raising dogs and wanted to buy the houses on both sides to keep dogs!】

【Not spirit beasts or celestial hounds, but real, ordinary dogs—street dogs!】

【Oh, just for fun, really!】

【Those who can live on the edge of the palace are either imperial relatives or high-ranking officials.】

【Hearing this reason, they naturally flew into a rage.】

【Especially the Prime Minister who lived on Ye Yu’s left side, whose face turned pale with anger.】

【He nearly choked on his breath and almost died from the rage.】

【In response, Ye Yu showed no remorse and calmly added.】

【If you’re willing to move, I can offer more money. Even if you die, your son can still spend it.】

【Upon hearing this, the Prime Minister could no longer contain himself and immediately fainted from the anger.】

【It must be said, being a prince was indeed useful.】

【Even when one goes so far, they still don’t get beaten.】

【After inquiring with several neighbors, they all managed to restrain their anger without taking action, which was already quite good.】

【Only the household directly behind Ye Yu’s residence was very straightforward.】

【They said that if the prince wanted it, they dared not refuse.】

【Upon hearing this response, Ye Yu was quite surprised.】

【Why was this person so straightforward?】

【Moreover, they agreed without even mentioning a price. Something was definitely off, too off.】

【There must be something shady about this!】

【If you’re so eager to sell, then I’ll hold off on buying for now!】

【After returning, Ye Yu immediately instructed people to investigate this person.】

【He wanted to know their background and why they had such a good temper.】

【That night, the results came in.】

【It turned out the person’s name was Huangfu Ying!】

【He was a defector from another country.】

【When he joined the Great Yong Dynasty, Emperor Ye Kuiliang, following the principle of buying a horse with a high price, granted him a high position and a residence near the palace.】

【Such favor was meant to attract more ambitious individuals to join.】

【Later, when the Great Yong Dynasty swept through enemy states, the world enjoyed peace.】

【Huangfu Ying’s role became less significant, and as a defector from an enemy country, he was naturally ostracized by the officials.】

【After learning this situation, Ye Yu immediately understood that someone like Huangfu Ying, with no solid foundation and only a background of defection, would be highly suspicious and wary.】

【Perhaps he thought the emperor wanted to use Ye Yu to reclaim the house.】

【That’s why he agreed so readily.】

【With the understanding that Huangfu Ying had no real background, only a backstory, Ye Yu immediately went to buy the house with spirit stones.】

【But what no one expected was that Huangfu Ying had already packed up with his family and was ready to leave.】

【When he saw Ye Yu, he smiled and said: Prince, the place has been cleaned, and you can move in at any time.】

【Ye Yu waved his sleeve and immediately tossed a storage ring containing ten thousand spirit stones to Huangfu Ying.】

【Here, take it. This prince doesn’t take advantage of others!】

【Huangfu Ying, after infusing his spiritual energy to check, was immediately shocked.】

【These ten thousand spirit stones were enough to buy him three houses.】

【After all, his residence was not that large.】

【This amount was indeed excessive.】

【But Ye Yu didn’t give him a chance to speak, immediately urging him to leave quickly and not be a hindrance.】

【After bowing and showing his gratitude, Huangfu Ying took his family and headed towards the East City.】

【There, he had already bought a small house suitable for his family.】

【In the darkness of the night, Ye Yu watched the whole family leave.】

【Among them, a girl caught his attention.】

【The girl had extremely bright eyes and a fierce aura. She made a memorable impression with just a glance.】

【Ye Yu was about to step forward for a closer look, but he found that she had already been blocked by the servants moving things.】

【By the time Ye Yu got closer, he could no longer find her.】

【Ye Yu couldn’t help but frown slightly, the image of those bright eyes still lingering in his mind.】

【The next day.】

【Petitions criticizing Prince Reckless Ye Yu began pouring in like snowflakes before the emperor.】

【Upon hearing this news, in the palace, Lady Zhou was instantly extremely nervous.】

【She had anticipated that Ye Yu would cause trouble after going out, but she hadn’t expected it to be such a big mess.】

【You’re even buying the houses of the Prime Minister, the Great General, and the Grand Scholar.】

【Are you trying to offend everyone?】

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