The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 1 Table of contents

The protagonist in the novel always faced trials and tribulations.

These trials could be obstacles to seize power or inherit a family, or temptations from supporting characters trying to seduce the protagonist.

‘And the worthless supporting character in this novel is none other than me, Luna Peils.’

Luna is the childhood friend of the male lead and the rival of the female lead.

Luna, a supporting character who initially revolves around the theme of childhood friends, suddenly dies without a sound after causing trouble for the male lead.

At the funeral, the woman hears more comments like, ‘You should have been more careful in your behavior’ rather than ’Rest in peace’.

People may think that everything will change if she changes her mind and lives peacefully. However, once she realized what kind of character she was, misunderstandings have already spread irreversibly. In other words, it was already very late, too late.

“Miss, there’s a guest. But, um… there…”

Luna finally realizes that the day has come through the maid Laura’s tone and expression.

This day is the day when Luna Peils, the supporting character, is caught by the female lead’s friends and receives a beating.

‘I should have been suspicious of the name Fersen Rodrian from the beginning.’

However, hearing just a few names from the book, who would immediately realize that they have been reincarnated in a novel? Moreover, due to reading many novels, it wasn’t a particularly memorable name either.

It wasn’t like it was an especially interesting novel.

Additionally, the fact that she was reborn while retaining memories of her past life was so astonishing that she didn’t even care about those familiar names. Thanks to that, she lived a somewhat satisfactory life without even suspecting her true identity.

[I won’t just sit back and watch you seduce Fersen Rodrian.]

A message written in blood that came to her one day made her realize a truth she didn’t want to know. Of course, she didn’t immediately realize, ‘I am the wicked Luna Peils’.

Following the letter, a bunch of dead animals appeared in front of her door.

The servant who suffered an inexplicable burn on his leg stopped working.

The only carriage of the mansion broke down, and the horses died after eating poisonous plants.

Due to the familiar patterns she had seen somewhere before, she was forced to realize the situation she was in.

So she tried to keep her distance from Fersen and live without any contact with him… Unfortunately, Fersen liked her as a friend too much and was so persistent that he didn’t even listen to her plea to leave her alone. In short, despite the widespread rumors, everything wasn’t attributed to Fersen’s fault for having a girlfriend while still taking care of his female friends.

“We’re here to tell you something.”

More than ten women came to the baron’s mansion, located on the outskirts of the capital. These women were friends of Seira Granada, the protagonist of the novel.

Considering all that she had endured, she wanted to freeze the water and pour it over them, telling them to go back,  but unfortunately, the poor barony had no ice water.

Luna handed her cardigan to the maid, Laura, and nodded her head.

“I’ll receive them in the drawing room.”


She answered kindly, but the other party seemed to have no intention of doing so. As if aiming to overpower her with their presence, the lavishly dressed young ladies entered the mansion and began criticizing the impoverished baron’s family.

 “It’s narrow, so narrow.”

“Goodness, can this be called a mansion? Not a single decoration.”

“No, it’s just an old and dilapidated house. It’s no different from where commoners live.”

“Shouldn’t you just give up your noble title? Since when is the Peils family still part of the aristocracy? This is a disgrace to the nobility!”

“Quite right. It’s so small that we can’t even bring maids with us.”

“That’s probably why she’s trying to seduce Sir Rodrian.”

“I can’t forgive her!”

Their voices were loud, as if they wanted to be heard. With an air of confidence, the young ladies who spread curses moved into the drawing room.

As soon as they entered the drawing room, Laura hastily closed the door and nervously held onto Luna’s cardigan, trying to read her expression.

What on earth is happening? Why is something so terrible happening to our kind-hearted young lady? Ahh! What should we do?

Her mouth tasted bitter, as if she could hear the inner thoughts of the girl who suffered from the pain of meeting the wrong man.

‘Fersen, you dog bastard.’

No, if described like that, you would feel sorry for the dogs. So Fersen just remained Fersen, and Luna glanced down at her own clothes.

‘This old dress that anyone could wear… They will surely try to tear you apart.’

Moreover, it didn’t even match the current season. She had just been wearing a cardigan until now. But that didn’t mean she had fancy dresses or jewelry.

Suddenly annoyed, Luna clenched her fist a few times for no reason, then relaxed and headed to the drawing room.

“Aren’t you going to offer us tea or something?”

“You’re pretty rude.”

It’s you guys that are so rude. You came to me without prior notice.

However, she knew that saying such things would surely lead to a fight, so Luna honestly replied.

“I don’t have any money.”

“…What did you say?”

“As you can see, our family has no money. So we have tea, but no teacups. If you don’t mind using my servants’ cups, maybe I can serve you some tea?”

She wasn’t snarling to pick a fight; unfortunately, the Pails family was a poor household that couldn’t afford noble teacups.

There were only dilapidated houses in their territory, and there were no taxable residents. The Pails family, burdened with debts, ate all the money they managed to save.

“Oh my, how annoying!”

“For goodness sake, stop being so nitpicky!”

All the ladies expressed their disgust at the fact that she could not even afford teacups.

Among them, there was a young lady who couldn’t even sit on the makeshift chair that the maid hastily prepared, as if she was repulsed by it.

‘Who comes here causing a fuss without making an appointment?’

Luna wished they would finish what they came for as soon as possible. In any case, neither she nor the ladies liked being here.

‘I’m annoyed just being here. Let’s get to the point and leave.’

Viscount Flora, closest friend of the female lead Seira, adjusted her fully bloomed hat and spoke.

“Stop causing trouble for Fersen Rodrian.”


“What exactly is your intention to provoke someone who has a partner? Do you have to torment someone to satisfy yourself? Don’t you know that he only loves Seira?”

A firm, angry voice filled the drawing room. When she finished speaking, the other young ladies around nodded and expressed their agreement.

“That’s right. Please stop! Why on earth are you doing this?”

“Seira cries every night!”

“Stop this despicable behavior now!”

Who did all the despicable acts? Soon, they’ll be thinking of killing her without a second thought.

It was absurd how they tried to shift all the blame onto her, unable to utter a word against Fersen.

But there was one reason why Luna listened to their insults. It was to escape this wretched place by using others since it was futile to oppose Fersen directly.

Luna was lost in her thoughts for a moment. She remembered how a few days ago she asked Fersen to break off relations with her.

“Hahaha, Luna. You’re saying that again? What do you mean when you say people misunderstand? You are too sensitive. Let’s stop fooling around and enjoy the cake.”

She was so annoyed that she hit him, but her weak fist did no harm. Although Luna repeatedly announced that she had cut ties, Fersen continued to visit her, causing her a rage. This was the moment when she had to make such an extreme move. He really was a piece of shit.

“I hate him too.”

“…What did you say?”

“I don’t want to be involved with sir Fersen either. If possible, I want to pretend I don’t know him.”

Since it was useless to speak directly to Fersen, it was necessary to publicly declare that she wasn’t interested in him.

The young ladies looked surprised at Luna’s response, which was completely different from what was known.

“Well then, just don’t provoke Fersen! Why do you keep creating trouble for yourself?”

“You all have the wrong idea. It’s not me trying to be around him. In fact, I’ve already tried to avoid it. I even asked him several times, begged him to leave me alone.”

She has already tried every possible way to refuse. If she was strong enough, she would beat him to get a rejection over his stupid head. But Fersen ignored all Luna’s refusals and came to her again, thinking that everything she said was a joke. He was so insistent that she had to make this extreme choices.

Unaware of such things, the young ladies in front of her misunderstood and came to her with an arrogant attitude, provoking her. Luna felt deeply wronged as she observed their nasty faces and became furious.

“Don’t fuss here. Why don’t you go directly to Fersen Rodrian and tell him not to come to me anymore? Why the hell are you mad at me? If he just was careful with his actions, none of these unfortunate incidents would occur in the first place.”

“Just now… what!?”

They came to say a few words, but were faced with a rebuttal that came back like a tirade, so the young ladies couldn’t continue speaking.

It feels refreshing. Luna poured out all the words she had prepared since long ago and immediately stood up from the sofa.

Since it was clear that after this, only vulgar language would be exchanged, and proper conversation would be impossible, it was a tactic to conclude the conversation and leave gracefully. Luna opened the door of the drawing room with her own hands and gave a farewell gesture to the pale-faced young ladies.

“Stop bothering me about Fersen, because I won’t take him even if you beg me to take him. Instead of that guy, I’d rather date Antes Vincent, who is rumored insane. Laura! The guests are leaving, please see them off properly.”

Leaving behind the young ladies who couldn’t even hide their gaping mouths, Luna bent her knees, finished her farewell greetings, and left the small drawing room.

“What… kind of crazy person is she!”

“Have you finished talking!?”

“Are you leaving now!?”

Since the target of their anger suddenly disappeared, the cries of the ladies filled the downstairs for a while.

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