I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 70 Table of contents

The Vice-Principal led me into a reception room within the Central Administration Building.

The reception room had a standard layout.

The decor, wallpaper, and furnishings, while maintaining a basic decorum, all composed a setting that was overall quite comfortable.

“Here is tea brewed from Monarch leaves.”

[Thank you.]

As I entered the reception room and was taking in my surroundings, the Vice-Principal guided me to a sofa and personally served tea from the set prepared to one side.

Sitting on the plush sofa, I could feel its softness against my hips as I picked up a teacup from the table.

The warmth of the cup seeped into my grasp.

As I watched the steam rising from the tea, a faint sense of anticipation also arose.

Obviously, I knew it wouldn’t work, but hope springs eternal.

I lifted the teacup, delicately raising it to avoid any spillage, and brought it to my lips.

Before sipping, I cautiously sniffed its aroma.

After judging the temperature for a moment, I tilted the cup and let the warm liquid fill my mouth.

…I didn’t really expect to taste anything. How could I with the curse still intact?

With that resignation, I took a few sips of what felt like warm water.

The Vice-Principal also partook of her share of tea a few times.

After a brief interval, the Vice-Principal, who had been waiting for me to finish my tea, spoke up.

“The management and distribution of important rewards like artifacts are under my care for security reasons. That’s why I have the honor of attending to Cadet Lee Hayul today.”

It was a concise explanation of the current situation.

She must have noticed my curiosity as to why the Vice-Principal herself was involved.

While one must be present to receive an artifact, applying for it could also be done via the homepage.

I had applied a few days ago and was now here to receive it.

“The artifact you have requested is named ‘Wings of the Sky’ or ‘Celestial Garb’, of mid-high tier. Does that match the information you had prior?”

– Nod

“If so, do you consent to the distribution of the artifact?”

[Yes, I consent.]

The Vice-Principal nodded and snapped her fingers with a flick. Her magic power fluctuated for an instant.

– Whooooom!


My spatial perception rippled. The reception room-sized spatial perception reacted violently, as if repelling something, a significant resonance transmitted through it.

Startled, I straightened up.


Observing my reaction, the Vice-Principal nodded, as if she had been expecting such.

“May I grant permission for entry?”

‘Entry? Permission?’

I was puzzled. Did I have any say in granting permission for entry here?

While considering this, my attention was suddenly drawn to the violently oscillating spatial perception.

The Vice-Principal’s magic, which had fluttered within her, and her possession of a unique spatial ability.

A spatial perception that felt a strong repulsion from a particular side…


I regard spatial perception as a range for gathering information. Narrowing it reduces incoming data, and widening it exponentially increases the collected information.

Let’s think about it differently.

Not just as a range for information gathering, but perhaps, as a kind of domain…

Feeling perplexed, I subtly adjusted my spatial perception.

Not to widen it. Not to change the type of information gathered, nor to select what gets picked up.

Rather, a sensation of pushing open a persistently knocking pressure from side to side.

– Click

Simultaneously, as the Vice-Principal snapped her fingers again, an alien sensation was felt through the now-opened spatial perception.

Space was artificially torn apart. Beyond the torn space, the space beyond felt there, an unknown space, clearly outside the current range.

– Zzt

A current flickered through my head. A dizzying sensation imprinted itself in my mind.

‘Spatial transfer.’

The Vice-Principal’s ability. It was vividly sensed through spatial perception.

Something emerged from the torn space.

A thin, semi-transparent blue fabric that seemed to flutter away with just a breath, appeared before my eyes.

The ‘Wings of the Sky’. Also referred to as ‘Celestial Garb’.


Seeing the blue fabric gently resting on the Vice-Principal’s arms, a surge of excitement rose. I had to control myself not to bounce in my seat.

The Vice-Principal, after briefly inspecting the artifact’s condition, nodded.

Then, she extended her arms towards me.

I too reached out, accepting the fabric offered to me.


It’s soft.

Even with clothing in between, the touch of the fabric felt silky. Could this be how it feels to caress finely woven silk by a master?

A sense of profound appreciation washed over me.

This was the first time I had actually obtained an artifact.

I did acquire the Hidden Piece known as the Origin Egg, but it remained unopened and, more than anything, felt like a gacha ticket.

But having the ‘Wings of the Sky’ in hand, I genuinely felt like I had acquired something real.

Caressing the soft fabric, I gently pushed my magic into it.

– Hum!

The ‘Wings of the Sky’ vibrated. The semi-transparent fabric momentarily took on a blue hue, then returned to transparency, repeating the process.

It felt almost like a happy puppy feasting on good food.

The process of my magic gradually seeping into it.

Soon, an unfamiliar sensation emerged. It was hard to describe, but perhaps a sense of unity?

‘It’s ready.’

I manipulated the magic. I moved the magic contained within the ‘Wings of the Sky’.

Simultaneously, the ‘Wings of the Sky’ writhed, then surged up my arm like flowing water.

Finally, it settled around my shoulders, spreading out gracefully behind me.

Just like a cloak. It moved as I thought, changing its shape.

Shape-shifting and remote manipulation function.


What an extraordinary sensation. It felt like having an awkward extra arm.

“The distribution of the artifact is now complete. I hope this artifact will assist in carving the path of a hero.”

[Thank you.]

I toyed with the end of the ‘Wings of the Sky’ as the Vice-Principal, who had been watching over me, extended formal congratulations, signaling the end of the distribution process.

I felt a bit more at ease.

Besides remote manipulation and shape-shifting, it also had a basic protective function, which should increase my safety.

Also, being operated by my own high-purity magic, it’s worth checking the synergistic effects.

The rest I can test on my way.

There was no further business here. I gave a nod of thanks to the Vice-Principal for her trouble, and she extended her hand.

Curious, I looked closely and found a magical device similar to the bracelet I received during dungeon practice.

“A magical device with an identity-obscuring feature.”

What’s this? As I wondered, she continued with the explanation.

“The attention drawn to Cadet Lee Hayul is more significant than you may assume. To avoid any inconvenience, I strongly recommend you keep this with you at all times.”


I had planned to bring something like this before leaving, but the Vice-Principal had already taken care of it.

Once again, I expressed my gratitude and left the reception room.

* * *

A quiet stillness settled within the reception room.

An unexceptional silence. A familiar atmosphere for her.

Venus Litera, the Vice-Principal of Shio-ram, took a sip of the remaining tea.

The magic-kept warmth of the tea spread a subtle fragrance as it warmed her lips, a scent known to enhance concentration.

Reflecting on the recent departure of Lee Hayul, who bowed his head and exited, she pondered the sight of him manipulating the artifact, his lips curling with joy, akin to a child delighted with a new toy.

Then he left the space as if in a hurry, probably heading straight towards the Gate Terminal.


Venus was opposed to Lee Hayul’s external activities.

Lee Hayul was fragile in his current state. His potential was immense, but it was his current state that mattered.

His potential is undisputed.

He is someone the five Tower Masters have sought painstakingly. Given time, he will surely reach pioneering status and perhaps even go beyond.

But for now, he’s not at that level. He needs time.

A place where he can be assured of safety from threats, cultivate himself, and stabilize his soul and spirit.

That place is Shio-ram.

This institution was created for the special purpose of nurturing just one person.

Venus believed that sending Lee Hayul out at this point was not a wise decision.

Moreover, sending him without any escort was even more ludicrous.


But what mattered was not her own thoughts.

Venus flicked her finger after setting down her teacup.

– Click

The sunlight illuminating the reception room vanished. The glass windows that had let the light pass through were nowhere to be found. The table was gone as well.

Precisely speaking, the entire environment had changed, with Venus being the only constant.

Spatial transfer. An ability she expanded from her unique skills.

Unperturbed, Venus stood up. It was not the high-end sofa from the reception room that creaked but a wooden chair rocking back and forth.

Venus glanced around.

Not a trace of sunlight could penetrate this darkness.

Silence was rampant, a different kind of silence than the one she was accustomed to in the reception room.

The silence there was of the everyday variety, often felt and comfortable.

This place was different.

It didn’t fit into the everyday category. It wasn’t a commonly felt silence, rather one that could be described as eerie.

Venus moved.

The space rippled with each step.

The darkness was so thick that the existence of a floor or a ceiling couldn’t be verified by sight alone, but she knew exactly where to head.

The walk didn’t last long.

Venus stopped somewhere, her eyes closing and reopening. The half-closed purple irises stared in a certain direction.

And then, Venus’s eyes shone. Against the dull purple backdrop, constellations rose and set repeatedly.

Venus read the stars. Here, where the night sky was invisible, she read fragments of the future through the stars.

There was a small star. A star that shone brighter than anything else.

A malevolent star was approaching it.

The real threats of the future were laughable in comparison, yet, for the current star, it was perilous enough.

Could Lee Hayul overcome this malevolent star? The potential of the future and the current level are entirely different, so is it right to leave it be?

And should he, who could grow even within the safety of the cradle, be left to dive into trials?

“Lee Hayul has received his artifact and is headed outside. Won’t you stop him?”

No answer came.

“If you’re not going to stop him, how about providing a minimum escort? It would prevent the worst-case scenario.”

Again, there was no answer. Venus did not find this odd. On the contrary, she continued speaking as if it were expected.

Venus was the proxy of the Principal, who does not appear in public.

The Vice-Principal represents the will of the Principal, not her own.

The important thing is the will of the Principal, not that of the Vice-Principal.

However, the Principal, being forced into silence by the curse, cannot express any will.

Venus always repeats the same unanswered questions in this place.

Thus, Venus acts only based on the little information she can glean, always guessing the will of the Principal.

No answer came.

Venus was plunged into contemplation.

Her personal opinion did not welcome Lee Hayul’s outing, but she had allowed it. She also did not provide an escort.

It was because the Principal had once barely conveyed such an intention.

Now… after reading the constellations and sensing the malevolent star, she was deep in thought.

Her task was to guess the Principal’s intentions. But after seeing the malevolent star, she couldn’t make a proper judgment.

That’s when it happened.

“Disengage intervention.”


A very faint voice resonated through the space.

If not for the utter silence, it was so faint that no one would have detected it.

“Behold, observe.”

Yet, at the same time, the overwhelming presence of the voice was palpable. Even if the place had been filled with noise, everyone would have heard this voice.

It was weak, but strong. The voice felt paradoxical and Venus’s usually languid eyes opened wide.

The Principal broke the silence, albeit temporarily. And it wasn’t just an ambiguous expression of will but a clear vocalization.

Despite the rebound from the curse, it was an intention expressed at the risk of enduring it.

“…Yes, I understand.”

Venus, collecting herself from the shock, bowed toward the source of the voice.

The Principal’s intention, conveyed at the risk of suffering the rebound of the curse.

Her own judgment aside, following the words of the Principal was the correct thing to do.

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