The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 115 Table of contents

In response to Antes’s question, Luna, who was visibly angry, stopped abruptly as if she had been caught in a lie.

In fact, Luna had also thought it was strange earlier on. She was right. She had been pondering breaking up for months, yet she became so enraged upon hearing him converse with another girl. What an ironic situation.

‘Why am I acting like this? Have I gone mad?’

It was a bit much to compare her to a kindergartner jealous of a friend.

Though they had become close and understood each other well, she felt extremely angered over something so trivial.

“Um… Well, I mean…”

So, unable to come up with a response, she hesitated, and Antes, seeming to have expected it, took a step closer to Luna and asked again.

“Why, don’t you know?”


His tone suggested he would tell her if she didn’t know. Luna unknowingly took a step back, furrowing her brow.

I don’t know. I really don’t. Luna was frustrated, not understanding her own feelings.

Ever since she realized he had feelings for her, it felt burdensome to meet his eyes, she started to stutter.

Feeling a bit sad when he’s not around, getting annoyed when he converses with another girl, feeling irritated…

It felt like…

‘A grade-schooler with a crush…?’

Realizing this, Luna was taken aback and retreated several steps.

‘What am I thinking? Antes is the one who likes me, why am I jumping to such conclusions!’

However, no matter how much she reconsidered, no other explanation came to mind.

If Antes had feelings on his own, there was no need for her to react so strongly.

It was a reaction that other people might mistakenly think was that she liked Antes, rather than that Antes liked her.

‘Aaaaah! Is this for real? Really?’

This doesn’t make sense. Suddenly? Out of the blue? Why? She wished for another explanation, clenching her hair in frustration.

Antes watched as Luna, deep in thought, seemed to be internally drumming and shaking a tambourine. Noticing her realization, his eyes narrowed.

Her expressions and actions were so obvious, he didn’t even need to ask. Fortunately, it seemed she had come to some understanding, but she appeared to be in denial.

She had progressed from before, but was it worth pulling her hair out in shock like that?

Of course, it wasn’t a bad thing. Her confused look was amusing and cute.

From the start, Antes liked Luna’s quirky reactions. It was fun just being by her side. So, suppressing his laughter, he strode towards Luna who had moved farther away.

“Did you realize something?”

He hoped she would admit what she had realized, even if she didn’t nod.

He asked with that thought in mind, but she was startled and retreated again.

“Why, why do you keep coming closer!”

Having no more space to move back, Luna, leaning against the door where Deborah stayed, yelled at Antes.

“It’s hard to converse from so far away.”

Though mostly a ruse, they were indeed quite distant, almost like strangers.

“Do, do we really need to talk?”

She stammered in response. No, when she came running to him in a huff just because he had a little chat with another lady, why can’t he be curious?

“Do you dislike me so much that you don’t even want to talk?”

Antes asked with a mock-sad expression. Of course, he wasn’t truly upset.

He reacted this way thinking it might coax out Luna’s true feelings.

“…! No, it’s not like that…”

She responded as he had hoped.

“Then let’s get back to the main point.”

“Wh-what main point?”

“Do you, or do you not, feel jealous because I talked to another girl?”


Luna froze, unable to even blink at his direct mention.

Under normal circumstances, she would have retorted and maybe even hit him, but if she were to describe her actions earlier, it was purely jealousy.

Pushing a bit more might get the desired answer, but Antes hesitated, thinking she might flee from the situation.

Then it struck him; he had only been trying to find out how Luna felt and hadn’t uttered a word about his own feelings.

‘Should I… say it now?’

The mood wasn’t quite right. Don’t you need gifts or flowers or something?

Furthermore, if he confessed his feelings now, Luna might just faint.

But if he missed this opportunity, he might have to wait another few months.

Antes, realizing an unexpected truth, began to ponder. He had seized the opportunity, but unfortunately, this was also his first time in such a situation.



For a moment, there was silence in the second-floor hallway, filled with Luna and Antes’s similar yet different worries.

Of course, Antes wasn’t the type to show his concerns on his face, so Luna felt enormous psychological pressure. 

‘If you don’t answer, I’ll kill you.’

It wasn’t to that extent, but she felt as if she was being implicitly threatened to quickly respond.

To anyone’s eye, it wasn’t an atmosphere created by two people who liked each other. It was more like a minor war.

Unable to bear the atmosphere any longer, Luna sought an exit. Feeling a doorknob behind her, she hurriedly opened it and slipped inside.


Antes blinked, startled by the forceful closing of the door. With that, their conversation ended.

Instead of expressing his feelings, the precious opportunity had now slipped far away. 

‘What on earth…’

Was that really the end? 

Even when facing Fersen, he hadn’t been left so baffled. 

For a moment, Antes denied the unbelievable reality. But then he realized whom he was dealing with.

She was the one who suddenly announced that she was dating in front of everyone, or who dared to act strangely in front of the Crown Prince and devise ways to get away with it

‘…I can’t help it.’

This time it was truly unexpected. He wasn’t prepared, the atmosphere was a mess as if it was a psychological warfare, and even Luna felt that it was her first time in such a situation.

Of course, he wouldn’t laugh it off this time. There wouldn’t be a second escape.

Thinking he needed advice, Antes stared at the door Luna disappeared through, starting to think about Deborah once again.

* * *

“Should have said you’d go back…!” 

As soon as they were led to the room, Beth reproached Deborah. Meeting Luna already threatened the plan, let alone having a conversation and even receiving a favor. 

This wasn’t part of the plan. They intended to trick Fersen by pretending to be Luna and wrap things up while the Duke lowered his guard, but this could jeopardize everything.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of refusing when a noble said so.” 

Deborah immediately apologized, though half was true and half was a lie. It was more because of Antes than any noble.

“Um… Is the one named Luna Palace really that young lady?” 

Seeing Beth’s displeased face even after the apology, Deborah hurriedly changed the topic.

Beth reluctantly nodded.

“Yes. You shouldn’t have met her. While Lady Peils seemed distracted by her lover young lord Vincent, he seemed to notice something.” 

Beth had worked in the Duke’s house for a long time. She recognized Antes, who seemed to remember her as well. It was odd for her to see a woman pretending to be Luna beside her.

As if to prove this, he, who wasn’t the type of person to do that, grabbed Deborah by talking to her as if he was trying to find out something.

Why did he even ask why they came to the jewelry store? They should have known the owner in advance.

Regretful Beth and Deborah, who confirmed that Luna and Antes were indeed lovers, exchanged bitter glances before a sudden silence.



Suddenly, the door burst open. Luna, who had disappeared earlier, rushed in

“What happened…?!” 

Deborah asked Luna, who looked pale as if in pain. After recalling what had just happened, Luna’s face turned bright red.

“I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m fine!”

She didn’t look fine at all. Deborah and Beth looked at Luna with puzzled eyes.

Looking for an excuse, Luna spoke hastily.

“Ah! You said you weren’t feeling well, right? I was worried. Since it happened in my store, I feel responsible…”

There was no need to take responsibility, but Luna’s eyes lit up as she said she really wanted to do so.

“I know a hospital, so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce it to you. Although it’s free, the facilities and skills are excellent, so you don’t have to worry.”


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