The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 5 Table of contents

Luna pushed away Fersen’s hand and threw Seira’s handkerchief that she had been holding onto his face, expressing her frustration.

“Even like this, you still can’t understand? She threw the handkerchief at my own face and cried, saying that I’m interfering with your relationship!? If you have a conscience, resolve the situation and just leave me alone, please!”

“…Luna? Luna, wait!”

Ignoring Fersen’s response, Luna exerted all her strength and climbed the stairs.

“Huh? Lady? Why are you stomping up the stairs like that? You’ll make the stairs collapse, my Lady.”

Emma’s voice sounded from behind, unaware of the situation and looking puzzled. But fearing that if she stayed there any longer, she would vent her anger on innocent people, Luna put strength into her steps.

* * *

Unable to sleep all night, Luna lay on her bed and absentmindedly stared at the ceiling. Her heart was in turmoil because of the fight with Seira the night before.

‘This is the worst.’

Although she had said things in the heat of the moment, things she couldn’t take back, she started to regret it little by little, realizing that she had acted thoughtlessly.

‘But, well, what did I do?’

However, on the other hand, she also thought, ‘What else could I have done but fight back after being beatenfirst?’

Since she hadn’t done anything wrong, she couldn’t ask for forgiveness, and she couldn’t change her behavior.

In her heart, she wanted to pull Fersen’s hair and shake some sense into him, slap Seira’s cheek thirty times and tell her to wake up and see clearly.

Of course, even if she did that, it wouldn’t make much of a difference, but at least her heart would have been relieved.

‘At the very least, if I knew how I would die…’

If that were the case, would things have turned out even slightly different?

Unfortunately, in the original story, the only description was that one day her slightly decayed body was found in the forest.

Due to the mutilation and decay of the body, the cause of death remained unknown. It was also unknown who killed her. The only thing that was certain was the author’s implication that she was killed by Seira’s acquaintances while trying to meddle in the relationship between Fersen and Seira. Looking back now, it is highly likely that it was a misunderstanding rather than meddling.

‘If only I had money, things would have been different.’

Maybe she could have hired skilled knights to protect her life. But it was ridiculous to assume such things because the current Peils family had no money to even hire a single knight.

‘…In the end, it’s about money. The money that Seira looked down upon, asking how much I would like to take.’

Suddenly, thoughts of money came up, and ultimately, what she needed now was money. The money that she said she would give no matter how much, just eat and leave.

‘It’s pathetic enough to be annoyed.’

Even though she was considered a noble, she had to hear such things.

No, even if she wasn’t a noble, she shouldn’t have to hear such things. People should come before money, not money above people.

She wanted to grab Seira by the hair out of frustration, but in the end, she had no money. Unlike venting her anger, grabbing her by the hair would result in a massive compensation payment.

Unable to find a way to alleviate her frustration, she alternated between punching and kicking the air, when she heard the sound of hooves outside the window.

‘In the morning?’

Who could possibly be visiting at such an early hour? She had a bad feeling because of what happened last night.

Sure enough, the person who came was someone sent by Seira.

“Miss, she asked me to deliver this to you,” Laura, with a sleepy face, handed over a letter and let out a loud yawn.

The envelope was slightly thick.

Luna felt uneasy for some reason.

Did she really write such a long letter? It couldn’t be a death threat, right? But knowing her, the one who threw the handkerchief and talked nonsense, she might be capable of it.

Luna thought she might be someone who wasn’t Fersen’s girlfriend because she seemed strange.

She cautiously tore open the envelope and spilled its contents onto the table. Then, several blank checks fluttered about.

[Unfortunately, these are the only checks I have on hand. Still, it should be enough to last for five years.

You mentioned that if conditions permit, you would go to the countryside. I will send more later, so please disappear with this money. If you need anything else, let me know, and now please release me and Fersen.]

Even a letter telling her to leave.

She treated her as if she were nothing. Even though she had changed so much, it was a bonus that she believed in the misconception and treated her as a pest.

“Seriously… you two are hopeless.”

The hand holding the letter trembled. How could communication be so difficult? Last evening, she had been considering whether or not to regret getting angry, but now she resorted to using money and desperately started a fight.

Luna tried to endure because she valued her life, but she couldn’t stay still any longer.

She grabbed her coat, held the blank checks, and rushed downstairs.

“Miss, where are you going this morning!?”

Ignoring even Laura, who asked where she was going when she had made up her mind to throw the checks at Seira’s face, Luna left the mansion.

* * *

Arriving at the Granada Marquis’s estate, Luna, riding on a horse, searched for Seira with her disheveled hair.

The servants’ faces stiffened at the appearance of this wicked woman who had been tormenting their mistress, but even in this state, nobility was still nobility. They couldn’t confront her without saying a word.

After a while, one of the servants disappeared to call Seira, and after waiting for a long time, Luna was able to meet Seira, who was wearing a thick coat over her indoor clothes.

It was at the entrance of the mansion where the chilly wind blew fiercely, not even a drawing room. She was truly moved by the noble treatment to the point of tears.

“…Why are you here so early? Did you come to apologize or something?”

In spite of the fact that she sent someone earlier than this, she had a pure and innocent face as if she had done nothing wrong.

She glanced down at the checks Luna held in her hand. And then, as if understanding what Luna wanted, without waiting for an answer, she spoke.

“Is it because you don’t have enough money? Don’t worry. I’ll give you as much as you need. I sent a letter saying that I would send more if you go to the countryside… Ah!”

Unable to tolerate the continuous nonsense any longer, Luna tore the checks in half and threw them.

“…What, what are you doing now!?”

The servants who had been watching Luna and Seira from nearby hurriedly ran over. The knight who had approached after hearing Seira’s voice also threatened Luna with a menacing gaze while holding his sword.

There was no one here on Luna’s side. Nevertheless, Luna, who had already made up her mind, responded without hesitation.

“I said it last night, but I don’t need money that hasn’t been earned by yourself. No, even if you earn it, I don’t need this kind of worthless money.”

“What are you doing right now!”

As Luna revealed her hostility, the knight intervened between her and Seira. If he weren’t a noble, he would have been ready to strike her with his drawn sword.

Seira, who was hiding behind the sturdy knight, started shedding tears as if she had suffered something terrible.

“Really, you’re really too much…! Is that what you’re saying, that it’s not enough? How much more do I have to give for you to disappear from Fersen’s side? How long do you intend to torment us!”

“Is that what you have to say after sending a message telling me to take this and disappear!? After even hitting me, pretend to be the victim here!”

Who hit who? What do you mean by sending money and saying to disappear? Luna, who made unbelievable claims while betraying their pure and lovely mistress, exposed her lies, according to the audience.

“That… That wasn’t a hit, it was just a handkerchief! Why are you complaining!”

“Then, if I throw a handkerchief at your face here, can you just let it slide? Should I try that?”

As Luna showed the momentum to throw not just a handkerchief, but even a stone, frightened Seira shed tears and hid behind the knight’s back again.

The knight’s pupils shook for a moment as he listened to the conversation, but it was only a brief reaction. While he didn’t fully understand what it meant to throw a handkerchief and give money and say to disappear, Seira was always an innocent and pure person. The hostility turned back towards Luna.

“Why? Don’t you like it? You say it’s nothing special!? And the money. Prepare to apologize for treating me like this because I will bring double the amount of the check Lady Seira gave. I have more than enough money!”

Still buried in the rock, but it was hers, after all.

Without any hesitation, Luna mounted her words as she looked at the knight, who frowned and narrowed his eyes at Luna, and Seira, who was crying loudly. Then, her friends, who had been contemplating in their pajamas, rushed out to see what had happened.

The young ladies alternated their gazes between Seira, who was crying heavily as if deeply wounded, and Luna, who stared at her with an angry expression.

Who was the one crying with wounds? At the most inappropriate timing, a hollow laughter came out.

As expected, it seemed that fate was on Seira’s side. How conveniently this misunderstanding had come about.

‘So what? Are you expecting me to just obediently die because of that? I’ll live well, I’ll dug up gold from the estate and show off.’

Having such thoughts, Luna glared at the young ladies who were going towards Seira and casually mounted her horse, riding away from the Marquis’s mansion.

The next destination was the carriage rental station that would provide a carriage to take her to the Peils Estate where the gold was buried.


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