I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 68 Table of contents

The fifth week at Shio-ram, following the tower entry, was uneventful.

There was still time left for the dungeon exploration, and the next tower entry would not be for another month or two.

Perhaps the only notable event left for the first semester might be the mid-term evaluation at the end of the free semester.

After the mid-term evaluation, the free semester ends, and we enter the regular semester, where  education is restructured around majors.

From then on, cadets can finally select the lectures they want to attend.

The overall lecture time will be reduced. The quantity is decreased to increase density. Additional schedules for stress relief, such as club activities, are inserted into the spared time.

In essence, things will be more relaxed than they are now. Of course, it’s insanity to play around all day; cadets need to manage their condition and practice individually.

Otherwise, they’ll fall behind the hardworking cadets and plummet to the bottom of the rankings.

In the original work, sub-stories poured out from the regular semester.

Joining just one club would lead to many derivative quests, and through those, you become entangled with various characters, leading to even more quests.

Then, if you build favor with a leading character, you get involved with their faction.

During the first loop, I spent most of my time chasing these sub-stories. That’s why it failed.

‘Everyone’s working hard.’

As always, I attended the old training ground.

Lying on the parched ground, I blankly recalled the recent atmosphere at the academy.

Should I call it enthusiasm? The cadets’ eyes were ablaze with zeal, pushing themselves in training and studies.

It was a markedly different vigor from before.

It’s not that the cadets were lazy on a usual basis.

Whenever I visited the training room or library after lectures, it was always bustling with cadets.

But recently… precisely since this week, the vibe has been exceptional.

‘The effect was tremendous.’

There was only one reason.

The experience of true growth through the tower’s blessing was exhilarating. Even by my estimation, it was warranted.

The Lee Hayul before and after the tower entry were vastly different entities. It sounds exaggerated, but it’s the truth.

The boost from the tower’s blessing was phenomenal.

Not just a rise in specs but also significant progress in skills. With Professor Atra’s endorsement, it’s an objective fact.

To make an intuitive comparison, if it was the Aidan from the time of the duel, he could now be crushed in one blow.

Of course, Aidan would have continued to grow as well… but that’s not the point.

My tower results prove that.

Scores gained from eliminating cadets, defeating monsters inside, and various other achievements.

After tallying all the scores and announcing the results, I successfully placed within the top 10.

Luck played a big part.

There were no leading characters among the cadets who chased me during the first and second days, or I was healed by Elia when I was about to be eliminated, or I received escort-like protection from the top two ranks, avoiding score loss.

…There was quite a bit of fortune, but still, the ranking stood.

The total score was around 1,200 points?

The score I personally earned was just over 900 points, and the score distributed to party members, including Baek Ahrin, was about 300 points.

I should start distributing the value of the Origin Egg soon… but it hasn’t hatched yet, which is problematic.

I need to assess its value after hatching before deciding whether to distribute it or not.

‘Should I put it aside with my scores…’

I mentally tapped on the calculator. Just in case, I left 300 points as a debt to distribute later.

What could I do with the remaining 1,000 points?

I skimmed through the catalog sent by Shio-ram.

Shio-ram awards such points based on academic performance to motivate cadets, allowing them to exchange points for rewards set by the academy.


1,000 points would be enough for a decent artifact with some change to spare. With a little bargaining, even if not for an artifact, I could afford a few proper arms.

Considering how hard it is to obtain a useful artifact through normal means, it was an encouraging outcome.

After all, most of the Hidden Pieces I found on my weekend outings were artifacts.

Maybe I’ll equip myself with an artifact before visiting a dungeon…

An outing.


I don’t want to go. Suddenly, that thought crossed my mind, and an involuntary sigh followed.

It’s silly to say ‘suddenly.’ Whenever I think of going outside, the reluctance comes simultaneously.

The Confession Necklace. An artifact that could circumvent the Curse of Silence.

In my current situation, it’s a necessary artifact. It’s right to go get it, but…

‘I’m scared.’

I just couldn’t shake that thought.

In the original work, the Confession Necklace is an artifact that can be obtained in a dungeon.

The dungeon. A place full of threats.

I’ve been making leaps and bounds in my skills.

I’ve gauged my level. In The Tower of Growth, I was able to grapple even with the top-ranking cadets, even potentially overpowering them.

So what?

This is a cradle. A nurturing institution designed for sprouts that have yet to grow.

Everything experienced here is not real combat.

The dungeon practices had safety measures prepared by the Vice Principal, and yet, I was on edge throughout the dungeon conquest.

The tower entry only allowed me to feel a fraction of the pain. It was more like a virtual reality where you don’t actually die.


The difference between the original Lee Hayul and the current one was enormous.

Without exaggeration, a flick from me now could burst the head of the original Lee Hayul.

But even so, I am still me.

Others around me may look up to me, but the core of cowardice within hasn’t gone anywhere.

The rotten mind doesn’t change, no matter the body’s improvements.

The body may have changed, but the spirit stayed the same.

When I think about the main story… what will become of the world?

Will the world fall to ruin? The first loop didn’t end with a total annihilation, but it reached a dark age comparable to the apocalypse.


I couldn’t think of any countermeasures.

Lying in the center of the old training ground, I waited for Professor Atra to arrive.

I had a newfound understanding of a dog waiting for its owner.




Superhumans possess an organ called the Core, through which they hold magic power.

They absorb the magic from the outside world, guide it through their circuit to the Core, and accumulate it.

During this process, impurities inevitably mix in.

Though commonly referred to as the magic of nature, if categorized finely, its properties are innumerable.

They take in and permanently assimilate these countless types of magic powers. It’s inevitable that a variety of impurities get mixed in.

– Whoom…

The magic within moved. It traveled through the circuits in the Core, circulating through the body from head to toe.

The movement of magic, visiting every part of the body from fingers to toes, was unhindered.

Atra, who had her hands on Lee Hayul’s back sensing the flow of magic, felt these movements clearly.

It was after the sparring session, a process of managing the magic.

Realigning the scattered flow of magic from the battle, filling the depleted spaces, it was a practice of honing the magic power.

At the same time, Atra also manipulated her magic. She awakened her latent power and let it circle through her body.

It was a measure for Lee Hayul, who could easily read the flow of magic through his sensing ability.

The movement of Lee Hayul’s magic circulating within changed subtly.

He adapted his method on the spot after observing Atra’s magic.

‘There’s nothing to criticize here.’

Watching the magic flow smoothly like water, admiration came naturally. There was no slight stutter in the control of magic.

It was as natural as moving one’s limbs, which no one teaches. It’s just something known instinctively.

Lee Hayul’s magic control had reached that level.

Even as she taught him, Atra continuously felt that his natural talent for magic far exceeded a certain level.

What stood out even more was the purity of his magic.

Considering the accumulation process of magic, it’s inevitable for a superhuman’s magic to contain impurities.

Lee Hayul’s magic defied that common sense.

It was clean and pure. The nature of his magic was simply like that.

Even while accumulating magic, that purity did not vanish.

Thus, despite the lower output, the power of his Qi and magic exceeded the norm.

Time counted silently, and Atra removed her hand from Lee Hayul’s back.

“That’s enough.”

Lee Hayul took a deep breath and wriggled his body. The breath felt refreshingly crisp.

Lee Hayul, who had just finished realigning his magic, tilted his head back.

Atra, kneeling on one knee, saw Lee Hayul’s round face.

Her gaze swept over Lee Hayul’s face. Minor traces from the recent sparring were healing in real-time.

‘…He adapts quickly.’

The recovery training Atra had suggested.

It wouldn’t have been so efficient without a body just starting to grow and the blessing of growth.

Atra herself had done without the blessing of growth, but ordinary superhumans would reject such training with disgust.

She had planned to gradually imprint it into her body throughout her time at Shio-ram, but Lee Hayul’s body was already surpassing the frontline in recovery ability.

It was an abnormal occurrence.

The control of magic was one thing, the purity of magic another, but the source of this recovery ability was unfathomable.

A unique ability related to recovery… It was different from that. In Atra’s eyes, it was just the inherent ability of his body.


His eyes were closed, yet Atra was certain Lee Hayul was observing her.


It was getting late.

The sun had already set beyond the horizon, and the orange glow of twilight was setting in.

Atra responded to the rising hologram as she stood up.

[I’m planning to visit an outside dungeon this weekend.]

– This weekend I’ll head out to the dungeon~

Suddenly, my body stiffened.

* * *

[Player Correction System: Pioneering]

[Quest “Defeat 8th-tier Monster” achieved]
[Quest “Defeat Multiple 8th-tier Monsters” achieved]
[Quest “Defeat 7th-tier Monster” achieved]
[Quest “Defeat Alpha Monster of 5th-tier” achieved]

[Quest “Enter The Tower of Growth” achieved]

[Quest “Earn 100 Points of Shio-ram Study Score” achieved]
[Quest “Earn 200 Points of Shio-ram Study Score” achieved]
[Quest “Earn 300 Points of Shio-ram Study Score” achieved]

[Quest “Origin Egg” achieved]

[Remaining points will be accumulated.]

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