I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 34 Table of contents

“Lee Hayul, did you have an uncomfortable sleep last night?”


“You seem very tired.”

I ended up not sleeping at all last night. After spending the entire night with my eyes wide open, I had to welcome the morning. Consequently, my condition remained below par.

I roused myself with some difficulty and prepared to depart with my group members.

It didn’t take long to pack up. The equipment was expensive but designed for convenience and performance, which made pack-up a breeze.

At the temporary base where most of the packing was complete,

We gathered in the center and took care of breakfast in a simplistic manner. It was just like yesterday, reheating convenience food, but perhaps knowing we would soon be leaving the dungeon made everyone’s faces brighter.

In the midst of our journey back,

Elia, who had looked at me with a tilted head from morning as if examining me, asked a question. Apparently, I looked pale from the outside.

[I’m fine. I just couldn’t sleep well, that’s all.]

It was no lie. Whether it was due to nerves or something else, I just couldn’t catch any sleep and ended up seeing the night through.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason.


When it was time for my night watch duty, Aidan apologized amid a rant about jealousy, which led me to soak in unnecessary thoughts and sulk alone.

It made me reminisce about the past unnecessarily. I silently vented my frustration on innocent Aidan, even resorting to self-loathing to pass the time.

After switching with Atila for the next watch, I crawled back into my sleeping bag. As my head cooled down, I realized the silliness of my thoughts.

Or perhaps it was the dawn emotions. Feeling slightly ashamed, as if I had been digging my own tunnel, intoxicated by the warmth of the magical heating device, similar to a bonfire, and the camping ambiance of the base.

It was a greater embarrassment than the night before I became possessed when I alone floundered with my arms slumped on a desk.

Thankfully, I kept those thoughts to myself. It ended there, with the dark history of the dawn known only to me.

If someone else had caught wind and it had spread, I might have ended up hanging myself.

“Make sure you get plenty of rest and take some supplements when you return to the dormitory, Hayul.”

[Yes, thank you.]

Did I look like I was about to die? I took in Elia’s worried eyes and her advice to take care of my health.

As I made my way lighter-footed across the forest compared to yesterday, I occasionally launched forceful magic strikes against any monsters I came across.

A quadrupedal beast-type monster. It was of the 8th-tier. The distance was about 40 meters. However, trees densely packed between made it impossible to see each other with the naked eye.

Lowest-Level Magic
[Mana Strike]

The diagonally launched slash easily sliced through the trees and struck the monster. Its waist severed cleanly, the monster split into two pieces and fell.

Guts split and blood red spilled onto the floor, leaves soaking in the scarlet made for a grotesque scene.


I fidgeted with my hands, feeling unsure. I had tried it out just in case, but the power remained as heightened as yesterday.

What could be the cause? Really because of spatial perception? A factor other than affinity for magic, like spatial perception influencing magic like this?

Or because we’re inside the dungeon? And why is that?

‘Don’t know…’

It seems I’ll need to seek advice from Professor Liana after leaving the dungeon. My knowledge of magic is too meager to make decisions on my own.

Right now, the amount of my magic power is very minor compared to other students. As for manipulation… according to Professor Liana, it’s considered excellent, and my magical affinity is apparently doing its job.

Still, I’ve only been introduced to magic at best two weeks ago.

When compared to students who have trained in magic, their core, and circuits for many years, and those who feasted on elixirs, I am at a disadvantage.

Even now, after having cast magic a few times, nearly half of my magic power has been consumed. This is despite even using the staff’s magic energy.

‘I must also pay attention to my magic power.’

But naturally, the easiest way to increase magic power is with elixirs… however, if elixirs were just lying about on the ground, they wouldn’t be called elixirs.

If it was like in the original work, one could just search for various hidden pieces early on, sell them, or even commit outright fraud to amass funds and elixirs.

But here, I have neither the money nor any way to find hidden pieces.

For now, it looks like accumulating little by little in an honest manner, as I did the first time, is my only option.

The entrance to The Tower of Growth is coming up soon. At that time, not only can I potentially resolve some of the magic power issues but also gain a few other benefits.

Plus, if the hidden piece does indeed exist in The Tower of Growth… that’s… somewhat concerning.

This isn’t a game, so actually taking it poses a different problem. Its very existence is still unknown; pondering over it now is just premature excitement.

Before long, I sensed the blue vortex. It was the hole to the dungeon we entered yesterday for the first time.

“Let’s head back.”

Atila adjusted her shield and took the lead.

Atila checked for dangers beyond the dungeon first, with Aidan, assigned to rear defense, standing last to guard against any rear surprise attacks.

Her figure was swallowed by the swirling vortex, her presence fading away. Following in turn, we each entered the vortex one by one.

After a brief bout of nausea and dizziness, spatial perception encompassed the premises of Shio-ram. Thanks to the expanded range and precision, it felt quite different than before.

I breathed in. The dungeon’s air was fairly clear as it was a dense forest, but still, the air of Shio-ram was more comfortable.

The tension I had been holding dissolved. Worn out from maintaining alertness in fear of what might happen until the end, I felt worn.

As I was loosening up my stiff body, Atila led the team members straight to the nearby administration facility.

“Ipchun class, section 11… Atila and 4 members exited on Tuesday around 10:46 AM. Your performance will be calculated later. You have all worked hard.”

We registered both face-to-face with the facility manager and in the system.

With the manager’s words, we headed outside the facility.

“Ah, it’s finally over.”

With a groan, Elia raised her arms high and stretched, attracting attention largely due to her prominent chest.

– Clap

Atila, who had been working with her smartwatch, drew attention with a clap. Once she verified that everyone was looking, she smiled and spoke.

“It finished much smoother and quicker than expected. Thank you all for the cooperation. And Lee Hayul, a special thanks to you.”

She added a sudden commendation on top of the formality. When I looked puzzled, Atila smiled mischievously.

“Thanks to Lee Hayul, we were able to save an absurd amount of time on scouting. I was late to say it yesterday, but you might have wandered until dawn otherwise.”

“This extermination uncommonly went by smoothly.”

“That’s right. I’ve never had such an easy experience in a dungeon, despite the little experience I have,” Elia added.

Certainly searching for monsters in a dungeon of that size has many inconveniences.

Some teams might not have someone with a sensory-type unique ability. And even if they do, at most, there would only be one person making exploration a challenge.

Furthermore, not all sensory types guarantee smooth exploration.

In the original story, even with a poor sensing ability, searching could consume days.

Of course, spatial perception is not merely a simple sensory type ability to be categorized as ordinary. It’s in a category akin to a hexagon, and luck also played a part in drastically reducing our time.

[Thank you.]

Caught in the unexpected shower of compliments, it was hard to know how to react. I gave a tentative reply, and Atila, acknowledging with a nod, continued,

“I’ve been rambling on for a bit. We’ve built some camaraderie over these two days. And since we’re in the same class, let’s continue to get along. Who knows when we might need each other’s help?”

The gist was about building a network and staying on friendly terms moving forward. Atila made her point while sharing her contact information.

“Well then, let’s really disperse and relax now. You’ve all done a great job.”

With that, the practical session really ended.

Atila mentioned she had leftover fatigue and headed back to the dormitory to rest.

Aidan and Nam Yeon-jung walked off in the same direction. They talked about renting the training ground for a battle, a continuation of yesterday’s discussion about sword versus spear.

“Do you have any separate plans, Hayul?”

Elia, who was checking her reconnected smartwatch, looked up at me and asked. I nodded as I checked for any missed messages from the past days.

[I plan to visit the library. There’s still much I’m curious about and issues with magic remaining.]

“Ah… certainly,” Elia responded.

It wasn’t just the forceful magic strike. I tested other spells in the dungeon and, for the most part, their output had increased. It was a mystery.

That alone made it a reason to visit the library to peruse materials. Even if I don’t find anything out, it’s of no consequence. Any study is beneficial, and if I can’t figure it out on my own, I’ll go see Professor Liana.

“I’ll be going as well. When you get back to the dormitory, be sure to take your supplements and get a good rest! I’ll see you in the classroom tomorrow!”

[Yes, thank you.]

I parted company with Elia, who again showed concern as if I was a child, which left me feeling slightly awkward.

As Elia finally waved and vanished from my spatial perception range,

I confirmed her absence and moved on.

My intended destination was the library. Though my mind was tired, I wasn’t so exhausted as to collapse.

Moreover, lingering unease remained, and finding a lead on the increased potency of my magic would allow me to sleep more peacefully.


As I took a step forward, my spatial perception caught a familiar figure.

Golden hair down to the shoulders, long legs that reduced distances with each stride.

It was Atra, the professor.

Her frown indicated that something might have displeased her.

My refined spatial perception now let me feel the magic inside Professor Atra more acutely than before.

The lethally fierce, shining magic power seemed ready to tear apart anything around her, yet it stayed concealed like a predator lying in wait, at times making me sweat coldly.

Professor Atra’s gaze locked onto me, too. Even from hundreds of meters away, she pinned me with a precise look.

I turned and walked towards Professor Atra. Eye contact had been… um… made, after all, so I should at least greet her.

While various factors made the schedule easier, the foundation of it was largely due to the knowledge and equipment that Professor Atra had drilled into me.

I intended to thank her, expressing my gratitude for the operation’s smooth progress thanks to her help.

“Is your schedule all completed?”

As the gap between us narrowed, Professor Atra inquired. Her tone didn’t suggest anger, a relief. I managed my smartwatch as I thought.



Suddenly, that word crossed my mind—an unexpected thought that burst out of nowhere. Displeased? Why? With Professor Atra? Such strange thoughts.

My head tilted unconsciously. My hands weren’t moving, and neither were my legs. My body seemed to have frozen up.

‘What’s the matter?’

Something was wrong with my body. A ring of tinnitus resounded in my ears—an alarming experience.


I couldn’t understand why such thoughts were emerging.

I did not think of Atra, the professor, that way. The training was harsh, but fruitful. I didn’t see her tough approach as deliberate harassment and had faith in her.

In the dungeon, Atra’s methods of survival seemed somewhat awkward at times but showed that, at the very least, she didn’t want me to die.

In any event, Professor Atra was earnestly  educating me.

– Sniff sniff

Suddenly, my nose twitched. Due to the curse, It was an organ incapable of smelling.

The morning air’s fragrance, the cozy sunlight, the pure scent of grass, the sweet fragrance of blossoms occasionally present,

I couldn’t smell them. The curse had taken that away from me.

Vile and unclean.

I hadn’t smelled it. No, that wasn’t it.

I realized it instinctively.

The lowly smell I always felt in childhood, something I couldn’t dare to explicitly call a scent.

The wretched stench intermingled with magic that my debauched parents, despite having nothing, bought with money and adorned themselves with.

The revolting scent that drove away every last bit of their sanity and intellect.

The detestable presence of my parents.


I stumbled. Regaining my senses, I found myself backpedaling. My shaky legs desperately widened the distance.

“What… are you okay…?”

My spatial perception swayed uneasily. Professor Atra, looking perplexed, was…

– You should never have been born. Why did something like you have to exist? Damn it…

Professor Atra… approached…

– Like a rat, all you can do is eat and crap. What are you living for, huh?

Professor Atra was…

– You as a child do nothing for your parents. Is it because you’re sickly and withered so you can’t even donate organs? Or should simply be thrown away?

My parents… the knife, it came closer─

“Uh, ugh…!”

In that moment, my guts felt as though they were tearing apart, and my waist buckled. A churning burning inside became unbearable. Unable to contain it, the disgusting contents surged up.

In a panic, I clamped my mouth shut with my hands. My shoulders heaved. It felt like the contents were about to burst from the insufficiently sealed mouth at any second.


Spatial perception picked up on a tactile sensation. Magic affinity unpleasantly accepted the contemptuous and ugly magic.

But I realized instinctively.

Before spatial perception detected it, before magic affinity analyzed the magic.

My body had reacted first. As it drew near, my body stiffened, and by instinct, I staggered back.

Even if I withdrew spatial perception, even if the disgusting and filthy magic disappeared,

Unconsciously, in the realm of my instincts. I would continue to feel that presence.

“What’s wrong! Are you, are you alright!?”

Desperate, Atra approached. The vile and repulsive presence rapidly closed in, intensifying the nausea.

‘No, please don’t…’

“Ah, ─ack…”

Unwillingly, my mouth opened, and immediate retaliation followed. A pain as though my throat was tearing apart. Combined with the boiling inside, I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Gah! Gack! Gack…! Urk…! Ugh, blargh…!”

Vomit refluxed into my throat. Spew burst forth from the unsealed gap.

– Schreee─!

The tinnitus in my ears suddenly intensified. The world was engulfed by one sound. It felt like my head would burst from the pain.

“Calm down! There’s nothing here that could be a threat─”

Suddenly right next to me, Atra reached out her hand. As I saw the slowly approaching hand, I acted reflexively.

– Slash!

With a wide swing, I repelled the approaching threat. It was an essential action taken by life’s instinct without going through reason.


Atra’s expression crumbled.

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