I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 87 Table of contents

In the modern era, after the Great Cataclysm and the chaotic period, the world entered an era of peace.

For decades, there have been two professions that have fiercely contested for the first and second place in surveys of young people’s future ambitions worldwide.

Heroes or Hunters.

The positions of idols were always occupied by these two unshakable professions.

There are many reasons for this.

One reason is that it’s a profession that only a small fraction of the population can even attempt, thanks to the luck of “Awakening.”

Another reason is the staggering average income.

Additionally, the perception of the professions of Heroes and Hunters is prominent.

Heroes are the sword against the disaster of monsters, and the shield that protects humanity.

Hunters are explorers who fully utilize their abilities to traverse unexplored lands and discover all sorts of treasures.

When five children gather, it’s not uncommon for conversations about real-life hero stories to emerge.

This was the result of the association’s consistent image-making efforts for the professions of Heroes and Hunters.

Those who know the reality understand that, at the end of the day, they are just people and the result of image-making, but nevertheless, everyone harbored a similar feeling of admiration.

Regardless of rank, becoming a Hero or a Hunter brought with it the gaze of those around them, proving this admiration.

Even though it was image-making, it wasn’t creating something out of nothing.

Countless people had died fighting monsters for the sake of humanity.

There were those whose achievements warranted having their names recorded in history, and even those who didn’t have their names written down likely sacrificed themselves for humanity.

Shio-ram is an unparalleled institution among those that produce such Heroes.

It’s almost embarrassing to compare institutions when one of the five Towers operates it.

News from Shio-ram was something that everyone, not just industry insiders, paid attention to.

[Author: mm]

[Title: Special Admission <— What’s this about?]

[Wasn’t this a decorative policy from ancient times? Why is it actually happening?]

The news of a cadet with the unprecedented title of "Special Admission" at Shio-ram, which has existed for over a hundred years, became a huge topic.


– The industry is turned upside down because of it.

– Is it true and not just a rumor? I thought it was nonsense.

└ There’s a special admission recorded in the admission status. The details will probably be revealed soon.

└ Wow, it's true. I’m so jealous.

└ If you look at the community, it doesn’t seem so enviable…

[Author: mm]

[Title: Looked up Shio-ram regulations]

[Regarding the admission procedures

② General admission is conducted through exams designated by Shio-ram’s central administration.

⑦ Recommendation admission is conducted through evaluations by Shio-ram’s faculty. This is to assess the cadet’s aptitude based on the professional judgment of the faculty.

㉑ The Principal has full authority over the selection and management of special admissions.

This was in the regulations from the very year Shio-ram was established.]


– Isn’t that from a hundred years ago? Regulations from our grandfathers' era, lol.

– A century-long build-up, crazy.

It was a worldwide sensation.

Naturally, the internet was abuzz, ready to chew over and dissect the perfect topic.

[After 100 years since its establishment, Shio-ram’s special admission. The identity is a blind person?]


– Do heroes fight with their eyes closed these days?

└ I heard he's a superhuman of the Observation series? If so, can’t he replace his eyes with that?

└ Observation abilities aren’t that precise and convenient.

Furthermore, the special admission’s unique traits made it an even hotter topic.

A blind person who couldn’t see and a mute who couldn’t speak.

These were fatal flaws for a Hero, whose job primarily involved combat, and they were not suitable labels for someone with the unprecedented status of special admission.

Thus, regardless of reality or social networks, public opinion on the special admission, Lee Hayul, was…

– Why is he so handsome, damn it.

– Why is a guy prettier than me?

– Damn it, life is such a gacha game.

Surprisingly, the opinion wasn’t bad.

An overwhelmingly handsome appearance combined with a unique aura that attracted goodwill.

Sympathy and pity stemming from an unfortunate family background.

There was also the opinion that there must be a reason for the selection made by the Tower of Growth’s master…

Of course, there were those who were filled with jealousy and envy, but such voices were in the minority.

The current internet wasn’t like the network from before the Great Cataclysm.

The undersea cables that once connected the world had long been devastated by sea monsters.

Satellites that had been launched into space were rendered useless due to the influence of magical waves.

The current internet, the virtual network, was a function derived from the authority of the Tower of Harmony.

Carelessly spewing blatant desires could result in a summons from the association, making the internet a relatively pleasant space.

Time passed like this.

Industry insiders nodded, saying there must be a reason for the special admission by the Tower of Growth’s master, as they heard about Lee Hayul’s growth at Shio-ram.

Ordinary people, who hadn’t heard this information, continued their peaceful lives, thinking they would find out someday.

[At 12:15 PM local time, a chain of dungeon rampages occurred centered around the Shipnaha region in Scotland.]

The peaceful routine was shattered a few days ago by terrible news.

Even in an era of peace, the news of a disaster striking during an otherwise peaceful time had a significant impact on the world.

At the same time.

The touching story of a young hero who, in the midst of the disaster, protected countless people without regard for his own safety, spread as well.



Hong Yeon-hwa’s heart, overwhelmed with emotion, was brutally shredded.

It happened before she could even recover from her repeatedly crushed heart.

It was spring.

Hong Yeon-hwa was caught by the trials of the Gop-hwa clan, which she thought would be a minor obstacle, and struggled for days.

Her guilt towards Lee Hayul was greater than she realized. It hindered her from moving forward properly.

Had time passed like that, it might have been dangerous. She might have had to call upon the elders of her family for help, and even then, there could have been lasting effects.

But she overcame it.

Not with the help of her family elders, but with another external help.

– [I made it.]

– [It’s not as good as something you’d buy with money, but I hope you like it.]

– [You’re not at fault, Hong Yeon-hwa, so it’s okay.]

– [Please don’t get sick.]

The person she felt guilty towards came directly to reassure her, giving her a handmade gift filled with sincerity.

The red handmade scarf was now carefully stored in the dormitory safe.

She could use it anytime.

But she was too afraid of damaging it to actually use it.

While trembling and moving it, she realized that the scarf itself was a magical item with built-in durability enhancement and temperature control enchantments.

The emotions she felt at that time were indescribable.

With Lee Hayul’s warm sincerity, Hong Yeon-hwa was able to overcome the trial.

That was a few days ago.

– "Miss…"

– "What? Ariel… Why that face?"

– "Well… Young Master is…"

– "…What is it? What happened for you to make that face?"

On the day she stood tall after overcoming the trial.

The news came that Lee Hayul had been caught in a dungeon rampage and was isolated.

The news that Lee Hayul had sustained life-threatening injuries and was unconscious in the intensive care unit struck on the same day.

At that time, her vision had gone red with rage.

If Ariel hadn’t stopped her, she would have immediately armed herself and rushed to Scotland.

By the time the news was reported, it was already too late.

Hong Yeon-hwa, who had spent those few days in a living hell, took a warp gate to the United States.

The United States… specifically, the Washington D.C. area had once been swept by monsters, but it still played a crucial role in the world.

This was partly due to its lingering past glory, but mainly because the Tower of Space and the association’s headquarters were located here.

Lee Hayul was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the association’s headquarters.

At least dozens of top-level healers were on standby at all times, and in urgent cases, the world’s best healers would personally handle the treatment.

That was one of the reasons why Hong Yeon-hwa, whose eyes had nearly turned inside out, managed to calm down.

Hong Yeon-hwa walked silently. An unapproachable aura surrounded her.

Occasionally, people who passed by caught sight of her expression and flinched, but she didn’t pay any attention.

Or rather, she didn’t have the capacity to care. Her entire mind was focused on Lee Hayul’s condition.

"Don’t worry too much… well, you should worry, but don’t be too disheartened."

Even in the midst of this, a friend’s voice barely reached her mind.

Turning her stiff neck, she saw Baek Ahrin, who had come along for the hospital visit.

Baek Ahrin waved the envelope she had brought as a get-well gift.

"The top-level healers are taking care of him, and once he recovers a bit, he’ll undergo combined healing and medication, so his arm can regenerate."

The common sense before and after the Great Cataclysm had changed.

The loss of a limb was still a serious injury, but in this world, it wasn’t an irrevocable wound.

Knowing this, Hong Yeon-hwa nodded.

Her family had many resources. Money was a given, and there was an abundance of rare medicines that were hard to buy even with money.

‘What were those regeneration elixirs again… Anyway, I’ll bring them all.’

With thoughts that would cause her mother, Choi Jiyeon, to collapse in despair if she knew, Hong Yeon-hwa stopped walking.

She saw the door. The sign above it had the name Lee Hayul written on it.

Her throat bobbed involuntarily. She had heard about his condition, but she was afraid to confirm it with her own eyes.

If what she saw was worse than she imagined…

– Clench…

She clenched her fist, forcibly cutting off the thoughts she didn’t want to consider.

There was no turning back from here.

If his injuries were worse than she imagined, she would just raid her family’s vault for more medicine.

She would eventually have the authority to use it, so using it a few years early shouldn’t be a problem.

With that resolve, she opened the door to the healing room.

And saw Lee Hayul clinging to Atra as if they were about to join at the navel.


Was it wrong that the first thing she noticed was the arm wrapped tightly around his waist rather than the fluttering empty sleeve of his left arm?

"Whoa… Wow!"

Baek Ahrin, who had followed Hong Yeon-hwa in and blinked at the sight, suddenly shrieked and jumped back.

She rubbed her arm, feeling goosebumps. The chill and sense of eeriness were palpable.

It was unusual. Especially for Baek Ahrin, who was specialized in ice from the Changhae clan, to feel such a chill?

Surprisingly, this chill emanated from Hong Yeon-hwa, who held the Gop-hwa.

‘Should we leave?’

The escape route flashed through Baek Ahrin’s mind.

End of Chapter

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