The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 36 Table of contents

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‘I thought my heart was going to jump out!’

Rosemary quickly hid in a corridor leading elsewhere, clutching her chest.

‘Why did she suddenly turn around while walking well! Did she notice me? She probably didn’t, right? It would be bad if she did!’

She worried whether she might’ve been noticed since she hid a bit too late and her body trembled.

Rosemary held her breath and pricked up her ears. Fortunately, there was no sound of approaching footsteps.

Relieved, Rosemary calmed herself and started observing Luna more cautiously.

“How much is the price?”

“The price you’ve given is 10,000 gold.”

“10,000 gold?”

Luna, who was following the noble, suddenly stopped in surprise.

This grand and beautiful mansion for only 10,000 gold?

The mansion she saw earlier can’t even be compared, even the value of the roses here alone seemed worth 10,000 gold.

She would’ve been grateful even if it was 15,000 gold, she thought…

However, the Viscount misunderstood Luna’s comment.

“Of course, since you came with Antes’ introduction , you can talk to the owner and adjust the amount of 2,300 gold more.”

So cheap. Can it really be true? When Luna opened her eyes wide in surprise, the Viscount gritted his teeth.

‘How much more does she want it reduced?’

He had already offered a price with little profit for himself since she came through Antes.

But he couldn’t just tell her to check another mansion if she found it too cheap.

‘The Marquis had helped our family establish our position, we should repay him.’

Thinking of his gratitude towards Marquis Vincent, the Viscount reluctantly lowered the price further.

“…If it’s still burdensome, I’ll reduce it by another 1,000 gold.”

When the price dropped ridiculously, Luna lost her interest in buying the mansion. It was impossible to sell such a good mansion for such a low price in the right mind.

The conversation went off track. Luna asked with suspicious eyes:

“Is there any defect in the mansion?”

Does she intend to negotiate the price even further by pointing out defects?

He had seen many people subtly trying to haggle using their power and status, but this was the first time he met someone so direct.

‘Indeed, she’s that man’s lover.’

The Viscount regretted lowering the price too much and firmly denied any defects in the mansion, resuming his role as a broker.

“Absolutely not. Defects? It’s a mansion we’ve maintained daily. You’ve seen it, isn’t it a splendid mansion?”

“Then why is it so cheap?”


“It’s a mansion that wouldn’t be strange even if priced at 15,000 gold. Unless there are defects, it shouldn’t be this cheap.”

Luna urged him for a straightforward answer, as if she was willing to accept defects.

Only then did the Viscount realize the reason for Luna’s surprise. It wasn’t because it was expensive, but because it was too cheap.

He regretted judging her without knowing the facts and heaved a sigh of relief.

“Ah, I see. I thought you wanted a lower price…”

“Huh? Why would I? I know the value of things. Of course, it’d be nice to buy it cheaply… but if it’s too cheap, I’ll always be suspicious. I’ll keep looking for defects that don’t exist, maybe even until I die.”

“I apologize. I was too hasty and misunderstood. I’m truly sorry.”

The Viscount bowed deeply in apology. Since he had misjudged Luna, but she, unaware of this, was only puzzled.

Was this something to apologize for so formally? Or was he always this polite?

Seeing someone of higher rank, honor, and age apologize so sincerely over such a trivial matter made her feel awkward. After all, she was from a country known for its politeness.

“No need. It seems I didn’t communicate properly. Just adding a word about it being too cheap would’ve clarified things. It was a minor misunderstanding; you don’t need to apologize so much.”

The guilty Viscount was taken aback by Luna’s apology and offered another one.

“No, I should have asked for the reason first rather than making assumptions. I am sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, I really am.”

“Really, it’s okay. I’m the one who should apologize.”

“No, rather I…”

And behind the corridor, secretly watching the whole situation, Rosemary quickly shut her astonished mouth.

‘What are they doing right now…?’

Why are they so restless, not being able to apologize to each other? Are they crazy?

Even if it was to avoid making a mistake, why in the world would Antes’ lover be involved?

If he were truly the lover of that infamous one, she should, as befitting his reputation, slap Viscount’s face without any reason… Yet for some reason, they were taking turns apologizing to each other, as if betting on who could apologize better.

‘Could it be they find joy in embarrassing each other like that?’

If she were the lover of that madman, there was a possibility she might be that twisted.

After kindly asking all those questions, in the end, she might just say ‘No thanks.’ and tear up the contract.

Rosemary, having come to a very logical conclusion, intently observed Luna’s actions.

Meanwhile, Luna, who was having a competition with someone over who could apologize more, suddenly changed the topic, trying to escape the quagmire of apologies.

“It’s hot, isn’t it? I’d like some fresh air.”

At that, the person about to apologize again, paused and showed her the way out. He too, seemingly, found the loop of apologies burdensome.

“Go this way. Shall I accompany you?”

However, the path leading outside passed right through the corridor where Rosemary was hiding.

‘No, why!’

Startled, Rosemary hastily turned to leave the corridor before Luna could see her.

‘Oh, shoot! My legs go numb!’

Unfortunately, because she had been standing awkwardly for a long time watching Luna, her leg had fallen asleep. Each step felt as though her leg was about to collapse.

“It’s okay. I’m just going out for a moment. Why?”

She heard the footsteps approaching in response. Rosemary bit her lip and hurriedly moved her legs.

But just because she tried to move quickly didn’t mean her body cooperated.

As she was about to trip, a cascade of smooth black hair blocked her view.

“Are you okay!?”


Eyes as beautiful as gem-filled oceans studied Rosemary’s condition.

It was Luna. Just before Rosemary could fall on her butt, Luna caught her by the arm.

“Are you okay? Are you not hurt?”

Strangely, her face was sparkling as she asked.

What’s going on? Rosemary, her face turning red, blankly nodded.

“That’s a relief. You really startled me.”

Luna quickly helped the dazed Rosemary to her feet.

She should have straightened herself up, but Rosemary was so captivated by Luna’s face that she simply stared.

“…Lady Rosemary?”

Following behind Luna, Royer widened his eyes in surprise, recognizing the situation and Rosemary.

“Royer, do you know her?”

“Ah, yes…”

I know her very well… I work for her family.

Royer was about to say this when he suddenly shut his mouth because of a sharp look from Rosemary.

Possibly worried that he might say something inappropriate, Rosemary adjusted her posture and greeted Luna.

“I heard you were coming to see the mansion, so I thought I might be of some help. Sorry for my unsightly appearance. Did you like the mansion?”

Her words were a mix of greeting and excuse. Her demeanor was unusually awkward.

Due to the unexpected incident earlier, her initial fear of Luna had long since vanished, quickly replaced by a sense of fondness.

Luna, not suspecting Rosemary was following her, replied;

“Yes, I was considering buying it because I liked it so much. I had many questions about the mansion and wanted to meet you. It’s fortunate you’re here.”

“How about we have a chat over some tea? Actually, I’ve prepared some sweet tea and snacks. Do you like milk tea? We also have herbal tea.”

Just tell me what you’d like. And please, have a drink with me.

Luna blinked momentarily as she faced the shimmering emerald eyes, as they reminded her of something.

‘Is she wanting so bad to sell the mansion?’

There was no need to go that far. It was a beautiful mansion that one would thank and bow if it were simply offered for sale.

…Speaking of which, it felt familiar. Where had she seen it? It felt recent. Very recent indeed.

As Luna pondered, Rosemary hurriedly urged Luna for an answer.

“Would you prefer wine over tea? We have some precious wines, so just let us know. I’ll prepare it right away.”

Luna wanted to think more but couldn’t. The way Rosemary looked, it seemed as if she feared rejection.

She looked like a small, cute animal eager for its owner’s attention. It was unlikely for the woman Luna just met to act that way.

Having dismissed such a silly imagination, Luna replied with a smile:

“Thank you for your kindness.”

With that, Rosemary’s face brightened instantly, urging Luna to follow her to the reception room.

Confused by the situation, lawyer Royer was about to follow them when a hand suddenly reached out and stopped him.

“…Mr. William?”

It was William, the butler of the Marquis’ family, who had observed the situation from the start. With a very serious face, he advised Royer:

“Don’t speak carelessly.”


Royer was perplexed.

When Royer inquired with a baffled expression, William advised again, “Miss Rosemary will handle it, so please remain quiet.”

“So, you’re saying that Miss Rosemary orchestrated this situation? You knew everything?”

“Why ask the obvious?”

Although it was William who initially made the suggestion, it was Rosemary who pursued it.

William tsked, as if it was a foolish question. Royer became deeply troubled, wondering, ‘What should I do?’

Considering William’s behavior, and aiming to butter up Luna for a comfortable retirement, Royer felt it best to speak before being further interrogated.

Noticing Royer’s hesitation, William firmly shook his head, “If you don’t want to suffer for the next ten years, stay still.”

It was advice that struck Royer to the core. From the specific time period ‘ten years’ that the butler mentioned, Royer could gauge the gravity of his warning.

Of course, William wasn’t purely concerned for Royer. If Royer carelessly caused trouble, William would also be in the line of fire.

William finally caught Royer’s ankle.

“If you’re really concerned, just say you tripped on your way to talk.”


While Royer felt it was unnecessary to go that far to avoid the situation, he remembered Rosemary’s persistence and talkativeness, then made up his mind.

“Then, if it ever comes to that, please be my witness. Please confirm that I stumbled and suffered.”

At Royer’s serious request, William nodded slightly. It was a small alliance for a peaceful everyday life.


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