The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 47 Table of contents

* * *

After the party, the young ladies returned to the mansion and began to share what they had seen and heard.

And Luna became busy again. She had to finalize a contract with the mining company that Royer had previously checked.

They weren’t just contracting for one mine, but almost ten mines scattered across the continent, making the contracts numerous and complicated.

Fortunately, they discovered that some mines produce gems without digging too deep. Otherwise, it might have taken over a decade to mine just one, and they probably wouldn’t even have considered such a venture.

“Lady Luna. We’ve received a response from Tein.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Luna quickly checked the content of the letter handed by Royer. It mentioned that Tein gladly accepted the request she had made earlier.

Seeing Luna’s gentle smile, Royer, tilting his head, asked about the content of the letter.

“Oh, I asked Tein to introduce his friends.”


“Yes. Friends who retired with him from the mine. I was thinking, what if we hire those who are still resting for the stone mining work? I asked for a list.”


Royer’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Did you really ask to personally select the workers in the contract?”

He thought they could just leave it up to them. Why add such a clause?

Luna nodded in agreement.

“Yes. If they are introduced by Tein, their skills would be excellent.”

Furthermore, they would surely keep a watchful eye to ensure no one steals.

The main reason for choosing them was their trustworthiness, but Royer misunderstood and thought Luna wanted to provide jobs for the unemployed, which touched him deeply.

“Anyway, since it’s settled, we should send letters to the people on this list. There are many names, so it might be a bit cumbersome. Will you help?”

“Of course. No, I will write them all.”

“No, let’s split the task. How can you write them all by yourself?”

“No, I think I should do it alone.”

What does he mean by that? As she was pondering, there was a knock on the door.

“My lady, you have a visitor. It’s Miss Rosemary.”

Luna looked at Royer with surprised eyes, but he just shrugged.

“Actually, I saw Rosemary’s carriage approaching the mansion before my visit.”

If it had been anyone else, it wouldn’t matter, but if the guest is Rosemary, the conversation is bound to be lengthy. She always enjoyed her days off to the fullest due to her busy heir training.

Of course, Luna also enjoyed spending her free days with her, so she didn’t mind.

Anyway, it meant that Royer would be responsible for all the responses.

“…Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

“Yes, don’t worry. I will also draft an employment contract to include.”

After Royer, who left a trustworthy impression, exited, Rosemary soon visited Luna’s room. Her eyes were shining with excitement.

“Lady Luna! I have brought good news.”

In Rosemary’s hand was a dazzling letter.

“What is it?”

“It’s an invitation to the coming-of-age party!”

The coming-of-age party was an event held at the end of the year, only for nobles who turned eighteen that year.

In essence, it was a pre-draft for the social circle, a chance to experience the imperial party that would take place in the new year.

Rosemary was two years younger than Luna, who turned twenty this year. She just turned eighteen, becoming an adult.

‘So she came to brag. Cute.’

Luna brightly congratulated Rosemary on her debut in the social circle.

“Congratulations. You’ve finally made your debut in the social world.”

“Yes, and I want to attend with you.”


Suddenly? Why me? Luna blinked in surprise.

“I heard you didn’t attend your coming-of-age party. So, I thought maybe we could go together.”

But, if an oldie(?) like me suddenly attends a party meant only for nobles who had just become adults, won’t it ruin the atmosphere?


“I don’t have an invitation.”

Luna didn’t have an invitation. There was only one chance to attend the coming-of-age party. Luna missed that opportunity two years ago.

“That’s why I’m asking you to be my escort. If you are my escort, we can enter together, right?”

“Escort? That is…”

Usually, it’s something done by lovers or those in some relationship or with a potential for one.

Luna was about to reply when she suddenly closed her mouth. She realized the meaning behind Rosemary’s words.

Perhaps she felt sorry for Luna for not being able to attend her coming-of-age party, all because she didn’t have enough money.

It wasn’t like Luna felt bad about it. The coming-of-age party was an indispensable important event for the nobles. A ceremony where each individual is recognized as an adult and as a noble.

Even though it was just a superficial culture of the nobles, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To the point where he sometimes regretted refusing Fersen’s offer to buy her a dress.

“Please? I don’t have anyone else suitable to be my escort.”

As Luna didn’t answer, Rosemary held her hand and pouted, fluttering her thick, beautiful eyelashes.

It was impossible not to fall for Rosemary’s solo act, as if she was doing it all for herself, almost to the point of acting cute.

No, she should have knelt down and thanked her. Luna took Rosemary’s hand.

“Okay. Then, I’ll do as you say. Thank you.”

“You shouldn’t be thanking me. Now, I can tell more people that I’m close to the young lady. Ah! And this.”

Rosemary, with a gleaming smile, beckoned to her maid. The maid promptly handed over a pile of documents as if she had been waiting for the cue.

“What’s this?”

Spreading it out on the table, Rosemary moved next to Luna and explained:

“It’s a dress catalog. They’re new designs from the designer I often commission. We can’t just wear any dress for the coming-of-age party, right? So, I brought this.”

As Luna shifted her gaze to the catalog, she was overwhelmed by the vast information on the basic structures, designs, laces, decorations, colors, materials, and so on.

“How about we match our dresses for the big party? I like this design and this one, what do you think, young lady?”

So, that was the goal. Rosemary’s eyes sparkled with the idea of matching not only ribbons and gloves but also dresses.


Without being swayed by that sparkle, Luna declined without hesitation. She offered no explanation, fearing that giving even a hint of concession would lead to more requests.

Still, Rosemary didn’t give up and made another attempt:

“How about we have the basic design the same but make all the decorations and laces different?”


“…We can change the color too, if you want!”

If we change all that, it’s not even the same dress anymore. Seeing no response from Luna, Rosemary kept adding conditions,

“…Um, and the material too.”

It seemed she might even suggest a completely different design next. Luna, trying to compromise, laughed.

“As long as everything is not the same, it’s fine. I was just teasing by not responding.”


Although changing everything basically made them different dresses, just this concession seemed enough for Rosemary, who became lively again.

She then quickly stuck close to Luna, urging her to choose a design:

“Once you choose the design, I’ll bring the designer right away. Actually, I gave him a heads-up.”


Really? How prepared was she?

It was evident how much she had been looking forward to this, not wanting to waste even a single day.

“Let’s do it.”

Though it was an unexpected plan, Luna thought it would be over soon. She casually accepted Rosemary’s suggestion. However, until evening, she was held captive by Rosemary and the designer, discussing every detail of the dress.

* * *

Not long after, the actual mining to find the diamond mine began. Being a company with a long history, they immediately started the work after preparations.

Those laborers who had been unable to get jobs for the same reasons as Tein sent thank-you letters to Luna.

It wasn’t necessary to do so because she had employed them after weighing the pros and cons, so the gratitude made her happy. It felt like she had done a good deed.

Time flew, and the day of the coming-of-age party arrived.

“You’ve chosen well,” Laura said, smiling warmly as she looked at Luna in her dress.

The blue dress, tailored to match Luna’s eyes, was adorned with finely cut diamonds along the shoulder and intricate rose embroidery on the chest.

“It feels a bit uncomfortable because of the lace.”

The dress had an elaborately chosen lace attached to the skirt, which felt a bit voluminous and uncomfortable when walking.

“But every time you walk, it sparkles so beautifully.”

“That’s because they sprinkled finely cut diamonds.”

“My goodness, those were diamonds? No wonder the shine was out of this world.”

The cost of the dress, which boasted otherworldly shimmer, was heartbreakingly high. This, coupled with gloves, shoes, and hair ornaments, exceeded imagination.

Yet, it was disposable. Nobles never wore a dress more than once. They must all be insane.

‘I’ll wear it often in the future. No, I’ll wear it every day.’

Otherwise, she felt like she would cry every night. Just as she was swallowing back tears, Rosemary’s carriage arrived.

Wearing a dress of the same design but in light pink, Rosemary couldn’t hide her delight upon seeing Luna.

“How can you look so much like a fairy?”

“You saw it last week, why are you so surprised?”

They had tried on the finished dresses together, and even then, Rosemary had been ecstatic. It was unclear why she behaved this way, given her transcendent beauty.

“It’s because you look beautiful every time I see you. I truly mean it.”

Rosemary shrugged, as if stating the obvious that one could breathe because there’s air.

At this point, the one who should have given up wasn’t Rosemary but Luna. All she could do was listen to her overflowing compliments in one ear and let them flow out the other.

“You’re my escort for today, so even if someone flatters you, you have to stay by my side. Understood?”

“…There won’t be such an occasion, but I’ll do so. But you shouldn’t leave me either. Because I only have you.”

“Of course! I only have you too.”

To anyone listening, it could easily be misconstrued. Laura and Rosemary’s maid coughed awkwardly and looked out the window.

Soon after the two left for the imperial palace, a strange carriage arrived at the Rose mansion.

A servant, who seemed to have come from a long distance, parked the slightly dusty carriage and asked the visitor’s name.

“Who are you?”

“The lover of the owner of this mansion.”


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