I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 42 Table of contents

Consuming a natural elixir carelessly could lead to dire consequences.

A natural elixir, saturated over time with the essence of nature, is a vast mass of mana in and of itself.

To consume such a thing thoughtlessly is to invite disaster, as the body might not withstand the turbulent energy and could burst into pieces.

Ordinary people, unable to wield mana, are at even greater risk, and most superhumans would be reduced to a state of invalidity.

Therefore, natural elixirs demand an exceedingly meticulous consumption method. Moreover, even when the method is followed, a powerful superhuman stands by during the intake in case of unexpected circumstances.

It’s possible to prevent the danger inherent in natural elixirs through special processing techniques.

Not a process of turning something that isn’t an elixir into one, but a technique for making a dangerous elixir safe.

It’s not about handling low-grade materials, but about handling high-grade ones. The latter requires a much higher level of skill.

Natural elixirs are dangerous precisely because their efficacy is so potent. When processed, it’s possible to retain their efficacy while eliminating the risk factor.

It’s a crude analogy, but similar to deboning a fish before consumption.

Before taking the elixir.

I swept the vicinity with spatial perception. I couldn’t identify any potentially dangerous elements. It was my personal dormitory room, the door closed and curtains drawn.

There was nothing around that posed a danger. With that assurance, I sat down, settled my mana, and then consumed the elixir.

Even just opening the container let out a surge that nearly suffused the surroundings with mana—an orb-shaped elixir teeming with energy.

Wasn’t the root of the Fairy Tree the main ingredient? It was practically a piece of nature’s spirit itself. That’s why it possessed such dense mana.

I cautiously savored the elixir. I couldn’t taste it—whether it inherently lacked flavor or I simply couldn’t perceive it, I wasn’t sure.

Soon, the elixir melted slowly. It dissolved like a viscous mucus before sloshing down my throat of its own accord.

My mouth filled with mana. As I followed the elixir, mana spread abundantly within me. The moment the elixir that had traveled down my throat touched the core near my heart, mana exploded throughout my body.

– Thump! Thump! Thump!

My heart pounded wildly. The core heated up in sync, and a tidal wave of mana surged through every circuit of my body.

From my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. Even after reaching the extremities, the mana showed no signs of stopping. It rebounded from the ends of my body, stirring everything once more.

My body grew hot. Parts stirred by mana warmed up, and then another wave of mana swept through, leaving coolness in its wake.


I internally marveled at the state within my body.

The contradictory sensations of burning yet chilling. With each stir of mana, the core accumulated pure energy, and the circuits creaking from the mana’s passage strengthened.

Natural elixir. In the original story, it was simply a boost to stats and a temporary buff, but experiencing it in reality showed that such a description wasn’t adequate.

Certainly, the timing of the intake was also fitting. I was right in the midst of a growth phase. In short, it was the perfect time for consumption.

So there I was, exclaiming in ecstasy, pleasantly observing the changes in my body.

The bloated sensation came abruptly. Something began to rise within me.


It was somewhat similar to the nausea I had felt before, but different. Previously, I might have had a chance to suppress it, but now, I couldn’t hold it back.

At last, something that had reached my mouth leaked out through the corners.

The blood was closer to black than red.


My stilled thoughts tangled and resumed.

Blood had come out. It’s rare for a person to go through life without ever seeing blood. Even a small wound on the body will show it.

Blood coming from the mouth. It’s typically uncommon, but I’ve experienced it. If you take several full-force kicks to the stomach, blood mixes in with the cough.

– Drip, drip…

Blood leaking from the mouth like this… happens when you’re stabbed in the stomach. How I survived that, I still don’t know.

No, that’s not the issue.

Why is blood seeping from my mouth right now? I hadn’t been punched in the stomach or stabbed.

Given the current circumstances, the only cause could be… the elixir?


Natural elixir. Consuming it rashly could burst your body. Hence, the elixir given by Hong Yeon-hwa was processed to reduce such risks.

Even if the danger is minimized, it can still pose a risk to ordinary people, so it’s assumed that superhumans are the ones to consume it.

I am already a superhuman who has awakened to mana. A superhuman who can embrace and wield mana, yet why is blood streaming from my mouth, and why is its volume increasing?

There’s already a handful of black blood congealed on the floor. I struggled to calm my confused mind.

Was there poison? I couldn’t tell with spatial perception.

The thought that Hong Yeon-hwa wanted to kill me? Never crossed my mind.

Then, could the creator have done it deliberately? I didn’t know. But at least from my perspective, there appeared to be nothing wrong.

The elixir certainly had been functioning as intended.

…So the problem lies with my body?


In that moment, my consciousness faded. It felt like being swept away by an irresistible current.

‘Ah, this is bad.’

If I lose consciousness, what will happen…?

Before I could finish the thought, my consciousness was severed.

The forest was teeming with life.

The night sky, like a black canvas, was densely studded with stars, illuminating the land below.

The clean river water reflected the starlight, creating an illusion as if stars were equally scattered across land and sky.

Sturdy trees crowded the lakeshore. Their thick trunks gave the impression of unyielding strength against any storm, while the robust branches and leaves brimmed with vigor.

The various grasses carpeting the ground also radiated vitality. Everything was pulsing with a lively green essence.

It was a dreamlike forest. If one were to imagine the most beautiful forest in a dream, it would likely look like this.

– Friend?
– A new friend?
– Don’t know! Never seen this friend before!

Suddenly, countless motes of light swarmed in. Green, yellow, blue, lime…

Beneath tree roots, behind sizable rocks, within the star-filled lake, behind countless leaves.

The colorful motes emerged from all over, roaming the area. It was as if they were welcoming a new person.

– Not a friend…?
– Not a friend.
– Eh, then what is it?

The motes floating in the air seemed confused, buzzing around. Amidst this, one mote burst forth.

– Family! Not a friend, but family!
– Family? Really?
– Yes! It’s family!

An exclamation? from one mote seemed to baffle the others, but gradually they agreed. They danced around as if celebrating with fireworks.

– Family! A new family member!

The motes were abuzz with excitement. The surrounding branches rustled in response. Leaves swayed as if dancing, and a refreshing breeze blew in.

The wind made the grass bend and stand, dancing along. The motes rode the wind, adding to the dance.

It was a beautiful and surreal sight, as if nature itself was celebrating the arrival of a new family member.

– Let’s play!

A lime-colored mote approached and said?

– That hill over there is quite nice!

A yellow mote commented.

– And let’s go there too! The starlight twinkles so beautifully!

A blue mote added.

– Not just there! Let’s all go to the forest…!

The words? of the variously colored motes resonated in my ears. Yet it wasn’t noisy at all; it was like a melody, calming the mind and soul.

– Our new family member! Let’s all go over there!

A red mote… a…

Red. Red. Red… Fire, flames…

Gop-hwa, Hong Yeon-hwa, evening glow, warm embrace, elixir, black blood…


My hazy consciousness sharpened. My mind tensed.

‘Where is this?’

As that question came to mind, my consciousness sank. The sight of the motes vanished into the distance.

Inside the receding motes, I could see something small.

Petals came to mind—a thin, soft wing. Each flutter spread beautiful motes of light.


My cheek, pressed against something, felt sticky. No, my entire body was sticky. My mind was foggy.

I was lying face down somewhere.

I opened my spatial perception just enough to cover my immediate vicinity.

It was my room, just before I had passed out. The difference now was the blood-soaked floor and me collapsed on top of it.

I cautiously touched the ground. A strange sensation filled my palm. I couldn’t smell, but the feeling was enough to sour my mood.

I exerted strength into my arms and slowly raised my upper body.

– Crunch

My fallen face was caked with dried, black blood.

‘…What exactly is this?’

As I was trying to gather my wits, my smartwatch vibrated. Curious, I checked it and found several unread messages.

I manipulated the hologram.

▶Hong Yeon-hwa: Did you make it home okay? (Yesterday 19:41)
▶Hong Yeon-hwa: Hayul? (Yesterday 19:55)
▶Hong Yeon-hwa: You must be sleeping… (Yesterday 20:23)
▶Hong Yeon-hwa: Sweet dreams! (Yesterday 20:23)
▶Hong Yeon-hwa: Do you remember the explanation I gave you yesterday? (Today 10:51)
▶Hong Yeon-hwa: Even if it’s processed you need time to adapt, so if you took it yesterday or today, try not to do anything and just rest well (Today 10:51)


I checked the current time. It was Saturday afternoon, 3 PM. I had taken the elixir around 7 PM on Friday.

…Had I been sprawled out for nearly a day? On top of a pool of blood?

I scrunched up my face and stood up.

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