He Became the Only Ally of the Abandoned Warrior
Chapter 44 Table of contents

Lucy couldn't tell how many mornings had passed on the Zramun Archipelago.

She spent her days in a private room prepared by the Protect family, solely caring for Lin. She would gaze at him endlessly, brushing aside his fallen bangs, listening to his heartbeat, and burrowing into his arms to sleep whenever she felt drowsy. No one else entered the room besides Lucy. Though it could be considered a form of tyranny, no one dared to protest against the benefactor of the island. In fact, rather than resentment, the residents, knowing how fiercely the battle had been, even left gifts, hoping for their recovery. However, to Lucy, it was all meaningless.

Whenever she closed her eyes, the urgent moment replayed vividly.

“Why won’t the bleeding stop?!”

Despite continuously pouring holy power into him, Lin's bleeding wouldn’t cease. Whenever they tried to remove his mask to examine him properly, Lucy would go into a rage, blocking them. Having learned from the Valtercrua incident that Arsil and Lin had known each other before, Lucy absolutely refused to let her see his face.

Even though Arsil was doing everything in her power, Lin’s condition wasn’t improving, and she cried out in despair, realizing that her mistakes had caused an innocent person to suffer. Even if the person dying wasn’t someone she liked, the guilt weighed heavily on her.


Reinpolt also shouted desperately for a healer, not wanting to see a member of the Hero Party die.

“Luciena, please! We can’t assess his condition unless we remove the mask!”

“If you try that, Naidrion, I’ll rip out your throat, not just your legs!”

Lucy and Naidrion argued, unable to perform a proper examination as the situation continued to worsen. In the midst of the chaos, the mage stepped forward.

“Move. The blood loss is severe. A transfusion is necessary.”

Tigria, who had prepared for such emergencies by checking everyone’s blood type since the start of their Demon Lord subjugation journey, finally saw her efforts pay off. One arm was set up for a transfusion while the other received an intravenous drip. Afterward, Tigria used magic to diagnose Lin’s internal injuries.

“Scan, penetrate, detect, shock!”

She used high voltage to instantly cauterize the bleeding internal organs, then stepped back, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“The bleeding has stopped…”

Lucy, finally realizing that Lin was safe, sighed in relief and shed tears.

“Why was my holy power useless…?”

Arsil muttered blankly, feeling utterly helpless for not being able to do anything. She was overwhelmed with regret for not being able to correct the mistakes she had caused.

“It’s because of the demonic energy that’s infiltrated the porter’s arms.”

As Tigria packed away her medical supplies, she explained,

“The holy power was focused on stopping the demonic energy from spreading, which is what was threatening his life the most.”

“Then at least it should have purified it, but there wasn’t even a hint of that.”

“The demonic energy comes from the Demon Lord. And it’s been over two months since then. It won’t be easy to purify.”

But all of this was just conjecture. Tigria slumped to the ground, exhausted from the battle with Denarua, where she had been bitten and mentally attacked in various ways. Everyone was utterly drained.

“If it pleases you, we would like to offer proper accommodations for our benefactors.”

“If it’s with those guys, I don’t need it. Besides, you—weren’t you the one who drew a sword against my comrades? I don’t need anything from you.”

At Lucy's sharp words, Gendry lowered his head. Gyalnal, who had been freed from hypnosis, defended him.

“Please forgive us, benefactor. If you wish, we can prepare separate rooms for everyone. Once you’ve recovered, we will formally apologize.”

Reinpolt’s eyes narrowed at her refined speech. He had heard that she had been under hypnosis and forced to act as a maid, yet her language was so dignified that he was impressed. He had always hoped that Luciena Estell, being of noble lineage, would conduct herself with such poise and grace.

“The one who deserves your thanks is the Hero, not me.”

“Is it truly you, Lady Luciena Estell? We had heard that you perished along with the Demon Lord, and it was a source of great sorrow. To see you safe…”

“Do you express your gratitude with words alone?”

Luciena Estell, the 4th Hero. It’s worth reiterating that one of the reasons the Arrogant Saga was so popular was her sharp wit.

“I told you, I don’t need anything. As long as I have a place to rest my comrade, that’s all I need. I’m leaving.”


As Lucy prepared to leave, the mage tried to reason with her.

“The porter needs a proper place to rest. He has multiple fractures on his left ribs, and his internal organs are injured. It’s difficult for him to breathe.”

“So what?”

“We’ll find separate lodgings for ourselves.”


“Given what the Demon Sword Party said, the porter is of the utmost importance.”

“Of utmost importance.”

Those words left a bitter taste in Reinpolt’s mouth. After Lucy’s grand display of vanquishing the demons with a holy sword, all indications pointed to the porter’s significance, leaving little room for Reinpolt and the royal authority to be in the spotlight.

“Prepare the best room. No one is allowed to enter. I will be the only one by his side.”

“Yes, Hero!”

But Reinpolt could endure it. Hadn’t he already withstood over two years of enduring the nauseating title of Lucy’s fiancé? The one who wins in the end will claim all the glory. If that thought alone could keep him patient, then this current endurance was merely a virtue for future success. Watching Lucy and the Protect family members walk away, Reinpolt gave Tigria an order.

“Inform the palace. Tell them we’ve found the Hero.”

Lin was still unconscious.

But the physician brought by the Protect family said it was due to extreme fatigue and stress. Lucy took it upon herself to care for Lin, who hadn’t woken up. She moved his body, wiped him down with a wet cloth.

“It’s the exact opposite of how it was at the beginning.”

Back then, Lin was the one who bathed her. Perhaps those days when she was without her limbs were the happiest. When it was just the two of them, and she could whine and lean on him as much as she wanted. When he only looked at her.

Knock, knock

“It’s Tigria.”

“Get lost.”


The Hero Party came by daily, arguing that it was time to reunite and work together again. They were shameless.

“Luciena, I know you can’t stand our existence. But the current situation…”

“If you say one more word, I’ll head to the Elf Forest and burn it all down.”


Naidrion never visited again after that.

“I-I just wanted to apologize.”

“When are you going to give me your right arm?”


Arsil also stopped coming.

“Lucy, how about we have a talk, just the two of us… Gah!”

“Who dares call me Lucy!!!”

Reinpolt, who had realized he’d be killed if they met, had sent the mage in his place, but ended up coming himself and was promptly beaten to a pulp by Lucy as she stormed out, grabbing him by the collar.

“What were you thinking, calling her by a nickname?”

“…Didn’t you call her that too?”

Everyone barely managed to pull her off before Reinpolt’s head was crushed. When Arsil healed him with holy power and asked him why in a tone of disdain, Reinpolt wished he could die. Sometimes, when all else fails, people do something crazy at least once. Still, it wasn’t entirely without gain. At least Lucy had restrained herself when she pummeled Reinpolt, which meant she didn’t intend to kill the Hero Party.

In other words, she acknowledged the need for the party, even if she couldn’t accept them emotionally. From the next day, Reinpolt began sending Tigria.

Knock, knock

“It’s Tigria.”

“Get lost.”


She came once a day, at a set time. Perhaps it was because Tigria had saved Lin, but Lucy did nothing more than tell her to get lost.

After a week had passed, the Demon Sword Abyss spoke to Lucy.

[What are you going to do? Just waste time like this?]

“Shut up.”

[You must have realized by now, no matter how strong you are, if many people target Lin, it’s extremely dangerous.]

“I just need to become stronger.”

[Become stronger? Haha! Did you see the illusionist? Did she seem stronger than you? And yet, she played you like a fool.]

“I’ll become overwhelmingly stronger.”

[The Demon Lord was overwhelmingly strong too. But what happened?]

Lucy had no rebuttal. She was at a loss for words, so she reached out to stroke Lin’s face. The room was already shrouded in Abyss’s black aura, preventing anyone from spying on them.

Lucy knew too. Alone, she was powerless. Even if she stayed by Lin’s side, someone could break through her defenses and harm him. The only ones she could cooperate with were the Hero Party. Her enemies.

Her heart pounded furiously, urging her to kill them all, especially to tear Reinpolt apart. Her heart made her head burn with thoughts of wiping them out and fleeing to Valtercrua. There, with Lavin, they could protect Lin. It might hurt her pride, but no one would protect Lin better than Lavin. Swallowing her pride was far better than Lin getting hurt.

She made up her mind. Assassination. But as she gripped the Demon Sword, Abyss spoke to her with uncharacteristic seriousness.

[Wait, we need to talk about something important.]

“I’ve already made my decision.”

[No, you need to hear this and then decide. It concerns Lin’s life.]


Knowing that what she was about to say could trigger Lucy, Abyss felt tense.

[The Demon Lord will return. When that happens, the demonic energy within Lin will surge. An ordinary body can’t withstand it. He’ll either die or become a demon.]

“Go on.”

[The only way is to delay the demonic energy’s corrosion with the holy power of the Saintess and then completely eliminate the Demon Lord within him.]

Lucy didn’t respond for a while. It wasn’t until Abyss was writhing in frustration that she finally muttered softly.

“It’s unfair.”

[What is?]

“Why does Lin have to go through this? He struggled throughout the entire Demon Lord subjugation because of me, and even after saving me, all he’s done is sacrifice!”

She wanted to swing her fist, but that would have likely demolished the mansion. All she could do was clench her fists so tightly that they bled.

“It’s too much! What is the goddess even doing?! I don’t care about my limbs being cut off! I already know I’m lacking! But Lin? What did Lin do wrong? At the very least, the goddess should save Lin!”

The pain of seeing the person she loved continue to suffer was far worse than the pain of her own limbs being torn apart. Lucy shouted at the sky, at the heavens.

“My life? She can have it! It’s always belonged to Lin anyway. So please, save Lin!”

[The Second Hnoni is already inside Lin, keeping the demonic energy at bay. Aren’t you asking for too much?]

“The Second… The goddess herself wiped out the world during the time of the Second Hero and said she wouldn’t stand by next time! Was that all a lie?”

[Luciena Estell.]

Abyss’s voice dropped. An overwhelming power forced Lucy to listen to what the Demon Sword had to say.

[The goddess has already acted. She’s done something incredible. Even the Demon God was shocked by it.]

“She’s acted? What did she do? Slap a barely functioning holy relic onto Lin?”

[You’re truly foolish. If it weren’t for the goddess, the world would have already fallen to the demons.]

Do you even realize? The chances of you surviving after subjugating the Demon Lord and making it this far were exactly one in a million. Knowing everything, can you still remain the arrogant Luciena Estell you once were?

More than the Demon Sword Party, you won’t be able to return to who you were before.

Your only ally.

Your best comrade.

[Your Lin will leave your side forever if you don’t form a party to subjugate the Demon Lord and defeat him.]


Those final words pushed Lucy to make a decision.

Time passed.

Night fell, and another morning arrived on the Zramun Archipelago.

Knock, knock

“It’s Tigria.”

“What do you want?”

Surprised by the different response, Tigria paused before quickly answering.

“We need to join forces.”


“The Demon Sword Party has revealed itself to the world. Another era of war is coming.”


Unhappy with the answer, Lucy asked again. Tigria, after some hesitation, decided to be as honest as possible.

“If we don’t, the world will end. I… don’t want the world to end.”

Was the mage always this straightforward? Lucy had thought she understood her comrades well after the journey to subjugate the Demon Lord, but there were still many things she didn’t know. It’s no wonder she ended up losing her limbs, not understanding them until the end.

“Summon the entire Hero Party to this room.”


Finally opening negotiations, the mage quickly ran back to their lodging. The joy in her retreating footsteps annoyed Lucy. She lay beside Lin, trying to calm her frayed nerves.

His still-closed eyes seemed so unfair.

Resting her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat, she felt a rough hand wrap around her shoulder.


It was Lin.

“You’ve made a difficult decision.”

“It was for you.”

“Why? Because I asked you to save the world?”

“Yes, because that’s what you wanted.”

“I see.”

His hand gently and warmly pulled her closer.

“I’m sorry, Lucy. For forcing you to do something you didn’t want to.”

“No, not at all. My only ally, my best comrade, whatever Lin wants, I want too.”

His voice was so tender. Hearing it for the first time in a week brought tears to her eyes.

“Can you hold me tighter?”


“More, tighter.”

“Like this?”

“Yes, perfect.”

Completely enveloped in his arms, Lucy felt safe. Lin whispered to her.

“Are you ready to save the world?”

“Of course.”

Because saving the world means saving Lin.

I won’t let you suffer anymore because of my foolishness. I’ll fix everything. When that time comes, will I be able to show you my shameful feelings? Even if it ends in contempt and rejection.



Love you—

Bang, bang!

“Luciena! It’s Reinpolt. May I come in…?”

“Everyone except you, get in here!”

Oh, right.

I must kill that shield knight.

That comes first.

Lucy’s eyes briefly turned red.

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