He Became the Only Ally of the Abandoned Warrior
Chapter 30 Table of contents

The illusionist of the Demon King’s Party, Adora, had left.

She disappeared as if she had never been there, vanishing like smoke, but the scattered corpses of the beasts and the guild members within the city were a stark reminder of how deeply Waltercrua had been wounded by this incident.

“Our Mercenary Guild will recognize Ravin the Thief as the ruler of Waltercrua.”

“Our Merchant Guild will take the lead in making amends for the betrayal of the two guild leaders and restoring the trust of the citizens of Waltercrua.”

With the revelation that two of the Triad had allied with demons and with their deaths at the hands of a demon, the vice guild leaders of the Mercenary and Merchant Guilds immediately bowed their heads to Ravin. It was a necessary choice to avoid forced expulsion.

Ravin, who was now leading the cleanup, appeared outwardly energetic and encouraged the people, but inside, he was rotting away just like everyone else.

“What the hell did your warrior party do to him…?”

Before letting Lin and Lucy go, Ravin pulled the warrior aside. Lucy, still in shock, stared blankly into space with unfocused eyes.

“I’m asking you!”

Ravin despised everything about the warrior. The way she always acted like the victim, clinging to Lin, claiming she liked him, only to abandon him when it really mattered—it all made Ravin want to tear her apart with his dagger.

“He’s the one… who’s taken care of everyone since we were kids in the Filthy Water Alley… He’s the one who saved me, Arsil, and that damned woman. We were all able to survive because of him.”

Even when Ravin took a different path from Arsil and became an enemy, Lin would still occasionally help Ravin’s gang.

“In Arsil’s group, he was always the one sacrificing himself for his crew.”

Even though his natural strength was insignificant compared to many other heroes.

“He made sure we had food to eat, no matter what.”

Ravin could talk endlessly about how the warrior party would feast while leaving Lin with an empty pot.

“If someone turned in their sleep, he’d come over to check if they were uncomfortable.”

Whenever someone in the warrior party coughed or showed discomfort, Lin would fret, wondering if he had done something wrong.

“If someone was having a bad day and stayed quiet, he’d come up to ask what was wrong.”

The warrior party would shout at him to get lost and mind his own business whenever he approached.

“I wanted to run over and bring him back immediately, but I respected his choice and waited, believing that one day, he would shine.”

He already knew how the warrior party was treating him.

“But what happened?”

He couldn’t follow them when they went to defeat the Demon King, so he had let his guard down for a moment.

“You made him grab the Demon King’s horn with his bare hands?”


“Don’t even try to deny it! You were always the one leading the charge when it came to tormenting him! I could’ve guessed that much… but Arsil! What about that bitch?”

The saint, who scolded the porter, claiming that the shield knight was more injured.

“Even if she didn’t know his name, even if she didn’t recognize his build or voice, even if the mask hid his face—!”

The saint, who valued sacrifice and dedication above all, had always ignored Lin, who was right beside her.

“He’s your comrade! No matter how much you despised him, no matter how little you trusted him, he was your comrade for a long time!”

Lucy found it hard to breathe. Every word from Ravin tore at her heart.

“You people are not normal! He was a civilian, a non-combatant! Just staying in his position on the battlefield, even though he was terrified, was an achievement in itself! And yet, how could you dismiss him as cowardly and useless?”

The past, which she had almost forgotten, came rushing back, grabbing her by the hair.

“Luciena Estelle, he saved you, even as his body was being consumed by demonic energy. And that demonic energy started eating away at him because of you.”

Her past, which she had maliciously carried out.

“And even after that, he stayed with you, healed your body, and what do you do? You leave him alone to fight while you go off on your own?”

“No, I didn’t mean to….”

“Too many beasts to find him? You’re making excuses not to go save him?”


“You’re not worthy.”

When someone reaches the peak of anger, they often become calm.

As the warrior struggled to speak, Ravin grew colder and colder.

He felt a chilling clarity in his mind.

“Overwhelming strength, fame, a magnificent fiancé.”

Lucy flinched.

“No matter what you do, you’re just a selfish bitch. You’re so used to receiving that you don’t know how to give.”

That’s not true.

She had been born into a fallen noble family, abandoned by her parents, and survived alone.

She had lived by clinging desperately to her sword.

Normally, before the betrayal, Lucy would have confidently argued back, but now she felt that trying to defend herself was nothing but hypocrisy.

“Do you know how much the world adored you? The beautiful, strong warrior. And the dashing fiancé who couldn’t live without you.”


But Reinhold had been the exception.

Lucy screamed in denial, but Ravin gradually lowered his voice, driving sharp truths into her ears like needles.

“No? You knew full well how people admired you for trying to win over your kind and gentle fiancé with all your flirtations, your jealousy games.”

“That was before I knew what kind of person he was!”

“You didn’t know? You fell for his pretty-boy looks and swooned over him! You did everything you could to hold his hand, to hug him, to kiss him!”

“No, I didn’t! He treated me like a doll! He didn’t care about me at all!”

“You’re not making any sense, Luciena!”

Ravin finally grabbed Lucy by the face, gripping her cheeks tightly as he spat venomous words.

“Your body might be a virgin because the shield knight didn’t touch you, but your heart is filthy—a filthy rag, you slut…!”

“No! No! Lin is the only one for me. I know now. The naive girl I used to be disappeared long ago, along with my limbs!”

“Oh, really? Then why is he in so much pain being near you?”

Ravin dragged out every hidden truth, every denial Lucy had tried to suppress.

He carved away at her soul, leaving nothing unscathed.

“You’re not worthy. I’ll take him. I’ll heal that wounded body and make sure he rests by my side for the rest of his life.”


“You only bring him pain!”

“No! No! Please, please! I was wrong. I was so immature. You’re right, I was a selfish bitch. I’m so sorry. I’ll do better. Don’t take him away. Lin said he needed me too. He said he needed me to save the world. I need him too. I don’t know how to live without him!”

When Ravin said he would take Lin away, Lucy fell to her knees and begged. The once proud warrior was now groveling and weeping before a mere thief.

Ravin felt empty.

She knew it too.

Lin needed Lucy.

At least for now.

“Listen carefully, you wretched thing.”

Fighting the urge to vomit, Ravin issued his final command.

“Because he saved you, I’m giving you one last chance.”

“Thank you. Thank you…!”

“Remember what I say.”

“I’ll do anything, just tell me.”

“Stop babbling and listen!”

The warrior finally stopped her frantic movements and paid attention.

“Because he saved you, no matter what, you have to protect him. Understand? From now on, your entire life revolves around him. Do as he says, and always put him first.”


“Answer me!”

“I understand.”

“If I hear that he’s been hurt again, or that he’s crossed a river he can’t return from….”

Ravin drew his dagger and pointed it at her throat.

“I’ll kill every single one of you in that warrior party.”

“…No matter what, I’ll protect him.”

Ravin had said all he needed to say. His entire body felt as heavy as if it were soaked in water.

As he stepped back from Lucy, Ravin looked up at the sky. The sky was a disturbingly bright blue.

When the saint and the mage finally arrived at the Waltercrua checkpoint, their bodies battered and bruised, it was already dusk.

They had been thoroughly humiliated by Salome, the spearman of the Demon King’s Party, before they were released.

‘Huh? Is that enough? Ah, he’s so self-centered.’

The spearman, who had suddenly stopped his attack, waved them away in annoyance.

‘Go on now. It’s all over.’

Even the hot-tempered Arsil could only trudge away in defeat.

The warrior party, their pride and self-esteem thoroughly shattered, stared at the ground until they heard a voice from atop the walls of Waltercrua.


It was a familiar voice.

They looked up to see Ravin, pale and sitting on the wall.


“Judging by your appearance, you must be the saint and the mage from the illustrious warrior party.”

“Ravin! Is that really you?”

That bitch was laughing.

“Stop right there. We’re not on friendly terms, remember?”

“Hey! What are you doing here? Did you leave the alleys and settle in Waltercrua?”

Arsil was excited, but Ravin wasn’t. In fact, he wanted to punch that smiling face until it was unrecognizable.

“Are you alone? What about Jack? What about Lafam? Did all your gang come with you?”

“…They’re doing well.”

In the heavens, that is.

She really doesn’t know anything.

It had only been half a day since Lin left, but Ravin missed him so much it hurt.

He considered it for a moment.

Should he tell her the truth?

How would Arsil react once she knew everything?

But Ravin decided against it.

This was a curse.

A curse on you, Arsil, for failing to recognize him, for tormenting him, for driving him to the brink.

And the name of that curse is Silence.

“Open the gate. We need to get into Waltercrua. It’s a matter concerning the whole city.”

“No, Waltercrua has no business with you.”

“Hey! Are you holding a grudge because I punched you a few times back in the day? I’ll apologize for that…! This is serious….”

“I am Ravin the Thief, the rightful ruler of Waltercrua, chosen by the united guilds.”

Arsil’s expression hardened at his cold tone.

Not only Ravin, but everyone on the walls and at the checkpoint was staring at them with blank expressions.

“This afternoon, Waltercrua was invaded by demons.”


“A member of the Demon King’s Party. He ravaged this place as he pleased and left as if nothing had happened.”

“Ravin! Was it the spearman? Or the illusionist?”

Arsil desperately tried to recall the other members of the Demon King’s Party that Salome had casually mentioned.

But Ravin ignored her.

“Therefore, Waltercrua is currently undergoing restoration, and all entry is prohibited.”

“Hey, Ravin! Let us help! We’ll investigate the situation. Then we can formally request aid from the Empire and the Holy Kingdom….”


He tried to ignore her.

“Ha! The Empire and the Holy Kingdom?”


But it was hard to ignore such bullshit.

The thief raised his hand.

Immediately, the beacon fire on Waltercrua’s watchtower flared up.

“Saint. We know what you did to the warrior and the porter.”


“Given your actions, I doubt the Empire or the Holy Kingdom will be eager to help us.”

“Who told you that?”

“Who knows, maybe it was the demon who swept through here, or maybe it was just a passing traveler. I can’t remember.”

The second beacon flared up.

A sign that the first one hadn’t been a mistake.

“Get lost. Waltercrua doesn’t welcome traitors.”

Tigria grabbed Arsil’s shoulder and shook her head.

But the saint couldn’t retreat so easily.

“Fine, we won’t go in. Just tell me one thing.”

“…What is it?”

“What about him? I don’t know how long it’s been since you left, but is he okay? Was he okay?”


What a farce.


Ravin’s entire body shook as he laughed, his battered form trembling.

He laughed so hard that it hurt, and only after a great effort did he manage to suppress it enough to deliver Lin’s message.

“The warrior has gone to the Zramun Archipelago.”

“Lucy? Why are you talking about Lucy all of a sudden?”

“She said to be well-prepared, whether it’s to face the Demon King’s Party or to face her.”

The show was over.

Ravin turned and descended from the wall.

Arsil, when I learned the truth about your warrior party, I was paralyzed with shock.

Now that you know the truth, can you endure the cruelty of reality?

“Hey! Heyyyy—!! Ravin!!!”

Arsil’s cries echoed as she struggled to accept the situation.

The mage, unable to bear it any longer, forcibly teleported her back to the capital, but her desperate shouts continued until the very last moment.

Once again, they walked through the forest.

Once again, only Lin and Lucy remained.

Lucy was walking silently, holding Lin’s hand.

Seeing her downcast expression, Lin hesitated for a long time before finally clearing his throat.

“Lucy, we left without resting. How about we set up camp here?”


“I’m fine. To be honest, I fell asleep on the battlefield when the illusionist attacked me. Ah, that’s not something to be proud of.”


“Are you mad because of that?”


“I’m sorry, Lucy. I should have done better.”

Lucy stopped in her tracks.

It was a phrase she had heard every day during the Demon King’s campaign.

Lucy swallowed hard.



“What’s wrong with your arm…?”

This time, it was Lin who fell silent.

“Why… why does your arm… feel like it’s filled with demonic energy…?”


“This is strange. I definitely… revived you using the Sacred Sword, so why…?”


“At the Goddess’s Sanctuary, I revived you with the Sacred Sword, so why can I feel demonic energy…?”


“Even though I used the Sacred Sword, why….”


Lin grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, revealing her tear-streaked face.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Lin. I’m sorry for hurting you…!”

She collapsed to her knees, pressing her forehead against his hand as she sobbed.

“I didn’t know you were in pain. I didn’t know it was this bad. If it’s this bad even after using the Sacred Sword, then how bad was it before?”

How much pain had he endured, caring for her, taking her with him?

Suddenly, Lucy remembered how Lin had fed her but had hardly eaten anything himself.

She realized it wasn’t because he was trying to save rations—he simply hadn’t had an appetite because of the overwhelming pain.

Now she saw it.

His pain.

Her own stupidity.

“I’m sorry for being useless. I’m sorry for being a warrior without the Sacred Sword. I’m sorry that I’m still garbage even though you saved me….”


Lin knelt down as well.

He reached out and hugged her, gently patting her back.

But even in his embrace, Lucy couldn’t lift her head.

Lin took a deep breath and whispered to her.

“You revived me with the Sacred Sword. That’s why it was missing.”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry….”

“Exchanging your qualification as a warrior for the life of someone like me….”

“That’s not true…! Lin, the most important thing to me is….”

“Thank you for saving me, Lucy.”

Finally, Lin met the warrior’s empty gaze.

“My greatest companion, Lucy.”

“Sniff… sob…!”

Lucy wept bitterly.

“Thanks to you, I don’t feel much pain for someone who’s been corrupted by demonic energy. It must be because you used the Sacred Sword.”


“There, there, it’s okay. It’s okay.”

Lucy hated herself.

She hated herself for being selfish and never getting better.

She hated herself for wanting to stay by Lin’s side.

She hated herself for knowing she’d be no different from dead if Lin wasn’t with her.

And yet, Lucy clung to Lin’s hand, burrowed into his arms, and sought the sound of his heartbeat.

‘You’re a filthy slut…!’

I’m not a slut.

It might have been a mistake in the past, but I’m not a slut.

She denied it, but her conscience wasn’t clear.

That feeling only fueled her obsession with Lin and pushed her neurotic obsession to the extreme.

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