I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 79 Table of contents

Lee Ji-yeon sighed as she observed the unusually noisy atmosphere in her class that morning. The restlessness was not due to anything particularly significant; it was because of someone loitering around their classroom, looking hesitant and out of place.

Couldn't they wait until lunchtime? Ji-yeon thought to herself. The person in question was from another class, and after the school festival, exams were just around the corner. Even though Yeonhwa High School wasn't particularly strict academically, some standards still had to be maintained.

"Ji-yeon, your friend...," one of her classmates said hesitantly.

"Is it okay to just leave them like that? Oh, they're looking this way."

Whenever Ji-yeon was hanging out with other students, that person would glance over with the expression of a wet puppy, clearly feeling out of place.

"That's just how she is," Ji-yeon replied.


"Yeah, that's how Seoyeon is."

In reality, Seoyeon's behavior was mostly an act, probably to draw attention and start a conversation. While sometimes she was genuinely like that, Ji-yeon, who had known Seoyeon for a long time, was aware that this was just a performance.

"It's too much."

Finally, when lunchtime arrived, Seoyeon had her chance to talk and said, "It's too much."

"You could make other friends, you know."

"I did."

Oh, the class president? Ji-yeon thought, though she barely remembered their name. Seoyeon did seem to have some interaction with the class president.

Hmm, Ji-yeon considered. While she wasn't sure if they were actually friends, it was clear that Seoyeon had at least started talking to someone. Despite her somewhat odd personality, Seoyeon wasn't a bad person, so Ji-yeon figured she'd make friends soon enough.

While Ji-yeon was lost in these thoughts, Seoyeon hesitated.

Should I mention last night's stream? she wondered. She wanted to thank Ji-yeon for remembering their childhood conversation and recreating it in the stream.

Seoyeon hadn't been able to watch the entire live stream since she had fainted after the birthday wish, but she had caught up with the rest of it in the morning. The rest of the debut stream had been fairly standard.

Although Seoyeon couldn’t watch Ramiel’s original debut stream in her past life, she had at least managed to watch this one live.

For a debut stream by an indie VTuber, it got quite a bit of attention, Seoyeon thought. The production quality had attracted attention, and the acting and voice work, which were clearly well-trained, led some to speculate that it might have been a promotional tool from a larger company.

As she debated whether to bring it up, Seoyeon ultimately decided against it. Ji-yeon, noticing her hesitation, chuckled. Recently, Ji-yeon had learned a bit about the VTuber world, and she was confident that Seoyeon, with her stubborn nature, would never openly discuss it.

The boundary between Ramiel and Lee Ji-yeon was clear. Still, seeing Seoyeon’s demeanor, Ji-yeon could tell that she had received the "gift" from the stream. Ji-yeon had spent a long time preparing it—over ten years, to be exact.

"Isn't the PV coming out today?" Ji-yeon asked, changing the subject.

"Ah, yeah," Seoyeon nodded. The PV (Promotional Video) for The Chaser was set to be released at 10 PM that evening. The movie's official promotion would begin in earnest soon, with the film set to release within the next three to four months. The exact date would be announced within the month, so there wasn’t much time left.

"I guess I need to step up my game," Ji-yeon remarked.

Seoyeon glanced at her briefly. While Ji-yeon was doing well on cable TV, she didn’t have a mainstream image yet.

What kind of drama or movie would suit Ji-yeon? Seoyeon wondered as she observed her friend. Objectively, Ji-yeon's acting was good for her age, but compared to seasoned adult actors, there were still areas that needed improvement. However, she had potential for growth.

If only there was a good opportunity… Seoyeon pondered. She herself wanted to work with Ji-yeon on a project, but no specific ideas came to mind. Most roles that suited Ji-yeon’s current career level were still out of reach.

Lost in thought, Seoyeon felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking up, she noticed Ji-yeon’s concerned expression.

"It seems like something’s going on," Ji-yeon commented.

Seoyeon looked around, realizing that the students were buzzing with excitement. A few of them were walking briskly toward something, as if a celebrity had arrived.

…A celebrity?

Ji-yeon and Seoyeon exchanged glances. Without a word, they both stood up from the bench and headed in the direction of the commotion.

"You're late."


The sharp tone of the woman's voice left Seoyeon momentarily unsure of how to respond.

Why is everyone suddenly into making dramatic entrances these days? she thought, taking in the sight of the woman with brown-dyed hair tied back and a piercing gaze. Her appearance was regal, like a princess or queen. If it weren't for the brown school uniform, Seoyeon might have mistaken her for an adult.

"Are you friends with Ju Seoyeon?" the woman asked, looking directly at Ji-yeon.

"…Well…" Ji-yeon hesitated, clearly about to say something dismissive, but held back out of respect for their shared industry. Still, it was clear she wasn't pleased with the sudden appearance.

"Jo Seo-hee?"

"Is that really Jo Seo-hee? Wow, she's so pretty!"

"Do they know each other?"

Seoyeon could feel the eyes of her classmates on her and Seo-hee. Even the homeroom teacher was watching from a distance, seemingly in awe. Usually, a teacher would step in, but this time they were just observing.

Why is Jo Seo-hee here…?

Sighing at the attention, Seoyeon asked, "What brings you here?"

"You can speak casually," Seo-hee replied, hinting that she had taken offense to Seoyeon's earlier remark about not being close.

They were the same age and should have been comfortable speaking informally, but Seo-hee always gave off a more mature vibe. Moreover, she had debuted before Seoyeon, making it difficult for Seoyeon to treat her casually.

"Hmph. Fine."

Seo-hee eventually gave up on the idea of casual speech and gestured behind her. A woman who appeared to be Seo-hee's manager stepped forward, holding a paper bag filled with boxes.

"It's a birthday present."


"From me and Park sunbae."

There was only one person Seo-hee would refer to as Park sunbae: Park Jung-woo.

"He didn’t want to come himself, thinking it might cause trouble, so he made me deliver it."

Seo-hee clicked her tongue in mild annoyance.

"Of course, it’s also a tribute from me."

"A tribute?"

"Yes. As you said… we're not exactly close, are we?"

Seo-hee flashed a sly smile.

"So, I'm trying to win you over."


Seoyeon took a step back at Seo-hee’s words, prompting another chuckle from Seo-hee.

"Not in that way. It’s just a joke."


As much as she hated to admit it, Seo-hee, with her queenly air, was rather intimidating. While Seoyeon didn't mind the idea of becoming friends with another actress her age, Seo-hee was a bit much.

This is strange… Seoyeon mused. Since when did she and Jung-woo become close enough to exchange gifts?

She looked into the paper bag Seo-hee handed over. It was filled with expensive items, all from brands that Seo-hee herself advertised.

Such incredible self-confidence.

It was something Seoyeon almost admired.

"Next year," Seo-hee said suddenly.

"Next year?"

"This year seems busy, so I wanted to set up something for next year. Is that okay?"

Seoyeon wanted to say no, but decided to hear her out and nodded.

"Do you know Director Baek Min?"

"Yes, he's the director of Covert Cooperation, right?"

"That’s right. I was in that movie too."

Is she bragging? Seoyeon wondered, watching Seo-hee.

"I got to know him during that time and heard about a new movie he’s working on for next year."

Director Baek Min was known for creating films with strong artistic merit. Despite working with low budgets, his films always garnered significant attention and impact.

Ah, no way…

One particular project came to mind as Seoyeon connected the dots.

"I didn’t get all the details, but I heard they’re looking to cast a lot of actresses for it."

"That makes sense."

"…That makes sense?"

"No, I mean, yes."

Seoyeon nodded. She knew exactly which film it was. Director Baek Min's next movie was indeed a hit. It had drawn in around 4 million viewers—an impressive number, especially considering the genre.

More importantly, the film had made a huge impact and garnered international acclaim, even receiving mentions at the Academy Awards. It was a golden opportunity for anyone looking to increase their international profile.

"You can learn a lot from being in a Baek Min film."

Essentially, Seo-hee was suggesting that they star in the movie together. It was a chance to showcase their acting skills on a serious stage.

Baek Min’s film would demand strong acting performances.

"I'll think about it."


Seo-hee seemed unsatisfied with Seoyeon’s response but eventually nodded.

"Did I bother you?"

"No, it’s not that I don’t want to act with you."

"Really? Hmm, okay."

Whether it was her imagination or not, Seo-hee suddenly looked very dejected. She had seemed so confident when talking about Director Baek Min’s film.

"Anyway, if you decide you want to do it, let me know. I'll put your name down for the audition."

After saying that, Seo-hee glanced at Ji-yeon, who was standing next to Seoyeon.

"If your friend is interested, I can put in a word for her too."

With that, Seo-hee got into her van and sped off. It seemed she had taken some time out during lunch to come and see them. Seo-hee mentioning Ji-yeon was more of a tactic than anything else—a way to leverage their friendship to get closer to Seoyeon.

But for Seoyeon, this was all quite awkward.

She really doesn’t know what kind of film it is…

If she did, there was no way she would have been so confident in suggesting they act together.

The film in question? Gyeongseong Lady—a story of love between women, a film about same-sex relationships.

The Chaser’s first PV (Promotional Video) release.

Directed by Bae Jin-hwan, known as a "master of visual storytelling," the film had generated high expectations among the public. However, there was also some anxiety due to its thriller genre. Recently, several Korean thriller films had underperformed, leading to concerns that the audience might be experiencing genre fatigue.

"Five minutes left."

Producer Cha Jin-hwan exchanged glances with the promotional team, anxiously awaiting the PV’s release at 10 PM. The tension was palpable.

If this had been the second or third PV, it wouldn’t have been as nerve-wracking. But the first PV was the initial indicator of how the public would respond. Although PVs could be misleading, failing to generate interest in the first one often spelled disaster for a film.

This was why films that became hits through word of mouth were so remarkable—because it was so rare.

Naturally, Producer Cha Jin-hwan was hoping to avoid that kind of scenario.

"It’s up!!"

And with that, The Chaser's PV began appearing on various online communities.


Perhaps in answer to his prayer:

[Movie: The Chaser 1st Teaser] Views: 2,170,344

Over 2 million views in a single day.

This was the highest view count for any movie teaser released this year.

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