I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 98 Table of contents

In the original series, there weren’t many instances where spirits were utilized. There were plenty of means to become stronger without relying on spirits.

Even in those few instances, Spirit Magic was never the primary method used.

In the first iteration, I dabbled in various things and only used Spirit Magic as a supplementary tool. In any case, the first iteration was a jack-of-all-trades character who never really mastered anything, be it martial arts or magic.

In the fifth iteration, “Inverse Magic,” I rewired my internal circuits with magical formulas, using the backlash from twisting them as output.

It was a mediocre magician route, and due to requiring a lot of mana, I had to supplement it by consuming spirits.

Despite that, I was extremely short on mana and eventually exploded because I couldn’t control the backlash, similar to the third iteration.

In the sixth iteration, “Dark Necromancer,” I followed a typical necromancer route.

Mainly using black magic and necromancy, I managed a large legion.

Because of the nature of my abilities, my favorability was at rock bottom, but unlike the later iterations where I went overboard, I somehow fought on the side of humanity.

I did dabble with dark spirits in the process, but I didn’t delve deeply.

Even when I touched on dark spirits, I didn’t gain much, and I couldn’t develop a high affinity.

Raising corpses of humans and monsters lying around and operating the spirits was more efficient.

In the sixth iteration, I fought bravely, matching the legion pouring out of The Tower of Necromancy with my own, but I was torn apart by the Lord of The Tower of Purgatory who intervened.

Besides these, the only other iteration that touched on spirits was the twelfth iteration with a hybrid summoner… but I didn’t delve deeply into that either.

Like the fifth iteration, I only used spirits as materials or as emergency projectiles.

In short, I never used Spirit Magic as a primary method in any iteration, nor did I delve deeply into it.

However, I fought against spirit magicians in various routes, so I have basic knowledge.

To handle spirits, a connection through a contract is necessary.

For the magician’s will to be conveyed and for the spirit to operate according to that will, the magician and spirit must be connected.

Hence, the process of ‘contracting’ between the magician and the spirit is essential. Without a contract, it’s impossible to handle spirits.

That was the knowledge from the original series, and it aligned with the common sense I learned in this world.

I also thought so until just now.

[What is this]

That common sense was slightly shaken.

I couldn’t understand the current situation well.

I used the power of observation to grasp my surroundings.

Professor Liana, who was sitting neatly near me.

She usually had a neat and gentle impression, but now she had a dumbfounded expression I had never seen before.

Her mouth was so wide open that I worried her hair might get in.

I observed more of my surroundings.

The cadets, holding their crystal orbs and training, also had blank expressions.

Hong Yeon-hwa looked dazed, and Baek Ahrin and Elia were wide-eyed with astonishment.

Their gazes were all fixed on me.

The colorful lights of the spirits swirled around me.

The spirits that had emerged from the space Professor Liana had opened earlier.

The colorful spirits mingled with the surroundings, creating a mysterious atmosphere, but I didn’t have the leisure to appreciate it.

My already messy mind became even more complicated.

I raised my right hand, gathering my thoughts.

It was the same as before. Just a thought, without any verbal or necklace assistance.

– Whoosh!

As if understanding my thought, one of the light clusters swiftly flew and settled on the back of my hand.

A red light cluster. I could tell it was a fire spirit from the warmth emanating from it.




Despite being a fire spirit, the warmth felt on the back of my hand was very gentle.

There wasn’t even a speck of hostility. I didn’t feel at all that it would harm me.

It was an instinctive thought.

I couldn’t be harmed by it. If I wanted to be, I could be, but if I didn’t, they wouldn’t harm me.


If I wanted, they would comply with my wishes. If I asked, they would move according to my will.


As I thought for a moment, the light clusters hovering around approached closer.

The spirits’ energies drew near, adding to the familiarity.

– Thump

My heart pounded. The sound of the heartbeat spread throughout my body. It collided with my outer walls and reverberated again inside.

My focus shifted from the external to the internal.

The awareness of my surroundings grew faint. The scenery around me blurred.

Instead, I felt the internal presence vividly.

It wasn’t entirely an unfamiliar sensation. It was a feeling I had experienced, albeit a while ago.

It was similar to the sensation I felt when I was on the brink of death, overwhelmed by a monster.

Though I wasn’t on the verge of death now, I perceived myself more clearly, similar to then.

Among the elements that made me, two stood out prominently.

The [Versatile Ability] and [Mana Affinity].

Nearby, two more elements, not fully recognized, existed.

External forces that weren’t mine. The powers of space and observation.

These four were the main entities.

They weren’t all.

Beneath them lay countless unique qualities, too innumerable to comprehend, all unrecognizable.

– Humm…

Among the countless small unique qualities, one stood out.

Its presence gradually grew. It increasingly occupied a share of my essence.

It wasn’t yet fully interpretable.

But it grew enough to stand out from the surrounding qualities.

One day, it would grow to a comprehensible size.

As I realized this, my awareness returned to normal.

The lawn covered in faint mist. The clear lake without a ripple.

The external scenery returned.

The spirits that had been circling around me had vanished.

It seemed Professor Liana somehow managed to retrieve them.

I absentmindedly waved my hand. The warmth that had been there was now gone, leaving a sense of emptiness.

“What was that just now?”

As I sat there, dazed, Professor Liana, looking equally confused, asked.

I thought for a moment and shook my head.

[I don’t know]

I had nothing more to say.




The first session of the ‘Understanding Spirits’ lecture ended inconclusively.

Thanks to the grand spectacle I caused.

Despite Professor Liana’s efforts, we didn’t manage to grasp anything significant during the lecture.

At best, I had managed to handle spirits without a contract.

Though Professor Liana could regain control if she exerted her authority.

But the fact remained that I had handled spirits without a contract.

It was still an astonishing feat. I suspected more rumors about me would surface soon.

“Let’s take our time figuring this out.”

I knew little about spirits, and even the expert, Professor Liana, didn’t know about such cases.

Ultimately, the solution was to dig deeper through Professor Liana’s lectures.

Professor Liana seemed to have an inkling of what was going on but didn’t share it with me for some reason.

Feeling curious but thinking she must have her reasons, I nodded quietly.

Still, I couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

There was a chance to uncover secrets about my unique abilities and their origins, but now another mystery had surfaced.

Would I ever unravel all the questions I had about myself?

I sighed involuntarily.

Regardless of the outcome, the lecture ended.

I planned to have lunch with Hong Yeon-hwa, but she blushed and ran away as soon as she saw me.

I was left with the immense shock of being abandoned by Hong Yeon-hwa.

I had to settle for eating a nutrition bar alone, feeling lonely…


And so, I faced the major lecture time.

Arriving at my destination with a slow pace, I felt a strange sensation.

The feedback from the soil as I tapped it with my toes.

Dragging my feet on the ground, dust mixed with sand rose up.

An old-fashioned training ground, rare in Shio-ram, which was filled with the latest technology.

It felt like just yesterday when Professor Atra beat me to the ground here, but it had actually been almost a month.

I had felt this strange sensation since this morning.

I thought I would die there, but here I was, alive and well, attending classes, feeling deeply moved.


Fortunately, Professor Atra returned to Shio-ram just before the weekend ended.

In other words, there was no problem conducting the major lecture.

‘I wonder how today will be.’

During many sparring sessions, I often lost consciousness.

Now, I was actually hoping for that.

Judging by the deep shadows under my eyes, it was clear I wasn’t in good shape.

I hadn’t slept over the weekend.

Several reasons contributed to that… some embarrassing, others due to new forms of nightmares that naturally crept into my sleep.

I planned to use Professor Atra’s harsh training to faint.

Maybe I hadn’t been able to sleep because I hadn’t pushed my body to the limit over the weekend.

After being thrashed to my limits, I’d probably pass out and sleep naturally.

Shortly after, Professor Atra arrived, and after a thorough check-up, we began sparring as a warm-up.

My skills had improved drastically. Experiencing real combat and walking the edge of life and death had made me grow in ways I couldn’t have imagined before.

But I still couldn’t match Professor Atra.

As my skill level gradually increased, my body couldn’t keep up, and eventually, Professor Atra’s fist slipped through my defense.


A fist imbued with golden Qi flew towards me.

I couldn’t dodge it.

I was already in a defensive position. I barely avoided the previous attacks by twisting my body.

Because of that, I couldn’t avoid the current blow.

I bit my teeth and braced myself. I expanded my Qi to prepare for the attack.

And then…


Professor Atra’s fist stopped right in front of my nose.

Bang! The wind, slower than the fist, slammed into my face.

My hair fluttered in the wind.

I stood still.

I had expected to be hit and roll away, but that didn’t happen.

Wondering what was going on, I stood still as Professor Atra’s trembling fist hovered in front of me.


Professor Atra bit her lip. A sound filled with anguish and hesitation leaked from between her lips.

Her eyes couldn’t stay still. Her shaking pupils stared intently at my face.

Finally, as if she couldn’t bear it, Professor Atra closed her eyes tightly and took a few steps back, withdrawing her fist.


What’s going on with her?

* * *

[Player Adjustment System: Measurement]

▶Unique Abilities

▶Mental State

[Confusion?] : ?
[?Emotion] : ?

[Incomplete] : Split and not whole.
[Energy Depleted] : Vitality is consumed and empty.
[Affection Deprived] : Extremely thirsty for affection. The degree is very severe.
[Fatigue] : Mind or body is tired and exhausted.
[Loneliness] : Feeling solitude and a sense of isolation.

End of Chapter

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