I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 55 Table of contents

I’ve tasted alcohol before.

It was never with money I spent, nor did I ever drink in exchange for payment.

Instead, there was a time when a soju bottle was forcibly shoved down my throat. I remember the glass bottle thudding against my Adam’s apple and the stinging alcohol pouring down my esophagus.

The memories after that event are blurry. People often say their film cuts out. When you close your eyes and the next thing you know, it’s the following day.

I experienced something similar just now.

The difference is that back then, my memories before waking were hazy, and my body felt numb.

Now, my memories are as clear as if something were right in front of my nose, my body is brimming with vitality, and my mind is sharp.

The thudding of someone else’s heart, not my own, is transmitted through the skin we share.

A distinctly memorable, soft sensation touches my face.

I feel this paradoxical state of clarity and dizziness as I pat Hong Yeon-hwa’s back just like before.


– Rustle

Hong Yeon-hwa, who was lying beside me, stirred. After hesitating briefly, she sat up and leaned against the wall, pulling me up with her.

“You’re awake… How do you feel? Are you okay? Any weird spots?”

– Nod, nod

“That’s good…”

Hong Yeon-hwa, still groggy, sighed in relief.

As I nodded along, Hong Yeon-hwa moved her hand.


My spine straightened at the touch of the hand patting my back. The surprise made me shake my head from side to side.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Hong Yeon-hwa tilted her head, puzzled.

The patting stopped. Instead, her palm pressed against my back, sliding down. A thrilling sensation ran down my spine.


I jerked like a freshly caught fish. Hong Yeon-hwa paused, stunned, mid-motion.

I quickly escaped the embrace and created some distance.

Regardless of any strange glances, I steadied my disheveled breathing.

It was an unexpected event.

The memories of yesterday were clear.

The memory of causing a nuisance in my crazed state was all too vivid. It was strange to be petted like that and then react this way now.

If I were to justify myself, I wasn’t in my right mind back then. There was a reason for my madness.

The flame on my right arm.


As I caught my breath, deep thoughts surfaced.

Yesterday’s memory was clear. I remembered the embarrassment I caused, and I heard the conversation between Hong Yeon-hwa and Baek Ahrin.

I don’t know why, but the flame I produced was called Gop-hwa. Certainly, its might was fitting.

But questions remained unresolved.


Why did Gop-hwa burst from my arm, precisely from the burn scar?

My already cluttered mind was bombarded with more doubts. Now, strange events are bursting from my very body.

I frowned and listened intently. A variety of sounds filled my ears. I visualized a map in my head.

Only Hong Yeon-hwa and I were in the dugout. The presence of the other two was felt above the ceiling.

I pointed a finger at the small exit. Hong Yeon-hwa, who had been gazing at me blankly, also nodded and rose from her spot.

Stepping outside, a refreshing breeze brushed against my skin.

Pressing down my wind-swept hair, I took a deep breath. Fresh air filled my body.

The tightness in my chest eased somewhat, a refreshing relief.

“You’re up?”

“Good morning, Hayul!”

Approaching the entrance where Baek Ahrin and Elia were gathered, they greeted me.

Elia and Baek Ahrin had already collected fruit and were preparing it with energy-wrapped hands.

I nodded a greeting back and sat down beside them. Sensing my surroundings, various spells placed all around became perceptible.

They were the security, protection, and barrier spells Baek Ahrin had heavily installed at the temporary base. The level of magic was impressively high. There were many spells I could identify but not interpret.

Observing each one, my tongue clicked in appreciation.

It’s no wonder the clans go to great lengths to recruit magicians. With just one such mage, missions and daily life would be incomparably smoother.

‘Fourth day…’

I had received an update on the situation from Hong Yeon-hwa before leaving the dugout.

They had retreated to this makeshift refuge considering the state I had been in after the boss fight and the depleted condition of the group.

Almost a whole day had been spent recovering, and now it was already the fourth day.

Tomorrow the tension-filled entry schedule to the tower would end.

The sounds of nature, fingers rustling, and the crunch of fruit being cut filled my ears.

It wasn’t bothersome. Just white noise.

I reached out absently.

Baek Ahrin and Elia were preparing what looked to be an apple-like fruit—according to their conversation. I picked up one that hadn’t been prepared yet.

Its smooth yet cool surface was similar to an apple’s.

Fiddling with it for a moment, I wrapped my opposing index finger with energy.

Not just a crude form, but honed sharp, I skinned the fruit.

Crunch-crunch – the peel fell to the ground.

“Wow, you peel really well.”

Baek Ahrin, who had been diligently peeling on the opposite side, expressed her admiration. It seemed fairly neatly cut, judging by feeling.

I kept peeling the fruit collected by the group. For a group of superhumans, such an amount was just another meal.

While my hands moved, my thoughts organized.

There were mainly three things I aimed to achieve by entering the tower.

The first was essential growth.

To enhance overall abilities like physical prowess, mana, unique abilities, and skill proficiency through the amplified Blessing of Growth.

This aspect was more than satisfied. My planned escape strategy had crumbled along with the spatial perception, and I’d spent the first and second days being chased by cadets, grappling with them.

It was a tough experience, but the changes and results I’m feeling now are quite sweet.

The second was the collection of suitable materials.

Thanks to the tower’s dense mana concentration — incomparable to the outside — a variety of material items could be obtained.

The fruit I’ve just bitten into even contains a considerable amount of mana.

Of course, it’s nothing compared to an elixir. Still, it’s impactful enough.

I had planned to collect these materials through spatial perception, but that, too, ended in shambles.

I thought about collecting some now, but there were limits to finding things with touch, hearing, and mana sensing, so I gave up.

Also, while my current physical state wasn’t the worst, it wasn’t completely optimal either. It would be more beneficial to my growth to practice quietly on my own.

And the third was acquiring the Hidden Piece.

This part… I really regret missing out.

Considering I’d have been disqualified on the second day without Elia’s help, it might just seem like spoiled complaining, but I can’t help feeling greedy and regretful.

The trials conducted during the tower entry change each time.

This trial, typically a safe one conducted on the first floor, is where the Hidden Piece I sought could only be found.

‘The Origin Egg.’

Ever since I learned of this information, this Hidden Piece has been a must-have in every cycle.

Finding it was simple.

Just locate a structure somewhere on the first floor. With five days given, unless one is unfairly eliminated, there’s plenty of time to find it.

Acquiring it was also simple.

From the start, the access condition for the Hidden Piece was being a ‘Special Admission Student.’

Unlike other Hidden Pieces randomly plundered by NPCs, this one was exclusive to players.

Just approach the altar, and it opens up.

Easy to reach and the most straightforward to obtain, this Hidden Piece also has an incredible effect.

Among past cycles, the warrior build that ludicrously boosted stats, ‘The Diamond Warrior.’

It’s no exaggeration to say that the start of the Diamond Warrior’s real snowball was the Origin Egg.

With such potency, I desperately wanted to secure it… But here we are.


Overflowing with regret, but with spatial perception in this state, it was unavoidable.

As far as I remember, there’s a chance to re-enter the first floor at the end of the first year or the beginning of the second.

Now, I can only aim for that time.

‘…Where was that place?’

I exhaled deeply while finishing peeling the fruit.

I cut a few pieces into handy sizes and stuffed them in my mouth, recalling the knowledge from the original work.

The first floor is compared to the lush forests of the dinosaur era, but there are mysterious structures of unknown style scattered throughout.

The Origin Egg lies dormant in one of these structures.

I remembered it because of the peculiar descriptions.

‘An old stone altar surrounded by eight pillars.’

Three of which were grimy dark…

“─There were eight pillars forming a triangle around the altar with five pristine white pillars creating a pentagon.”


My chewing stopped abruptly.

“That’s interesting. I also noticed a few odd structures on my way, but all I found were crumbling stone ones. Did you discover anything special?”

“No, I looked around, but they just seemed decorative.”

Suddenly, I was struck with a thought. My head buzzed as if hit by thunder.

I was momentarily slow to process information. Did I just speak out loud? It’s impossible because of the curse.

After gathering my thoughts, I turned my head.

There was Elia, unfolding her tale of seeing something peculiar.

I thought again.

The central altar. Surrounded by eight pillars.

Three black pillars arranged in a triangle.

Five white pillars in a pentagon.

Judgment was made. I sprang up and strode forward.

“…what? So I was saying… Huh? Hayul?”

I reached Elia and grabbed her hand with a slap. Taken aback by the sudden grip, she sent a questioning gaze.



I felt the gaze of Baek Ahrin and Hong Yeon-hwa from the side. I paid them no heed.


Trying to suppress my excitement, I shook her arm vigorously.

After a moment, the patting subdued me.

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