The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 51 Table of contents

* * *

The dance ended with that. Luna, having barely finished her dance, said goodbye to Antes and returned to her seat.

Of course, she didn’t forget one request. It was a plea for both of them to live peacefully from now on.

“Don’t get angry like you just did. The rumors are already bad, do you want to create new ones?”

“I was a bit forward in my feelings because I heard that the young lady went to the party with Rosemary.”

Is everything really okay? Won’t he argue with Rosemary again? Contrary to her concerns, Antes who returned to his seat didn’t argue with his sister anymore.

Furthermore, he even brought a drink for Luna with a kind face.

“Since the young lady is weak with alcohol, let’s have wine when we are alone.”

Everyone, except for Luna, was fluttered by Antes’ thoughtful and kind attitude.

“Lady Luna…! You said you wouldn’t be swayed even if someone else tempted you!”

In the midst of this, Rosemary, who was alone and annoyed, scolded Luna with a face on the verge of tears.

Though she hadn’t been tempted or swayed, the fact that she left her alone was true. So, Luna quickly apologized to her.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to have a conversation since I saw the young lord for the first time in a while. I’ll be by your side now.”


“Yes. Would you like a drink? Let me know what you like, and I’ll get it for you.”

That seemed to ease her mood. Rosemary, with a much brighter expression, pointed at Luna’s glass and replied.

“I’ll have the same drink as you.”

“Got it.”

Before Luna could ask Sijong for a new drink, Antes quickly handed a drink to Rosemary.



Rosemary, stunned and not even blinking, didn’t accept the glass. Antes, forcing it into her hand, held back a chuckle.

They’re acting like kids, really. Why are they like this? Luna sighed.

“You both should be more affectionate. Initially, I thought there was bad blood between you two, but it seems I was mistaken.”

“Indeed. I’m a bit envious since I don’t get along too well with my own brother.”

Everyone, except for her and Rosemary, misunderstood. Thanks to that, an annoyed Rosemary seemed ready to splash juice on Antes.

Not letting that happen, Luna quickly clinked her glass against Rosemary’s.

“Rosemary, congratulations on becoming an adult.”

“…Thank you.”

Rosemary seemed touched again by Luna’s quick and accurate response. Indeed, she was easy to sway.

Unfortunately, Antes, having fetched his own drink, clinked his glass against Rosemary’s, once again igniting her anger.

“Me too.”


Hey, please. Don’t ruin the now pacified Rosemary, okay?

As Antes continued to provoke Rosemary, even Luna glared at him in unison. In response, he just smiled softly, as if asking what she was going to do about it.

Considering it as sibling banter, Karen, who had been watching with amusement, gently asked Antes:

“When did you two start dating?”

“It’s been about two months now. It feels like only two days given the time we were apart.”

“Was there a particular reason for the separation?”

“The business I run is in the Vincent territory, so we were apart for a while.”

“So, will you have to part ways again?”

“No. I felt that the time I could meet with the lady was too short, so I moved the business to the capital. That won’t be an issue now.”

Everyone, except for Rosemary, praised Antes for his romantic gesture.

“Oh my, how romantic.”

“I never dreamt he was like this.”

“Both Lady Luna and the young lord. They’re quite different from the rumors.”

“Thank you for thinking so kindly of me.”

Antes responded with a radiant smile. He was truly handsome. Everyone admired his beautiful features. The fear they once had melted away long ago.

Why hadn’t he done this earlier? He was so radiant, it was as if he was flying around, grilling everyone with his warmth. But no one really minded; the majority of the gazes were positive.

Of course, not everyone saw this favorably.

Flory, who had just arrived at the hall entrance when Luna and Antes began dancing, was stunned.

‘Why…!? Why is that wicked woman dancing with that man!?’

When did she try to come between Seira and Fersen? Why was she close to another man?

They even looked close. While she couldn’t hear them, their continuous conversation made them look like they’d been together for a long time.

After Luna and Antes moved to a corner of the hall, Flory quickly followed them.

She couldn’t hear their conversation well, but one thing was clear: the innocent and beautiful man didn’t know the true nature of Luna Peils.

‘I have to let him know how awful that woman is…!’

But if she showed herself now, she will oppress her again by telling her to tell the real culprit and talking about the wish. When Karen wasn’t on her side, Flory didn’t have the confidence to deal with that scary woman.

In the end, Flory, who was thinking about it, slowly took a step back. She was disappointed about the once-in-a-lifetime coming-of-age party, but she didn’t have the confidence to deal with Luna alone. 

She may not even take her words seriously.

So, for now, she hid herself and watched them.

* * *

As the coming-of-age party was getting closer, the Crown Prince arrived at the hall. With his sparkling blonde hair and blue eyes, he had the handsome appearance of a Crown Prince.

For some reason, Luna felt a similarity between Antes and the man she saw.

As Luna glanced at him standing beside her, Antes, who seemed to have been watching her for some time, lifted the corner of his mouth and asked:

“Why? Do you have something to say?”

“No, it’s just that your image reminds me of His Highness.”

Upon confirming the Crown Prince’s appearance, he replied with slight discomfort:

“I look much better.”

“Do you always have such an inflated ego?” 

Luna replied, although she also thought that Antes looked better than the Crown Prince.

Rosemary, deceived by Luna’s mock criticism, chimed in.

“You can’t see it because your view of the world is distorted.”

“Rosemary, I think Lady Luna is very beautiful. Is that a distortion too?”

“No. Lady Luna is so beautiful that even with distorted eyes, she can captivate. She has good taste.”

Antes frowned at Rosemary’s sharp tone. Rosemary had the upper hand.

“Hey, can both of you stop?”

Why were the two most beautiful people here fussing? Nothing was more embarrassing than beautiful people mocking ordinary ones.

Fortunately, the Crown Prince recited a speech before Antes and Rosemary could quarrel any further. In summary, it was a congratulation for coming of age.

As soon as the speech ended, the Crown Prince’s aide began calling out the names of the nobles who had come of age. As each was called, the prince personally pinned a small brooch on them as a congratulations.

“Was there also something like this?”

“Didn’t you know?”

When Luna inquired, Antes replied as if it was obvious:

“I didn’t participate. I’ve lived in the Vincent territory since I was young.”


Right, of course. An outsider couple, or in short, an ‘outsider’ pair. They felt like two socially isolated individuals coming together, making Luna feel a bit sad.

“Daughter of the Marquis, Lady Rosemary Vincent.”

It was now Rosemary’s turn. She walked elegantly and bowed gracefully in front of the prince. The Crown Prince gazed at her for a moment as if confirming something.

However, perhaps because he repeated the same words to many, he pinned the brooch with a somber expression.

“Congratulations on coming of age.”

Rosemary’s reply was a bit cold.

“Thank you.”

The Crown Prince raised an eyebrow but didn’t react further as Rosemary gracefully finished her greetings and returned to her seat. The Crown Prince’s gaze lingered on her group for a moment.

Then, the aide called the next noble’s name:

“Daughter of Viscount, Lady Flory Flora.”

At the familiar name, Luna reacted. Rosemary and Karen also seemed to be waiting as they looked towards the hall’s center.

“Daughter of Viscount, Lady Flory Flora.”

However, even after being called twice, Flory didn’t appear. It was a gathering that nearly all the nobles attended unless they were severely ill. The aide called her name again.

“Daughter of Viscount, Lady Flory Flora.”

Still, Flory didn’t show. After calling her name three times without any response, the aide called the next noble’s name.

“I can’t believe she didn’t show up for her coming-of-age party…”

Karen was devastated, but Luna comforted the visibly distraught Karen, patting her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it now. We’ll run into her someday. Maybe by then we’ll find another clue to resolve the issue.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“What are you talking about? Who is Flory Flora?”

Annoyed by the unfamiliar conversation, Antes demanded an explanation.

“You don’t need to know, brother. It’s a secret story known only to us.”

However, Karen, who held Antes in high regard, spilled everything to him.

“The truth is…”

After hearing the story, Antes looked very serious. Luna poked his side and whispered:

“I’ll handle it.”


“Lady Flora owes me. So, don’t intervene. Your image has improved among these people, and you wouldn’t want to ruin it again, right?”

True to Luna’s words, those who interacted with Antes no longer feared him.

They had realized that the rumors about Luna were false and assumed the same for Antes.

And with Luna having a plan, Antes intervening further seemed ridiculous. It wasn’t a problem that could be solved with force.

“It would be good if you told me how you plan to handle it.”

“I will.”


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