He Became the Only Ally of the Abandoned Warrior
Chapter 34 Table of contents

To reach the Zramun Archipelago, Lin had to take the only available ship from a small harbor town. The fare was exorbitant due to the dangerous, swirling magical currents surrounding the archipelago. These currents caused the waters to be perpetually rough, making it impossible for anyone but a highly skilled captain and crew to navigate them safely. Additionally, these magical disturbances prevented mages from using teleportation magic to travel between the continent and the archipelago, meaning that even Tigria's magical prowess couldn't help them pursue Lin and Lucy quickly.

On the flip side, this inaccessibility made it an ideal location for the Second Hero to seal the Demon Sword.

"Be safe, Lucy," Lin said.

"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Lucy asked, her concern evident.

"Yes, there's no need to worry."

"But still..."

"Promise me you'll stay here and be safe?"

"Alright... but come back quickly, okay?"

"I'll finish as soon as I can."

Despite her desire to accompany him, Lucy knew she couldn't refuse Lin's request. She had made too many mistakes already to deny him this. At least she had the red thread of fate tied to her pinky, allowing her to focus on that connection and be ready to rush to his side if something happened.

The harbor town was nothing more than a simple fishing village. Its name, "The Way to the Archipelago," reflected its modest size and purpose. Even though it seemed like there was no danger here, Lucy remained on high alert. It was only yesterday that she had almost lost Lin due to her carelessness.

Ravin's words echoed in her mind since they left Valtercua:

"Lin saved you, so you must protect him no matter what happens. Understand? From now on, Lin must be the center of your life. You must do whatever he says and always put him first."

It wasn't easy to follow those instructions. Sometimes Lin wanted to go off alone, like now, to handle some task. But if Lucy was going to protect him, she needed to be by his side constantly. Protecting Lin and obeying his wishes were conflicting orders. Now, Lin had gone out alone to send a letter via the World Postal Service. He had insisted so much that Lucy couldn't refuse, so she sat on the bed in their small room, focusing on the red thread and lost in thought.

As she delved deeper into her thoughts, Lucy began stripping away the layers of excuses and justifications she had used to cover her actions.

The first excuse was this:

"I said it was hard to find him because there were too many enemies, not that I had given up."

This was what Ravin had scolded her for when they were looking for Lin, surrounded by monsters in Valtercua. She thought her words had been misunderstood.

She shook her head.

"No, it was what it was."

What if she had rushed to find Lin instead of making excuses? Or better yet, what if she had used the red thread to track him down like she could have now?

Verdict: A stupid excuse from a fool who didn't even use the tools at hand properly. She tore that excuse away.

The second excuse: Just as Lin had saved her, Lucy had sacrificed her Holy Sword to revive Lin.

There was nothing more to say about that.

"Lin was already being consumed by magic from the start."

This was because of the injuries he sustained when he touched the Demon King's horn with his bare hands due to the neglect and mistreatment from the hero party. It wasn't just giving medicine after causing the sickness—it was a complete and utter failure that amounted to attempted murder. Lin had died at the hands of a succubus while protecting Lucy as she recovered from using the Elixir.

Verdict: A pathetic excuse that would get her limbs cut off again if brought up. She cast it aside.

The third excuse: Why had Lin been forced to touch the Demon King's horn with his bare hands? Because she had thought the power of the horn would dissipate once the Demon King died, believing it would only cause temporary pain. She had assumed that Arsil or Tigria would step in if things got really bad.

Verdict: Is she crazy?

The fourth, the fifth, the sixth—all excuses, justifications, lies, and flimsy pride. When stripped away, all that remained was her obsession and fixation on Lin.

"Hah... Hah..."

She was disgusted. Looking at herself from a third-person perspective, her actions and thoughts were revolting.

Stripped bare, Lucy sank into a deep pit of self-loathing and despair.

"Hngh... Ah... Aaah..."

From the first time they met, everything had gone wrong between Lucy and Lin. Whose fault was it?

It was Lucy's fault.

Within the hero party, Lin had been subjected to constant mistreatment and bullying. Who was to blame?

Lucy had led the charge.

And after their betrayal, until now, had Lucy done anything to help Lin?

No, not at all.

She had only made things worse for him.

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

How dare she ever think she had any right to claim Lin as hers?

"Hngh... Ugh...!"

Her breathing became more rapid. The more her breathing quickened, the more her mind replayed every mistake she had made.

"You have no right."

Even the little right she had was slipping away.

"You're only a source of pain for Lin!"

Ravin had been right about everything. Lucy was a completely useless woman.

"You're nothing but a filthy woman in every way except physically!"


She wanted to deny it, but the truth of her unworthiness was undeniable. Her self-loathing turned into self-harm as she struck her temples and pressed down hard.

"You have no right. I'll take care of Lin. I'll heal his pain and keep him by my side forever."


But despite everything, the only thing Lucy had left was Lin.

"Please, don't take Lin away from me."

Her comrades had severed her limbs.


The despicable shield bearer who pretended to be her fiancé had branded her a traitor.

"Hah... Hah..."

The one who had held her close and leaped off the cliff was not one of the heroic comrades, but Lin, a mere porter. The one who nursed her back to health while fighting demons with his life on the line was Lin, a civilian.

But then, Ravin appeared. Far more deserving than Lucy, she scolded her and then handed Lin a pouch containing her severed ponytail. Even though she was right there with Lin, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had lost to Ravin, who was far away. And then Adora, the illusionist from the Demon King's Party, showed up, calmly infuriated at Lucy's incompetence, revealing that Lin had been consumed by magic.

Lucy hadn't even known.


She had known nothing.


What a pitiful woman.


Don't even cry.

"Breathe, Lucy!"

You have no right to be with Lin...

"Why are you hitting your head, Lucy?!"

But still...

...She wanted to be with him.

She hated herself for this shamelessness.


The red thread burned, snapping her back to reality.

"Guh! Huff!"

Finally, Lucy could exhale the breath she had been holding. Her blurred vision cleared, revealing Lin, drenched in sweat and frantically checking on her.


"Lucy, are you okay?"

"W-What was I..."

"You were hyperventilating. When I came in, you were hitting your head, then suddenly stopped breathing. You scared me."


She hesitated. She was too ashamed to even say "I'm sorry." It felt like every time she apologized, her apologies lost more value. She feared she would keep making the same mistakes, relying on his kindness again and again, unsure how long she could bear repeating this cycle.

"Hngh... Ugh..."

Don't cry.

Don't shed tears.

Don't burden him.

You worthless thing.


"Lucy, are you alright?"

Lin's concern for her broke her down completely. She struggled to hold back tears.


Don't cry.

"Are you okay?"

"Why do you stay with someone as horrible as me?"

Don't cry.

"I've done so many terrible things to you... Why do you keep me around?"

Who are you to cry?

"If it's for the sake of the world... I'll do whatever you ask, Lin. If staying with me is painful... If it's too much... just tell me what to do. I'll handle it."

"Why are you saying that? I've told you it's not like that."

"But Lin... you're suffering because of me. Because of me... your arm, your heart..."


"I don't know... You're so important to me, but I feel like it's too late. Now? After everything I've done to hurt you? I don't know how to apologize... I don't know how to make it right... I don't know what to do..."

She did it. Her voice trembled, but she managed to say it all without crying. Now, she just had to wait for his response. Lucy braced herself, ready to accept whatever came.



"Did you do something wrong?"

Ah, a different reaction from the usual. Normally, he'd say it's okay. But something was wrong.

Even so, she had to answer properly. The least she could do was respond like a human being.

"Yes... I did something wrong..."


"Really... I did so much wrong."

"I see."

Lin hugged Lucy.

"Never do that again."


Don't cry...

"Hnnngh... Uwaaaaa...!"

Lucy told herself not to mistake this. He hadn't said he forgave her.

It was very different.

Remember that, Lucy.

But still...


For the first time, Lin had shown her even a tiny piece of his true feelings. Even if it was just a fragment of resentment, it felt like salvation. The mixture of disappointment in herself for depending on his mercy yet again and the relief of receiving it tore her apart. Tears poured out like a broken faucet, and Lucy sobbed uncontrollably.

She knew this wasn't the end. This wasn't him forgiving her. She would have to prove herself through her actions going forward. But even so, she couldn't contain the overwhelming gratitude.


She clung to him, bawling her eyes out.

"This is the last time."

"Yes... Yes..."

She didn't care about dignity anymore as she cried and held onto him. She cried so much that it seemed like she might die of dehydration, but she still clung to Lin, trembling.


"Yes, Lucy."

"You're my only ally, right?"

"Of course."

"My best companion."


And next, naturally, my...

"I'll serve you for the rest of my life."


Startled, he looked down at her, and there she was, a warrior with a completely different look in her eyes. Even though she carried the weight of her past sins, her unwavering gaze, following the tearful plea for forgiveness earlier, gave Lin another deep feeling of warmth.


"No matter how painful and shameful the past is, we have to focus on the present."

So he stroked her cheek, genuinely comforting her.

"And we have to acknowledge that it's because of that past that we can reflect, grow, and become better people."

"I'll remember that, my Lin."

Clink, clink, clink...

The second chain unraveled and fell to the ground. But unfortunately, the chains that had been freed were only two. The door was still bound by countless others, sealed shut.

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