I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 77 Table of contents

Expedition Leader Jung Dae-hyun
Jung Dae-hyun was a seasoned entertainer who had traveled to countless remote areas while filming Survival on a Deserted Island. With exceptional physical abilities and an even greater adaptability, this shoot was no different from his usual experiences.

But that didn’t mean it was going to be easy.

This is going to be tough in terms of content.

The two actors here for movie promotion posed a unique challenge. In such cases, the focus tends to shift more towards promotion than actual entertainment.

Especially considering that one of the actors, Ju Seoyeon, was still a teenage high school student. Naturally, there were more things she couldn’t do than could. On an ordinary uninhabited island, there were many concerns about the young actress’s well-being. Frankly, Dae-hyun found it puzzling that they would send a supporting actor, rather than a lead, for promotion.

But I have to make the most of this broadcast.

He was a professional. Whether it was promotion or entertainment, his goal was to maximize the content. After all, Survival on a Deserted Island was a popular variety show on KMB, and he took pride in that.


"Seoyeon, the fish went that way!"

Bang Ha-yoon shouted as Seoyeon raised her wooden spear. It was the same spear Seoyeon had been carrying around.

If she stabs like that so clumsily…

Just as Jung Dae-hyun was thinking this, the spear plunged into the moving fish. Despite the awkward movement, the speed compensated for it.

"Oh, I caught it."

"Wow, amazing!!"

The members of the expedition cheered. No one had expected Seoyeon to catch the fish on her first try.

As Seoyeon lifted the fish impaled on the spear, smiling triumphantly, people applauded her.


However, actors Park Hee-jun and Jung-woo simply looked at her with a sense of mild acknowledgment, as if this was no big deal. And that was just the beginning.

Climbing hills, catching bugs, and exploring with enthusiasm, Seoyeon’s actions left Jung Dae-hyun astounded.

Did she work out?

Otherwise, it was hard to explain her level of physical capability.

"We’re going to paddle across on a raft now. I’ll take the oar, along with…"

Park Hee-jun, Jung-woo, and one of the regular members who was used to handling the oar.

"…Seoyeon, do you want to try?"


Seoyeon volunteered eagerly for everything. It wasn’t just about being on a variety show; she genuinely seemed excited.

She seems really thrilled.

Jung Dae-hyun’s thoughts mirrored Seoyeon’s mood. This was probably the most exhilarated she had felt since her middle school retreat.

As previously mentioned, Seoyeon had a naturally subdued personality, so when she got excited, it was hard for her to calm down. It could be said that she was particularly susceptible to joy. If Ji-yeon had been there, she would have tried to stop her, even if it meant being a bit forceful.

So she has this side to her too.

Jung-woo observed Seoyeon rowing with energy, surprised by her determination. He had thought she was a calm person, but she also had a competitive streak and clearly enjoyed receiving praise from others.

When I first met her, Seoyeon seemed quite prickly.

Unlike most kids these days, she really puts her all into everything.

To the rest of the cast, Seoyeon’s behavior was incredibly positive. Seeing a young actress earnestly trying at everything naturally made her more endearing to everyone. As a result, whatever Seoyeon did, everyone applauded her efforts, creating an endless cycle of positive reinforcement.

And then…

"Wow, isn’t rowing difficult?"

"Seoyeon, you’re really strong. Seriously."

The staff watching her row marveled at her stamina. It wasn’t just a regular boat, but a raft. Although the current wasn’t strong, it was still a physically demanding task for a woman.

"And doesn’t this look good?"

"Be careful not to push this too hard, or the Park actor’s fans will come after us."

As they crossed the water on a different boat, this one a proper motorboat, Producer Shin remarked jokingly.


Producer Shin hadn’t expected this. He never imagined Seoyeon would be so well-suited to the wild.

Jung Dae-hyun didn’t realize it, but the cameraman who had been filming Seoyeon was captivated, focusing almost exclusively on her. Her behavior was far from ordinary.

I thought this was just for promotion, but…

She’s actually quite something, isn’t she? Especially considering that Ju Seoyeon was known to the public as Princess Yeonhwa—a calm and dignified image. Not to mention…

They seem oddly concerned about Ju Seoyeon’s image.

Nova Entertainment and Seoyeon’s manager both gave off that impression. They were focused on maintaining her image. But the image of Princess Yeonhwa wasn’t a bad one. It almost felt like they were trying to prevent a negative image from forming.

"Seoyeon, while this show is meant to promote the movie, it’s also important to project a bright image, okay?"


Seoyeon’s manager had come along and happened to overhear this conversation.

A bright image?

The Princess Yeonhwa image should already be bright enough.

Could it be something related to The Chaser?

Producer Shin had worked in the industry long enough to pick up on things quickly.

There’s something going on here.

I’ll have to ask about this later, he thought.

"Director Min, make sure Seoyeon gets plenty of camera time."

"Huh? Not Park Hee-jun?"

Ordinarily, the camera would focus more on Park Hee-jun, who was the lead guest. But Producer Shin nodded.

"Yes. Make sure it’s at least fifty-fifty."


There was nothing wrong with focusing on Seoyeon since she was proving to be quite engaging to watch.

I just hope she keeps up that stamina.

Producer Shin watched Seoyeon row with enthusiasm.

"Oh, the oar broke."


Seoyeon held up the broken oar. The raft began to drift away, and it took them quite a while to get back.

For most participants on Survival on a Deserted Island, the most challenging part is sleeping. The climate is different, it’s humid, and there are insects everywhere, making it hard to get a good night’s sleep. Knowing this, Seoyeon voiced her concerns to Jung-woo in a worried tone.

"I’ve never slept outside before, so I’m a bit anxious."

"The bugs are a problem, but you should try to sleep, even if it’s tough…"

Jung-woo started to reply but then turned to see Seoyeon’s head slumped to the side.



Didn’t she just say she couldn’t sleep?

In any case, Seoyeon slept soundly and spent the rest of Survival on a Deserted Island practically flying around. The other participants, who had initially just clapped along, started to find her behavior increasingly odd.

Why isn’t she getting tired?

The shoot lasted three days and two nights. While that might not seem long, for someone on their first outdoor shoot, it should have been exhausting. But Seoyeon continued to hunt, row, climb trees, and more, without ever seeming to rest.

At one point, the cameraman was too tired to keep up with her.

When this airs, people are going to be suspicious.

Producer Shin found himself thinking that. Even Park Hee-jun, a former special forces soldier, wasn’t ordinary. He was the kind of person who could survive alone on an uninhabited island.

But he was special forces. Seoyeon, on the other hand, was just an ordinary high school girl.

An ordinary high school girl being on par with a special forces soldier?

What kind of movie is The Chaser?

That was the thought running through the minds of those who watched Seoyeon. But despite her successes, not everything went perfectly.

"Don’t cook anymore."



Jung-woo made this comment after tasting Seoyeon’s coconut dish. She had apparently tried to follow some recipe with the crawfish they had caught on the island.

Is this seasoning correct?

Jung-woo ate the whole dish, but it was clear that Seoyeon wasn’t a good cook. It wasn’t that she was dramatically bad, but…

There’s a limit to how haphazardly you can season something.

It was as if she had thrown together the dish with the casual indifference of a guy cooking in a bachelor pad—thinking, "This much salt should be fine, and if I do this and that, it should turn out okay," without putting much care into it.

"From now on, I’ll do all the cooking."

In the end, Jung-woo rolled up his sleeves. If nothing else, he couldn’t stand the idea of sloppy cooking.

"Just leave it to him, Seoyeon. Park has played a genius chef in a drama before…"

Producer Shin mentioned that Jung-woo had gotten deeply into cooking while preparing for that role. Seoyeon nodded as she watched Jung-woo’s skilled knife work.

I’m not the only one who immerses myself in roles.

Jung-woo didn’t use method acting like Seoyeon did. He was more of a top student, focusing on researching and interpreting the character as thoroughly as possible. Technically, he was already at a high level.

That’s why Jung-woo’s performances were always smart and professional. Cooking was just another aspect of that professionalism.

Even if he criticizes everything…

She had to admit that his dedication to acting was impressive. And that’s when she suddenly remembered.


Seoyeon looked at Jung-woo, realizing something.

Dream Future.

It was none other than Jung-woo who had played the male lead in Dream Future.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jung-woo approached, holding a dish of food he had prepared using ingredients from the exploration.



"When is the Dream Future audition?"

Hearing the name Dream Future, Jung-woo’s eyes narrowed.

How does she know about that?

Does she know someone connected with the production team?

Dream Future was one of the dramas KMB was heavily investing in. While it wasn’t the biggest project in terms of budget, it was an ambitious and challenging one.

"In about a month. But aren’t you already filming a movie?"

"My scenes are already done."

"Oh, right, that’s why you’re out here promoting."

Jung-woo replied, then paused for a moment. He glanced at Seoyeon, trying to read her expression, but her face was as neutral as ever, making it difficult to gauge her intentions.

"Why, are you planning to audition?"



Jung-woo was momentarily speechless. After all, he was the main male lead in Dream Future.

Dream Future featured several young actors, each with their own pairings. But the most prominent pairing was between Jung-woo’s character, Kim Si-hwan, and the female lead, Song So-ha.

Is she aiming for the role of Song So-ha?

Jung-woo swallowed dryly. He had acted alongside Seoyeon in Princess Yeonhwa, but she had been much younger then. The idea of performing a romance with a now-grown Seoyeon hadn’t crossed his mind.

A month from now… I wonder how competitive the audition for Jo Harin will be.

Of course, Seoyeon wasn’t aiming for the role of Song So-ha, the female lead paired with Jung-woo. She was targeting the role of Jo Harin—a character with neither too much nor too little screen time. Jo Harin was a cute, endearing character who had garnered significant popularity despite her moderate presence in the story.

This character was the complete opposite of Cha Seo-ah, the role Seoyeon played in The Chaser. While Cha Seo-ah was emotionally detached, Jo Harin was the opposite—a character who felt emotions far more intensely than others. She was sensitive, lively, and adorable.

To be honest, Seoyeon wasn’t entirely confident. The fact that Jo Harin’s character was the polar opposite of Cha Seo-ah applied to Seoyeon as well.


It was a role she really wanted to try. Initially, she was motivated by the desire to secure the four billion won she had earned from the commercial, but for an actor… it was a path she had to walk.

She couldn’t always stick to playing the same type of character. An actor shouldn’t only perform roles they’re comfortable with. The ability to switch things up was essential. It was a crucial skill for any actor.

The competition for Song So-ha’s role will be intense…

But Jo Harin’s role might be less competitive, right?

With these thoughts crossing their minds, the second day of filming came to a close.

"Thank you all for your hard work. Finally, we’re back in Korea."

Three days and two nights. It was a short yet long time.

When this airs, it’s going to be a hit.

Producer Shin thought to himself. Honestly, when he first heard about promoting a movie on Survival on a Deserted Island, he thought it was a reckless idea. But now, he felt differently.

Even if the first day was so-so, Seoyeon’s performance on the second and third days, especially during the missions, had been incredibly impressive.

In particular…

Her flawless white skin was still pristine. Despite being under the blazing sun for three days and two nights, her skin hadn’t tanned at all—still clear and white.

Didn’t she say she was in a skincare commercial?

Bang Ha-yoon had even asked Seoyeon what products she used, fascinated by her skin. Although Seoyeon didn’t mention any brand names on camera, the scene would still be broadcast.

When this airs, things will definitely be different.

It was clear that she would become the center of attention. And there was one more thing.

The camera was still focused on Park Jung-woo and Seoyeon. Given all the interactions they had, the camera was keeping a close eye on them until the very end. The filming wasn’t quite over yet.

"Are you heading straight home?"

"Yes. I have something else to do."

"Something else?"

Jung-woo was puzzled. What could she possibly have lined up after this?

As if sensing his curiosity, Seoyeon gave him a rare, bright smile.

"Yes, it’s my birthday today."


Jung-woo froze at her words.

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