I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 57 Table of contents

As dusk began to hint at the horizon, the group, having secured the reward known as the Origin Egg, thoroughly searched the nearby structures and concluded there was nothing more to salvage, and so they left the area.

“Just a little taste. It’s so large, what’s there to worry about? Right? How about it?”

– Shake, shake

“Right? Honestly, aren’t you curious about the taste, Hayul? If we draw something weird, it’s a loss. It seems like there’s something inside when we knock on it, let’s cook and taste it.”

– Shake, shake!

The majority of the schedule had come to an end. By tomorrow evening, we would automatically be expelled from the tower.

But complacency is dangerous. As the end of the schedule approaches, there are always cadets ready to hunt one last time.

If one harbors the dull thought that it’s almost over, one might be eliminated by other cadets.

Therefore, Baek Ahrin, who was looking for a suitable place to spend the last day, turned her head at the commotion coming from behind.

Lee Hayul was seen making a face and shaking his head vigorously, the cause being the mischievously inclined Hong Yeon-hwa and Elia flanking him.

The two were tapping on the Origin Egg, suggesting frivolously to make fried eggs or an omelette, and every time, Lee Hayul would fuss and squirm.

It looked as if the Origin Egg was so precious that he held it tightly to his chest.

Though it was not malicious teasing, and he didn’t seem to truly hate it, he was still desperately defending the Origin Egg.

Watching this scene, Baek Ahrin was reminded of something Elia had said before.

That Lee Hayul was fun to tease because he reacted so vividly.

To Baek Ahrin, it seemed the same.

If he’d just brushed it off calmly, it would have ended there. But with such rich reactions, it was tempting to continue the teasing.

At first, it seemed only Elia was doing it, but intrigued by Lee Hayul’s unique responses, Hong Yeon-hwa had joined in the mischief.

“They’re having a good time.”

Baek Ahrin sighed inwardly at the merry scene. If it weren’t for her role as the party leader, she might have joined in the fun…

Though they seemed to be relaxing and enjoying themselves, Baek Ahrin didn’t say anything.

Despite appearances, all three were on guard for any sign of trouble around them.

Ready to respond to a surprise attack at any moment.

Hong Yeon-hwa, as the heir of the Gop-hwa clan, and Elia, who had attended a specialized academy from a young age, both had been trained that way.

And in their midst, Lee Hayul, who had become a superhuman just two months ago and had been at Shio-ram for barely a month, was also in a state of readiness.

Even as his eyesight was engulfed by darkness and his temporary sensory abilities were disabled, he would respond appropriately if an ambush came.


Baek Ahrin reflected on the recent past.

The day of the welcoming party for the new students, she couldn’t gauge Lee Hayul’s potential.

She thought there must be a reason since it was the Principal’s decision.

After the official academic schedule started and they were assigned to the same class.

Lee Hayul grew unrecognizably with each passing day.

It made sense.

A newly awakened superhuman usually has a sharp growth curve. Plus, with the Blessing of Growth, his progress was supposed to be fast.

Baek Ahrin’s thoughts changed as time passed.

The first day, the second day… the growth was comprehensible.

The third day… the fourth day… the following week.

As time went on, his growth became more pronounced. It wasn’t just a diagonal graph; it was like constructing a building, spiking up into the sky.

His body grew, and a wealth of mana accumulated inside him. Even his clumsy basic postures were corrected day by day.

Even with the Blessing of Growth, it was an exceptional rate of progress.

A recent bout had confirmed this.

Aidan Reynolds. Though an easy opponent for Baek Ahrin, he was still a Shio-ram student.

He was also a superhuman who had awakened his mana and unique abilities from an early age and had been educated at a specialized institution for superhuman development.

Being admitted to Shio-ram itself meant he was recognized as a student with world-class potential.

Yet, Lee Hayul had defeated such an opponent.

It was an absurd event. Lee Hayul seemed unaware as he didn’t check the community, but the result of that duel was a hot topic.

There were flukes in the process. A victory established by a gamble that paid off.

But it was Lee Hayul who met the minimum requirements for that gambler’s luck to work.

In just a month, he had raised his physical abilities to the level of a student, acquired the quality to cross swords, and demonstrated the skill to wield Qi and vigor at a high level.

At that point, most doubts about his special admission had faded away. It was like slowly uncovering a winning lottery ticket.

I heard about his exploits in the dungeon practice.

Improved physical abilities and skills, special sensory abilities exhibited in exploration.

He had even begun to dabble in magic in the meantime. Magic that takes years to grasp without talent.

It was astonishing. Admirable. If this pace of growth continues, he will become an unbelievable hero in the future.

And that expectation was shattered.


Over the past few days of the schedule.

The outcome in The Tower of Growth was hard to accept. His face was friendly, but inside, it was filled with doubts about his rate of growth.

Baek Ahrin had planned to find Lee Hayul in The Tower of Growth and help him.

She would find him and help, bestowing a favor. Even if it’s simple, she would accumulate such debts. Building a relationship that wasn’t too burdensome.

But she didn’t really expect to succeed. Honestly, she thought it was more likely that he would be eliminated before she could find him.

The result was different.

He had turned the tables on the cadets who underestimated him and charged at him.

It wasn’t a scenario like the previous duels.

It was in the forest, spread in all directions, a one-against-many, a series of battles.

Did he eliminate more than ten cadets? If counted as injuries instead of eliminations, that number would be surpassed.

The outcome of this entry into the tower won’t end with just a ruckus. It’s fuel for a fire incomparable to what happened during the duel.

Moreover, even now, he was growing at an incredible rate. Was it due to the compounded Blessing of Growth? Even considering that, it was a phenomenon beyond comprehension.

Baek Ahrin hadn’t realized at first.

Afterward, it was extraordinary, absurd, yet astonishing.


– It’s dangerous.

Thump! Her heart pounded fiercely, the vibration spreading to the tips of her limbs. For a moment, her body stiffened.

The beating of the heart, the source of life. Most living beings have a heart that beats every moment.

Baek Ahrin was no different. The only difference was that occasionally her frozen heart would stop.

After one beat, a chill filled her heart. Cold blood infused with that chill spread throughout her body. The icy coldness coursed through veins and circuits.

Her body embraced the coldness, not warmth.

Baek Ahrin had always been well-liked for her constant smile and soft demeanor.



Such an expression was nowhere to be found.

Her face, hardened like ice. The emotionless, expressionless face that made it impossible to see her as the same Baek Ahrin of before.

Her eyes, which could have been likened to the ocean before, now resembled the dark depths of the sea.


Suddenly, Hong Yeon-hwa diverted her gaze.

Their eyes met.

The icy visage of Baek Ahrin caught in Hong Yeon-hwa’s red eyes.

After gazing intently at Baek Ahrin, Hong Yeon-hwa tilted her head.

“What are you looking at?”

Her usual demeanor. Hong Yeon-hwa had not noticed Baek Ahrin’s change.

‘Masks’ served that purpose. If one couldn’t hide a face, it wouldn’t be called a mask.

– Thump!

The frozen heart beat faintly. Though it lasted only a moment, the stiff heart began to beat again.

Her expression softened. The frozen face melted away, and her usual smile instantly returned.

Baek Ahrin resumed her normal tone, feigning incredulity.

“Why are you picking a fight again? Are you letting your true nature show?”

“True nature, my ass. You were acting weird… no, you were looking at me.”

“That’s enough, if even Hayul knows you’re insincere… Just speak up. Besides, stop teasing Hayul. Can’t you see he’s troubled?”

Finishing her words, Baek Ahrin turned away. She ignored the grumbling Hong Yeon-hwa behind her.

It was a common occurrence since childhood between them.

Somewhat disgruntled, Hong Yeon-hwa would start a quarrel and then be dominated by Baek Ahrin’s retort.

Even the servants of their respective clans were familiar with such scenes.

The difference this time was that Baek Ahrin had not reacted much to the prank.

– Thump!

Her cold heart beat. The pulse as if conveying intent, Baek Ahrin laid her hand over her chest.

A fragment of intention was transmitted through the beat.

– Kill him

Baek Ahrin’s eyes widened. It was the first time it had expressed its will so clearly.

Different from the previous vague hints, it was an intention so blatant and intuitive that even a three-year-old could understand.

Could it be judging the situation as that dangerous?

After pondering for a moment with a blink, Baek Ahrin smiled broadly and murmured to herself.

“Go to hell, you asshole.”

It’s said that even a temple dog can recite poetry after three years.

It’s been over ten years since she’s been mixed up with the mad dog, Hong Yeon-hwa.

Her mastery of profanity would not pale anywhere she goes.

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