The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 15 Table of contents

Why is he like this? It would have been less embarrassing if he had just used flattery. Suddenly suggesting a serious relationship felt awkward, and an awkwardness flushed Luna’s cheeks.

Luna fanned herself with her hand and blamed the weather for no reason.

“Ugh, it’s suddenly hot.”

“Is it? Winter will come soon, and you seem to be someone who can’t handle the heat.”

Antes shamelessly responded to her comment. If there were levels of shamelessness, he would kick off the highest level and casually sit on it.

As Luna responded to Antes with a look of disbelief, he raised the corners of his mouth, finding her reaction adorable, and gave her some time to think.

“Take your time to think. I’ll be staying here for a while. Just decide based on what benefits the young lady.”

“…I have one curious question.”

“What is it?”

Antes nodded as if telling her to ask him anything.

“If I were to be in a relationship with you, you say it would help clear up the misunderstandings. But what would you gain from it?”

“What would I gain?”

“Yes, I could benefit from using you and then discarding you. There’s no reason to refuse when you’re willing to help clear up the misunderstandings. But what about you? What do you gain from using me?”

“What I gain from using you…”

Antes mulled over Luna’s question and then turned to look towards the entrance of the parlor, shrugging his shoulders.

“I could say ‘happy moments with the young lady,’ but I don’t think it’s the right time to mention that. The young lady’s people haven’t been able to leave the area in front of the door since earlier.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Maybe it’s close to dinner time? They seem quite hungry.”

As Antes pointed out, a noisy commotion could be heard from beyond the door.

“And it seems someone else has arrived.”

As Luna regained her composure, she could clearly hear the sound of carriage wheels.

“Oh, it looks like Father has arrived!”

Luna quickly stood up from the sofa and hurriedly exited the drawing room.

Her appearance must have been comical, as she heard Antes chuckling behind her. It had reached the point where she didn’t even know who had suggested they start a relationship.

Unaware of the awkwardness, Emma and Laura, who hadn’t even bothered to pick up the broken teacup, took turns glancing at Luna and Antes, trying to outdo each other.

They needed to quickly bring Father into the situation and dispel this awkward atmosphere. With that thought in mind, Luna headed towards the entrance but suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Antes can only use informal speech, she realized.

If she were to meet the Baron here, it was certain that Antes would use informal speech. She didn’t want to see that happen.

Luna turned around and quietly warned Antes.

“Don’t say a word from now on.”

Just stay quiet.

Antes looked bewildered and pointed at himself with his finger.

“Yes, it’s about you. You said you can only use informal speech. You’re going to use informal speech with my Father, aren’t you? I absolutely cannot bear to see that. It’s better if you just keep your mouth shut. I’ll explain everything myself.”

“Oh, you mean that,” Antes responded with a perplexing smile to Luna’s point. “Fine. I’ll be careful. Since I haven’t even heard a response regarding our relationship, I don’t want to be disliked by the young lady for no reason.”

“What are you talking about right now! Don’t say such things!”

“…Oh my.”

Emma couldn’t help but let out an exclamation of admiration at the pink-hued scene of her employer’s romance, while Laura covered her mouth and bounced on the spot.

Luna sighed as she felt a headache coming on, realizing that she might have openly spread rumors and caused trouble. In the meantime, the Baron, who had alighted from the carriage, entered the mansion.

“Luna, you came out to welcome me. I had something to ask you… Hm? Who is this?”

“…Antes!? You, you brat!”



Behind the wide-eyed Baron, Fersen appeared, seething with anger like a blazing fire.

Seeing Fersen like that, Luna took a step back in surprise, while Antes raised an eyebrow in silence, revealing his displeasure.

Could there be another disastrous encounter like this in the world?

Oh well, at least Seira isn’t here, so it might be the worst-case scenario for now. In any case, faced with a situation she didn’t even want to imagine, Luna wavered on what she should resolve first.

Ignoring Luna’s warning to stay quiet, Antes bowed his head and greeted the Baron.

“Baron Peils, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Antes, the eldest son of Marquis Vincent. We’ve been engaged in dealings regarding the gold mine I operate, which is why I dared to intrude and discuss matters until late.”

As if saying, ‘Who said I can only use informal speech?’ Antes politely and gracefully used formal speech. Moreover, he even equipped himself with charm, as if to make a better impression.

No one would dislike the polite greetings from the handsome young man. The Baron, who had suddenly softened his expression, smiled warmly and greeted Antes.

“Oh, I see. The guild that traded with Luna is the guild of the marquis family! I’m concerned that it might be inconvenient for you in this humble place.”

“Please feel comfortable. I’m still quite young and inexperienced, not yet having obtained my title.”

“Why would you say that! That’s not possible.”

What do you mean he can only use informal speech!?

While Luna blushed, Fersen became furious, pushing Antes’s shoulder as he angrily confronted the Baron.

“A gold mine? What on earth are you talking about! What are you trying to do to innocent Luna and the Baron!?”

Unfortunately, Antes showed no reaction. Taller than Fersen by a little, he looked down with a gaze filled with contempt and responded to Fersen’s question.

“It seems that young lady Luna has discovered a gold mine, but you seem to be the only one who doesn’t know. The contract has already been finalized.”

“What gold mine? You must be deceiving innocent Luna with lies!”

“You. It seems you still underestimate the young lady. Is she foolish enough to be deceived by a nonexistent gold mine?”

“When did I ever underestimate Luna? I simply hope that Luna, whom I cherish like a younger sister, won’t be fooled by a scoundrel like you!”

“Hmph, young master Fersen. Is this how you treat a valuable guest?”

As Fersen suddenly became angry with Antes, the Baron quickly intervened between the two. Fersen turned to the Baron and complained.

“Baron, this Antes is the one who spent several nights with the young lady! The person I mentioned at the Duke’s estate! Luna didn’t go for the gold mine, but to meet this man! He must be sent away immediately!”

“What did you say? Fersen, what nonsense are you spouting? Are you drunk!?”

It was a complete mess, a mess that happened just minutes ago. Fersen became angry as if witnessing the denial of his lover. It seemed that he couldn’t even hear the question asking if he was crazy.

“Young master Fersen.”

At that moment, the Baron called Fersen’s name. His expression was serious, as if he was taking Fersen’s side.

Father must like Fersen, so he’ll take his side this time too. But Luna didn’t want to get angry with Father.

Luna anxiously waited for the Baron’s words, pondering how she would overcome the upcoming frustration.

“I don’t believe my daughter Luna would lie to me.”

However, the words that came out of the Baron’s mouth were the opposite of Luna’s worries.


“And even if what the young master said is true, even if she spent several nights with young master Vincent, it’s Luna’s freedom. It’s a matter that I, as an adult, shouldn’t interfere with.”

Fersen, as if he hadn’t expected the Baron to take his side, froze without even blinking.

Even though his face would be visible, the Baron, feeling uncomfortable, continued to rebuke Fersen without a break.

“And why are you getting so angry without even trying to understand the situation? Even if Vincent’s words are true, if Luna found a man whom she feels strongly for, it should be a cause for celebration. Luna has no interest in men, let alone relationships. So isn’t it a good thing that she found someone she’s willing to travel for days to meet?”


“Young master didn’t wonder why Luna didn’t have a boyfriend either.”

Nevertheless, as he was the heir to the Duke’s family, he couldn’t keep scolding him. In the end, the Baron patted Fersen’s back as if laughing and ended it on a good note.


Then Fersen called out with a wounded expression, as if betrayed by a trusted comrade. It was a repulsive face that made Fersen, as well as everyone who opposed him, look like villains.

If it was directed at herself, Luna could let it slide, but she couldn’t tolerate it when it was directed at her father. Without hesitation, Luna kicked out and aimed for Fersen’s leg…


As Luna, with an unpleasant expression, glared at Fersen, Antes suddenly grabbed Fersen by the collar and dragged him out the front door.

“Y-Young master Vincent!?”

The Baron, astonished by the disrespectful behavior towards the heir to the Duke’s family, turned pale. Luna felt the same way.

Whether she cared or not, Antes, who disregarded everything, threw Fersen to the ground and coldly glared at him.

“Get lost before I rip your throat out.”

In the process of being thrown down, Fersen’s posture seemed slightly crooked, and he clutched his waist without any response.

‘What on earth is happening?’

Luna was at a loss for words in the shocking situation. Who could imagine someone grabbing Fersen by the collar and throwing him to the ground like a ragdoll?

She imagined herself in the scene she had just witnessed. It ended with her gripping Fersen’s collar while he remained motionless, sending out a sarcastic laugh. It was a realistic and irritating scene.

After a brief moment of imagining such a scene, Luna, who still looked disheveled, bid farewell to Fersen.

“How many times do I have to say it for you to understand? I don’t want to see your face or hear you again. I can’t stand your existence, so please let our relationship end like this! Do you know how much pain I’ve been through because of you? No, you’re so stupid, you probably don’t even realize it. If you knew, would you still act this way, you worthless bastard!”

As Luna delivered such harsh words, which she had never said for such a long time, she turned and walked away, locking the door with a click.

Then, she saw the stunned Baron and Antes, who had raised their eyebrows as if saying something.

Well, if Fersen were a person who could understand her words, things would have been resolved smoothly. But he probably didn’t understand. Still, it felt refreshing to get it off her chest.

Luna confidently headed towards the dining room, urging the two trailing behind her.

“What are you doing? We have to eat dinner. Don’t just stand there lost in thought. Emma went through all the trouble, so we should eat before it gets cold.”

At Luna’s words, urging them to have dinner as if nothing had happened, the Baron and Antes exchanged glances, expressing unspoken emotions.


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